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Comparison of Harmonised

Guidelines with National Building

Code 2016 vis-à-vis Accessibility
Standards for Persons with

Reviewed by DEOC


National Centre for Promotion of Employment for

Disabled People (NCPEDP)

January 2017
Table of Contents



1. Preamble 3

2. Applicability 4

3. Anthropometrics 4

4. Classification of Buildings 4

5. Universal Design Elements within Building Premises 6

6. Signage 11

7. Level Changes 12

8. Access to Toilet Facility 14

9. Fire Evacuation Needs 16

10. Alighting and Boarding Areas 17

11. Transport and Road Planning 18

12. Adapted Housing 19

Additional Aspects in NBC 2016 19



The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPWD) Act was enacted in 2016 and the
Rules were notified in June 2017. As per the Rules, all public buildings (including
those owned privately) have to conform to the ‘Harmonised Guidelines and
Space Standards on Barrier Free Built Environment for Persons with Disability
and Elderly Persons’ (HG), 2016.

HG was developed by Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) to solve the

problem of multiple standards for accessibility of built environment in the
country. Prior to HG, there were quite a few guidelines, UNESCAP, CPWD
Guidelines, NBC 2005 and few others.

When HG was in the making (it was published in February 2016), there was
another significant development with regard to standards for built environment
in the country which was the revision of the National Building Code (NBC), 2016.
NBC 2016 was released in March 2017.

When NBC 2016 was compared with HG 2016, there were discrepancies found
between the two standards. NBC 2016 was found to be more comprehensive
compared to the standards stated in the HG. NBC had also included certain
administrative and management aspects with respect to accessibility.

National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP),

which advocated to ensure that NBC, 2016 addresses accessibility in a
comprehensive manner and which had also raised the issue of multiple
standards, commissioned the review of HG and NBC 2016 to DEOC, an
organisation specialising in accessibility and policies, with the aim of coming up
with appropriate recommendations to address the issue of multiple standards.

Recommendations to Revise the Harmonised Guidelines

DEOC undertook a systematic review of HG and NBC 2016.

Following recommendations have emerged with respect to making HG more

comprehensive and to match it with the standards stated in NBC, 2016 (Note:
The paragraph numbers given in this section correspond to the chapter/section
numbers in HG.)

1. Preamble
 Delete the reference regarding the UNCRPD and The Disability Act 1995.
Instead, mention the Clauses 44, 45 and 46 of the RPWD Act, 2016.
 Add the definition of ‘establishment’ given in the RPWD Act, 2016.
 Make the introduction more comprehensive by adding the definitions of
various terms and key accessibility issues, etc. just as it is done in Clause 13,
Part 3, NBC 2016.
2. Applicability
 State explicitly that the standards are applicable to all public buildings. Add
the definition of ‘public building’ as given in The RPWD Act, 2016.
 Add that it is applicable to public housing including low income housing and
group housing.
 The Chapter 4, Classification of Buildings should be merged with this chapter.

3. Anthropometrics

3.1. Mobility Devices and Space Allowances

 3.1.1 Wheelchair: Add the following dimensions which are not there in the HG
 Distance between seat and footrest: 400mm-450mm
 Arm-rest height from seat: 220mm-230mm
 Seat depth: 420mm-440mm
 Clearance of footrest from floor: 90 mm - 200 mm
 Clearance of frame from floor: 90 mm, Min
 Weight of the wheelchair (basic model): 25 kg, Max.
 NBC has given a range of dimensions. For instance, Seat height from floor at
the front has been given as 480mm to 510 mm in NBC whereas HG mentions
a specific dimension of 480 mm. This needs to be modified as per NBC.
 Wheelchair user: In addition to clear floor space, NBC states that,
“Where transfer from the wheelchair is involved, the clear space should
preferably be 900 mm× 1350 mm.” This should be added in the HG.
 Circulation dimensions: NBC has an additional point under turning
radius. It includes ‘comfortable’ turning radius as 1800 mm apart from the
‘minimum’ and ‘ideal’ turning radius. This should be added in the HG.
 3.1.2 Space Allowance for crutch user: HG says that any obstacle above 600
mm cannot be detected by the white cane whereas in NBC it is given as
above 300 mm. HG should be updated as per NBC.

3.2. Reach Range

 As per HG, the maximum forward lower reach is 380 mm whereas it is 400
mm in NBC. HG should be updated according to NBC.
 3.4.3 Height of Controls: There are slight variations in the heights where
switches, door handles, controls on windows etc. can be positioned. In the
HG, the height for fixing switches (light) has been given as 900 –1200 mm
whereas in NBC, it is 800 – 1100mm. The height of door handles and controls
on windows, as per HG, is 900 – 1000 mm and as per NBC it is 800 mm -
1100 mm. These standards should be matched with NBC.

4. Classification of Buildings
 Please merge this Chapter (4) with Chapter (2) Applicability and make it
more comprehensive.
 Para 1 describes different types of public buildings. The definition given in
The RPWD Act for public buildings should instead be taken.
 Para 2 states that at least one entrance per facility should be accessible to a
wheelchair user. For new buildings, this accessible entrance should be the
main entrance. In NBC, there is an additional statement that, “All efforts
should be made to make as many/all entrances accessible.” This statement
should be added in HG.
 Para 3 of HG has a list of a few common areas which should be accessible.
However, NBC categorically states that “All common areas open to public and
staff and all facilities provided in a building for public use ….” NBC has also
added a line that, “These shall also include facilities like, lobby toilets, lifts,
saloons, bars, restaurants, eateries, clubs, swimming pool, parking, fitness
centres/gymnasiums, religious facilities, sports facilities/parks and recreation
areas, etc., within an occupancy.” These sentences should be added in HG.
 Para 4 of HG states that, in multi-level buildings, all floors should have one
unisex toilet near the general washrooms. NBC states that one unisex toilet
should be provided in each toilet group in a building. The HG should be
modified appropriately.

