Review Test Question For English

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Items from 1 to 50

1. The student leader calls for a session at the Conference Room. What part of speech is the underlined word?
a. Noun
b. Adverb
c. Adjective
d. Interjection
2. The students were busy preparing their performance when an earthquake occurred. The underlined group of
words is a / an…
a. Dependent clause
b. Independent clause
c. Phrase
d. Fragment
3. Which of the following sentences is not an example of hypotaxis?
a. I went to the store because I needed milk.
b. I went to the store. I needed milk.
c. I needed milk, so I went to the store.
d. I went to the store, and I bought milk.
4. Which is not an example of hypotaxis
a. Be loud and proud.
b. Stop and listen.
c. Stop, look, listen.
d. Come and play.
5. Which of the following sentences is not an example of hypotaxis?
a. I finish my work now, I'll go for a walk.
b. Although it rained, the event continued as planned.
c. She laughed, and the room echoed with joy.
d. Because he studied hard, he earned an A on the test.
6. Which of the following sentences from a novel exemplifies the use of hypotaxis to convey complex ideas or
a. "The wind howled, and the rain poured, creating a sense of foreboding."
b. "She ran to the door, her heart pounding, and opened it with trembling hands."
c. "The night was dark. he pressed on, driven by an inner resolve."
d. "He laughed, she smiled, and they both felt happiness in that moment."
7. Which of the following sentences is a parataxis?
a. I came, then I saw, then conquered.
b. I came, I saw and I conquered
c. I came, I saw, I conquered.
d. I came and I saw then I conquered.
8. In which of the following literary excerpts is parataxis used?
a. "The sun rose. The birds sang. I felt happy."
b. "As the sun rose, the birds sang, and I felt happy."
c. "After the sun rose, the birds sang, and I felt happy."
d. "While the sun rose, the birds sang, and I felt happy."
9. Identify the sentence that demonstrates hypotaxis.
a. "The dog barked loudly because it saw a squirrel."
b. "The dog barked loudly, it saw a squirrel."
c. "The dog saw a squirrel, it barked loudly."
d. "The dog barked loudly. It saw a squirrel."
10. Identify the gerund’s function in the sentence: "Swimming in the ocean is my favorite summer activity."
a. Adjective
b. Adverb
c. Noun
d. Verb
11. Which of the following best describes the gerund in the sentence: “These teachers love dancing.”
a. Subjective complement
b. Direct object
c. Object of the preposition
d. Appositive
12. Which of the following sentences contains a gerund used as a direct object?
a. "She enjoys reading books."
b. "He quickly ran to catch the bus."
c. "They were laughing uncontrollably."
d. "Eating vegetables is good for your health."
13. What is the verbal function of the word "happily" in the sentence: "She sang happily during the concert"?
a. Gerund
b. Infinitive
c. Adverb
d. Participle
14. Which of the following sentences contains a participial phrase?
a. "He will play the guitar."
b. "Eager to learn, she joined the science club."
c. "The cat chased the mouse."
d. "She picked up the crying baby."
15. What is the verbal function of the word "to eat" in the sentence: "She brought a sandwich to eat"?
a. Gerund
b. Infinitive
c. Adjective
d. Participle
16. “Loud noises trigger his anger.” Trigger matches which part of the sentence pattern?
a. Verb with no object
b. Verb with predicate nominative
c. Verb with IO and DO
d. Verb with DO
17. "She found her dog hiding under the bed." What does "found" match in the sentence pattern?
a. Verb with no object
b. Verb with predicate nominative
c. Verb with IO and DO
d. Verb with DO
18. Which of the following is not a noun phrase
a. The houses
b. Are sisters
c. Three kids
d. Antique houses
19. In the sentence "His only goal is winning the championship," what is the noun function of "winning"?
a. Subject
b. Direct Object
c. Indirect Object
d. Predicate Nominative
20. Which of the following is an intensive verb?
a. Becomes
b. Watches
c. Cooks
d. Changes
21. Which of the following uses an extensive verb?
a. Your mother seems busy.
b. My sister turned 18.
c. Adrian is sleeping on the couch.
d. You will become a teacher.
22. Which of the following sentences is complex?
a. I love cats.
b. PB and J sandwiches are the best.
c. After avoiding this for so long, I finally said yes.
d. Jason likes to sing and Erika loves to dance.
