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No Hari/Tanggal Tempat Kegiatan Waktu Pelaksaan

Bertemu Waka Bid Kurikulum dan

Pengajaran untuk meminta izin
1 Senin, 31 Oktober 2022 Ponpes Baitul Hidayah melakukan penelitian dan 7.30 – 8.30 WIB
menyampaikan surat permohoan
Bertemu Waka Bid Kurikulum dan
Pengajaran untuk meminta izin
2 Selasa, 1 November 2022 Ponpes Modern Al Ikhlash melakukan penelitian dan 7.30 – 8.30 WIB
menyampaikan surat permohoan
Bertemu Waka Bid Kurikulum dan
Pengajaran untuk meminta izin
3 Jum’at, 4 November 2022 Ponpes Modern Tazakka melakukan penelitian dan 7.30 – 8.30 WIB
menyampaikan surat permohoan
3 Senin, 7 November 2022 Ponpes Baitul Hidayah Interview guru 1 8.30 – 9.00 WIB

4 Rabu, 9 November 2022 Ponpes Baitul Hidayah Observasi kelas guru 1 9.45 – 10.30 WIB

5 Senin, 14 November 2022 Ponpes Modern Al Ikhlash Interview guru 2 8.30 – 9.00 WIB

6 Selasa,15 November 2022 Ponpes Modern Al Ikhlash Observasi kelas guru 2 9.00 – 9.45 WIB

7 Rabu,16 November 2022 Ponpes Baitul Hidayah Observasi kelas guru 1 9.00 – 9.45 WIB

8 Kamis, 17 November 2022 Ponpes Modern Al Ikhlash Observasi kelas guru 2 9.00 – 9.45 WIB

9 Jumat, 18 November 2022 Ponpes Modern Al Ikhlash Interview guru 3 8.30 – 9.00 WIB

10 Senin, 21 November 2022 Ponpes Modern Al Ikhlash Observasi kelas guru 3 9.00 – 9.45 WIB

11 Kamis, 24 November 2022 Ponpes Modern Al Ikhlash Observasi kelas guru 3 9.00 – 9.45 WIB

12 Jumat, 25 November 2022 Ponpes Modern Tazakka Interview guru 4 8.00 – 9.00 WIB

13 Senin, 28 November 2022 Ponpes Modern Tazakka Observasi kelas guru 4 8.30 – 9.15 WIB

14 Rabu, 30 November 2022 Ponpes Modern Tazakka Observasi kelas guru 4 8.30 – 9.15 WIB

15 Jumat, 2 Desmber 2022 3 Pesantren FGD Santri 9.00 – 16.00 WIB


Three research instruments will be used in this study: field- notes, observation, and
interview. These three research instruments will be used to support the data gained from the
participants and to answer the two research questions: How do Pesantren teachers understand
Critical Thinking (CT)? And how do Pesantren teachers apply their understanding in a
classroom setting?

The teachers who agreed to participate were selected based on two main criteria: they
were recommended by the school principal (Kyai) and they have English teaching experience in
the boarding more than five years. These teachers were teaching in various grades in senior
secondary schools from grade 10 to grade 12.

Critical Thinking Interview Protocol

Thank you for agreeing to this interview. The purpose is to look into your views of
critical thinking. More particularly, the purpose is to determine the extent to which the tools and
language of critical thinking have come to play an important role in teaching and learning, and
the way you structure your courses.

Teachers’ understanding of critical thinking

1. What is critical thinking?

2. Could you give me an example or two of critical thinking?
3. Are there any components of critical thinking? If so, what are they?

Applying critical thinking

1. How do you foster critical thinking in the classroom (in general)?

2. How does critical thinking apply to English language teaching?

Assessing Students’ Critical Thinking

1. What standards do you use when you evaluate students’ thinking?

2. What is the most significant obstacle to bringing critical thinking more explicitly and
more deeply into instruction?


1. What are the difficulties that you encountered in fostering critical thinking in your
classroom? From students, teachers, and the environment.


How do they apply their understanding in a classroom setting

Alsaleh (2020) reveals that the strategies to teach critical thinking skills are problem-
based learning, collaborative learning, discussion methods, writing exercises, reading,
questioning techniques, peer review, instruction, and technology to enhance critical thinking
strategies which also will show the teachers’ critical pedagogy in teaching.

In the observation, the researcher will observe how Pesantren teachers apply their
understanding of CT in a classroom setting. In conducting this study, the researcher will use non-
participant observation instead of participant observation to minimize the researcher’s
intervention and emotional influence in the natural classroom setting (Cohen, Manion, &
Morrison, 2005; Fox, 1998; Hamied, 2017).

The observation guideline will be modified from several theoretical frameworks they are
Davies and Barnett’s three perspectives on critical thinking: Thinking skills (based on Bloom’s
tax-onomy), criticality (developing a critical disposition), and critical pedagogy (examining
hegemonic discourse). The observation is also used to capture a teacher’s pedagogy in the
classrooms and how it fosters students’ critical thinking.
No. Wawancara : 1
Narasumber / Status : Hasan Darojat (HD) / Guru Bahasa Inggris
Penanya : Maulana Rizki (MR)
Prihal : Critical Thinking
Tipe wawancara : Semi-structured interview
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 7 November 2022
Waktu : 08.00 – 09.00 WIB
Lokasi : Ponpes Baitul Hidayah

Inisial Transkrip Ide pokok

MR : Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, pada hari ini saya selaku

peneliti akan menanyakan kepada antum, dengan ustadz?
HD : Hasan
MR : Ustadz Hasan teh udah ngajar bahasa inggris selama
berapa tahun tadz?
HD : Dari tahun…. terhitung tahun 2019
MR : Berarti antum sudah mengajar Bahasa Inggris kurang
lebih sudah masuk tahun ke-5 ya tadz?
HD : Iya.
MR : Baik, izinkan saya tadz selaku peneliti untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan saya atas data, Saya akan mewawancara
ustadz, ustadz berkenan ya?
Saya akan mewawancara ustadz tentang critical thinking
ustadz, yang pertama menurut ustadz apa itu critical
HD : Oke, bismillahirrahmanirahim.
Sepengetahuan saya, yang saya ketahui tentang
pengertian critical thinking yang pertama tadi adalah
kemampuan seseorang untuk memproses, mengolah
ataupun mewadahi data atau informasi yang mereka
terima sehingga dari pencapaian-pencapaian tersebut bisa
menghasilkan sebuah pemikiran-pemikiran.
MR : Kalau menurut ustadz sendiri, bagaimana kita
menggambarkan seseorang itu atau dalam konteks kita
sebagai guru, bagaimana kita menggambarkan seorang
anak itu dia sudah critical ustadz?
HD : Oke, mungkin kalau memang disesuaikan dengan ranah
yang sedang kita geluti, critical thinking bisa terjadi bisa
terimplementasikan kepada anak-anak, ketika mereka
tidak hanya sekedar menerima namun juga mereka bisa
mengolah kembali apa yang telah kita sampaikan, jadi
tidak hanya tinggal terima jadi, tapi dari sana anak-anak
bisa mengolah, bisa kembali mengemas lewat apa?
Lebih sederhananya lewat pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu
ustadz, jadi bukan hanya sekedar menerima tetapi juga
mereka juga bertanya-tanya ataupun memang
mempertanyakan apa yang telah kita sampaikan, agar
tadi gitu mereka mendapatkan kejelasan sehingga
informasi yang mereka dapatkan itu utuh.
MR : Kemudian, mungkin cirinya ustadz, kira-kira cirinya
menurut antum indikasi bagaimana ini orang critical
thinking, dia sudah critical?
HD : Oke, mungkin memiliki daya analisa yang baik, lalu
kedua selalu ingin tahu (banyak tahu), antusiasme dia
akan keingin tahuan itu besar, lalu mungkin tidak bisa
disama ratakan, cuman mungkin selalu bertanya gitu,
tentang hal apapun yang dia dapatkan, jadi tidak hanya
sekedar menerima tetapi dia selalu menanyakan apa yang
dia dapatkan dari si sumber tersebut.
MR : Jadi mohon maaf ustadz, saya ingin mengkonfirmasi,
khawatir saya mengambil kesimpulan yang salah,
kemudian ini biar bisa langsung confirm ke ustadz.
Berarti dari yang ustadz paparkan tadi bahwa: ciri dan
kita menggambarkan seseorang itu critical itu adalah dari
cara dia bertanya,?
HD : Iya betul salah satu dari beberapa faktor tadi
MR : kemudian kita berbicara tentang bagaimana kita
mengaplikasikan critical thinking kedalam pembelajaran
language teaching, language teachig di kelas kita.
Menurut ustadz sendiri apakah critical thinking ini bisa
di implementasikan did alam pembelajaran bahasa
inggris dikelas ustadz?
HD : Tentu sangat bisa ya, memang bukan hanya English
teaching tetapi memang keseluruh mata pelajaran
memang bisa di aplikasikan cara untuk critical thinking
ini ustadz.
MR : Kemudin bagaimana cara ustadz sebagai seorang guru
secara umum itu menumbuhkan critical thinking ini di
dalam kelas?
HD : Mungkin dalam segi pengemasan ya ustadz, karena
mungkin ketertarikan ataupun rasa antusiasme dari siswa
atau santri sendiri akan tumbuh selaras dengan apa yang
kita sampaikan, mungkin dari cara penyampaian kita atau
pun memang metode-metode pembelajaran kita yang
kita buat semenarik mungkin, sehingga tadi anak-anak
bukan hanya tumbuh critical thinking tapi juga tumbuh
antusisme untuk belajar dan tumbuh juga antusiasme tadi
untuk banyak Tanya tentang apa yang telah mereka
dapatkan. Sehingga anak-anak bukan hanya terima saja
apa yang disampaikan tapi juga mempertanyakan apa-
apa saja yang mereka telah dapatkan
MR : Kemudian jadi kita memberi mereka kesempatan untuk
bertanya apa yang mereka sendiri tidak kita biarkan
sekedar mendengar dan menerima saja, tapi kita
mempertanyakan. Kira-kira kegiatan apa saja ustadz,
misalnya apakah mungkin dilakukan dikelas itu,
misalnya apa gitu, menurut ustadz apa activity yang bisa
menunjang untuk tumbuhnya critical thinking ini?
HD : Oke, jadi memang kan pada umumnya guru bertanya apa
yang sudah menjadi ketetapan dalam buku ya, yang
sebenarnya memang mungkin ini yang ditakutkan oleh
para santri sehingga menimbulkan kebosanan gitu, nah
maksud saya tuh coba lebih unik sedikit gitu, sebagai
guru juga kita selain harus lebih critical kita juga harus
kreatif gitu menemukan cara-cara ataupun memang
pertanyan-pertanyaan yang memang tidak harus melulu
dalam buku tapi memang mempunyai elemen yang sama
gitu dengan apa yang ada didalam buku, sehingga si
anak-anak bisa menyesuaikan dengan ranah mereka.
Jadi tadi gitu tidak melulu mengkonsumsi pembelajaran
yang berat tetapi karena disesuaikan dengan ranah
mereka jadi si anak-anak timbul, muncul keinginan untuk
MR : Terkait itu tadz pertanyaan, evaluation itu.
Sekarang saya akan bertanya tentang essesementnya
ustadz, bagaimana ustadz mengasess atau menguji
student critical thinking? Kira-kira seperti apa ustadz
untuk ustadz menguji atau assessment student critical
HD : Oke. Biasanya kita kalau saya sendiri dalam
pembelajaran bahasa inggris setelah memang tuntas satu
pelajaran sudah tersampaikan nanti ada sesi diterakhir itu
tadi mericall lagi kita kilas balik apa-apa yang telah kita
pelajari, tetapi memang runtut gitu perparagraf-
perparagraf yang mana nanti saya tunjukan itu kesemua
orang, bukan hanya kesatu dua orang yang memang nanti
si anak-anak ini itu antusias untuk menjawab dan jangan
sampai luput, karena menjadi PR juga kalau memang
kita bertanya satu-satu anak mungkin waktunya juga
yang akan habis gitu, jadi memang kembali gitu ketika
tadi, jangan sampai ketika sesudah belajar selesai sudah
gitu mempersiapkan untuk kepelajaran selanjutya.
Menurut saya setelah kita membahas apa yang telah kita
pelajari alangkah baiknya diakhir sesi itu kita
mefalshback kembali apa yang telah kita pelajari, dan
dari sana mungkin anak-anak terbesit akan bertanya dan
MR : Kemudian ustadz, kita bicara tentang tantangan kita
ustadz dalam mengaplikasikan critical thinking ini
didalam kelas atau menumbuhkan critical thinking
didalam kelas, kira-kira kesulitan apa yang dihadapi
Dan kesulitan apa yang dihadapi guru dan lingkungan
terkait dengan pembelajaran ini, kira-kira kesulitannya
apa saja ustadz?
HD : Oke, mungkin diawali oleh kesulitan yang dialami oleh
guru oleh ” mudaris” karena memang terlihat disini
belum semuanya santri ataupun siswa memiliki critical
thinking yang sama yang mengakibatkan ada
ketimpangan satu sama lain antara siswa satu dengan
siswa lainnya, jadi untuk critical thinking ini belum
menyeluruh ada diseluruh siswa dan itu menjadi
kesulitan bagi guru sendiri, yang dengan metode apapun
mungkin ya santrinya masih seperti itu ataupun siswanya
masih seperti itu, karena kembali gitu untuk critical
thinking ini belum tumbuh semuanya dalam jiwa dan diri
masing-masing setiap siswa.
Mungkin untuk siswanya sendrri tantangan saya lihat
memang lebih ke pembelajaran yang mereka dapat itu,
mungkin karena pembelajaran yang mereka dapati tidak
relevan dengan dunia mereka jadi mereka timbul
Makanya sata tadi bilang Salah satu cara untuk
menaggulangi langkah preventifnya adalah dengan
menyesuaikan dengan dunia mereka, mengambil contoh
apa yang sesuai dengan dunia mereka, karena mereka
sangat asing dengan apa yang mereka dipelajari, seperti
itu mungkin kesulitan siswa dari saya.
Kalau dari guru mungkin antusisme siswanya, kalau
untuk siswa sendiri mereka kebingungan ataupun merasa
asing dengan apa yang mereka pelajari.
MR : Kalau antum sendiri ustadz, mungkin kendala antum
Spesifik betul-betul antum rasakan untuk mengahadirkan
critical thinking kedalam kelas ini apa tadz selaku guru?
HD : Mungkin dari, ini ma jujur dari jam pertemuan, karena
untuk mencapai goals dari setiap pelajaran tentu memang
ya tidak perlu tidak bisa dengan yang sebentar, mungkin
satu mata pelajaran ataupun dua waktu pelajaran menurut
saya tidak cukup dan itu menjadi kendala sendiri
bagaimana kita dalam satu waktu tersebut memanfaatkan
supaya goals-goals tadi tercapai, termasuk salah satunya:
MR : Pembelajaran teknologi, pembelajaran harus ada
criticalnya, pembelajaran harus ada semua-semua itu
dengan waktu yang sagat singkat harus tercapai semua.
HD : Sedangkan tuntutannya apalagi guru milenial ya ustadz
harus semuanya bisa. Ada beberapa hal, seperti structural
goals itu sendiri, taksonomi bloom, membuat reading
dengan critical enggagment, memberikan tugas writing,
oral presentation, problem solving activity dan
menciptakan sebuah situasi. Paling itu ustadz yang
memang ini juga adalah beberapa hal bagaimana
mengaplikasikan critical thinking.
MR : Selanjutnya mungkin akan kita observasi didalam kelas
ustadz, mohon izin, untuk wawancara kita pada
kesempatan kali ini, saya selaku peneliti atas nama
pribadi dan kampus, saya mengucapkan terimakasih
banyak atas kesempatan dan waktunya ustadz berikan.
Akhir saya ucapkan terimakasih banyak wabilahi taufiq
wal hidayah
Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb
HD : Wa’alaikumsalam.Wr. Wb