4.1. General categorisation of building typologies

 Category 1: Residential: Please refer to Table 8, Minimum Accessibility

Provisions in Different Building Occupancies (Clause 13.5 of NBC) and update
 Category 3: Manufacturing: HG states that, “Arrangements for persons with
disabilities need not be considered in heavy manufacturing factories.” This is
not appropriate. In fact, this entire section should be deleted. There should
be just one category for Commercial and workplaces (government and
 Category 4: Building open to public (public & private): HG states that “where
an office building is subdivided among various tenants, unisex accessible
washroom should be provided on each floor.” NBC states that a unisex toilet
should be provided in each toilet group in a building. This is the approach
that should be followed in NBC and updated accordingly.
 HG states that, “New low-rise (single/double storey) office blocks with no
elevators should have accessible ground level public dealing office/ counters.”
It should be replaced with the following statement. “Lift should be provided in
all new office buildings and appropriate arrangement to access the upper
levels be made should the layout does not permit installation of a lift in an old
 Following point can be deleted: For small office buildings where the floor area
limits the provision of accessible washrooms/toilets on each floor, one unisex
accessible washroom on ground level shall be provided to serve the entire
building. The unisex accessible washroom should be located adjacent to an
accessible elevator.

4.2. Other categories

 Assembly Halls: HG states that one space for wheelchair user should be
provided for 100 seating spaces, whereas NBC states the following (B 12.3,
NBC 2016): “At least1 percent of seats shall be designated as seating areas
for wheelchairs users, with a minimum of two. For total seats exceeding 51, it
is recommended to provide the designated seating areas in the following
a) Total seats 51 to 100, minimum three designated seating areas for
wheelchair users;
b) Total seats 101 to 200, minimum four designated seating areas for
wheelchair users; and
c) One additional seating area should be provided for every two hundred
additional seats or part thereof.
 These spaces should be integrated among other seats and allow two
wheelchair users to stay together. It is recommended that the armrest on the
seats at the end of the row lift up to allow people to transfer from the
wheelchair onto a seat. To accommodate groups of wheelchair users, in an
auditorium with fixed seats, a minimum of 15 seats shall be foldable or
removable to increase the number of designated areas for wheelchair users
when necessary. Some seats should be wider in order to allow larger size
people to sit properly.”
 All the above-mentioned aspects should be added in HG.

5. Universal Design Elements within Building Premises

 5.1.1 Walks and paths: In HG, it is mentioned “that the minimum walkway
width for two way traffic should be 1800mm. However, in exceptional cases
(such as around trees/poles etc.), the width could be 1500mm”. NBC has an
additional point that a passing and turning space of at least 1800 mm × 2000
mm should be provided for every 25 m. Further, NBC mentions that the width
of the pathways should be not less than 1200 mm for one-way traffic which
may be reduced to a minimum of 1000 mm, provided that a passing and
turning space of at least 1800mm× 2000mm should be provided for every 25
m. (B-2.2.2 Width of the Walkway/Pathway). These additional points given in
NBC should be added in HG.
 NBC is a lot more elaborate on the walkway/pathway and has detailed out
the following in various sub-sections: B- Passing space for wheelchair
users; B-2.2.3 Stepped Path and Stair; B-2.2.4 Support and Guidance by a
Handrail on Paths; B-2.2.5 Drainage of Path/Access Route; B-2.2.6 Guarding
along Paths and Ramps. These should be added in HG.
 5.1.3 Tactile pavers: guiding & warning blocks: Add the following in HG as
per NBC (B-2.5.3 Places to Install TGSI). “TGSI shall be installed at following
a) In open space to orient persons with vision impairment;
b) In front of an area where traffic is present;
c) In front of an entrance/exit to and from a ramp, staircase or multi-level
crossing facility;
d) Entrances/exits at public transport terminals or boarding areas;
e) Sidewalk/footpath section of an approach road to a building; and
f) From a public facility to the nearest public transport station."
 5.1.4 Barriers and Hazards: Under Barriers and Hazards, the only sub-section
is ‘Protruding Objects’ in HG. Whereas, in NBC, there are several other sub-
sections - B-2.6.3 Headroom, B-2.6.4 Identification, B-2.6.5 Warning Signals,
B-2.6.6 Hazards. Add these extra sub-sections as per NBC into the HG.
 Add the points that have been missed in HG, like - Visual indicators at least
75 mm in height with a minimum visual contrast of 30 points difference in
the LRV value of the colours to the background shall be placed; one at a
height between 800 mm and 1 000 mm above floor level, and the other
between 1 400 mm and 1600 mm above floor level. HG provides for a band
at one level.
 Modify the space required between the bollards in HG as per NBC. HG
mentions 900 mm whereas NBC states that it should be 1000 mm.
 Add the points in section on ‘Protruding Objects’ as per NBC 2016. These are,
protective guard at ground level, LRV requirements, winged walls, side
partitions, alcoves or recesses as solutions for projecting elements where free
space under the object is needed.
 5.4.2 Passenger alighting and drop off point: Add the additional points given
in NBC. As per HG, an access aisle of at least 1500mm wide by 6000mm long
adjacent and parallel to the vehicle pull-up space should be provided. There
is an additional point in NBC that space should be provided for passenger
drop-off points for taxis, public transport and also for large vehicles such as
vans, etc., as near as possible to the main accessible entrance. Vehicle drop-
off areas should be a minimum of 9000 mm in length, have a minimum width
of 3600 mm and be served by a kerb ramp. (B-4 Approach to the Building).