23. “The bride thought the groom would not come; however he came.” However is ________
a. Subordinating conjunction
b. Coordinating conjunction
c. Correlative conjunction
d. Conjunctive adverb
24. Which of the following is a zero conditional sentence?
a. If you burn something and it turns black, it has carbon.
b. If you get out without a mask, you might get sick.
c. If I won the lottery, I would buy a house.
d. If it rains, I will stay home.
25. “If you study English now, you will pass the board.” This is an example of which conditional sentence?
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Zero
26. Which of the following shows a present-unreal conditional statement?
a. If you burn carbon, it turns black.
b. If the concert gets cancelled, I will cry.
c. If I were you, I would buy a smaller car.
d. If I hadn’t been madly in love, I wouldn’t have wasted so much time.
27. Which sentence is correct?
a. How many do we have strawberries?
b. Strawberries how many do we have?
c. How many strawberries do we have?
d. Do we have how many strawberries?
28. Which of the following uses a reflexive pronouns?
a. I myself did this project.
b. You yourself are responsible for passing the LET.
c. My cat licked itself several times.
d. The question itself reveals the answer.
29. Which quantifier modifies plural nouns?
a. Each
b. Many
c. Many a
d. Many a
30. "They gave her a beautiful bouquet of flowers." What does "gave" match in the sentence pattern?
a. Verb with no object
b. Verb with predicate nominative
c. Verb with IO and DO
d. Verb with DO
31. Which lexical process is shown in: “Max rubbed an eraser on the text. = Max erased the text.”
a. Compounding
b. Conversion
c. Polysemy
d. Derivational affixation
32. Which of the following is not studied under sntax?
a. Constituents
b. Structural analysis
c. Distribution and function
d. Lexical categories
33. Which sentence structure is inverted?
a. I went to our PRC branch yesterday.
b. Many people were there.
c. At the end of the line was I.
d. Everybody seemed tired.
34. "She considers herself a chef." In this sentence, "considers" matches which part of the sentence pattern?
a. Verb with no object
b. Verb with predicate nominative
c. Verb with IO and DO
d. Verb with DO
35. “When their aspirations have been curtailed by tragedy” uses a/an ___________.
a. Subordinate
b. Sentence
c. Principal
d. Main Idea
36. Forming of words together to create new words such as waterbed and gutbuster is called ______.
a. Blending
b. Compounding
c. Rejoicing
d. Clipping
37. Identify the function of “that” in the sentence, “That Ronnie won the game surprised Shiela.”
a. Noun signal
b. Main clause
c. Subordinate clause
d. Independent clause
38. What syntactic process was done in the following sentences. “ She will buy.” – “Will she buy?
a. Placing the modal verb before the noun
b. Paraphrasing
c. Putting a modal verb at the beginning of the statement
d. Editing
39. “All sentences are clauses, but not all sentences are clauses.”
a. Both claims are false
b. Both claims are true
c. The first claim is false but the second is correct
d. The former is correct and the latter is wrong
40. It is a process of decoding unfamiliar words by visually examining the words to discover component parts,
which may lead to pronunciation and meaning.
a. Context clue
b. Structural analysis
c. Intensive reading
d. Extensive reading
41. What figure of speech is present in the following line of Shakespeare: “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me
your ears.”
a. synecdoche
b. metonymy
c. hyperbole
d. apostrophe
42. What should be the tag question for this? He does not know his address.
a. does he?
b. didn’t he
c. did he?
d. doesn’t he?
43. Which of the following is a correct example of a simple sentence?
a. She studied hard for the test.
b. Because the rain stopped.
c. With enthusiasm and energy.
d. Running through the park.
44. Identify the type of sentence: “He enjoys swimming and hiking.”
a. Interrogative
b. Imperative
c. Declarative
d. Exclamatory
45. What is the direct object in the sentence: “She baked a delicious cake.”
a. She
b. Bake
c. Delicious
d. Cake
46. Choose the correct sentence with parallel structure:
a. She likes to swim, running, and play basketball.
b. She likes swimming, to run, and playing basketball.
c. She likes swimming, running, and playing basketball.
d. She likes to swim, run, and to play basketball.
47. Identify the compound-complex sentence:
a. I went to the store, and I bought some groceries.
b. After school, I went to the park.
c. She sings well, but she doesn’t dance.
d. He read the book, and he watched the movie.
48. Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced modifier?
a. Walking down the street, the flowers caught my attention.
b. The flowers caught my attention while walking down the street.
c. The flowers caught my attention when I was walking down the street.
d. The flowers, while walking down the street, caught my attention.
49. Choose the correct sentence with proper tense consistency:
a. He will finish the project tomorrow, and he was starting today.
b. He will finish the project tomorrow, and he starts today.
c. He finishes the project tomorrow, and he will start today.
d. He finished the project tomorrow, and he started today.
50. “Her dress is as blue as the sky” is an example of _____.
a. Simile
b. Hyperbole
c. Metaphor
d. Onomatopoeia

Items from 51 to 100

1. What biblical allusion was used in the epic of Gilgamesh?

a. Crossing at Red Sea
b. Feeding of thousands
c. The Great Flood
d. Death of the savior
2. What was the theme of the epic of Gilgamesh?
a. Finding true love
b. Gaining power and self-worth
c. Accepting defeat
d. Preference to immortality
3. What is the best symbolism of “wedding bed” in Homer’s Odyssey?
a. Telemachus’ life
b. Virginity
c. Fertility
d. Constancy of Odysseus and Penelope’s love
4. Who is the husband of the goddess Isis in Egyptian mythology?
a. Ra
b. Amun
c. Anubis
d. Osiris
5. The two groups at war in The Iliad are the ___.
a. Romans and Greeks
b. Trojans and Minoans
c. Trojans and Acheans
d. Trojans and Macedonians
6. Which of the following is not Phoenician deity?
a. Moloch
b. Baalat
c. Astarte
d. Jupiter
7. Which Norse god is known as the “Raven god”?
a. Freya
b. Thor
c. Odin
d. Frey
8. Which character set sail with the Argonauts to find the Golden Fleece?
a. Jason
b. Pelias
c. Orpheus
d. Hercules
9. Which titan was punished for stealing fire?
a. Prometheus
b. Apollo
c. Orpheus
d. Hercules
10. Which character in American folklore dug out the Grand Canyon?
a. John Appleseed
b. Paul Bunyan
c. Jack Beanstalk
d. Mad Hatter
11. Which female mythological character is linked with pomegranates?
a. Aphrodite
b. Persephone
c. Hera
d. Hestia
12. What does Hephaestus represent
a. Strength of gods
b. Foolishness of gods
c. Lameness of humans
d. Corruption of humans
13. Where do dead Norse heroes go?
a. Valhalla
b. Jotunheim
c. Midgard
d. Helheim
14. How many titans were there in Greek mythology?
a. 10
b. 9
c. 13
d. 12
15. Which of the following is not by Sophocles?
a. Agamemnon
b. Ajax
c. Antigone
d. Oedipus and Colonus
16. The Trojan War can be seen today as ___
a. war between the gods
b. imperfection of gods
c. working towards peace
d. women empowerment
17. What do you call a victorious 10-year series of battles of the Olympian gods against the Titans in Thessaly?
a. Ragnarok
b. Titanomachy
c. Battle of Olympus
d. Valkyrie
18. Which of the following is NOT a region in the underworld?
a. Tartarus
b. Asphodel
c. Elysium
d. None of the above
19. Euripedes produced Medea to ___
a. show the power of love
b. criticize behavior
c. bring gods closer to humans
d. emphasize the imperfection of gods
20. Who is the King of Corinth who is condemned in the underworld by forever rolling a huge stone up a hill
a. Narcissus
b. Sisyphus
c. Orpheus
d. Oedipus
21. Which of the following are the subjects in Mythic history portrayed in “Musse de Beaux Arts”?
a. Orpheus and Eurydice
b. Achilles and Patroclus
c. Daedalus and Icarus
d. Isis and Osiris
22. The myths of the Greeks reflect a view of th universe that acknowledge the ____ of humanity.
a. folly
b. flaws
c. mystery and beauty
d. question
23. Pan, the god of the wild in Greek myth, is worshipped in which region?
a. Bocotia
b. Arcadia
c. Thessaly
d. Sparta
24. Philosophic and religious belief in reincarnation is based on the mythological character?
a. Icarus
b. Orpheus
c. Sisyphus
d. Hades
25. Who died at the end of The Iliad?
a. Patroclus
b. Achilles
c. Agamemnon
d. Hector
26. Who is the god of death in Greek myth?
a. Hades
b. Hephaestus
c. Thanatos
d. Persephone
27. Why did the other god hate Ares?
a. He was awkward-looking
b. He was trickster
c. He was vain and cruel
d. He was a weak god
28. Why did Odysseus do when he saw his father in the orchard?
a. hugged him
b. killed him
c. interrogated him
d. banished him
29. Which Hinduism principle applied in this line from Bhagavad Gita: “Curving back within myself, I create again and again.”