No. Wawancara : 2
Narasumber / Status : Asy-Syifa (AS) / Guru Bahasa Inggris
Penanya : Maulana Rizki (MR)
Prihal : Critical Thinking
Tipe wawancara : Semi-structured Interview
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 14 November 2022
Waktu : 09.00 – 09.45
Lokasi : Ponpes Al-Ikhlash

Inisial Transkrip Ide pokok

MR : Bismilahhirrahmanirrahim
Assalamu’alaikum. Wr.Wb
AS : Wa’alikumsalaam Wr. Wb
MR : Baik, Ustadz berkenan saya akan mengajukan beberapa
pertanyaan terkait dengan “critical thinking” terutama di
dalam classroom setting di pondok pesantren.
Menurut ustadz sendiri apa yang ustadz pahami
mengenai critical thinking ini ustadz ?
AS : Critical thinking suatu proses disiplin intelektual secara
aktif dan terampil mengkonseptualisasikan, menerapkan,
menganalisis, mensintesis atau bisa juga mengevaluasi
informasi yang dikumpulkan dari pengamatan
pengalaman refleksi penalaran atau komunikasi sebagai
panduan untuk keyakinan dan tindakan dalam bentuknya
yang patut di contoh di dasar kan pada nilai-nilai
intelektual universal yang melampaui pembagian materi
pelajaran kejelasan, akurasi, peresesi, resistensi relevansi,
bukti, tentunya bukti yang masuk akal, alasan yang baik
kedalaman keluasan dan juga tentunya keadilan.
MR : Menurut ustadz sendiri bagaimana critical thinking atau
berfikir kritis itu ada di pesantren ustadz apakah memang
kemampuan anak atau misalkan berfikir kritis itu sudah
ada di pesantren dan menurut ustadz seperti apa
AS : Sebenarnya potensi ke arah sana sudah ada dari semenjak
anak masuk di pondok ini terlihat dari beberapa
penyampaian materi khusus nya materi-materi yang
berkenaan dengan nalar mungkin komposisi insya
karangan itu pada dasarnya mereka sudah bisa
mengeksplor apa yang ada di benak mereka, namun
terkadang terkendala dengan bahasa karena kita disini
kan bahasa khusus nya composition bahasa Inggris bisa
bahasa Arab tentunya beberapa anak, Anak didik kita
siswa kita ini belum mempunyai banyak
pembendaharaan kata akhirnya dalam memulai menulis
mereka itu kadang agak sedikit kesulitan perlu arahan,
motifasi dan yang terpenting lagi adalah pengawasan,
bimbingan sehingga mereka itu bisa memulai karena
ketika mereka sudah bisa memulai dalam menulis
kebanyakan mereka itu bagus.
MR : Jadi kendalanya itu lebih banyak di membahasakan
sebenarnya sudah ada di benak mereka, dan mereka itu
tidak nalar, bagus sebenarnya.
Baik ustadz, lalu menurut ustadz sendiri siswa seperti
apa yang sudah di kategorikan sebagai siswa yg memiliki
Critical thinking?
AS : Oke critical thinking inikan harus ada beberapa indikasi
yang kita lihat dari beberapa siswa yang selama ini kita
amati keterampilan berfikir anak-anak itu terlihat
tentunya keterampilan yang di butuhkan anak-anak ini
kan menganalisa, pertama menganalisa terus interperstasi
mengidentifikasi, mengkritisi masalah yang ada tentunya
harus mengevaluasi ini keterampilan berfikir kritis yang
perlu di punyai anak-anak oleh kita.
MR : Baik ustadz, menurut ustadz selain writing selain menulis
Argumentatif esai misalnya seperti yang ustadz ajarkan
di kelas dan juga seperti insya dan berbagai bahasa Arab
khususnya, ustadz kira-kira seperti apa critical thinking
itu bisa di implementasikan selain menulis kira-kira
seperti apa ustadz misalkan dalam reading atau dalam
grammar kritikal thinking itu muncul ?
AS : Yang pertama tentunya dalam writing sendiri ini kan
harus mempunyai kemampuan grammatical yang
menjadi dasar agar mereka dapat menulis dengan benar,
namun kritikal thinking ini bisa di kembangkan dengan
bagaimana cara mereka bisa mengamati suatu
permasalahan yang ada, sehingga mereka bisa mengkaji
permasalahan-permasalahan, setelah mereka bisa
mengamati nya akhirnya kan nanti terjadi pro dan kontra
dari suatu masalah itu, mereka bisa mengeksplor pronya
maupun kontra nya ataupun kedua-duanya.
MR : Iya betul ustadz, memang dalam beberapa penelitian juga
dalam beberapa artikel di katakan salah satunya adalah
problem solving yang seperti ustadz utarakan, artinya
sudah sesuai pendapat ustadz dengan artikel-artikel yang
memang terhubung ke sana, selanjutnya ustadz untuk
assessmentnya sendiri ustdaz, ya ini kan assessment itu
kan kalau kita biasanya ujian itu ada ujian lisan, ujian
Bagaimana ustadz sendiri membuat pertanyaan yang
menghadirkan high order thinking kepada anak atau
sekarang istilah yang lagi populer dengan HOTS atau
critical thinking ini pada pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang
ustadz buat atau selain pada question ujian akhir atau
ujian pertengahan seperti apa ustadz mengakses
kemampuan berpikir siswa ?
AS : Selain dari pada pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berupa
verbal atau oral, kita harus banyak juga memberikan
istilahnya ulangan-ulangan harian kepada mereka, tugas-
tugas harian, ketika mereka itu bisa mengeksplor apa
yang ada di benak mereka, apa yang mereka amati itu
bisa di tuangkan dalam bentuk tulisan itu memang perlu
ada sedikit penugasan sering penugasan-penugasan
kepada mereka, sehingga mereka terbiasa menulis
dengan tangannya interaksi, ada hubungan yang jelas
dengan pikiran mereka sehingga tidak hanya mereka
mampu dalam mempunyai writing tulisan namun juga
berfikir harus bisa di tuangkan dalam bentuk tulisan
Mungkin assessment saya lebih banyak kepada
memberikan penugasan-penugasan harian baik itu bentuk
karya, bentuk pengamatan-pengamatan.
MR : Baik ustadz, lalu yang terakhir ustadz tentang terkait
dengan mirror and challange atau tantangan-tantangan
yang kita temui dalam pembelajaran di kelas,
Kesulitan apa ustadz yang ustadz hadapi dari siswa
maupun dari lingkungan untuk menghadirkan
kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi atau critical thinking
siswa ?
AS : Sebenarnya ada satu yang mendasar dalam
mengembangkan Critical thinking di kita ini, dalam
benak saya selama kita di berikan tugas dalam
pengembangan khusus nya writing skill di pesantren ini,
ada dua hal yang penting menurut saya itu: kurang nya
informasi yang memadai, mungkin bersumber pada
kurangnya rasa mereka untuk mencari informasi-
informasi, akhirnya tentunya pemikiran informasi-
informasi mereka itu kurang.
Namun secara umum khususnya garis besar mereka
perlu kita konsultasikan sedikit anak-anak yang
sekiranya kurang eksplorasi nya sedikit sekali
kebanyakan mereka sudah bagus dengan sumber-sumber
yang ada melalui internet melalui surat suara kabar atau
mading Surat kabar yang di tempel, di kita di depan
kampus kita ini. mereka bisa mencari informasi dari situ.
Itu yang pertama, yaitu kurang nya informasi yang
memadai bersumber dari pada faktor pribadi anak, yang
kedua itu kemampuan membaca mereka itu ya kurang
menurut saya, kalo boleh saya katakan ya itu si kurang,
memang perlu kita stimulus-stimulus pada mereka yang
“ghirah” kemauan mereka untuk membaca itu terus
MR : Terus antum sampaikan tadi kan karena mereka kan
deskriptif terhadap atau di batasi terhadap penggunaan-
penggunaan teknologi ustadz, sebagai sumber informasi
bagi mereka, menurut pandangan ustadz seperti apa?
AS : Berkaitan dengan itu ustadz, ya memang terkadang
penugasan-penugasan yang monoton akan menyebabkan
kebosanan kepada anak, inilah tuntutan peranan kita
sebagai dalam hal ini mengajar dari dalam pelajaran apa
yang lain nya bidang pelajaran yang lainnya itu perlu kira
kombinasikan dengan kegiatan atau penugasan-
penugasan yang sekiranya variatif ,yang tidak monoton
sehingga anak itu tidak merasa bahwasanya belajar itu
membosankan. kita ciptakan lingkungan belajar itu
menyenangkan, mungkin dengan tidak hanya dengan
penugasan-penugasan secara tertulis, tapi juga dengan
mengamati, atau dengan apa saja ya itu lah kemampuan
kita di tuntut untuk bisa memproyeksikan variasi variasi
yang bagus agar inti nya tidak menyebabkan kebosanan.
MR : Baik nah untuk pengunaan teknologi sendiri itu ustadz,
penggunaan teknologi itu kan kalau di pondok di batasi
seperti yang Antum sampaikan tadi mereka informasi
nya terbatas, sehingga dalam mengeksplor dan
mengembangkan tulisan mereka itu terpaku hanya dalam
pada pengalaman-pengalaman mereka selama di asrama
atau selama apa yang mereka baca dan lain sebagainya,
menurut pandangan ustadz bagaimana ustadz?
AS : Sebenarnya kalo kita memang pada secara umum
fasilitas di kita itu saya kira sudah memadai, namun
memang terkadang potensi ataupun kemauan anak untuk
ke arah sana itu kurang, karena padatnya aktifitas yang
kita miliki di pondok ini di depan kampus kita ini
semacam jaringan internet saya kira sudah ada, komputer
sudah banyak lahh sehingga kemauan anak itu untuk
mencari atau masuk ke laboratorium atau mungkin
dengan izin asatid bisa mengakses internet, tentu dalam
pantauan asatid juga, yang ini lah yang membatasi
mereka untuk bisa mencari informasi melalui internet
sehingga ke cenderungan mereka ke arah mencari
informasi lewat internet atau dengan membaca itu
kurang, karena terbentur dengan kemauan mereka
semacam olahraga, keterampilan-keterampilan yang
lainnya yang sekiranya itu ya ini juga tuntutan dan
tantangan bagi kita bagaimana anak itu bisa
memanfaatkan fasilitas teknologi yang ada di kampus ini
itu mungkin menurut saya.
MR : Barangkali itu ustadz
Dan yang terakhir tantangan terbesar itu tadi ini ya
ustadz informasi anak itu terbatas, karena kemauan
mereka menggali informasi itu kurang, mungkin itu
ustadz untuk interview kita kali ini mohon izin nanti
mungkin saya akan observasi kelas ustadz untuk saya
bisa mengambil catatan-catatan dan untuk saya bisa
mengobservasi kelas yang ustadz ajar dan makasih
ustadz atas perhatian dan sumbangsi antum terhadap
penelitian saya.
AS : Iya semoga bermanfaat penelitian ustadz, tentunya lebih
kepada diri pribadi ustadz dan manfaat nya buat kampus
kita juga, sehingga penelitian ini juga nanti bisa
memberikan efek positif untuk kemajuan pendidikan
khususnya di lingkungan pondok pesantren
MR : Terimakasih ustadz
Assalamu’alaikum. Wr.Wb
AS : Wa’alikumsalam. Wr.Wb

