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Book title: Place Called Perfect
Author: Helena Duggan
Date published: August 31, 2017 Number of pages: 368 pages
Genre: Fantacy Book code: 978-1480093447

Violet Brown, the main character of this novel, and her family just moved
to the new city which all of its citizen calls it Perfect. This city is her father friend
recommendation because he also lives there. When they arrive, her father’s friend,
Mr. George Archer is welcoming them and asking them to see the beautifulness of
this city. Actually, this city is so nice and beautiful that it deserves to have a name
as Perfect. However, when they are in the city, it is weird that the sun light is very
bright even it almost makes their eyes are blind. So, Mr. George gives each of
them glasses and like everyone in this town wears. Turns out, the glasses are a
form of cunning from Mr. George to hypnotize everyone in town to come under
his control. it was this incident that made Violet even almost lose her family.
Violet must try to fight Mr. George to save everyone especially her mom and dad.
In this novel, Violet Brown, as the main character, has a friend whose
name Boy. Boy becomes her friend when she has already being the Perfect’s
townsfolk. However, Boy is not from Perfect, he is from No Man Land- a place
that cannot be visit by Perfect people. Even though they have just met, Boy is
very kind to Violet. It was with Boy that Violet fight together to save her father
and mother, as well as the Perfect people who are under hypnosis from George's
glasses. On the other hand, there also the character who appears quite often in this
novel, his name is William Archer. William Archer is George Archer’s brother.
They are siblings who have opponent character. Because of William and Boy's
help, Perfect's people and Violet's parents were finally saved.
My favorite character in this novel is Boy. I love him because his name is
unique, Boy. Then, Boy is very jolly and brave that I think he will be my typical
best friend I want to have. It is like in chapter eighteen when they go to the Gosh
Estate to carry out their mission, Boy always makes his self to go first to make
sure that the condition is safe, or maybe in almost the end of the story, Boy is hit
by George's attack in order to protect Violet .Of course, if he were in the real life I
want to be and wish to have a best friend like him.
My part that really makes me interested from this novel is when they meet
William and he tells them about his relationship with George. Evidently, the
background of established of Perfect is related to him and his wife. This condition
starts from their love triangle accident. George liked a girl whose name Macula,
but Macula does not like him. Instead, she likes William because she admired his
good attitude. Finally, Macula and William gets married and George holds a
grudge against William for that. This becomes my favorite part because it makes
me realize that actually love triangle is not a simple problem. It is a small issue
but can instill feelings of dangerous revenge.
On the other hand, that is also a part I dislike because it annoys me when I
read the story. It was when Violet makes an interaction with Perfect people who
hypnotized such as with her teacher at school and even her mother. It didn't make
sense to me when Violet was punished by her teacher for even dropping a pencil
off the table and then picking it up just like that. She is deemed to have violated
the disciplinary rules. Surprisingly, her mother supports it and also blames her for
what happened. It pisses me off when I read it.
When I was reading, I also thought that I had to imagine if I were the
writer, whether I will write the same the plot like this, or if I found an unrelated
part what the way I can use to change this part to be better. After reading the
novel, I found a part that think it makes me confused to understand the story. That
is when Boy and Violet go to the No Man Land to meet the orphanages. They go
there because they want to ask their help to against George and the Watcher, but I
think until the end of the story, they appearance does not give significant effects to
this story. So, if I were the writer, I will remove the scene to make the story more
When reading this story, it reminds me to another fantasy novel with the
titte, “A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeline L’Engle. The novel also talks about
hypnotic energy which is done by the antagonist character. The protagonists try to
safe their love just like what Violet did in this novel. The other similarity of these
two novels is the main person whom the main character wants to save is their
father. In this novel, Violet’s father arrested because his father works as an
optometrist, while in A Wrinkle in Time the father is arrested because he is a
chemists. The genre of the novel A Wrinkle in Time also raises the theme of
fantasy so that these two novels have the same genre.
After reading this novel, I get the moral value that can be applied in my
life. The novel teaches me how precious a family’s support for me. I feel hurted
when even Violet’s parents don't believe in her and I imagined it how if it
happened to me. I intend to myself when I am being a parent or a mother, I will
give all of my support to both my son and daughter. I do not want to leave them
alone and let the through difficult situation in their life. I realize that listening to
children's wishes is sometimes very necessary; it is useful to build good chemistry
between parents and children. Even if we don't agree on something related to their
ambition, we should get used to discussing it with them and not deciding it

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