5.1. Internal Corridors and Accessible Routes

 Add the following points in HG as per NBC 2016 (B-5.2.1 General, B-5.2.2
Internal Passages, B-5.2.3 Turning Space for 90° Turn of a Wheelchair in
Corridors, B-5.2.4 Circulation Space for 180° Wheelchair Turn):
 The main horizontal circulation design shall be level on each floor in order
to ensure that the building is accessible to all people. Horizontal
circulation shall be without steps. Where differences in level cannot be
avoided, ramps or lifts shall be provided in accordance with relevant
 Buildings should be designed, constructed and managed so that the
internal layout is accessible and easily understood. All aspects of
horizontal circulation, including corridors, should be designed to facilitate
ease of movement for all people.
 In order to avoid a tripping hazard (especially during a fire evacuation),
where a raised threshold is necessary at a door opening, its maximum
height shall be 12 mm, and those exceeding 5 mm shall be beveled, and
shall have a minimum difference in LRV of 30 points compared to the
 Routes should preferably intersect at right angles to each other and be
easy to follow. To facilitate people with visual impairments, routes should
have detectable cues and different visual contrast from the surroundings.
For orientation and wayfinding in very complex buildings and across large
areas, guidance may be provided by tactile ground surface indicators and
visual, audible and tactile information, including egress and evacuation.
NOTE — Handrails can provide support for people with impaired mobility,
guidance for people who are blind or have impaired vision, and can also
support Braille information or tactile information.
 Where less than 1800mm wide, a corridor shall be provided with passing
places, 1800mm wide and at least 1800 mm in length at reasonable
intervals. These dimensions shall be exclusive of handrails and any other
projections, for example portable fire extinguishers, notice boards, etc.
 Changes of direction within a corridor shall have a turning circle with a
diameter of 1500 mm or more, clear of any obstructions.
 The minimum clear height of corridors shall be 2100mm.
 Hanging objects on walls should be avoided, except when they comply
with B-2.6.2. The minimum unobstructed width shall remain 900 mm.
 It shall have no gradient, and it shall not be less than1500mm wide and
1500mm long in the direction of travel.
 The space required for a wheelchair to make a 180° turn shall be not less
than 2 000 mm in the direction of travel and not less than 1800 mm wide.
 Lighting in corridors has been given as 150 lux in HG whereas NBC states
100 lux. HG should be modified to state the NBC standards as the minimum
and HG standards as recommended
 HG has the following regarding Tactile but not NBC 2016. This should be
retained. 5.5.7 Tactile guidance Path along the internal corridors and
accessible routes along the accessible corridor and route connecting the
entire building, a tactile floor guidance path for independent movement of
persons with visual impairments should be provided. Tactile guidance path
have to be laid out in the entire building premises connecting all the public
utilities and locations and building entrance and exits.

5.2. Gratings

 Add the following from NBC (B-2.4.1 Passing over Different Levels and
Grooves, B-2.4.2 Gratings and Manholes):
 Vertical level changes up to 6 mm may not need edge treatment. Changes
in level between 6 mm and 12 mm shall be levelled off with a slope no
greater than 1:2. The edge shall be rounded off or beveled.
 Grating shall be flushed with finished ground level and shall be treated
with a non- slip finish.

5.3. Doors

 Add the additional points given in The ‘General’ section in NBC, with cross
referencing to tactile warning blocks, manifestations on glazed doors, door
hardware etc.
 5.7.3 Thresholds: Add the point mentioned in NBC regarding colour contrast
between threshold and adjoining floor level, stating, “A minimum difference
in LRV of 30 points compared to the floor shall be provided”.
 5.7.6 Two doors in series: Modify the minimum space between two hinged or
pivoted doors in series in HG as per NBC. HG says it should be 1200 mm plus
the width of the door swinging into that space whereas NBC mentions 1500
 Glass doors: Add the following points given in NBC:
 A minimum difference in LRV of 30 points compared to the floor shall
be provided. It is not there in HG. minimum 75 mm.
 An additional visual manifestation placed at a height of 100 mm to 300
mm is recommended (see Fig. 49). Visual manifestation consisting of
two separate colours with a minimum difference in LRV of 60 points
are recommended to enable lighting conditions and backgrounds to be
taken into account.
 Glass that is silvered or highly reflective should be avoided and any
free-standing edges of glazed screens should have a strip contrasting
visually with the surroundings against which they are seen.
 The following aspects are better in HG. However, the HG should be revised to
state that the included NBC standards are the minimum and that the HG
standards are recommended.
 As per HG, door should not require a force of more than 20 N to operate
whereas in NBC it is given as 22 N.
 HG 5.7.5 Maneuvering space at doors: A distance of 650 mm should be
provided beyond the leading edge of door to enable a wheelchair user to
maneuver and to reach the handle. NBC mentions 600 mm.

5.9. Handrail/Grab Bars

Add the following points from NBC:

 Handrails are used as a locational and mobility aid by persons with
visual impairments and as a support for persons with mobility
impairments. The handrail/grab bars shall be securely fixed to the wall.
To aid identification, the colour of the handrail/grab bar shall contrast
with the wall behind.
 Handrail be securely fixed and rigid; the fastenings and the materials
shall be able to withstand a minimum point load, both vertical and
horizontal of 1.7 kN.
 For stepped path, stairs and ramps, handrails shall meet the following
o They shall be provided on both the sides;
o They shall be continuous, even at the landings;
o They shall extend at least 300 mm beyond the the surface of a
o A second handrail, with a lower profile than the first one, shall
be provided. The height to the top of the second handrail should
be between 650 mm and 750 mm above the surface of a ramp,
the pitch line of a stair, and the surface of a landing. There shall
be sufficient distance between the two handrails (say, 200 mm).
 In case the handrail is enclosed in a recess, the recess shall extend at
least 450 mm above the top of the rail.
 A handrail shall not project into a transverse circulation path unless it
is continuous and intended to form part of the guidance along that
path. The end of the horizontal extension should be turned towards the
wall on the closed side of the ramp or stairs, or be turned down and
terminate at the floor or ground level.
 They shall have a minimum clear space of 50 mm from the walls; and
 The height to the top of a handrail shall be between 850 mm and 950
mm above the surface of a ramp, the pitch line of a stair.

5.10. Controls and Operating Mechanism

 HG mentions only the following types of controls: Electrical points, Controls

and Outlets and Faucets/taps; whereas NBC states that Operating controls
and devices include, but are not limited to:
a) door handles and locks;
b) lever, mixer or cross-head taps;
c) activation devices;
d) window openers and locks; and
e) electric outlets and switches.
The design and construction of operating controls and devices should be such
as to enable them to be operated safely and independently by everybody.
The above should be added in HG.
 There are quite a few points that have been mentioned in the section
‘General’ in NBC, which should be added in HG, as mentioned below:
 Controls should be easy to use, for example by hands-free operation or
by a closed fist or using the elbow. Minimum manual effort should be
required, as for opening and closing doors.
 All switches and controls should be easy to understand without
requiring specialist knowledge.
 Sufficient lighting of the control devices and all relevant information
should be provided.
 Round or oval type door knobs are not suitable for people with mobility
impairment, for people of small stature or less strength, and for
 The use of photoluminescent pictogram signs shall be provided, where
 There are several sections in NBC, B-7.2 Location, Heights and Distances, B-
7.3 Location of Controls from Walls, Corners and Opening Doors; B-7.4
Operation B-7.5 Identification: B-7.6 Usability. These have to be updated in