No. Wawancara : 3
Narasumber / Status : Rini Setiani (RS) / Guru Bahasa Inggris
Penanya : Maulana Rizki (MR)
Prihal : Critical Thinking
Tipe wawancara : Semi-structured Interview
Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 18 November 2022
Waktu : 10.30 – 11.00
Lokasi : Ponpes Al-Ikhlash

Inisial Transkrip Ide pokok

MR : Bismilahhirrahmanirrahim
Assalamu’alaikum. Wr.Wb
RS : Wa’alikumsalaam Wr. Wb
MR : Baik, Ibu berkenan saya akan mengajukan beberapa
pertanyaan kepada ibu, terkait dengan penelitian saya.
RS : Jangan susah susah ya pak, kalau saya ga bisa jawab
gimana ?
MR : Iya ibu, ini bukan ujian ibu, hehhe, hanya saya perlu
untuk data penelitian saya ibu.
RS : Iya baik pak.
MR : Jadi Menurut ibu apa yang ibu ketahui tentang critical
RS : Iya jadi, Critical Thinking itu kan merupakan
keterampilan yang memungkinkan seseorang membuat
keputusan yang logis ya, berdasarkan informasi yang dia
dapat dan diolah sesuai kemampuannya.
MR : Baik ibu, nah, menurut ibu, Bagaimana ibu tau bahwa
siswa ibu sudah memiliki kritikal thinking ?
RS : Setidaknya siswa menunjukkan bahwa ia memiliki rasa
ingin tahu, kreatif, tekun, dan objektif.
MR : Baik, ada lagi ibu ?
RS : Udah pak, menurut saya ya gitu. hehehe
MR : Baik ibu, lalu bagaimana ibu mengaplikasikan critical
thinking agar menjadi bagian saat ibu mengajar ?
RS : Sebenarnya saya taunya ya melalui diskusi, dan
melakukan mengevaluasi pembelajaran siswa melalui
soal-soal HOTS. Ini hots juga masih belajar pak, udah
ada lagi critical thinking.
MR : Hehe, iya memang HOTS ini juga bagian dari
menumbuhkan critical thinking. Baik ibu, yang terakhir,
tantangan apa yang ibu saat menumbuhkan critical
thinking untuk anak anak di kelas ?
RS : Iya pak, rendahnya kemampuan literasi siswa, siswa
kurang memahami tujuan pembelajaran, kurangnya
percaya diri siswa itu mempengaruhi, gimana mau kritis
pak, kalau pengetahuan kurang kan tidak bisa
membangun argumentasi yang cukup.
MR : Baik ibu, barangkali demikian, terima kasih atas waktu
dan kesempatan yang ibu berikan.
RS : Iya pak, mohon maaf kalau saya banyak kurangnya.
MR : Tidak ibu, terima kasih banyak
Assalamu’alaikum. Wr.Wb
RS : Wa’alikumsalam. Wr.Wb

No. Wawancara : 4
Narasumber / Status : Ferry Hidayat (FH) / Guru Bahasa Inggris
Penanya : Maulana Rizki (MR)
Prihal : Critical Thinking
Tipe wawancara : Semi-structured Interview
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 28 November 2022
Waktu : 11.00 – 12.00 WIB
Lokasi : Pondok Modern Tazakka

Inisial Transkrip Ide pokok

MR : Assalamualaikum, ustadz, perkenankan, saya Maulana

Rizki untuk mewawancara ustadz untuk penelitian saya.
FH : Ahlan Ustadz, InshaAllah.
MR : Baik, terima kasih ustadz, Kemudian kaitannya dengan
pembelajaran abad sekarang ustadz, yang lebih banyak
menuntut untuk anak berfikir, berfikir yang lebih tinggi
kemudian berfikir yang lebih kritis, terkait penelitian
saya ustadz, apa yang antum fahami tentang critical
thinking itu sendiri ustadz?
FH : critical thinking itu ya dari kata critical, yang namanya
data atau fakta itu ada yang benar ada yang salah, jadi
kalau kita tidak kritis terhadap suatu data atau suatu
fakta, maka kita tidak akan bisa menemukan bahwa data
ini salah data benar, maka critical thinking itu sangat
perlu khususnya dalam hal itu tadi, mengverifikasi
apakah data itu benar atau salah. Nah kalau dalam
konteks pendidikan, siswa santri-santri kita ini nanti akan
berhadapan dengan masyarakat, nah pada saat dia
berhadapan dengan masyarakat, masyarakat itu sumber
dari pada semua data dan fakta, apalagi masyarakat
sekarang kan gampang sekali menyebarkan hoax gitu
kan, menyebarkan postingan whastapp yang secara
akademis belum tentu benar, nah kita mau menyiapkan
satu bekal di santri-santri kita ini satu skill yaitu yang
disebut critical thinking itu, sehingga dia bisa
mengkritisi apakah postingan ini benar ataukah postingan
ini salah, kalau dia tidak kritis maka dia akan menerima
begitu saja postingan hoax yang diterima di
masyarakatnya, tapi seandainya dia sudah dilengkapi
critical thinking sejak dari pesantren kemudian ditumbuh
kembangkan terus sampai akhirnya santri itu keluar dari
pesantren sehingga critical thinking itu menjadi bagian
dari pemikirannya, baaian dari dirinya maka disatu saat
kritis dia butuh verifikasi dia sudah tidak dalam bahasa
Jakartanya sudah tidak grogi lagi untuk bersikap kritis
terhadap informasi yang dihadapkan didepan oleh
MR : jika menurut ustadz sendiri, bagaimana kita bisa
mengetahui seseorang sudah memiliki critical thinking?
FH : pada saat, pertama pada saat santri itu mau bertanya, mau
bertanya itu menurut ana sudah masuk ke critical
thinking, karena pada saat orang itu bertanya,
sesungguhnya, sebelum dia bertanya di dalam otaknya
itu sudah loading antara informasi yang dia dapat dari
ustadz dengan latar belakang yang sudah dia punya,
sehingga antara itu kemudian konfrontasi sehingga
akhirnya dia menanya, ustadz apa benar ini ustadz?
Kalau seandainya ini benar tapi ko tidak gini ustadz, jadi
dia mempertanyakan.
MR : Lalu terkait aplikasi didalam kelas, bagaimana ustadz
sendiri mengimplementasikan critical thinking ini dalam
pembelajaran dan pengajaran bahasa Inggris dikelas?
FH : Pada saat sebelum ana masuk ke konten, jadi
muqoddimah dulu, jadi di Introduction itu ana banyak
mengajukan pertanyaan tujuan pembelajaran kita apa?
Jadi bener-bener ana tuh mau mereka ingin tahu lebih
dalam atau tidak? Maka akhirnya, ana tanyakan dulu
kemarin di lalu sudah belajar, mestinya yang pertemuan
yang lalu strategi tentang reading apa yang kita pernah
belajar? kemudian yang akhirnya mereka ngasih banyak
jawaban, ada yang salah ada yang benar, khusus untuk
yang salah kemudian ana kasih lagi merefresh ingatan
mereka. Intinya aplikasinya adalah dengan pertanyaan.
terus pertanyaannya semakin dibanyakin, sehingga
dengan semakin banyak pertanyaan santri tergelitik,
memang untuk hari pertama, kedua, ketiga begitu
bertanya pasti santri yang masih malu itu tidak akan
menjawab, tapi its oke, terus-terus yang penting
continuously sehingga akhirnya santri yang tadinya tidak
terbiasa dengan pertanyaan yang kritis itu akhirnya
berani untuk menjawab.
MR : Lalu ustadz, untuk assessing critical thinking mereka
bagaimana ustadz ?
FH : Memang kunci suksenya adalah dari persiapan, kalau ana
memang sengaja mempersiapkan dua jenis soal, sampai
soal itu HOTS. Jadi bukan yes or no question saja, dan
kalau anak tidak ada yang bertanya maka kita yang
bertanya ke mereka. Agar mereka kritis terhadap
informasi yang mereka terima. Jadi stepnya kalau ana,
analisis dulu kemudian evaluasi.
MR : Baik ustadz, lalu tantangan yang ust hadapi dalam
menumbuhkan critical thinking seperti apa ustadz ?
FH : Tantangan terbesar dating diri ana sendiri ustadz, karena
factor terbesar pencapaian anak tetap gurunya, dalam hal
ini, teachers harus bener-bener juga critical teachers,
karena hanya critical teacherslah yang bisa mengasih
critical questions sehingga anak-anak jadi critical

Nah kalau dari anak, kan tadi kita sudah ngobrol juga yaa
sebelum wawancara ini, factor hambatannya adalah
kemampuan siswa, anak yang secara akademisnya bagus
itu pasti punya kesempatan lebih untuk kritis. Namun
keadaanya kan tidak semua anak demikian. Lalu kalau
dari soal budaya atau kultur di pesantren, saya rasa tidak
ya tadz, apalagi pesantren zaman modern in ikan semakin
open dan tidak otoriter, tapi begini ustadz, dalam
bertanya misalnya, anak boleh kok bertanya, tap ikan
yang selalu kita sampaikan bertanyalah dengan adab.
Jadi pertanyaan kritis atau kritik sekalipun yang kita
sampaikan justru membangun dan tidak menyakiti orang
MR : Baik ustadz sebelum kita melebar kita akhiri dulu, hehe,
terima kasih ustadz, atas waktu dan kesempatannya,
FH : Baik baik, terima kasih juga ustadz, semoga maslahat,

