Presentasi You've Reached Sam

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You’ve reached Sam is a fictional romantic story that tells about a second chance at life for Sam

to reconnect with the real world. If you are the love story lover, this video will be very interesting for
you, if you’re not, this video might make you love a romantic story after you watch it. So, please don’t
miss a second of it until you reach the end.

Hello everyone! I’m Meyta Rahmatul Azkiya from English Education Department of UIN Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta. Now, in this video I want to present to you all a romance story of the novel “You
Have Reached Sam” by Dustin Tao, he is a Vietnamese American writer. And this novel was first
published in 9th of November 2021. So, without further ado, let’s begin the journey.

So, the main character in this novel is Julie. She just loses her beloved boyfriend, whose name is
Samuel or usually called Sam. Sam died in an accident while trying to pick up Julie who was having
problems with him at the time. it was because of this that Julie felt guilty and assumed that she was the
cause of Sam's death.

Because of this guilt, Julie doesn't come to Sam's funeral. He also stays away from Sam's family
who used to be very close to her. Her friends also stay away from her, especially friends who are also
close to Sam because they think that Julie is a killer. However, she actually felt very guilty, sad, and really
missed Sam.

A week after Sam's death, Julie was devastated by her longing and guilt. Finally she did
something crazy by calling Sam's cellphone number. However, something strange happened, someone
picked up the phone. Unbelievably, the first voice Julie heard over the phone was Sam's.

Julie thought that this was a very unreasonable thing. However, it is real and true that the voice
is really Sam's voice, it is Sam. It is this incident that is the subject of the discussion in this novel. that
Julie can communicate again with her dead boyfriend by phone.

It was surprising to Julie that she was able to reconnect with Sam, but to her that curiosity didn't
matter. The most important thing now is that she can talk, tell stories, and recommunicate with the
people she misses the most.

Every now and then Julie asks the negative possibilities of this second chance they get, like is there a
time limit for their second chance? or where exactly is Sam now? or how can this happen because this is
an impossible thing?

but Sam just replied, can we just enjoy this opportunity to the fullest without thinking about
other possibilities. I'm in a quiet, spacious and comfortable place, a place you don't have to worry about.

So, here is they are, they just made the most of the opportunity. Julie told many things while
Sam always listened and occasionally asked Julie how his family was.

However, Sam tells Julie some things that need attention, what happened between them this
time should not be known by others, Julie can only call Sam via her own cellphone and number, if Sam
calls Julie must pick it up, if Julie misses it then it will adversely affect their communication.
Hearing the rules, Julie kept the secret very well, she didn't want to lose this opportunity so that
later she wouldn't be able to communicate with Sam again.

However, there were some urgent matters which forced Julie to tell someone the secret. she
asked Sam's permission to tell a few people about their second chance, because circumstances forced
Julie to tell them.

This of course makes their opportunity to communicate worse. As a consequence, they ended
up not being able to communicate again.

Before their last conversation, Sam gave a few messages to Julie. He said that she deserves to
have a better life; Julie must continue to be passionate about achieving it. Sam's message to Julie was
only one, that Sam was so grateful to have a woman like Julie, he loved her so much, and Sam wanted
Julie to always remember him even if it was just a little.

After the last call was hang up, which mean they don't have any other chance to communicate
again, Julie receive a long mail which content a very long voice message. "“Hey—so, I’m not sure if I
should do this … Or if it will even work. I probably should have said this to you over the phone, but we
ran out of time. Or maybe, the truth is, I was scared you would think of me differently … That is, if you
knew why I picked up the phone that first time—”

- Who are the people who make Julie is forced to tell her and Sam communication?
- Hearing the story that Julie should not miss Sam’s call, does she ever miss it?
- What device did Sam use to communicate with Julie after she died?

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