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 Chapter : ENTROPY

Q.1) Explain the principle of increase of entropy

and write down the formula for change in entropy
1. Reversible process
2. Irreversible process
3. Impossible process

Q.2)Prove that entropy is the property of the

system .
ANS: With the help of Clausius inequality Equation

we can derive as a consequence of second law

of thermodynamics & significant property called
Consider a cycle carried out along paths A and It
between state 1 to 2 as shown in Fig. 5.5.1. Applying
Clausius inequality Equation
to reversible cycle (1A2B1).

Now consider another reversible cycle (1A2C1) defined

between the same end states and applying Clausius
Inequality equation to this cycle we get,
Subtracting Equation (ii) from Equation (i)

Changing the limits of integrals

Since no restrictions were imposed except that the

Paths B and C represent reversible
processes, it follows that
is the function of end states only and
it is independent of path followed.
represents a property of the system and this
property is called Entropy and it is denoted by S.
Therefore, the change in entropy,
If system undergoes a process from initial state - 1 to
final state - 2,
From Equation (5.5.2) it is clear that the definition of
entropy is for a change and not for an absolute value. In
order to evaluate the absolute value of entropy, some
datum may be chosen to represent zero value of
entropy and then a numerical value can be assigned to
the value of entropy at any other state.
It's units are kJ/K.

Q.3)Explain the terms Available energy,

Unavailable energy and Availability.

Q.4)What do you mean by ‘Clausius inequality’ ?

ANS: It is a relation between the thermodynamic
temperatures of any arbitrary number of heat reservoirs
and heat transfer from them when some working
substance is carried through a cyclic process.
According to it,

Q.5)State various application of Entropy.

ANS: Some of the applications of entropy are,
1. Concept of entropy helps in analyzing the
thermodynamic processes and cycles in a convenient
and easy manner.
2. It explains the reversibility and effectiveness of the
processes which is not revealed by the first law of
3. It explains the availability of the systems.
4. It explains the equilibrium of many chemical
processes and its outcome.
5. It explains the changes in melting and freezing points
of two phase mixture when non-volatile solute is
6. It explains the critical rate of temperature in
extraction of metals from their oxide ores.

Q.6)Show the Carnot Cycle on T-s diagram with

neat sketch .
Q.7)Derive the general equation for change in
entropy for any thermodynamics process . Further
apply the same for Constant Volume process.

Q.8)Show that change in entropy in a polytropic

process is given by ,
S2 - S1 = - (y-n/n) Cv . loge (P2/P1).

Q.9) Explain the concept of entropy. Using the

second law of thermodynamics as a postulate, show
that the entropy of universe always increases in any
adiabatic process.


Q.10) Explain Helmholtz and Gibbs function .

Q.11)Derive an expression for availability of non -
flow system / the closed system .

Q.12)What do you understand by availability of a


Q.13) What is dead state and why it is referred in

the concept of availability?

Q.14)What do you understand by ideal conditions

and why this concept is important to us?

Q.15) Is it possible to convert one form of work

energy into another form of work energy
completely by any device? if not, why?

Q.16) What do you understand by availability of

heat reservoir?
ANS: 1.) In case of a heat reservoir is its again
meaningless to speak of the availability of a heat
reservoir like in case of a work reservoir, however, it can
be expressed in terms of the heat energy AQ withdrawn
from a heat reservoir.
2.) Therefore the problem is of determining the
availability of heat energy, AQ rather than determining
the availability of a heat reservoir.
There are mainly two tyes of parts are there as;
a.) Reversible cycle with infinite heat source.
b.) Reversible cycle with finite heat source.
Consider a system working on Carnot cycle in
which it withdraws heat energy, AQ at
temperature T and rejects heat at surroundings
temperature T_{0} as shown in Fig. 6.3.1.

Q.17)What is available and unavailable energy of a

Q.18) If AQ is the heat withdrawn from a hot body
and AS is the entropy change having surrounding
temperature as T0 what shall be the availability and
unavailability of heat energy?

Q.19) Does the availability of heat energy reduces

when the heat is transferred through finite
temperatura dicated by the difference? Give

Q.20) What is the law of degradation of energy?

Q.21)Define and explain availability of a non-flow

Q.22) Explain the following terms:
i. Available energy.
ii. Unavailable energy.
iii. Availability.
ANS: (i)AVAILABLE ENERGY- Available energy
or exergy is the maximum portion of energy that can be
converted into useful work under ideal conditions when
system is reduced dead state.


energy is that portion of energy which cannot be
converted into useful work under ideal conditions when
the system is reduced to dead state. It is
also called, anergy.
(iii)AVAILABILITY- Availability is the maximum
amount of useful work that can be obtained under ideal
conditions (i.e. without dissipative effects) when the
system is subjected to a process from its initial state to
dead state (i.e. when system is under thermodynamic
equilibrium with its surroundings)
Q. 23) Explain the following terms:
i. Availability of system.
i. Second law of efficiency.
ii. Irreversibility.

Q.24)What do you understand by irreversibility and

effectiveness? Give their practical importance.

Q.25) The same amount of heat loss at a higher

temperature is more harmful than that at a lower
temperature . Discuss.

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