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Human Anatomy k Physioloqy GPlo1T

Unit 1 ER20-19 T
() yhobloam Dr. Parjanya Shukla

Cyo plaam Kas two componanta Cytoao Dr.M.P. Singh Case8

CytoAol- Thoullulor lund
di is uid porhon d cyto plasm thal aurrounds
0Tganallis. > COmAhtuts aboi 557. total ull volumu.

X Cytoso ts 75-907. wafaY and vOTos dimolvad and

Sspendad Combonents.
hab vorious typAs alons, gluto», aminoauds,
doty auds, ró-oins, lipids ATP and waste þroduch
Cytosod in Ki st mony chemical kuachons
Or xompu in cytosol caBoly20 qycolysis

Amis olo chømicad suochons that þroduu

9 mol uulus oATP rom1moluuu o alucoRA

Organalss:-01gonallus ar spaualizud bhuckura thar

Rovs Aprulic anichons.
huy coopATada to moinBain HomaO>Ba»is.
CTIAtaL maix
) Mitochondria Tongr mambrang Ribosdmuy
Bacauss toy qong1ake
most ATP mtochondria ara ronuls
rud as Pooerhous' d Ri tl ATP Synthass
XA ull may Contain undud to sveral thousand mitochondria.
Th Achvs (uls -» ull ound in rmta, Jivar and
kidnays wL PTP af high yote Dr. Parjano Shukla
havs Jorg fumbar d mitcthurd n Dr.M.P.nghAasses

H mitochundrio COTAIAtA an cuh ond inngr mitochondna

numbrona wih a Amalsuid lud apau

boh murmbrOs 07 Aiilor (n seutwtu

to to plaA ma mambraru.

TonT mitochondnal mambronu contain a ris d old

colld Ciata
ontral wd iad is matrix
ContainDNA, RNA, ibosomu and on2ymus

d) hy 9engratt ATP trough puotiona qavobic (ullulor
) Thy con Ayphaaine 4om d thir potwra
i Thuy also tak1 art in da matabo iam

ii) Ribosome hy 0Tu tiny qranules cmiah d hoo

Aubunith - RNA and protain.
Kibosomu whun husnt in tu unih in cytoplasm

moks rotwin or wrhin h ull

x RiboaomDs 0T auo ound on Ku our &uau o
wdu and HOugh endoplasmic uhulum

whra Hy manufachra rotains for exporh rom

d Ribosom anowad wih ER Aynhenize Dr. Parfanyo Shuhla

prota'n OT AlCahon from Hu ull. Dr. M. P. 8inh Clases

i) tu ubosomus synhusipepiotain ussd in cytool.

Gi) fMitochondnial uibosom by nhssine mitochordrial þrotu'ns.

ii) todoblosmic Rekiulum (ER):

xTh ondoplasmic uiulum s o network amumbrons
n th
om olaHenad socs, or tubuls.
Th ER xtands om nudar envelopa to which il is

xC coBains two difunt om oER dilr in shutuu

and unthon.

0) Kough endoplasmic Raiaulum

Kough ERstuddud wrh wbonomsu tha
Ay nhusie protens
rota'n synhuajzad entr in Rough ER OT ouAing
and ahorHng.

un chon kough ER roduus Arutory prot

gycoprotalns, phospholipids, adachs þrotain to
dib Thusproteins OYA thonsferud into ullulor ovqongllus,
insTted into plasma mam.bront ,0T ARTeted
duung QxOytosis.
b) Smooh endoplasmic Aukiculum
Smooh ER Rxtends rom Rough ER to Dr. Parjanya Shukla
Om o ne wovk omambron tubulu Dr. M. P.
Singh lase
x mooh ER do nof hovVi iboaomu outar
XSmooh ER Cmtains uniqu en2yms maks it unthmally
mO14 impor tont

c) Smooh ER Aynhusizes Haty auds and oteroids auch as
estroger and testosterone.
) Datoxijie drugs and othr hormju Aubstonus.
() Romove phoaphàte grou rom auoA-6- phosphake.
(v) Stora and uliase °Co* ions thal tig9er cmrach an
in musu (al.
By-Dr. Mahun dra Pralab Sing
(OV) Colgi Abhorotys
Th qolqi appaTatus cmaista o stocks o clonaly qoldud
loHmud mumbronow SaCs
y 3 ant in all ulls bu is larqer in HoO! synhusisu
and export roteins.
T Totain mova rom ER to Golgi apox atus whuu
hthuy 01pockgged nto mumbronu - "bound vesiclu
callud iCieB&ry qronuls
x h VAsiclus ovA Atord and when ntdud ty move
to blasma mombrant and AL oih it.

comtanB Kan Jsove ti call by Sxocytosis .

t Thy pockaqs and stor rotains for thonsport to di}luant
1) 41 om Asutory VAiclus thal dis charg.
botin by exotytosis into exhocrllulor uid. Dr. Parjanya Shukla
() GF om tvorn por va»iclus hat cormy mouulus Dr. M. P. Stngh Clases
to ohur OTgonglus.

YAOAom ly6040ms ara membronu enclossd Vasiclus

pH 5) Kat Comtain digeshiva enaymuy.

Thay 01u lomadrom Golgi Apþorakus and comtains

about 60 kind» q pouwru digska and hydro lyic
enay mes

endosom, phagesomes, and inocyHc vesid daliver

materials to yADsomLs degradahm.
ci Thay digexk substanus Kat entaY 0 ull.
tid Thuy cary Out autophagy > diqeshon d woTn-ou
gii) Thy camy out auolyais » digosHon d enHru ul.
(V1) Peroxiaomu- Thy 0T Aimilor in ahuctur to
ysosomAs but oT Amallr

Contains Oxidasos »
en2ym that oxidze (xumove Haoms)
VaríOus 0Tgonit Aubstonus
amino acid and aty auds

(V) rofRosomes- roteasoms 0T tiny bormel shaprd


Cmtai ns rotaases en2yms tKat cut proteins intoE

Amall paphdes
(VI1) Cytoskslaton:- This canwists d on xtanaiva
D&twork o tiny otinibsor ojaryaShakia
Dr. W.P. Singh Clases
Micrqilomenha Tntmadia
,Jilomenta MicTotubul
Providu Atucural Aupport ound i'n lW por huy involvu in
muntain shab! o ul Slubjacbad to miuhonicad movaman o
vmit Cmho th m shus, stabliy Hu orgonaLs,
pOAihon 01gonallas Chromosomus

By-Dr. 0Mohundra Praab Sing

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