a. Samsara
b. Nirvana
c. Kama
d. Dharma
30. In the poem “Vultures” by Chinua Achebe, the line that represents a miserable scene is ___
a. in the greyness
b. broken bones a dead tree
c. a dump of gross feathers
d. water-logged tree
31. Which is NOT true of Li Qingzhao, the great Chinese poetess
a. ci poetry
b. dominance of hyperbole
c. mastery of metrical rules
d. striking diction
32. The first line of the poem, “Mind is Without Fear” by Tagore “Where the mind is without fear and he head is held high…”
a. Fearless is vain
b. Only the fearless mind can hold its upright
c. Fearlessness is weakness
d. Fearless people are poud
33. Who popularized Haiku in Japan?
a. Yasunari Kawabata
b. Matsuo Basho
c. Kobayashi Issa
d. Yosa Buson
34. Who wrote the poem “Awake For Morning in the Bowl of Night”?
a. Elizabeth Browning
b. Robert Frost
c. William Shakespeare
d. Omar Khayyam
35. What is a collection of fables which was used to educate Indian princes into becoming wise kings.
a. Panchatantra
b. Upanishad
c. Rig Veda
d. Mahabharata
36. The novel-like stories, Sinuhe and The Predestined Prince were written around 1200 BC in ___
a. Japan
b. Egypt
c. Indonesia
d. Philippines
37. The theme of “The Answer” is…
a. slavery as a pressing concern
b. child abuse
c. poverty
d. hardwork in vain
38. What do you call a movement of French-speaking African and Caribbean writers which began to fade in the 1950’s
a. Harlem Renaissance
b. Negritude
c. Realist Movement
d. Surrealist
39. Who is the king who saw the emptiness of his life and turned his back on it, becoming a wanderer, sadhu and refusing to
go home.
a. Ramayana
b. Muchukunda
c. Alladin
d. Rama
40. The Poor Christ of Bomba by Mongo Berti is an example of ___
a. allegory
b. satire
c. in medias res
d. deus ex machina
41. “The Story of the Aged Mother” talks about all of the following except…
a. Fate of the common people under the despot is grim
b. The daimyo’s unreasonable order is a boast of his power
c. Wisdom in old age
d. Disobedience to oppressive power ends in tragedy
42. “Those flowers I sol wont last longer than tomorrow… I’m lousy” Teruo shows …
a. sympathy
b. business-mindedness
c. loyalty
d. honesty
43. The author points out ___ in How my brother Leon Brought Home a Wife by Manel Argulla
a. Filipino bayanihan
b. indolence of Filipinos
c. Filipino cheerfulness
d. how Filipinos treat new family members
44. What is the first novel by a Filipino after the second world war?
a. Bangkang Papel
b. Without Seeing the Dawn
c. Dead Stars
d. Vultures
45. What is the theme of Five Brothers, One Mother?
a. family and home
b. love for siblings
c. adultery
d. domestic violence
46. Who, among the following, is not considered a national artist in literature?
a. Jose Garcia Villa
b. Bienvenido Lumbera
c. Lino Brocka
d. Cirilo Bautista
47. The phrase associated with Magsaysay is ___
a. Grow and be like the molave
b. Filipinos are worth dying for
c. Of the people, by the people, for the people
d. For democracy will die
48. Who is the Father of Tagalog short stories?
a. Jose Garcia Villa
b. Nick Joaquin
c. Bienvenido Santos
d. Deogracias Rosario
49. The main theme of Bonsai by Edith Tiempo is …
a. The power of love
b. Enjoy every little things
c. Reach your dreams
d. Ignore negativity
50. The first Filipino novel written in English
a. Scent of Apples
b. Dead Stars
c. Child of Sorrow
d. How my Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife

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