Kode Observasi : Observasi kelas guru 1 (HD) Pertemuan 1

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 9 November 2022
Waktu : 9.45 – 10.30 WIB
Lokasi : Ponpes Baitul Hidayah

Inisial Catatan Peneliti

S : Greeting our teacher. (Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.)
T : Wa`alaikumsalam. Wr. Wb.
What is our lesson now?
S : Our lesson now is English.
T Good morning everyone! How are you!
S Good morning, Sir! We are fine, thank you.
T : Have sit please!
Ok before we start our lesson now, I hope to you all to
enjoy for this lesson and let’s start by reciting
S : “Bismillahirahmanirrahim”
T : Ok, before we go to our new lesson, I will to ask you
about a lesson in last week. What we have studied in last
S : “A Holiday” sir.
T : alright, we have studied about chapter “A Holiday” in
our reading section. and now we explore more.
S : Yes, sir
T : Holiday will be coming soon, it’s a long holiday. All of
you will get holiday for two weeks, in January (Insha
Allah) but you must fight in examination first.
I think all of you, you will go to somewhere or you will
do something in the future (in holiday). I have pictures, I
would like to show it to you all, wait in minutes!
I have six pictures for the example. What we call for this
(The teacher points to picture one by one)
S : (The students tell the name of a picture when the teacher
points it).
T : And now, I want to ask you. What do you mind about
these pictures? But maybe you just tell one word, let’s
start with you! (The teacher choose one of them)
S : Those are “Wonderful” (First answer from first student)
Those are “Amazing” (second answer from second
Those are “Relaxing” (third answer from third student)
T : Ok now I want to ask you, but before it you have choose
one of these pictures! Let’s we start with you, Bhiyan!
S : I choose “Museum”
T : Ok! And now how do tell to your friends about going
there? Or how do you express your intend that you want
to go to this place?
S : I will to go to museum
T : Ok good job! And you are Akbar! What do you choose
from these pictures and how do tell to your friends about
going there?
S : I choose “Zoo”. (All students are laugh)
The zoo is place for animals
T : No, the question is “how do tell to your friends about
going there? Or how do you express your intend that you
want to go to this place?”
S : I will to visit to the zoo
T : Ok good answer!
And then what we will study about?
S : About “Planning”
T : Ok alright, it’s about planning or intention.
All of you have answered my questions correctly, you
did it well.
Give applause, please!
S : (The student applauded)
T : But remember! If you want to say or to tell to your
friends that you want to go to somewhere, in another
word (except “Will/Shall”) you can say
1. Would like to
“I Would like to go to Bali” (maybe for the example)
2. Want to
3. Be going to
4. (maybe) plan to, etc.
It’s very much. Mungkin kita belajar yang ini terlebih
dahulu. Yang kita sudah tahu “Will, Shall” tetapi bukan
hanya itu, ada juga kata seperti ini (Would like to, Want
to, Be going to).
Ok now please give the example from you, Rofi! Can
S : I want to go to Ciremai Mountain for next holiday
T : Ok good job. And now you are, Sultan! Please give the
S : I would like to go to seaside.
T : Ok good job, and you are Dimas!
S : I am going to go to my brother’s Islamic Boarding school
T : Ok good job!
And after that if you really want to understand about
“Expressing Intention” you must know “the social
function, text structure, and (the last) language feature.
I will repeat it, the first is “the social function, text
structure, and (the last) language feature.
Naah, apa sih “Social Function” dari Expressing
Intention itu? Yaitu if in Arabic language is ‫“ ما هو‬maa
Ok now we can take conclusion that “The Social
Function is to state plan or something intend in the
Paham yahh, jadi “untuk menyatakan suatu rencana atau
suatu maksud di masa depan”.

Nah, and now we go to the text structure. How to make

it? (Text Structure in Expressing Intention)
First, “Would like to”. Jadi sebelum itu kita harus
mengetahui kapan kita menggunakan Would like to itu?
“Would like to is expressing wishes more polite way”.
Jadi mengekspresikan keinginan dengan cara yang lebih
Contohnya (language feature): “My brother would like to
help us to do the homework” (kakak saya ingin
membantu kita mengerjakan PR).
(dari contoh di atas) text structure nya bagaimana?
“S+would like to+ V1+ Object/Complement”
Understand? Ini itu seperti same like “can and could”
Example: “I can speak two languanges” (Saya bisa
berbicara 2 bahasa) bahasa Indonesia dan Betawi misal.
Naah ini adalah uangkapan biasa, tetapi kalau “could” itu
untuk lebih sopan. Example: “Mr. Maulana could speaks
five languages” (Mr. Maulana bisa berbicara 5 bahasa)
bahasa Aceh, Indonesia, Arab, Inggris dan satu lainnya
Jadi would like to itu untuk lebih sopan.

And next “Will” is express desire that are not planned as

a before or are done voluntary. (mengungkapkan
keinginan yang tidak direncanakan sebelumnya atau
yang dilakukan secara sukarela).
Text structure nya bagaimana?
“S+will+ V1+ Object/Complement”
Example: “I will to find your book” (saya akan
membantu untuk menemukan bukumu)
Sama seperti yang kalian sebutkan “I will to go to
Museum/ I will to climb the mountain”.

And now we countinue, “Be going to” is showing or

conveying a desire that has been planned or decided.
(menunjukan atau menyampaikan suatu keinginan yang
sudah direncanakan atau diputuskan).
Text structure nya:
“S+To Be+going to+ V1+ Object/Complement”
Jadi I am going to jangan memaknai atau memang
sekilas diartikan “saya akan pergi/saya sedang pergi”.
Tapi dalam Expressing intention maka artinya itu “saya
akan/saya mau/saya ingin.
Jadi contohnya gimana?
“I am going to go to Bali for next holiday” same like
example from Dimas “I am going to go to my brother’s
Islamic Boarding School”.
It’s cleared? Understood?
S : Yes….
T : Now, I have one picture “Different between Will and
Going to”
(Picture.1 “Will”) “Don’t touch the dog, he’ll bite you!”
(jangan sentuh anjing itu, dia akan menggigitmu!). itu
sesuatu yang bisa terjadi atau tidak.
(Picture.2 “Going to”) look out! He’ll going to bite you.
(Awas dia akan menggigitmu). Itu sesuatu yang sudah
pasti (karena dia sudah memegang anjing itu).
S : Yes, Sir!
T : Next, maybe if you want make question to ask intention
you can say or example
“Alwi, where will you to go to?”
Jadi tinggal ditambahkan kalimat introgative. Or another
“Ahyan, Would you like to go to my home?”
(maukah kamu pergi ke rumahku)
Jadi contoh yang ini “would” move to the front of
sentence or before subject”.

Ok. Now I want to make some groups, I will divide you

into 3 groups.
(The teacher divides the class into 3 groups, and ask to
them to make Expressing Intention and Asking Intention
by discussion. And after that it ask one student of these
groups to presentation in front of class).
(on progressing discussion, teacher read the absent).
S : (The student discusses and one student of these groups
takes presentation in front of class).
Group A :
Expressing Intention:
“I am going to go to Cisanggarung Pool for next holiday”
Asking Intention:
“would you like to Pray Dhuha after this lesson?”

Group B:
Expressing Intention:
“I am going to go to cinema for watching some movie at
next holiday”
Asking Intention:
“When would you like to Pray Dhuha?”
Group C:
Expressing Intention:
“I am going to go to climb Bromo Mountain for the next
Asking Intention:
“What would like you to do after this lesson?”
T : The teacher correct the students’ answers
S : Alhamdulilah.
T : Wassalam...

Kode Observasi : Observasi kelas guru 1 (HD) Pertemuan 2

Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 15 November 2022
Waktu : 9.00 – 9.45 WIB
Lokasi : Ponpes Baitul Hidayah

Inisial Transkrip Catatan Peneliti

S : Greeting our teacher. (Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.)

T : Wa`alaikumsalam. Wr. Wb.
What is our lesson now?
S : Our lesson now is English.
T : Good morning everyone! How are you!
S : Good morning, Sir! We are fine, thank you.
T : Have sit please!
Ok before we start our lesson now, I hope to you all to
enjoy for this lesson and let’s start by reciting
S : “Bismillahirahmanirrahim”
T : Ok, let me call your names first.
T : Ok, before we go to our new material today, still relating
to our reading, Mr. Clark booked the ticket for his trip in
the booking clerk, meaning he went immediately to the
travel agency. Ok, in your opinion, what is the other way
to way to book a ticket?
S : By Traveloka sir,
T : Great ! online ya? why do you choose that way?
S : Because it is easy sir
T : Ok, anyone has another opinion? please tell me your
S : Yes, sir, online is good today it is very easy
T : Well, you do think it is easy for us in the recent era,
because it is a digital era to purchase something by
application. My question is, why do you think it eases
S : Students remain silent
T : Ok, in my opinion, I think online purchasing eases us to
book a ticket because in the application we can see the
schedule, the price, the flight, and the service they
provide. Do you agree?
S : Yes, sir
T : Yes yes aja ni antum.
S : (Siswa tertawa)
T : Ya, ok ok,
Sejatinya tadi ustadz sedang bertanya tentang opini
kalian, because today, we are going to talk about the
conversation that contains an expression of asking and
giving an opinion. See the poster here I have prepared.
(the teacher read the conversation).

Fatimah: Assalamualaikum aisyah, what are you doing ?

Aisyah: waalaikumussalam, I am reading now, and how
about you?
Fatimah : I am coloring the picture. What do you think
about the color of my picture aisyah? it is too much.
Aisyah: No otherwise, I think the color is very
beautiful, you are very good at combining colors.
Fatimah: Oh really? Thank you Aisyah.

okay, my question is who is involved in this

S : Fatimah and Aisyah
T : What do Fatimah and Aisyah talk about?
S : (Remain silent)
T : ( menunjuk salah seorang murid )
S : mmm.....
T : Okay, what did Fatimah ask Aisyah?
S : Her painting
T : Okay, so that talk about.....
S : Painting
T : Yes, whose painting?
S : Fatimah’s painting
T : What does Fatimah say in order to ask Aisyah’s opinion?
S : She says What do you think about the color
of my picture Aisyah?
T : Good, and now, what does Aisyah say in order to give
her opinion
S : She says I think the color is very beautiful
T : Ok, you can identify ya, the expression of asking and
giving an opinion.

I will explain our main course, the social function, text

structure, and language feature.

A. Social Function
To ask others’ opinions and to give opinions
about an issue.
B. Text Structure
Formal and Informal
C. Language Features
- Formal:
Do you have any ideas?
Do you have any comments?
What is your opinion about it?
What are your views on this?
- Informal:
What do you think?
How do you like?
How was the trip?
How do you feel about this?

Ok, I want you to read what is on the board. Choose one

S : Students read
T : Ok, is there any question?
S : Students read
T : Good! that’s what I am going to explain further,
Jadi kalau formal itu situasinya mungkin, mislanya saya
dan kepala sekolah sedang diskusi tentang pendapat kami
tentang program, nah itu bisa dikatakan formal situation
ya. Nah kalau kalau kalian diskusi sesama teman itu bisa
disebut informal. Faham ya ?
S : Tergantung situasinya ya sir.
T : Yes, exactly according to the situation.

Ok, for your project, you will work in pairs, everyone

please choose your partner, yang ga kebagian berarti
bertiga tidak apa apa.

Create a conversation that contains informal asking and

giving opinions. You can choose the topic you like about
what and who are involved who asks and who gives an
opinion, don’t forget about the language feature. The
conversation can be like an example that I show you. Do
you understand?
S : Yes sir
T : Very well, ok, that’s all for today, lets close our meeting
by reciting Alhamdalah.
S : Walaikumussalam..