5.11. Seating Spaces

 NBC has several points which needs to be added in HG, as mentioned below.
 Seating facilities should be provided in public buildings to provide
people with a place to wait and to rest. The location of seats (including
reserved areas for wheelchairs) should not disturb the general
 Seats should be designed with armrests to facilitate sitting down and
standing up. The seats should also have back rests.
 A range of different types of seating should be provided complying with
the following:
a) Seat height 400 mm to 450 mm,
b) Back support height 750 mm to 790 mm,
c) Seat depth 400 mm to 450 mm,
d) Angle of seat to backrest 100° to 105°,
e) Armrest height 220 mm to 300 mm above seat,
f) Armrest set back from front of seat < 75 mm, and
g) A minimum 150 mm set back under the seat for feet when
standing up.
 There is a variation in the dimensions given in HG and NBC regarding the
clear knee space. HG should be updated as per NBC. HG states, “where a
forward approach is used, a clear knee space of at least 900 mm wide, 480
mm deep and 650 mm high should be provided, which may overlap the clear
floor space by a maximum of 480 mm”. As per NBC, “To allow a frontal
approach with a wheelchair to a table, desk, counter, telephone, etc, an
unobstructed space shall be provided with a minimum free height of 700 mm,
minimum free depth of 600 mm and minimum width of 900 mm to
accommodate knees underneath. For footrests, a minimum height of 300 mm
is required. NOTE — This may overlap the clear floor space by a maximum of
480 mm. If tables with fixed seats are used, there shall be a place for at least
one person in a wheelchair at the table.”
 5.12.1 Drinking Water Fountain: Following point should be added in HG as
per NBC:
 Where only one is provided, it shall be at a height of 700 mm above
floor level. Controls shall be centrally positioned at the front of the unit
or, if at the side, on both sides, not more than 180 mm from the front
(B-7.11 Drinking Water Facility).
 5.12.2 Public Telephone: In HG, under the heading of ‘public telephone’, they
have mentioned vending machines, ATMs, mailbox and dropbox. These
should be separate headings.
 The details for vending machine and ATMs are more comprehensive in NBC.
HG has missed several points, which should be added:
 Glare from sun, artificial lighting and street lighting on the screen
should be avoided.
 Where card access or coin slot is provided, they shall, have a slot
located at a height of between 800 mm and 1000 mm above the floor,
preferably between 800 mm and 900 mm, with its edge beveled, and
colour-contrasted with the surrounding surface, etc.
 Refer to B 7.9 of NBC: Vending Machine, Card Access, Dispensing
Machines and Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs), etc and add the
appropriately in HG. NBC has also more sections, B-7.10 Security
Access Systems; B-7.12 Dust Bins, which should be added in HG.

6. Signage
 6.2 Types of Signages: The classification given in HG and NBC is slightly
different. NBC also includes Orientation Signs (sketches, plans, models, etc.)
and Functional Signs. HG should be updated as per NBC.
 6.3 Location: NBC is more elaborate and HG should be revised to match NBC.
Refer to sections, B- Placement outside the building and B-
Placement in the building of NBC.
 6.4.3 Positioning the Signage: There is difference in HG and NBC with respect
to height at which sign should be placed. There is an additional point in NBC
which is that “Signs with tactile information placed at a lower height should
be mounted at an angle from the horizontal (preferably 20° to 30°, maximum
45°).” It should be added in HG.
 Sign Location inside the Building: HG states that the building
directory signage, building direction signage and bulletin board signs should
be 1800mm from the finished floor level whereas NBC mentions that it should
be below 1600 mm. HG states that the room number and identification
signage should be at 1400mm from the finished floor level to bottom of the
sign. NBC has given a range. It says signs should be placed between 1200
mm and 1600 mm from the floor or ground surface. HG should be updated as
per NBC.
 As per HG, the projecting/ceiling suspended signs should be placed above
head height at 2300 mm from floor level whereas NBC says it should be at
least 2100 mm above the floor. NBC further states that “The same
requirement applies to signs fixed to the ceiling or projecting from walls. In
that case, there should be two signs; one that can be seen from a distance
above other people’s heads, one as a complement at the height
recommended above. Where there is sufficient space, door signs shall be
located on the latch side of the door within 50 mm to 100 mm of the
architrave”. HG should be revised as NBC.
 Size of Signage and Braille specification: These sections are
missing in NBC. The sections should be retained in HG.
7. Level Changes
 Add the following General points in HG as per NBC:
 It is a ramp built on a footpath or pavement to accommodate the
change in level towards vehicular areas to allow easy and continuous
access. Kerb ramps shall be provided at pedestrian crossings and at
each end of the footpath of a private street or access road.
 They shall avoid raised traction strips in order to reduce the hazard to
 They shall be so located to enable users to have an unobstructed view
of traffic approaching from any direction.
 They shall be provided with adequate visual and tactile warning.
 TGSI (warning type) shall be provided to notify the presence of traffic
and shall have a minimum luminous contrast of 70 percent with the
adjoining surfaces for the elderly and persons with visual impairment.
 7.1.3 Width: There is a difference in the dimension given in width of the kerb
ramp in HG and NBC. HG says the width should not be less than 900mm but
the NBC states that, “The kerb ramp shall not be less than 1200 mm in
width. It shall provide a clearance of at least 800 mm at the back of the kerb
ramp on the footpath”. HG should be updated as per NBC.

7.2. Ramps

 7.2.1 General: Add the following additional points in HG, as per NBC:
 Wherever the rise of a ramp exceeds 300 mm, an additional flight of
steps shall also be provided as described in B-6.3, shall be provided for
ambulant persons. An isolated single step is not acceptable hence; a
ramp is preferred to a single step.
 TGSI shall be placed 300 mm before the beginning and end of each
ramp run to indicate the level change to visually impaired persons
 The minimum illumination at the top and bottom of the ramp should be
200 lux and 150 lux in between the bottom and top.
 Edge Protection/Guarding Along Ramps: Ramps and landings not
adjacent to a wall should have an edge protection in form of a 75 mm
kerb. Guarding along ramps in pathway shall also meet the

7.3. Stairs

 There is difference in HG and NBC regarding the depth of the stairs. HG

states that the stairs landing should be minimally 1200mm deep whereas
NBC states that the stairs landing shall be minimum 1500 mm deep. In case
of one or two-family dwelling units, it may be reduced to 1 200 mm. The
standards should be harmonised with NBC.
 Add the following points in HG as per NBC:
 Tactile warning strips shall also be provided at landings. For landings
leading to a floor or those enclosed by wall, railing or balustrade,
tactile warning strips of 300 mm in width shall be provided; for those
leading to an open space or the entrance/exit of a building, the tactile
warning strips shall be 600 mm in width. In this case, Braille and
tactile information signs shall be provided on the adjacent wall to
indicate the presence.
 Illumination level of minimum 150 lux shall be maintained on the
 No appliances, fixtures or fittings shall project beyond 90 mm from the
surface of any wall in a staircase below a level of 2 000 mm, measured
above the treads of the staircase. If such a projection is unavoidable,
the same shall also be extended downwards to the level of the treads.
 Soffit of the stairs, shall be cordoned off either by building a wall in
front of it or by putting handrails to guide persons around the space. It
shall comply with the requirements of B-2.6.3 related to headroom in
circulations spaces.

