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Gato – cata

Gorro – wool hat


Ge – je gue – “ge” sound Guerra

Gi –ji gui – « gi » sound guitarra

Quanto – pronounce the “u” “kuanto”

Quorum – “ku-ó-rum”

Queremos – “ke”

Quinhentos _ “ki”

Família pais – father and mother país - country

Pai – father pais – pai e mãe parentes – relatives (other family members)

Mãe – mother

Avô - grandfather

Avó – grandmother

Bisavô – great grandfather

Bisavó – great grandmother

Neto – grandson
Neta – granddaughter

Bisneto – great grandson

Bisneta – great granddaughter

Irmão – brother

Irmã – sister

Tio – uncle

Tia – aunt

Primo/prima – cousin

Sobrinho – nephew

Sobrinha - niece

Marido – husband

Mulher – wife

Nora – daughter-in-law

Genro – son-in-law

Sogro – father-in-law compadres – father-in-law to father-in law

Sogra – mother-in-law comadres – mother-in-law to mother-in-law

Filho – son

Filha – daughter

Padrasto – stepfather
Madrasta – stepmother

Enteado – stepson

Enteada – stepdaughter

Meio-irmão – half-brother / stepbrother

Meia-irmã – half-sister / stepsister

Padrinho – godfather

Madrinha – godmother

Afilhado/a – godchild

Tarefas domésticas – household chores

Lavar a loiça (louça) – wash the dishes

Lavar a bancada – to wash the countertop

Varrer o chão – sweep the floor

Lavar o chão – mop the floor

Aspirar o chão – vacum the floor

Limpar o pó – to dust

Limpar a loiça – to wipe the dishes dry

Arrumar o quarto – tidy the room

Fazer a cama – make the bed

Lavar a roupa – wash the clothes

Lavar a roupa à mão – handwash clothes

Estender a roupa – to hang the clothes to dry estendal - molas

Engomar a roupa / passar a ferro – iron clothes

Pôr a mesa – set the table

Levantar a mesa – clean off the table

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