Kode Observasi : Observasi kelas guru 2 (AS) Pertemuan 1

Hari/Tanggal : Selasa,15 November 2022
Waktu : 9.00 – 9.45 WIB
Lokasi : Ponpes Modern Al Ikhlash
Inisial Transkrip Catatan Peneliti
S : greeting our teacher.
T : ok class, how are you today ?
S : we are fine, thank you.
T : ok before we start, let me call your names. What is our
lesson now ?
T : our lesson now is English.
T : let us begin our class today by reciting al basmalah.
S : Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
T : Ok, before we enter to our new material, I would like to
ask you, how many types of text have you learnt this
semester ?
S : Students : we have studied procedure and caption text sir.
T : All right, today we are going to learn about
agurmentative text. Do you know about the
argumentative text ?
S : No one answer
T : Okay, because you don't know what it is. Now let me
explain. Our explanation today. Like it also was
explained before in the other types of text before. We are
going to know the definitions. This generic structure.
And language feature. Will write it first on the board. In
a simple way, you can state that the argument text is
Argumentative text is a text whose contents are in the
form of opinions that are strengthened by evidence,
reasons, and examples. So, dzikri, can you repeat the
function of argumentative text ?
S : He repeat the teacher words.
T : You ! Rafi ! Now you repeat, what it is ?
S : He repeat the teacher words.
T : Ok now i will tell the generic structure of an argument
text, What should be in the argument text? Basically, the
structure of the argumentation text must have three parts.
Namely the introduction, the body of the argument, and
the conclusion. How many parts, Faqih ?
S : 3 part sir.
T : What are they ? Hatim !
S : Opening, body and closing.
T : Argument body yaa
T : Let us know one by one this part. The first is opening.
The first is the opening or part of delivering the thesis. In
that section you can convey your basic arguments. Nah
contohnya gini, kamu akan membuka dengan topik,
thesis sentence namanya, contohnya Nasi padang itu
enaknya dimakan pakai tangan. Iya kan ?
S : Mereka tertawa.
T : Nah di body of argument itulah kamu memperkuat
statmen kamu dengan alasan dan contoh. The second part
is the body of the argument. As I mentioned earlier,
argumentative text requires a support system, in the form
of supporting arguments. Why is the supporting
argument important? The goal is to make your argument
strong and believable when you want to express your
opinion. Misalnya tadi, kamu memberikan fakta atau data
pendukung. Contohnya, “78% penikmat nasi padang
mengatakan, lebih enak makan dengan tangan".
T : OK and the last is conclusion. As you already know,
usually the conclusion contains a summary of everything
that you have conveyed in a text, and it is located in the
closing section. Nah kalau untuk penutup pada teks
argumen bisa dibagi menjadi 2.
T : Teacher read : There are analytic argumentation texts and
hortatory argumentation texts. In short, these two
structures differ in their purpose. If the analysis aims to
make the reader just be aware of the topic that is brought.
So the conclusion is enough to summarize the contents of
the basic and supporting arguments. Meanwhile,
hortatory texts have the goal of making the reader
compelled to follow the suggestions of the arguments
presented. Then, the conclusion will contain the
suggestion itself. Teacher write all the information in the
T : Nah jadi kalau yang hortatory itu yang ada apa ? Yang
ada sa.. ?
S : yang ada saran.
T : Itu biasanya kalau kamu membahas tentang bahaya
begadang misalnya, setelah argumentasi kamu bisa
memberi saran. Ok gt yaa
T : Ok now, the next is the language features. Nah selain
kamu menggunakan abstract noun dan action verb. Ini
yang paling penting kamu menggunakan temporal
connective. Apa contoh ? Heeyy apaa ??
S : remain silent
T : Itu adalah yang menghubungkan satu kejadian dengan
kejadian lainnya secara berurutan, misalnya : firstly,
secondly, thirdly. Ok next is Reasoning Connectives that
shows the relationship of reasons, for example: because
of, so, the before. Dan untuk argumentive ini Didominasi
oleh kalimat dalam bentuk simple present tense. Do you
understand ?
S : yes sir.
T : Now we continue the language of the types of
argumentative text, argumentative text can be divided
into three types. namely logos, pathos, and ethos. Bisa
kamu bedakan ketiganya ? Ada yang tau ?
S : remain silent
T : Nah ini penting, nanti kamu membangun argumentasi
kamu berdasarkan apa ? Kalau logos itu Argumen yang
dipilih untuk jenis ini tuh biasanya berlatar belakang
fakta dari data-data yang beneran ada. Dengan angka
angka biasanya. Misalnya kamu klain : Penyanyi terbaik
menurut saya adalah Tulus. Kamu tau ? Apa lagunya ?
S : hati hati di jalan
T : Nah, kalian pernah merasakan suasana hati seperti ini ?
Hat hati jalan ? Bilang ke siapa ? Jomblo ya ?
S : they laugh.
T : Coba kamu Ilham, kamu kan suka nyanyi, gimana
lagunya ? Coba nyanyikan !
S : malu malu
T : menyanyikan hat hati di jalan dengan irama dangdut
S : mereka tertawa.
T : oke kembali lagi, kalau logos berarti faktanya bisa
berupa angka, misalnya Tulus penyanyi terbaik karena
lagunya di youtube diputar jutaan kali dan lain
sebagainya. Nah kalau pathos kalo yang ini, argumen
yang dipakai adalah argumen yang appeal to emotion.
Misalnya kamu bilang tulusnya lagu menyentuh para
pendengar. Dan yang terakhir Ethos ini latar belakangnya
appeal to character. Ini contohnya apa ? Tulus penyanyi
terbaik, menurut penyanyi legendaris siapa misalnya
ahmad dhani juga mengatakan hal yang sama. Ok sudah
paham ya.

OK, tugasnya membuat argumentative essay, topiknya

mau apa? Ini aja, biar keluar gagasan dan ide kamu,
Restricted gadget in pesantren ya. Use the generic
structure and the language features that we have studied
today. Ok, that’s all for our meeting today, may Allah
bless us.
S : Aammiin..
T : I close this meeting, wassalamualaikum..
S : Waalikumussalam..

Kode Observasi : Observasi kelas guru 2 (AS) Pertemuan 2

Hari/Tanggal : Kamis,17 November 2022
Waktu : 9.00 – 9.45 WIB
Lokasi : Ponpes Modern Al Ikhlash

In this meeting, the teacher gave feedback for every student.

Student 1:

Restriction on the use of gadget in pesantren

What do you mean about pesantren ?

Pesantren is once means of education, have as a base islam religion by the arragement
activity to give a good profitable for students or santri. And than the student can live by disipline,
modestly, and fraternity.
By the arragement activity have an education, make a student can for obey a rules of
pesantren. Once of rules is restriction on the use of gadget in pesantren. Distinctive feature of
pesantren, until the student can for develop the sign and without depend the sophisticated
technology in this era.

As we know, the gadgets is once of sophisticated technology. Beside that, my opinion

obout this problem is once of a good arragement of pesantren for student can expand the a talent
for do something without depend the technology. They can for search something to read some
book and expand by self language. To think by critical opinion, and to do something from the
experiance self or other. Every student have a difference the manner for study, and than they
must have a written manner.
Student 2:

Restrictions on the use of gadgets in Pesantren.

Technology is something important in this era the technology is necessary, especially

about gadgets. The gadget is important for human life in this era, all of what we need, we can
looking for it in the gadget. Inside the gadget are many aplication, that can make us easy to do
our job.

But, beside that the gadgets are so danger. Especially about the children, adolescent, old
peoples and the others. There for, pesantren restric the gadget for the student, because in
youngers era. That time for much to read the books and try to do something new. The example
is : people younger in this era use the gadget for something bad, everything are depend to gadget.
Pesantren is place to build a good character. And good character is not depend to gadgets. But
they must stand alone and stay in good mindset.

As a result from this pharagrap is we need the technology for our life, but we must use
the technology by right. We must take a good side and positive effect from the technology of

Student 3:

Restriction on the use of gadget in pesantren

In this era the technology so important for helping us as human for our activity. And the
gadget is once simple tool for look for the imformation because the gadget can for us bring to
anywhere. But in the pesantren limited for us the gadget but this not less for us imformation
because in pesantren give us the imformation by education.

Authentication in once pesantren allowed bring the gadget and they not focus to study but
busy for look for signal or charger, may be much of them look for the lesson by googling without
read the book.

And as a result a agree with a regulation for not used the gadget in the pesantren because
for upgrade the interest reading in indonesia.
Student 4:

Restriction on the use of gadget in pesantren

Gadget is once of technology take easy us for communication distance. And pesantren is
once of means of education. In pesantren we restriction on use the gadget, because that make the
santri to focus on the gadget than the study.

In pesantren the student can use the computer or laptop for search some information but
they still supervision with teacher, and than they restrained for use the technology. Beside that I
disagree about this activity because once distinctive feature of pesantren is restriction on the use
of the gadget in pesantren and than the student can for much for read a book for study hard and
to think critical opinion for do something.

As a result the student can for increase the talent by study hard and without depended
sophisticated technology in this era.

Student 5:

Restrictions on the use of gadgets in pesantren

Gadget is a once of technology sophisticated and very imfortand in this era. However
wisdom in this pesantren for restrictions the students for use of gadgets. This good, because use
of gadgets by excessive can make a negative effect.

The negative effect from this technology for the next generation is laziness the students
for read a book and dependenly to work the home work by gadget without search and read hels

The condition reinforcement by mints of the student in the knowladge and mints the
student to show their skill.

That for pesantren restrictions the student for use this technology for make their not
dependency and can show their skill. And make their study for use the gadget.
Students 6:

Restructions on the use of gadgets in pesantren

Gadget or handphone is sophisticated that makes our work easy in daily existence. But
pesantren is prevail in restriction on the use of gadgets. This action I think relevant for
regulariting activity in pesantren.

Considering student will depend on aplication then on book in search reference and
haniper the student’s activity because of gadget. However I must underline that the student still
reach for rectrictioning technology, example in computer course.

As the result, restriction on the use of gadgets in pesantren is goodness in the shape of
education that apply in the system.

Students 7:

Rrestriction on the use of gadget in pesantren

Actually gadget is some communication equipment or electronic equipment because in

this era that is very important for all human in this world. Because in this era the gadget is
electonic equipment can to use for everything and can to bring wherever we going. That the
gadget is some important electronic if we use by well.

In the pesantren the gadget is very restriction but beside that there is some other electrinic
we can use for medium education like computer so that we didn’t to leaf all of new. Than for that
my opinion the gadget in pesantren is not good for student because they will to busy with all
activity in pesantren. Because if student bring the gadget the student will to discrub for they

There for I talk the gadget is not forbidden for the student but they may to used gadget in
the other place and other time like when they holiday.
Student 8:

Restriction on the use of gadget in pesantren

In this era gadget had spread anywhere, in gadget istrument for give the imformation but
they misuse the gadget. The children in this era much use the gadget for play game and shopping,
they use the time for playing gadget. But in the pesantren do not permited gadget because as a
student disclipline.

The resson we do not permited gedget because the student will focus the gadget by self,
and without attention the agenda or activity, the student will long time to do something because
the gadget.

Student 9:

Restriction on the use of gadget in pesantren

Gadget is device of communation, most of people have this device. In every year will
have to out the new fastion, make all of human participant to get it. Gadget have the influential
of positive effect and negative effect, like the younger in this era most of them wrong to use this
device. There pesantren forbidden to bring gadget, not forbidden but to be exact is limit in the
use, cause pesantren have much activity the benepit to do.

In this era most of younger didn’t time cause influential by gadget. Not only the younger
have influential but the children much to use this device.

Beside that we must know how to use gadget by right, as a result we will get the positive
Student 10:

Restriction on the use gadgets in pesantren

As we know the technology in this era has very important role in human life. The
technology help us to do some activity as fast as we can to do without it. It is like gadget. In this
era gadgets have role important for us get the imformation. Howeverwe as human life can’t be
avoid from it.

In the pesantren, some pesantren restriction on the use of gadgets. To face it the students
of pesantren use the computer or laptop to get the imformation about some knowladge. From this
restriction the student can more habitual and more understand how to use the computer. That is
some positive influence or effect from the restriction on the use of gadgets in pesantren.

As result I agree about this restriction. Because it is a positive effect to the student for
focus on their education on pesantren and they don’t wasting their. Good times to study for using
the gadgets.