7.4. Lifts

 7.4.3 Door: NBC has the following additional points, which should be added in
1. A non-contact sensor device shall be provided in the door opening to
detect an entering or exiting passenger or an assistive device and
prevent the risk of the passenger or assistive device from being hit by
the leading door panel(s). The sensor device shall cover at least 2/3 of
the door height measured from a distance of 25 mm above the door
2. The door opening time shall be adjustable to suit the conditions where
the lift is installed. A mechanism to increase this time shall be installed
to be customized by a user with mobility impairments (for example by
means of a button outside the car to call the lift to the floor for it to
arrive with extended door opening time, and a button marked with a
wheelchair symbol inside the car with the same purpose). Under
normal operation the levelling accuracy of the lift car shall be ±12 mm.
 7.4.5 Control Panel: HG states that the control panel be placed at a height of
between 800 mm and 1000 mm from the floor level whereas NBC states that
it should be placed at a height of between 900 mm and 1100 mm from the
floor level. HG should be updated as per NBC.
 7.4.8 Other facilities: NBC has an additional point that Internal car lighting
should provide minimum level of illumination of 100 lux at floor level,
uniformly distributed, and avoiding the spotlights. This should be added in
 HG mentions that the emergency communication system should be coupled
with an induction loop system installed all around the lift. Telephone units,
where provided, should have an inbuilt inductive coupler to assist persons
using hearing aids. However, NBC and ISO do not mention about induction
loop in lifts. One should review this standard and decide accordingly.
 NBC has the following information regarding emergency warning. Emergency
warning — The car shall have an alarm device (two-way communication
system) permanently connected to a manned security point according to the
1. The device shall ensure voice communication in both directions with an
organization in charge of passenger rescue or with the person in
charge of the safety of the building.
2. The operating force for alarm button shall be minimum 2.5 N and
maximum 5 N.
3. The device shall provide visual and audible information feedback for
passengers confirming that, the alarm has been sent, using a yellow
enlightened bell-shaped symbol; and the alarm has been received,
voice communication established, using the green enlightened symbol
consisting of two heads.” These should be added in HG.
 NBC has an additional section for Use of Lifts for Fire Evacuation which should
be added in HG. (B-6.4.9 Use of Lifts for Fire Evacuation).
 Vertical Movement Platform Lifts: In HG, the dimension of platform
lifts has been given as 1200 X 1000 mm (minimum) at one place and in
another place ( Lift Size) it states that platform lift should be 1050
mm and the minimum length should be 1250 mm. NBC mentions the
following: The minimum width of the platform lift shall be 1 100 mm and the
minimum length shall be 1 400 mm for the use of manual and powered
wheelchairs with assistance. In existing buildings of minor public importance
and with few visitors, where sufficient space is not available, other
dimensions may be considered, for example 900 mm × 1250 mm. These
dimensions should be harmonised.

