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Take Home Exam for Final Assignment 2020-2021 - Spring

U214A: Worlds of English I – Bahrain Branch

Cut-Off Date : Cut off Time:

Total Marks : /50 Duration : 24 Hours



Warnings and Declaration

Question1 obligatory allocated 18 marks
Question 2 optional allocated 16 marks
Question 3 optional allocated 16 marks
Question 4 optional allocated 16 marks
Plagiarism Warning:
As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own THE-Final work and avoid plagiarism. The
AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism
as per the AOU's rules and regulations.

Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submitted by student with THE-Final work):
I hereby declare that this submitted THE-Final work is a result of my own efforts and I have not plagiarized
any other person's work.

Name of Student : …………………………………………………..

Signature : …………………………………………………..

Date : …………………………………………………..

Summary Report

Strength in response Weakness in response Awarded grade

Obligatory Question 1 /18

Optional Question: /16

U214A/ THE-Final 1 of 3 2021-2020/Spring

Optional Question: /16

Total /50 Overall comment:

Part A: Question 1 is obligatory and is allocated 18 marks.

Question 1 (obligatory – 18 marks)

Use historical evidence and examples from the Seven Ages of English to evaluate the
development of the English language from pre-English period to the present day
global language. Grades are given for your analysis not listing.

Part B: Choose TWO QUESTIONS to answer.

Question 2 (optional – 16 marks)

Explain how can we model the patterns of acquisition of English in the three circles proposed by

Kachru (1992) in relation to the ENL, ESL and EFL distinctions. Provide evidence and examples to

support your argument.

Question 3:(optional – 16 marks)

Analyze, using evidence from politics, economics, advertising and the media, how did English attain

the status of a global language .

Question 4:(optional – 16 marks)

U214A/ THE-Final 2 of 3 2021-2020/Spring

Why do American English, Australian English and New Zealand English, which all have their origin in

British English sound unique and different today? Explain using evidence and examples to support

your argument.

End of Questions

U214A/ THE-Final 3 of 3 2021-2020/Spring

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