Students 12:

Restriction on the use of gadget in pesantren

The technology is so important in this era. Once the technology simplify in our life is
gadget. Gadget or we usual we call it handphone give us the easy in life. Than by restriction in
this pesantren, pesantren do this rule for keep us from negative in handphone. Cause in the day
the young generation so influential by gadget. And the young generation use the easy by the

So than, most of chief of pesantren give the rule. Unsimplify to do this rule for the young
generation. Not forbidden but the activity in pesantren so buzy until the student never think about
the gadget.

Some negative thing from gadget is forget a time, the young generation difficult for spead
the time. And also the gadget show some negative think for make the young generation forget the
time, religion etc. and much of child has influential like the life without gadget is nothing. Most
of student use the gadget for looking for the answer if they in examination like search in google.
From every lesson than they never to study hard to get it.

So as a result, for make a true education by a good quality. Pesantren return this rue for
grow they ability by theyself. Without by technology in this era.

Student 13:

Restriction on the use of gadget in pesantren

Anywhere certainly has a separate regulations. Example in pesantren forbidden the

student bring the gadget furthermore use of gadget on all day long them. But that all positive
effect fo theirs, until they can be focus in the study and not get the doctrine hoax news in the

The resson of pesantren forbidden bring the gadget cause shall of the student think more
to use without by asking google.

All of the regurations is for theirself. In pesantren much of the unity without gadget. They
will busy by self, and last of creative.

As a resul so good their the forbidden on of used gadget that is can keep their from the
negative effect gadget. And all of them can more focus on the study in pesantren.

Student 14:

Restriction on the use of gadget in pesantren

Gadget is some of thinks most use of younger and parents. Couse everything will express,
able and practical. However we don’t depend and influence on technology. But we have to restric
on the use of gadget. I agree of action for restriction on the use of gadget in pesantren because
that will disturb the activity in pesantren and beside that thay not have time for using and will
leaving there works. The conclution restriction on the use of gadget in pesantren is some
attention of pesantren for Indonesia youngers most intelligent.
Kode Observasi : Observasi kelas guru 3 (RS) Pertemuan 1
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 21 November 2022
Waktu : 9.00 – 9.45 WIB
Lokasi : Ponpes Modern Al Ikhlash

Inisial Transkrip Catatan Peneliti

T : Assalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh, how are

you class?
S : We are fine Mrs thank you
T : All right before we start let me call your name
T : Okay, let’s begin our study today, by reciting Basmallah
S : Bismillahirrohmanirrohim
T : In the last meeting, we have done our exercise with
several questions in reading, about the story of an
excursion into the country or the village, now we will
enter the new chapter, “at the seaside”. Ok open your
book and let us read the story:

*guru menjelaskan text dan kosakata.

T : Well, next, I ask, can you identify the italic words on the
text ? What is it?
S : Students silent
T : Ok, in kan bercerita ini masa lampau, berarti kamu pake
tense apa?
S : Past tense Mrs
T : Good ! past tense
T : Do you understand past tense ?
S : Using verb 2 Mrs
T : Excellent! Yes the structure of past tense is subject plus
the past form of the verb (verb2) plus the rest of sentence
( guru menulis di papan tulis ), okay, now you know the
formula, please put this formula into the sentence
S : ( tidak ada yang menjawab )
T : (menunjuk salah seorang siswi) okay, now you! Please
try to put in the sentence
S : ( mencoba menjawab)
T : Okay, I put it in the sentence, I visited my grandfather
last holiday, now you please put in another sentence!
S : Oh ya Mrs, I studied last night,
T : Greet! Also, you have to know we use a past tense with
several adverbs of time like yesterday, last week, last
month, or maybe in 2012, the think is in the past when
the time has finished.
Now take a look at papers about past tense that I have
prepared for you.

A. Form
1. Affirmative (subject + verb2nd form)
- ( I-you-they-we-she-he-it) worked
- ( I-you-they-we-she-he-it) ate
2. Negative (subject+did+ not + verb 1st form)
- ( I-you-they-we-she-he-it) did not work
- ( I-you-they-we-she-he-it) didn’t eat
3. Interrogative ( did + subject + verb-1st Form)
- Did ( I-you-they-we-she-he-it) work?
- Did ( I-you-they-we-she-he-it) eat?
4. Negative interrogative ( did + not + subject +
verb-1st form)
- Did not ( I-you-they-we-she-he-it) work?
- Did not ( I-you-they-we-she-he-it) eat?
B. Usage
a) The simple past tense is used for an action
whose time is not given.
Example : He worked in that bank for
four years
b) The simple past tense is also used for past
Example : He always carried an umbrella
c) The simple past tense in regular verbs is
formed by adding ed to the infinitive.
1. Verbs ending in ‘y’ following a
consonant the ‘y’ into ‘I’ before
adding ‘ed’.
Example :
 Study : studied
 fly : flied
2. ‘y’ following a nowel does not
example :
 Obey : obeyed
 Play : played
3. When a verb of one syllable has
one vowel an ends in a single
consonant, this consonant is
doubled before ‘ed’.
Example :
 Stop : stopped
 Drop : dropped
4. Verbs of two or more syllable
whose last syllable contain only
one vowel and ends in a single
consonant double this consonant if
this stress falls on the last syllable.
Example :
 Admit : admitted
 Prefer : preferred
5. The simple past tense in irregular
verbs must be learnt. The list of
irregular verbs will be found in
next meeting.

Simple past tense : short answer to question

Questio Short answer Complete answer
Did you Yes, I did Yes, I went
go? No, he didn’t No, I didn’t go

*guru menjelaskan
T : Very well then, Now we are going to do the exercise,
prepare your notes.

*guru menulis pertanyaan di papan tulis,

Answer these questions :
1. Where did Mr. and Mrs. Jones go for their
summer holiday?
2. On what date did they leave the city?
3. Was the weather fine when they left?
4. Do you like the seaside?
5. Why?
6. Tell your experience about a tourist place that
you visited last holiday!

Ok, do number 1-5, for number six I will explain you in

detail later. For 1-5, in 10 minutes ya
T : Ok, have you done ?
S : Yes Mrs
T : Who wants to answer the first question?
S : I am Mrs
T : Yes, please
S : Mr. Mrs. Jones go to the seaside
T : All right, that’s good, anyone find the mistakes from her
S : Me Mrs
T : Yes please,
S : Mr. Mrs. Jones went to the seaside
T : Yes exactly, because the question started with did, means
you have to answer using v2 ya, understand?
S : Yes Mrs
T : Now question number 2, you please!
S : They left the city on 31st of July
T : Very good, next question, you please!
S : No, it was not
T : Very good, because it is a yes or no question ya.
T : Now, do you like the seaside? Why? Yes, you please,
what is your answer?
S : I do like the seaside because there I can play sands
T : Great, about your project, you are going to tell your
experience about a tourist place that you visited last
holiday. I want you to create an essay telling your story
to the tourist place that you visited last holiday. Make
sure that you use past tense. I will give you the question
that will guide you in developing your writing.
1. Where was it?
2. When did you go?
3. Who did you go with?
4. The plesent memory about that place that you still
remember until now.
Next meeting inshaAllah ya, you will present. Don’t
forget to bring the dictionary ya next meeting.
T : ok, for today, lets close our meeting by reciting
S : Alhamdulilah
T : Wassalamualaikum
S : Waalaikumussalam.
Kode Observasi : Observasi kelas guru 3 (RS) Pertemuan 2
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 21 November 2022
Waktu : 9.00 – 9.45 WIB
Lokasi : Ponpes Modern Al Ikhlash

Inisial Transkrip Catatan Peneliti

T : Assalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh, how are

you class?
S : We are fine Mrs thank you
T : Alright before we strat let me call your name
T : Okay, let’s begin our study today, by reciting Basmallah
S : Bismillahirrohmanirrohim
T : Last meeting, I gave you an assignment right, have you
S : Yes Mrs.
T : Where do you go ? ( menunjuk salah seorang siswa )
S : To my grandpa’s village, we visit Istana Maimun
T : Where is it?
S : In medan Mrs
T : Oh, in Medan that so far, ( kemudian menujuk siswi yang
lainnya), how about you where did you go ?
S : To the park Mrs
T : To the park, which park?
S : One of parks in Bandung Mrs
T : ( menunjuk siswi yang lain ) annisa! Where did you go ?
S : To the seaside
T : Oh, that’s good which sea did you go to?
S : Pangandaran Mrs
T : All right, we have varieties answer, so, if you go to a
tourist place which spot do you prefer?
S : Swimming pool
T : Why? Do you prefer that?
S : Because it very nice mrs I like to play with the water
(sebagian siswa tertawa mendengar jawaban itu
T : The other?
S : Zoo Mrs
T : Oh! That’s great, which zoo have you visited?
S : Bandung zoo Mrs
S : Ragunan Mrs
T : Okay, today you are going to tell your story about the
tourist place that you visited in the last holiday, you have
told me right? for example you mentioned you go to the
zoo, the seaside to the mountain and ....?
S : Guci,
S : Jombang
T : What Jombang?
S : Subang mrs
T : Oh, Subang ( siswi tertawa )
T : Which spot in subang?
S : Waduk mrs
T : Now, I will give you time to present your work, and I ask
one of you to rewrite her work in the board as a sample
that we will indetify together.

*sementara salah seorang siswi menulis, yang lain

mempresentasikan tulisannya.

S : Jempol
At my last holiday I went to toursim place it’s “
jempol” and jempol it is place swimming pool. At last of
september 2019 I went with my big family and we retrun
in that place so after that I went to the locket for paid the
ticket after paid the ticket we changed our dress to
bathroom for to swimming. But jempol also there is
place for picture and many food there. In meadle
swimming we eat pop mie until finish the popmie and we
swimm again. At ten O’clock we have swimming an to
clean our body in bathroom. And my pleasant memories
is sink to the swimming pool.

S : Pangandaran beach
One day, I went to pangandaran beach with my
family I was prepare our things for gother my mother get
prepared making the food for our breakfast and lunch,
my brother and father prepare car for us, and I with my
sister prepares our dress and snack. And after work I and
family gother.
All long the road we sing in the car, until we not
felt if we are had come to that place. And than we seach
our place for rest.
So we changed our dress for swimming, the
finally we are return at night. may be my holiday in the
last year, and that always be memories.

S : Mountain park
Mountain park is a good swimming pool in
kuningan city and I went to mountain park last year with
my parent and the mountain park are many games and
many vehicle and at there I swimm with my cooseen so I
played with them in the swimming pool and in tha last I
played playing fox in that place and it so fun in my
And I wanted a good memory went I ate in the
some restaurant in the Kuningan city and I prepare to
retruned home.

S : Kuningan Garden
Kuningan Garden is so far from my house. And
that is located in upland and I went to over there at the
second day. in my holiday with my family they are my
father, my mother, my young brother and my young
sister. when we arrived there we saw a good view, there
ares: Some place which crowded by flowers trees, many
statue of horse, and swimming pool and many good place
for take a picture. There, I with my family spend our time
by cross a round of Kuningan Garden and we went to
some high building. Where we can saw the around that
building. there we got best view. And afterwards we
went to some market food where we can found delicious
Food 'cause we Felt very hungry and thirsty, after we
finished our rest we went to some orchid house and we
found many kind of orchid so we took a picture.
when the time is indicated 19:15 p.m. we
prepared to return home and that is my story for my
holiday in this year.

S : At Borobudur Tample
Borobudur is some good place for our traveling.
and it is in Djogjakarta city many saller over there. This
tample, is a big tample in Indonesia. we can take picture
there. In Djogjakarta isn't only Borobudur tample, and
there is also Prambanan tample.
I have gone there with my big family. I have went
there when my old is 10 years old. In Desember month. I
have toke my time study for my traveling. And of course
many people there, they too wanted to travel with their
I have gone there by bus the official and friends
from my father their following this travel. Inside bus we
made a convertation with them. We felt happy when in
bus. The friends Of my father are a teacher and they
brought their child.
When in Borobudur tample I surrounded there, I
parted with my family, I do know the road. I be losted
and confused, what must I do there. But after minute I
saw my parent and we continue our travel.
I have buy many gods there like dress T-shirt,
bag, and etc.... not only buy gods we also take a picture
over there.