8. Access to Toilet Facility

 8.1 General: NBC is more comprehensive. There are several bullet points
from (a) to (u). Refer to NBC B-9.1 General and add the in HG.
 8.2 Unisex Accessible Toilets (multi-use): HG mentions only one type of
unisex toilet, whereas NBC mentions two types of wheelchair user accessible
toilet rooms, namely, Type A and Type B. (B-9.2 Wheelchair User Accessible
Toilet Rooms). HG should be updated as per NBC. HG should include the
following sections from NBC - B-9.2.2 Type A Toilet Room with Lateral
Transfer from Both Sides; B-9.2.3 Type B Toilet Room with Lateral Transfer
from One Side Only. The dimension of the toilet room is also different in HG
and NBC.
 8.4 Toilet cubicle for Ambulatory Disabled: In a set of toilets (for ladies or for
gents): HG mentions that there shall be one WC for the use of the ambulant
disabled persons as per Figures given. However, description has not been
given. Refer to NBC B-9.3 WC Compartments for Ambulant Disabled People of
NBC and add the description in HG.
 8.5.1 Essential requirements for toilet door: In NBC, there is an additional
point that there should be no openings under or above the door that
compromises on privacy. Doors should be positioned so as not to constitute a
hazard. These should be added in HG.
 In NBC, apart from the horizontal pull bar which should be provided in the
inside of the door, there is also a provision for a horizontal pull handle to be
provided on the inside of the outward opening doors at a height of 700 mm
above the floor. HG should up updated as per NBC.
 8.6 Water Closet:
 In HG, it is mentioned that WC should be located between 460 mm to
480 mm from the centerline of the water closet to the adjacent wall
whereas in NBC it is mentioned that it should be located between 450
mm and 480 mm. HG should be updated as per NBC.
 NBC also provides for Type A toilet - the distance from the edge of the
WC seat to the adjacent wall shall be 900 mm, minimum on both sides
to allow ease of transfer. This should be added in HG.
 Both HG and NBC provide for back support. NBC has the following
additional point that the distance from the seat to the backrest should
range between 500 mm and 550 mm. This should be added in HG.
 NBC mentions that Toilets for children should have a distance from the
centerline to the adjacent wall between 305 mm and 380 mm and the
water- closet height shall be between 205 mm and 380 mm. This
should be included in HG.
 8.7 Water Closet Grab Bars: There are some minor differences in dimensions
regarding the length and heights for installing grab bars. HG should be
updated as per NBC.
 The standards for Washbasin is not described in HG. Refer section B-9.7 in
NBC for adding a section on washbasins in HG.
 In HG, Emergency alarm is mentioned under the WC Grab Bar section in HG.
It does not fit in there. There should be a section for the same as given in
NBC. Refer to sections, B-9.12 Alarm and B-9.13 Emergency Warning Alarm
in NBC and update HG.
 As per NBC, sections on Water Supply (B-9.9) and Taps (B-9.10) should be
added in HG.
 8.8 Washroom Accessories: HG states that towel and soap dispensers, hand
dryer and waste bin positioned such that the operable parts and controls are
between 800 mm and 1000 mm from the floor, whereas NBC states that they
should be set at a height between 800 mm and 1 100 mm from the floor. HG
should be revised as per NBC. In addition, NBC has the following points which
should be added in HG:
 Coat hooks should be set at different heights, 900 mm to 1100 mm,
and additionally at least one hook at 1 400 mm.
 Dispensers for toilet paper shall be reachable from the water-closet,
either under the grab bar or on the side- wall of a corner toilet at a
height between 600 mm and 700 mm from the floor.
 Light switches should be fixed inside all accessible toilet cubicles or the
lighting should automatically switch on when someone enters the
room. Timed light switches should not be installed or used.
 Needle boxes to safely dispose of needles (for example from diabetes
patients) should be provided.
 If a sanitary bin is supplied, it should be reachable from the water-
closet. Sanitary bins with non-touch opening devices are preferred.
 Non-touch soap dispensers are preferred.
 8.9 Urinal: HG has given the standards for urinals only for ambulatory
disabled people, whereas NBC has considered wheelchair users as well. NBC
states that “wheelchair users may be able to pull themselves to a standing
position to use a urinal, or they may be able to use a urinal from their
wheelchair. When wall hung urinals are fitted in the washroom, it is
recommended that at least one of these have its rim set at a height of 380
mm for wheelchair users and at least one have its rim set at a height of 500
mm for standing users/ambulant disabled. When installed, both should be
equipped with a vertical grab rail. Urinals shall be minimum 360 mm deep
measured from the outer face of the urinal rim to the back of the fixture. his
wall hung urinal should be set clear above the floor level, without any raised
access platform minimum of 900 mm × 1 350 mm for wheelchair users to
use the urinals. Urinals should contrast visually with the wall to which they
are attached.” HG should be updated as per NBC.
 8.10 Signage of accessible toilets:
 HG states that, “For the benefit of the persons with vision impairment,
all general toilets should have male pictogram in triangle or female
pictogram in circle, marked on plates with raised alphabets and Braille
put on wall next to door latch” The illustration given for signage
(Figure 8.8) does not have any triangle or circle. NBC does not have
such specification.
 Delete the following sentence in HG as it does not fit there: “A clear
floor space 760 mm by 1220 mm should be provided in front of urinals
to allow forward approach. Urinal shields (that do not extend beyond
the front edge of the urinal rim) may be provided with 735 mm
clearance between them”.
 Following additional point given in NBC which should be added in HG:
”Signage for Type B accessible toilet shall also indicate available
transfer option, that is, right hand or left hand.“
 8.11 Shower Cubicles
 In NBC, standards are given for shower and changing room, whereas
HG has only shower cubicles. Also, the section from NBC. B-9.14.6
Individual Shower Room is missing in HG. These should be added in
 In NBC, there are additional points which should be added in HG: “If
two or more shower recesses are provided, at least one shall have the
seat on the opposite side. The floor in the shower recess shall have a
gradient between 1:50 and 1:60 sloping to a floor drain. The area
outside the shower recess shall have a gradient between 1:70 and
1:80 draining towards the shower recess.
 8.11.4 Shower seat: There seems to be an error. The standards talk
about WC rather than shower seat. This should be corrected.
Furthermore, NBC has several points for shower seats which should be
added in HG.
 8.12 Public toilets: In HG the information given is very vague. NBC has
relevant points which should be added (B-9.15 Public Toilets).
 Public toilets shall also comply with the overall requirements under B-9
with respect to the facilities provided therein so as to ensure that the
same are accessible. In all public toilets, the following shall be
o Male section shall have one urinal with support grab bars for
ambulant disabled and at least one urinal for children at a lower
o Both male and female section shall have one WC for ambulant
o One Type A unisex accessible toilet room with independent
entrance; and
o Depending on footfall, one Type B accessible toilet in both male
and female toilet groups.
o The section on Contrast and Lighting should be included in HG,
Refer to section B-9.16 Contrast and Lighting of NBC

9. Fire Evacuation Needs

 HG has a chapter on Fire Evacuation which is good unlike NBC which directs
the readers to Part 4 of NBC which has few aspects on accessibility but not
very comprehensive. This chapter should be retained in HG. It should be
further strengthened by adding few items like database of employees who
need assistance, Personalized emergency evacuation plan,
fireman’s/evacuation lifts, evacuation chair, step free access to safe assembly
area etc. could be added in this chapter to make it comprehensive. There is a
mention of National Disability Authority, 1998 in HG. It is not clear if such
authority exists.

10. Alighting and Boarding Areas

10.1. Car Parks

 10.1.3 Car Park Entrance: HG states that the car park entrance should have a
height clearance of at least 2400 mm whereas NBC mentions that there
should be a height clearance of at least 2600 mm. HG should be updated
 NBC has included the following point regarding parking controls. It states
that, if payment machine is provided, it shall provide all control at the height
between 800 mm and 1 000 mm (see B-7). Access to the machine shall be
level along an accessible route and easy to operate. The machine shall be
located so that it does not create a hazard or barrier for persons with
disabilities. This should be added in HG.
 10.1.5 Accessible Car Parking Lot: HG states that the accessible car parking
lot should have minimum dimensions 5000 mm×3600 mm whereas NBC
states that the minimum width of the parking space for a car shall be 3 900
mm and the minimum length shall be 5 400 mm. HG should be revised. In
HG, the dimension of transfer bay has been given as 1200 mm (side transfer
bay) whereas NBC states that the transfer area beside the car should be a
minimum of 1 500 mm. HG should be updated.
 HG mentions that two accessible parking lot should be provided for every 25
car parking spaces, whereas NBC mentions the following: a) A minimum of
one accessible designated parking space shall be provided in every parking
area; b) For up to 10 parking spaces, one designated; accessible parking
space shall be provided; c) For up to 25 parking spaces, two designated
accessible parking space shall be provided; d) For up to 50 parking spaces,
three designated accessible parking spaces shall be provided; e) For up to
100 parking spaces, four designated accessible parking spaces shall be
provided; f) For up to 200 parking spaces, six designated accessible parking
spaces shall be provided; and g) For over 200 parking spaces, six designated
accessible parking spaces for 200 parking spaces and one for each additional
100 parking spaces shall be provided. HG is better than NBC. However, the
standards in NBC should be given as minimum and the standard given in HG
should be mentioned as recommended.
 NBC has the following additional points (B-3.5 Accessible Car Parking Space
Dimensions and Surface Requirements) which should be added to HG.
 Parking space along the footpath/sidewalk: For road side parking of an
accessible van, the minimum dimensions shall be 9 000 mm × 2400
mm with a kerb to access the nearest footpath/sidewalk.
 Van parking with auxiliary movable ramps — The size and design of
accessible vehicles may vary as some are fitted with ramps or hoists at
the side or at the rear. The minimum width of the accessible parking
space for a van shall have at least the same dimensions as for car
parking spaces Transfer areas between spaces may be shared.
 For multi-purpose vehicles with hoists or lifts, more space is needed;
at least an additional 2400 mm area beside the van and/or at the rear
of the van may be required. The dedicated parking space in this case
shall be 4800 mm wide and 9 000 mm long for different types of
designated parking spaces). As an alternative, a parking space of 2400
mm wide × 9 000 mm in length along a footpath may be used,
provided the footpath is at least 2400 mm wide.

