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This novel tells the story of office politics that occur between colleagues at a company, Kate

Adam and Benjamin Mackenzie. This story begins when they meet for the first time at an office meeting
which ends badly. From then on, both Kate and Adam disliked each other and competed to bring down
each other's reputations in the office.

Kate as the main female character in this novel, often invites other office friends to gossip about
Ben's arrogance. He seems to be looking for the masses so he can get a lot of support against Ben. The
funny thing is, he is often caught red-handed by the person who is the object of his gossip, that is Ben.
Surprisingly, that didn't make Ben hate Kate any more. Instead, he began to think that Kate was a cute
and adorable woman.

Until one day, when Ben wanted to go home from work, he saw Kate also came out of the office
building. On a whim, Bed approached Kate and asked How do you get home? Kate replied "With my
feet, I walk" Ben asked again, "do you really walk alone every night from work? Do you at least carry a
weapon? Mace? A Swiss Army knife? Anything? Wait, let me guess. You'll defend yourself with your
sharp tongue and cutting remarks. Haha Ben is so funny right, that's why I choose this scene as my
favorite. Finally, the end of the conversation was Ben taking Kate home.

Since the incident, Kate and Adam began to become close. Adam day by day showing more and
more attention to Kate. After a dilemma that has been going on in Kate's heart for a long time, Kate is
finally convinced that she has fallen in love with Adam.

However, one day after coming home from work he received a message from Stephen, another
coworker, saying that Ben was drunk with a female office staff named Corrine. Of course it made her
very sad, but she realized that she had no right to judge Ben for what happened because she wasn't
Ben's boyfriend.

However, his anger did not last long. She couldn't because she missed Ben too much. Eventually,
she starts talking to Ben again and they apologize by taking Ben out to dinner at his house. Between
dinner, Kate mentioned Corrine to Ben. He ventured to ask if Corrine was his girlfriend or ex-girlfriend or
just a friend.

Romantically, Dan didn't immediately answer "No, she's not my girlfriend or Yes, she is my ex-
girlfriend or she is just a friend." But instead he answered Kate with a question too. Something like,
"Would it bother you if I and she are dating?

Hearing this, Kate became insecure and replied, "No, you don't need to answer my question.
Who you date is none of my business." But Ben interrupted, he said, "Kate, that's not an answer." Kate
was silent, Ben said again, "Is it really such a hard question? Here, let me model it for you. You might ask
me, Ben, would it bother you if I was out on a date with someone? And then I would respond, why yes,
Kate, that would bother me a whole hell of a lot. see? not so hard" Kate could only be stunned and said
"hey, what are you doing?" Ben replied, "Something I should've done a long time ago." See how so
sweet Ben is. Guess how I felt when I read this scene? Yes, I feel I were being crazy at the time.
Since this incident, they have been dating. And at the end of the story they plan to get
married and live together forever.

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