S : Tourism place – My last holiday in 2022

In Bandung there is one city park when I have
visiten it the name is Asia Afrika. I visited it when
holiday july. And I went it in the night, when it is night
there are many people emulation ghost. such Nyiroro
Kidul and Vampire.
This time made me bad mood cause I afraid whit
their face. I just set down by my self and looked my
family strang cause them not afraid whit the ghost and
just took a picture by enjoy, so after to wait my family
took a picture we walk and surrounded the park, the
memories pleasant that I have is I saw some attraction
and in otherside.

S : Tangkuban Perahu
Tangkuban Perahu is one of tour in Bandung, this
place is famous tour in Bandung. This place is have a
good story. And many people go to that place because
this place have a good view. I went to tangkuban perahu
last year, with my family. When I arrive at Bandung, I
saw many people there. They saw a good view there.
And I went there with my family, I with my
family saw a good view there. The pleasant memories
about that place is I can to see what a beautiful that place,
and I still remember that. Overthere I took pictures whit
my family, I took many pictures to have pleasent
S : Sewu Mountain Park
Sewu Mountain Park is a very good vacatios in an
East Java. I, my mather, my father an my two little
brothers was went there to have vacation in my holiday.
So we went at 02:00 o’clock, and we arrived at 09:00
o’clock p.m
Sewu Mountain Park had a very pleasant
memorise, because of very beautiful view. Same as the
name, Sewu Mountain Park be located at the Sewu
They many game for childrens until adults. So we
can tracking or hiking with a jeep or mini jeep. I and my
family had a photo taken in many statue of animals, ice
creamand, etc. so we can ride a horse in the hill.
afterwards I go to snow woild, there statue of bear and
many animals of ice aged. There some tower remove
many foam that look like real snow. When we have felt
tired we buyed many of fresh Strawberry, in a
Strawberries garden, so we arrived home at 05 o’clock

S : At Holiday
At last holiday I got many knowladge. Because I
and my parents saw many arts, and i can make some art
in my future. And I felt happy because my parents have
many time for me and I finish my holiday with my
parents and my big family. and I also had many time
with my friend elementary school because we never meet
in other time.
And that's my memory in my last holiday and my
happiness in my last holiday, And I thing last holiday is
my better holiday then my other holiday, because I had
many time with my family and my friends.

S : Sangkanhurip Swimming Pool

Once day, I went to Sangkanhurip swimming
pool at last of December 2018. I went with my friends
and also my teacher he is Mr. Didin. He is a good teacher
in my school which he always made us laught because of
his funnis. When we want to go there, we come first to
his home, cause he said he want to invite us to his home.
At his house. we have given with his wife many
foods. And we were happy cause his family so well to us.
After a hour, we prepared to go to Sangkanhurip
swimming pool by his car. In the street we laught and
spent our journey by happy.
At 09 o’clock we have arrived to our place.
Before we swam, we take pictures first with Mr. Didin.
Cause he said he wanted to have out pictures cause next
years he will change school. That the pleasant memories
about us and that place. We swam and played in the
water. And my friend, Fahry he said he wanted to throw
the money into the water I and the other take it by fast.
And who is first take it that’s to be winner. When it, I
never gotten that coins. Finally they blame me cause I
never got it. At 11 o’clock we getting tired. We ate
popmie,snack,mushroom crispy. So mr. Didin said we
must return home now. Cause the time for prayer dzuhur
is nearly. When we through the street, we talk and laught
cause we remember when we swam till we forgot the
time for went home and finnaly we return at home 11:45
o’clock and we said “ thank you very much for today
cause Mr. Didin brought us to that place.

S : Safari
Went we go to safari in bogor last holiday, there
are many animals and place for holiday. In the last
holiday I am with my sister to safari for study about
some animal. Went to safari we go by car to arrive in that
place and so many people to queue up for payed ticket.
The pleasant place is we saw a good jungle and
some animal like Lion, Tiger, Elephants, Zebra, etc. and
we ate in some place like some restaurant, we order some
food for ate like Pia, Strawberry Juice, etc. went we felt
so cool we are used the jacket so we are prepared for
returned home in that place there are many street in large
cities and some a good places for holiday.

S :

Pasir Gibug
Pasir Gibug is a good place in central Java, many
people go there, and I went to Pasir Gibug last holiday in
the date 08th of july 2022 ad. I went to pasir gibug with
my family 07.00 o’clock I bring much food for eat.
When arrived in central Java, we take place to Pasir
Gibug. That so beautifull place. The observation also
good, when I get the place for eat with my family we
straith for eaten in that place. In Pasir Gibug I want to
take picture in the observation with my family because
much place for take picture, after that I went to home and
bring many food for my friends and much a good
vehicle for played.
S : Tourist place
Last holiday, my family wanted to go for holiday.
But, we don’t know, which is a good place for our
holiday. And I said, that I wanted to go to seaside, than
my family accepted it. I and my family went to Batu
Karas beach.
Batu Karas beach is one of beautifull beach in
Indonesia. It near Pangandaran beach. We need 8 untill
10 hours from Bandung to Batu Baras beach.
Before it, my mother invited her friend. Than we
went with Mr. Yosep’s family. One of his child is my
friend, than I don’t feel alone.
In the Batu Karas beach we have seen a good
view. After we came there, I jump on the water. I and
Ara played in the water together because we liked it so
One of unforgettable memories in my life is in
Batu Karas beach we played a Banana boat. Than the
driver brough us to the sea with hight speed. But, the
driver make us fell down to the water. And after it,
suddenly I nose bleeds. That’s what I can’t to forget it.

T : Ok now let us check the story of Kayla, (siswi yang

menulis di papan tulis).
*Guru membaca tulisan siswi yang tertulis di papan tulis.
Ok anyone of you find the mistakes ?
S : Jump
T : Ok, good, jump should be in v2, what is the verb 2 from
S : Jumped
T : Yaa, jumped, good!
T : The other?
S : Brough, there is no t Mrs
T : Yes, good. It should be brought.
T : Oke, I also found many mistakes in you putting the right
past tense, like wake up, it should be?
S : Woke up
T : Good, ok, please collect your work, I will check it.
T : Ok everyone has collect your book?
T : Ok, lets close our meeting by reciting alhamdalah,
S : Alhamdulilah
T : See you, wassalam..
S : Walaikumussalam..

Kode Observasi : Observasi kelas guru 4 (FH) Pertemuan 1

Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 28 November 2022
Waktu : 8.30 – 9.15 WIB
Lokasi : Ponpes Modern Tazakka

Inisial Transkrip Catatan Peniliti

T : Assalamualaikum,

S : Waalaikumussalam,

T Ok, we will continue our lesson today. Do you remember

the reading strategy that I explained to you last meeting?
If you don’t remember, I will remind you the strategy.

S ….. (g jelas)
T : Oke, finding.. (writing on the whiteboard)

finding what?

S : Vocabulary

T : I, I heard …. someone who says a very important word.


S : Finding the meaning

T : …… (sambil nulis sambil ngomomg, g kedengeran) …

(finding) a vocabulary in, in …...

Right, nah, there is one word missing. Who can find?

Find meaning bla bla bla difficult vocabulary in ……

Anyone? anyone? you only find,,

S : …..

T : Hah?

S : …..

T : yeah haha, that’s it (writing on the whiteboard)

Finding the meaning of a difficult word in con? in

context, yeah.

Is you only find the difficult words? there are many

difficult word (chuckle), but you what you can .… find
here is the mean? the meaning.

What is? Where do you find the meaning of difficult

words? Where do you find the meaning of difficult
words? where?

S : ….
T : …. (hm?) yeah that’s right, here (encircle the word on
whiteboard) the context, oke.

So the, the, the, …. is in context, oke.

Now, my question. What is context? in Arabic we call,


S : …

T : Nah, What?

S : The main idea

T : The main idea? the main idea, what do you think?

S : ….

T : No? oke, can you, can you find another answer? what is
context? oke, I give you example, I give you example.
….. (writing on the whiteboard)

What is the meaning …. What is it? is it the difficult

word or easy word?

S : difficult word

T : this is the difficult word.

this is the difficult word that you have to find the

meaning of. Alright? ok, so what is context? what is
context here?

S : ….

T : Ok, so the context here, the teacher ask him ….. one.

ok so, what is the context? what is the context? where is

the context here?
S : …..

T : No, no, where, where is the context? where I put the

context here. heh? where?

ok I am writing, I am writing. My friend is ….. (writing

on the whiteboard)

“when teacher ask him to come, he doesn’t want.”

Nah, where is the context? ha?

S : My friend is ….

T : Ha? My friend is …. (Assistant?)

ok, where is the difficult word?

S : Assistant

T : Assistant is the difficult word, where is the context?

ok, the context is this “my friend is, when teacher ask
him to come he doesn’t want.” this is the difficult word
(encircle the word on whiteboard) this is the context
(encircle the word on whiteboard) this is the context
(encircle the word on whiteboard)

So, What is the context? What is the context? ha?

anybody? ok, look at here. “My friend is … when teacher
ask him to come, he doesn’t want.” where is the difficult

S : …..

T : ….. the word that you don’t know the meaning of, right?.
nah, you can find the meaning by reading the context.
what is the context? …. “my friend” and then “ when
teacher ask him to come, he doesn’t want” My question,
What is the context? What is the context? the context is?

S : paragraph

T : the context is paragraph, what do you think (asking the

other) is it the paragraph? “my friend, when teacher ask
him to come, he doesn’t want” what is it? is it a
paragraph? is it a paragraph or is it a sentence? sen?

S : Sentence

T : Sentence, ok.

So now, my friend, what is my friend?

S : context

T : yeahh, this is the context. “when teacher ask him to

come”? context, “he doesn’t come”? context. so, what is

S : Context is sentence

T : context is sentence, that explain the meaning of the

difficult vocabulary. Very good. Now, I am asking you
another question. Where do you find the context? Where
do you find the context? ah, ok. now look at, this is
difficult word (Pointing at the whiteboard) This is
(student : context), this is (student : context) Nah, my
question, Where the context? Where is the context?
(giving another example)

So, my question, where is the context?

S : behind and beside

T : behind and beside or in other word we say?

S : before and after

T : before and after the difficult word, ok. so now you know
if I ask you what is context? “context is sentence that
explain the meaning of the difficult word and the location
is before and after the word” (saying together with the
students) that is. that’s the context. now you understand?

S : yeah

T : ok, now look at the context. “my friend” do you

understand my friend? (student : yes) ok, “when teacher
ask him to come, he doesn’t want” do you understand?
(student : yes) so, what is ….. ? ok, I will giving you
another context (writing on the whiteboard “he is really
shy”) that’s the context. now, how many context do you

S : three

T : three, “my friend”, “when teacher ask him to come, he

doesn’t want” , “he is really shy” so, what you ………
ha? how do you know? how do you know?

S : …..

T : yeah that’s right. so, what is the clue? what is the clue?
who is in the context? teacher ask him to do and then he
“doesn’t want” and then here “shy”. “he doesn’t want,
shy, teacher ask him to come” so, the …… means a
person who is not confident. that’s it. understand? so
finding, this is the strategy number three. ok, still you
remember the strategy number three? what is it? “finding
the meaning of difficult word in context” (saying
together with the students). Ah, I am asking your result,
the score, the score in your test, the reading. ok, who got
the good score?(chuckle) have you seen your score?

S : …..

T : ……? it is online, and your parent can see it and can

show it to you. …..?

S : ….

T : Aduhh bad, you can ask your parent. Alright, nah emm
still remember the question in the test? because I made
the question. I made the, the, the test. what do you think?

S : easy

T : easy? ok, in what part it is easy?

S : one

T : part one, ok, what is part one about?

S : strategy number one

T : Yeah, strategy number one, what is it? strategy number


S : …..

T : Yeah that’s right. look at the question and than line the
…. (reason) in the text. it is easy. right, ok. and then in
part B, still remember? what is the question about?

S : Strategy number two

T : iyaa, strategy number two, and then part C?