10.2 – 10.5 Taxi Stand, Bus stops, Railway Station. Airports, Piers
and Jetties

 The above sections are not in NBC. The standards given in HG are not very
comprehensive. These sections have to be made comprehensive. Some
observations regarding the gaps present in HG are stated below:
 10.2 Taxi/Auto Rickshaw Stands: It does not have standards for
information boards. It is mentioned that seats should be provided for
people with ambulatory disabilities. However, other aspects to ensure
accessibility of seats have not been mentioned. There is a mention of
handrail, however, it is not clear as to where these should be installed.
The figures given are not very clear.
 10.3 Bus Stops: It is stated that “Guiding blocks should be provided
along the accessible walkway from the bus stand to the building
entrance to aid persons with visual impairments”. “Bus stand should be
located nearest to an accessible entrance.” These sentences are vague.
There is no standards given for information boards, seats etc.
 10.4 Railway Stations and Airports: Under section 10.4.5 Toilet
Facilities, it is mentioned that there should be at least one unisex
accessible toilet complying with Chapter 8. This is not enough.
Wherever toilet blocks are there, there should be an accessible unisex
 10.5 Piers and Jetties: It is mentioned that “Guidelines for designing
accessible piers and jetties are similar to the ones for railway stations
except for the platform”. This is quite vague.

11. Transport and Road Planning

 Chapter 10 and 11 should be merged as they deal with transport. They read
more like policy statements and not standards. They are not very
comprehensive. Transport standards are crucial and should be detailed out
well with proper illustrations and descriptions. Some broad observations on
the content of the chapter are given below.
 11.5 Traffic signals: Some statements are vague, like “The time
interval allowed for crossing should be programmed according to the
slowest crossing persons”; and “Acoustic devices should be installed on
a pole at the point of origin of crossing and not at the point of
destination.” These should be more precise and explained well. There
are other aspects like push button, tactile arrow indicating the direction
of crossing, Braille, consistent symbols indicating walk /stop etc.,
should all have to be included in standards. There should be better
illustrations. HG should be revised accordingly.
 11.6 Subways and Foot Over Bridges: HG states that “Provision of
slope ramps or lifts at both the ends to enable wheelchair
accessibility”. This is not appropriate. Ramps will not be appropriate for
footover bridge. There should be only lifts. HG should be modified
 Accessible buses: Announcements of the bus stops in audio
and in written (digital display) should be added.
 Taxi: HG states, “Taxi should be adapted to allow passengers
to get in and out of them while remaining seated in their wheelchairs.”
This is very vague. Standards have to be detailed out.
 Accessible Railway Cars: Only metro rail has been covered in
this section. There should be standards for long distance trains also.
 Aircraft Interior: An accessible toilet cubicle should be
provided on board the aircraft, complying with Section 8.2 & 8.12.
 The entire Chapter in HG should be revised.

12. Adapted Housing

 12.2.4 Stairs: This section can be called as vertical circulation like in NBC.
Then it would cover all aspects, like lifts, etc.
 12.3 Bedroom: As per HG, the minimum height of a bed has been given as
450-480 mm from the floor surface whereas NBC states that it should be
between 450 mm and 500 mm, when it is compressed under a 90kg weight.
HG should be modified accordingly. NBC has also added that “At the foot of
the bed, at least 1200mm is required.” This should also be added in HG.
 12.6 Kitchen: Following additional points are given in NBC which should be
added in HG:
 Kitchen areas shall take into account general design considerations in
respect of maneuvering space, slip resistant walking surface and
accessible height of controls and devices.
 Essential kitchen appliances (oven, refrigerator, etc) should be usable
by persons both standing and sitting in a wheelchair, and a worktop
should be located beside all appliances.
 The sink taps should be reachable and easy to operate with one hand.
The sink should be reachable for a wheelchair user. If a knee recess is
provided under a sink, its underside should be insulated.

