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The best way to reduce youth crimes is to educate their parents with parental skills.

To what extent you agree or disagree?

While some people believe that to control and cut down the percentage of youngsters
who commit a crime, educating their parents on parental skills is the most effective way,
other people think differently, saying that there are many different methods to help reduce
youth offending. Personally, I am of the latter opinion for several reasons.
Granted, parents partly bear the forming personality of their children. Because they live
and work with their sons and daughters in a house, which affects their children’s thoughts
and behaviors. For example, children tend to mimic their parent’s behavior despite a
small behavior, if their parents have bad behaviors, gradually, they will remember and
mimic these behaviors. As a result, if parents have parental skills, they will have more
experience and knowledge in educating and nurturing their children to become good
citizens. Therefore, it contributes to decrease the rate of young offenders.
However, the children may still be lured into crimes even after receiving adequate
training or good parenting, because the children also communicate and receive education
from many other people around them such as their teachers, friends, or classmates. The
key reason is that they attend and spend around 8 hours/ day in their schools to learn and
make friends with classmates; therefore, the teacher's and friends’ behaviors considerable
impact on what they think and do. As a result, just concerning to educating their parent is
not the best way to reduce youth offending. Schools should pay attention to educating
their students to avoid bad behaviors or illegal activities, which decrease youth crimes.
In conclusion, I believe that the parents and schools are responsible for educating the
children to become good citizens.

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