S : ……
T : Yeah, that’s one, actually I test you how you put answer
by following the strategy number three. ok, nah, now
how did you feel? is it difficult? when you need the ….?

S : No

T : no? why? why not?

S : because there is the clue

T : yeah because there is the clue and the clue is in?

S : in the context

T : in the context, ok who found the question difficult in the

test? no one? oh waww so it means you found the
question easy? woww very good. now I am testing you
again, do you want? are you ready?

S : yes

T : are you sure?

S : yes

T : …… to make it in five groups. say one (student: one),

two (student: two), three (student: three), four (student:
four), five (student: five). say one (student: one), two
(student: two), three (student: three), four (student:
four), five (student: five). say one (student: one), two
(student: two), three (student: three), four (student:
four), five (student: five). say one (student: one), two
(student: two), three (student: three), four (student:
four). group one, here (nunjuk ke ujung kanan), group
two, here (di tengah), group three here (ujung kiri), group
four over there (belakang kiri), group five over there
(belakang kanan). come on, move, move, move.
(students move to their group area).

group one, raise your hand. group two, raise your hand.
group three, raise you hand. group four (student: yes).
group five (student: yes). please sit face to face, choose
one of you to be leader. who is the leader?

S : dimas

T : dimas, alright. your leader? (ask to another group)

S : … (student name)

T : … (student name), your leader? (ask to another group)

S : … (student name)

T : … (student name), your leader? (ask to another group)

S : … (student name)

T : … (student name), your leader? (ask to another group)

S : … (student name)

T : … (student name) ok, very good. you choose the

secretary, choose.

S : … (student name)

T : choose the secretary (ask to another group)

S : … (student name)

T : choose the secretary (ask to another group), who is the

secretary? (student: nunjuk temen nya). alright you one.
(students name) choose your secretary (ask to another
S : … (student name), eh … (student name).

T : … (student name). your secretary (ask to another group)

S : … (student name)

T : the job of secretary is writing the answer, and the rest of

the person in the group is the expert. expert give the
answer. thinking and thinking and thinking give the
answer. and then the job of the leader is …… the answer
and then after that agree or not with the answer? ……….
with the answer. are you ready?

S : yes

T : (giving the paper to the leader of each group) read it

first, I give you one minute to read it. please read. I give
you one minute to read it first.

S : (students read the paper)

T : ok, have you read? have you read it? Okay, so what are
the difficult words?

S : Watchfully,...,

T : Very good. Now we find 5 the meaning of the difficult

word. … . … . Okay, now in the test, (point on
whiteboard) there is an option. A, B, C, D. I'm giving you
options. You choose the correct meaning. Don't forget for
secretary writes the answer and the leader decides the
answer is correct or not. Are you ready? (Teacher write
the word and sentence on the white board).

A. A lot
B. Less than usual
C. More than a word
D. No word out of the mouth
S : Okay sir. Ready! (Students work in group to find the
correct answer on the white board)

T : Okay, I'll give you 1 minute. Choose A, B, C, or D. Don't

forget to read the … ( teacher goes around to the groups
to check their work). What is the difficult word?
Wasfully… choose the right meaning. 1 2 3 4 …( the
teacher gives a warning by counting the numbers that
time is running out soon)

S : Wasfully ( each group prepare to give the correct answer

of wasfully)

T : Okay stop stop. Now the leader decide, I give 1 minute

em… the leader to decide. Leader please look arlt the
answer. The answer is right or no. ( guru mengajak
bercanda murid dengan menanyakan pendapat). I begin
from group 1, after group 1 group 2, 3, 4 and 5, alright?.
Okay give me your answer (to group 1). ( and go on until
group 5

S : This is my answer (give the answer to the teacher)

T : (Teacher write something on the white board). Oky,

group 1, what the answer? The meaning of wasfully is?
Group 2? (All the group answer B. Less than usual).

S : (Group 1 answer the question : less than usual)

(Group 2 have the answer the answer is less than usual)

T : Now look at the context. Look at your reading again.

(Teacher read the text aloud). You see the clue that? What
is the clue? The cows, you know the cows? Okay look at
again "the cows alway like to flat the tang". Okay now
look the Hadist. (Teacher asking students to look the
hadist and read again carefully). And then look at the
explanation. If you the cow ya, to flat the tang, and show,
what the meaning of …, when the cow flat the tang does
the cow say something? Yeah that right the saliva. And
then? Not only flat but …. . So if you talk like a cow,
what is the talking like a cow … … . And the, you got
your saliva coming out of your mouth , what is meaning?
What is the same… if you talk until your saliva comes
out. The meaning is? (Guru, kembali papan tulis ,lalu
memberikan penjelasan lagi dari jawaban murid ) what is
it? More than a word? Are you sure?. … … when you
talk and the saliva comes out. Less than usual the
meaning? No, here a lot alot is many, much. You talk a
lot . the meaning you talk much. When you talk much,
you slap your tang. Not only slapping the tang, but your
saliva coming out your mouth, if you talk many many.
Understand now?

How is it? Difficult?

S : Siswa membaca lagi hadist dibantu oleh guru untuk

mempermudah dipahami.

More than a word?

…. (Students answer the question about the cow)

Less than usual?

Yes (murid paham penjelasan dari guru)


T : So now, go to number 2 everyone please. What is number

2? The difficult word number 2? What is rge difficult
word number 2? Yeah … Look at the clue. Come on i
give you one minute read it (students read the text
number 2 carefully)

S :

T : Ayoo come on the expert give your thingking. ( guru

membacakan pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D. )

A. Something good
B. Something bad
C. Something makes you happy
D. Something makes you sad
(Counting 1-20) (students discuss the answer)

S : Student has done answer.

T : Oaky now, the leader decide the correct answer. I give

you 1 minute. Which one is true it is A/B/C/D. Please.
Now i begin with group 5,4,3,2,and group 1 okay from
the back.( teacher check the answer of each group)

S : This the answer sir.

T : Alright, okay so now, ( write something on white board)

the difficult word of annoyance. the group 1 says
annoyance means? (Point on group 2). (Asking another

S : (Group 1 answer : C. Something that makes you happy)

(Group 2 answer : C. Something that makes you happy)

(Group 3 answer : C. Something that makes you happy)

(Group 4 answer : B. Something bad)

Group 5 answer : D. Something makes you sad)

T : Okay now, look at. What is the clue ( teacher read the
text aloud and carefully)

Nah what is the clue? Passion, and then? YEah face the
problem in social life.

S : The clue is passion

Face the problem in social life

T : so, annoyance is something good, something bad,

something that makes you happy, or something makes
you sad? Between B and D.

Problem is something make you? sad. So, the answer is

something make you sad.

S : something bad, something, something makes you sad.

Between B and D.



T : Now, the last question. everybody please look question

number 3. ( all students look at the question number 3
and the teacher write the option answer ABCD on the
white board).

S : yes

T : So, the option is A. causes, B. drinks?, C. thank you to,

D…. come on. (counting from 1-20) twenty, okay come
on, stop. now I give you one minute the leader to decide,
okay, decide please. is it A, or is it B, or is it C, or is it D?
expert (bangunin org tidur, the students laughing) have
you given your thinking?

S : yeah

T : very good then. oke, this time to decide. It will begin

with group one. Which one? which one? decide. (the
student decide and the teacher checking their work)

group one, what is your answer? What is the meaning

Leads? look at here, look at the text, let me see the text.
“Honesty certainly leads to goodness, and goodness
leads to paradise “ so the meaning, what is the meaning
leads? you say bring? you say takes you to? ok, now if
my answer is B, what do you say? ust. ferry, I choose …..
(B/D). what do you say?

S : yes ….. (B/D)

T : ….. (B/D)? are you sure? … (wrong/no)

S : I am, I am stay in my answer, C

T : why?

S : because, the,,

T : Remember, you must have the clue, you must prove. The
prove is in the context.

S : yes, Honesty certain to goodness the meaning is takes

you to not ……

T : so, if I choose B it is wrong or it is true?

S : wrong

T : why wrong?

S : because the true is C (the other students laughing)

T : what is the prove? you get from the context, you …. the

S : (laughing)

T : Okay, now I am asking group one. if, if, if I choose B, do

you agree or not?

S : no

T : why not?

S : because that is the …. (thing) not bring

T : something (students laughing)

S : Now, group two, if I say the choice is B, do you agree or

not? do you agree or not?

T : ust. I am the authority right? I have the power here, so I

say B, do you agree or not? (students laughing) ha? do
you agree or not?

S : no

T : why not?

S : because my answer … (D)

T : group three (students: yes ….) do you agree with me or


S : no

T : why not?
S : because the …. is C

T : …. is C?

S : yes …… (students laughing)

T : what is the prove that you can assume that I am wrong?

you get from the context. “honesty leads to goodness,
goodness leads to paradise” nah, so?

S : ee.. so we look again to the context tadz, if the meaning

has a …. honestly certainly has …. it’s not good but
honesty certainly takes you to goodness and goodness
takes you to paradise is the perfect answer.

T : Do you agree? (ask other students) do you agree with his


S : yes

(another student) you say no, you say no.

T : do you agree with his answer? or do you agree with me?

do you agree with him or do you agree with me?

S : Him (students laughing)

T : very good, so the true one is C

S : (students clap their hands)

T : the strategy number three will it help you or not?

S : will

T : will it help you, but there is so one important thing that

you have to remember. what is it? the?

S : the context
T : the context, aha. what is the context? “the sentence
before and sentence after the difficulty word.

S : we must choose the meaning that suitable the context

T : that’s right. understand?

S : Yes

T : so, in the reading test you will have like this. you will
have the question like this. insyaAllah semester two
examination, will have this again. okay, finding the
meaning of difficult word from context.

hopefully you are able to do it by finding the context.

okay, thank you very much, I think it is enough for today.

wassalam. see you again.



There is a hadith which forbids us to talk wastefully, Rasulullah SAW said “Verly. Allah
despises an extravagant speaker among people, who flaps his tongue about like the flopping of a
cow” (transmitted by Abdullah Ibn Amr). Cows like to flap their tongues and shout. If you talk
wastefully, shout loudly, you do like the cows do, and Allah forbids as to do like de animals do.

Prophet Muhammad SAW said: “The believer who mixes with people and bears their annoyance
with patience will have a greater reward than the believer who does not mis with people and
does not put up with their annovance” It means that if you are patient when you face problems
in your social life, Allah will give you a greater reward than those who are not patient.


Being an honest person is good in the eyes of Allah. Honesty will lead people to happiness
Prophet SAW said: “Honesty certainly leads to goodness, and goodness leads to paradise Truly,
a person keeps speaking the truth until he is inscribed as being true through and through.” If
you are honest, people will believe what you say, but if you tell a lie, nobody will believe you.


the curriculum of Islamic boarding schools is of a modern type

number topic seasons

Islamic sciences
1 The Quran 1 1
2 Tajweed science 1 1
3 interpretation 1 1 1 1 2
4 Translation 1 1 1 1 1
5 Prophetic Hadith 1 1 1 2 1 1
6 Modern terminology 1 2
7 Jurisprudence 2 2 2 2 2 2
8 Fundamentals of jurisprudence 2 2 2 2
9 The science of assumptions 1
10 Monotheism 1 1 2 2
11 The Islamic Religion 1 1
12 religion comparison 1
13 Islamic history 2 2 2 2
Linguistic sciences
14 dictation 2 1 1
15th Language security 6 2 1
16 build 1 2 2 2 2
17 reading 2 2 2 2 1
18 syntax 2 2 2 1 2
19 Exchange 1 1 1
20 rhetoric 2 1 1
21 History of language literature 1 1
22 Archives 1 1 1 1 1 1
23 Line 1 1 1
24 Reading ( English ) 3 3 2 2 2 2
25 English Grammar 1 1 1 1
26 Composition 1 1 1
27 Indonesian 1 1 1 1 1 1
general science
28 Maths 4 4 3 3 3 3
29 physics 2 2 1 1 1 1
30 Kimia 1
31 biology 1 1 1
32 geography 1 1
33 Indonesian history 1 1 1 1 1
34 the account 2 1 1
35 National Education 1 1 1
36 social science 1
37 Education 1 1 2 2
38 Logic 1
the total 34 34 34 34 34 32

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