Additional Aspects in NBC 2016

NBC, 2016 has included accessibility in various relevant chapters. Many aspects
are already covered in the various recommendations listed above. However,
there are a few aspects which have to be placed appropriately in HG. They have
been stated below.
 Accessibility and universal design specialist’: In NBC 2016, (Part 0:
Integrated Approach – Prerequisite for Applying Provisions of the Code,
Clause 4.1) under the section, ‘Team Approach’, various specialists are listed
- architects, civil engineers, electrical engineers, interior designers, security
system specialists, acoustics specialists, health, safety and environment
specialists, sustainability specialists, etc. In the list of ‘accessibility and
universal design specialist’ should be added. HG should mention about the
role and involvements of accessibility specialist.
 Periodic Access Audits: NBC 2016 has mentioned about periodic access
audit in three Chapters (Part 0 -Integrated Approach – Prerequisite for
Applying Provisions of the Code and Part 2- Administration and Part 12- Asset
and Facility Management) as mentioned below.
 Under the section, ‘Operation, Maintenance Decommissioning and
Deconstruction’, it is mentioned in NBC 2016 (Clause 7.2 b, Part 0)
that, “The operation and maintenance team shall be responsible for
preparation/application of operation and maintenance manual, and
draw maintenance schedule/frequencies and guidelines for
maintenance personnel. Apart from the specific provisions laid down in
concerned Parts/Sections of the Code, the following, as may be
applicable to the project concerned, shall additionally be taken into
account: ... b) Periodic accessibility audits to ensure that the buildings
remain universally accessible and barrier free for persons with
 In the section, ‘Periodic Occupancy Renewal Certificate’, it is stated that “All
buildings covered under shall be subjected to periodic physical
inspection by a team of multi-disciplinary professionals of local Authority. The
work by team of professionals may be outsourced by the authority to
competent professionals as may be deemed necessary. The team shall
ensure the compliance of byelaws, natural lighting, ventilation, etc. besides
structural and electrical safety and accessibility (for designated public
buildings and areas as per 13 of Part 3 Development Control Rules and
general building requirements of the Code.). After checking, the team shall
be required to give the certificate for above aspects. If any shortcoming/
deficiencies or violations are noticed during inspection, the Authority shall
ensure the compliance of these within a specified time frame of six months. If
not complied with, the building shall be declared unsafe. The period of
inspection shall usually be 3 to 5 years but in any case, not more than 5
years.” (Clause 14.4.2, Part 2).
 Periodic access audits shall be carried out at least once in three years
to ensure that the requisite accessible features as per Part 3
‘Development Control Rules and General Building Requirements’ of the
Code are provided in the building and its built environment and
maintained in good condition on an ongoing basis.” (Clause 9.14, Part
HG should mention about periodic access audit at appropriate place/s.
 Planning and inclusion of accessibility in Application of Building
 In NBC, under the section, ‘Planning, Designing and Development’, it is
mentioned that, “the following considerations, as may be applicable to
the project, maybe considered during planning: ... Requisite
mandatory provisions for persons with disabilities.” (Part 2, Clause 5.2
 In the section, ‘Application for Development/Building Permit’, under the
sub-section, ‘Building Plan and Details’, as per our recommendations,
NBC 2016 says, “Features related to accessibility for the elderly and
persons with disabilities shall be in accordance with 13 of Part 3
Development Control Rules and general building requirements of the
Code for the designated buildings and areas.” (Part 2, Clause
 Swimming Pools: NBC has a section on swimming pools. It has detailed
standards for making swimming pools accessible. This should be
appropriately included in HG. (Part 9: Plumbing Services, Section 1: Water
 ‘Opening for feeding of refuse chute: NBC 2016 states that, “All care
shall be taken for ensuring accessibility to the chute for persons with
disabilities. The opening of the chute shall not be higher than 700 mm and
there shall be a clear space of minimum 1500 mm × 1500 mm in front of the
chute opening to gain easy access even for persons using wheelchairs. There
may be high colour contrast provided around the chute opening to make it
easy to identify it. The flooring in front of the chute opening may be
texturally highly different from the rest of the floor(Clause 4.3.2 k, Part 9
Plumbing Services, Section 3: Solid Waste Management). This should be
added in HG.
 Facility Management: NBC has several points included for maintenance of
accessibility features in the building (Part 12: Asset and Facility
Management). Persons with disabilities and accessibility have been
mentioned in the following sections: Stakeholder Engagement(Clause 3.3.3 a,
b), Aspects Influencing Building Maintenance under the sub-point titled,
‘Users’(Clause 9.4.1 d),Maintenance from Accessibility Consideration(Clause
9.14),User feedback (Clause 9.7.2.), Inspections(Clause 16.4), Maintenance
of Landscape and Horticulture Works (Clause 18.1), Training and
Skilling(Clause 19.5),Security Services for Building Occupants(Clause 21.1)
and Facility Handbook(Clause 24.2.1 g). There should be a chapter for
Facility Management in HG and all the above points should be appropriately


When the two Indian standards on accessibility of built environment - HG and

NBC, 2016 were compared, NBC, 2016 was found to be more comprehensive
because of the following reasons:

 Several relevant details are included in NBC which makes the standards
more comprehensive.
 NBC is more in line with the ISO standards for accessibility.
 At several places in HG it was found that the description was missing and
only illustrations were used to describe a detail.
 The quality of illustrations/figures in NBC is comparatively better.
 NBC has included the following administrative aspects which are crucial for
ensuring accessibility:
 It provides for periodic access audit to be carried out.
 It provides for the inclusion of an Accessibility Specialist in the team
of professionals to be involved in a project and to carry out audits,
 Accessibility features have been included as part of the Building
Plan and Details in the Application for Development/Building Permit.
 Asset and Facility management includes several crucial aspects for
accessibility like user feedback, training of housekeeping and
security staff, information in facility handbook, etc.

While HG misses out on several details compared to NBC, 2016 its format is like
that of a handbook for accessibility/construction professionals, comprising of all
aspects pertaining to accessibility of built-environment in one place. For
instance, it has chapters on fire and emergency evacuation, transportation,
required checklists for access audit, real life examples through relevant images.
NBC also delves into some of these areas but outside of the Annexure B, Part 3.
So, to that extent, HG is a useful document for accessibility professionals.

HG has slightly more stringent standards in a few places which is good from
accessibility point of view. However, it may pose a problem for auditors to certify
compliance where there are two sets of standards. We propose that where there
is discrepancy in standards, the standards given in NBC should be taken as the
minimum and the standard in HG could be taken as recommended. For example,
as per HG, the maximum opening force required for opening a door should not
be more than 20 N whereas it is 22N in NBC. Therefore, we recommend that 22
N should be taken as the standard and 20 N could be taken as recommended.

HG is available for free but NBC and ISO are paid documents. Hence, it should
not be discarded. It should be updated and developed into a good Handbook for
construction/accessibility professionals.

Conclusion/Next Steps

HG should be revised. There should be no discrepancy between NBC and HG as

far as the accessibility specifications are concerned. Standards given in NBC
should supersede HG in this aspect. However, it should be made clear in the
foreword that these are bare minimum requirements and it is always preferred
that builders provide more than the minimum.

New chapters for Administration and Maintenance should be added in HG. It

should not only include the administrative points given in NBC like periodic
audits, involvement of accessibility professionals, application for building permits
including accessibility features etc. but also detail the procedures for complying
with The RPWD Act, 2016.

The chapters on transport, fire evacuation etc. that are already there in HG
should be retained. However, they should be strengthened in terms of specific
standards, illustrations, etc.

The format of HG is like a handbook, which can be strengthened in terms of

better presentation. The HG could have chapters on Access Audits describing the
types of access audits, procedure for conducting an access audit, report writing
and steps/measures to be taken after access audit.

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