Vudasis Vine of Wisdom DWW Synopsis

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DWW 15 Vudasi's Vine of Wisdom

• 20/20 Vision meme working in exo/endopsyche. Recovery of past in 20/20 vision,

reminiscent of situation in 2011 GNE, launched at supermoon. Observers watching
the sky, GNE participants knowing what was meaning. Similar to the 20/20 meme
operating – attention to Saturn/Jupiter conjunction but those observing with
gnostic intel increase autogenic magic working through Sophia's dreaming. The
enhancement of autogenic properties of correction are: XXXXX
• Red spot of Jupiter disappearing + Sabbatean heresy, Jews become God fulfilling
their own mythogen. Jupiter/Zedek
• Observe, keep in mind, and imagine the dance of Venus/Saturn/Jupiter – let it
inspire and entrain your mind.
• Goatfish/Skydancer are aligned = coordination of the powers of VV + Kali (the
vertical axis on SC)
• Lunar apogee: details of that in the Fishes in another unit/DWW
• Lunar nodes: 10 Cancer/10 Capricorn is important alignment, systematic factors
of correction – apsides of the Earth and nodes of Jupiter “Correction takes place
in apsides of Jupiter.”
• Oscillating elements: Earth and Jupiter kissing. The presence of the activity
along these lines particularly in the Archer recently and leading up to 2020 is
auspicious for Sophia's witnesses, possibly seen in social theatre: GNE “The
Advantage of Truth” you know that correction is real when the advantage is given
to truth.” The sudden & rapid sweep of Jupiter to align with galactic centre,
picked up a signal there, now being brought to Earth could be seen in pushback
against climate change apocalyptic catastrophism – 700 scientists vs Madrid
climate change conference. Pushback in MSM, Tucker Carlson etc.
• Themes of correction: What needs to be corrected from the Aeonic Mother?
1. Archons
2. Gender Rift
3. Neotony – Greta Thunberg, Islamic & Jewish boys are examples of weaponised
neotony. Have a strong sense Aeonic Mother is struggling with an error in the
syntax of her dreaming power with neotony. She relies on her witnesses to bring
this correction into manifestation. (perhaps dedicate another audio/unit/dww to
this issue)
• Xenosh pumping their mythogen to the max (Trump's speech re antisemitism)
Xenosh behaving like they are at their endgame but: haven't taken Iran down yet
(but alleged populist movement being reported in MSM, probably Mossad), and
haven't got Temple Mount yet. They are showing their hand in triumphalist
manner. 3 Messiahs on Netflix, Adam Green Know More News. All this developing
under the signal of Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Goatfish
• Meanwhile Xtians adhere to their Jewish Christ
• Vudasi's Vine of Wisdom: She is liberationist devata so the intel is not as
expected, not high intelligence calibre: e.g. Picture the Snaketamer, the serpent
is the vine, like Ayahausca the vine of dead. It is the linkage of the underlying
wisdom coming out the Mother lode (totality of her frequencies she emanates due
to being in material immanence in this planet, experiencing her body as her
dreaming power).
• Memes of Vudasi's Vine of Wisdom: Identity Politics – Identity Metaphysics –
Identity Protocols. Vudasi instructs in the identity protocols of the Rhome: Any
particular race member carries the wisdom particular to that race e.g. JLL has
braid of Irish Celtic & Italian lineage. The braid is the vine of genetic inheritance,
and the vine of wisdom – Vidya. Any individual can stand forth and embody
wisdom by drawing upon genius and previous accomplishments in your genetic
• The Vine of Wisdom is the vine of immortality because genetic wisdom is
deathless, and reinstates and reconfigures itself generation after generation. It is
necessary to recover this genetic lineage of wisdom – the Identity Protocols of
• The question of racial genius is bioethnic. Vudasi intel concerns ethnogenesis –
how to view the human animal accurately based on the bioethnic inheritance of
the individual. The recovery of the human species depends on the recovery of
bioethnic properties that are concatenated on the Vine of Wisdom.
• Shakamburi means mistress (power) of vegetation.
• Photosynthesis = plants exhale oxygen/inhale carbon dioxide humans inhale
oxygen/exhale carbon dioxide – we are symbiotic, every child needs to be taught
this by the age of 10
• What is carbon dioxide to her? Prana. Apana is oxygen.

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