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SQP 2023 and 20

Sample Papers for

Practice UUSINESS STUDIES XI Supplementary Materlal 381

Sample Paper 10 (for Practice)
fol owlng Atarementa, cdhooe the
Stutement I1
are the ellos of Topcoect otlon:
Staternen Il maintalned. Managenent quality ol minimised and
Fojemen and ouput ls nalntained, wastage of materials is
Satement supervisors compise tle lower
Is oion from
correct and the opions
level in the hierarcly of the
(b) Statement Il s given below (1 mark)
Both the corectI and Statement ll s
(d) Borh the Statemens I and l1Suatareement not corec.

t Stutements and 1l are cot

the following text not
rect. cortcct.
and answer
Mumbal ls question no,correct
ercise that in
2-4 on. he
the story of a SIX basls of the sannet
Nslncss conducted) SIGMA
carricd out on the streets busincs The success of the business lies in the complex yet well
cnerpri s e.
Mumbai day after day. What is the secret behind the eflciency with which their
of preparing
pK The
che begins
worker a
in he
kitchens of Munbal, Afterthey Step out of their door, someone begins the timne-consuming
stem. fAst fresh,
e dabb. at the dabbawalla picks homecool
railway station up the tiffin ked
from unch. What happens next lor demonstrates the coordination of the dabbawallas
tlway stations according to and takes it tto the ncarest rallway station.The second dabbawalla sorts out
-morning, thousandsthe ofdextinatiodest
nearest to
ns, iThenatareiofourth
n and pus them in
one nics up thhe luggage
cariage. The third one travels with the dabbas
the talway station and drops them off at the
their customers, The
r oden cartiages and localwhol
trains dabbawal
e tiflinto achicve thcir lastarget. biThe du
dabbas TheIromdabbawallas
cycling through the streets of Mumbal, cnsuring
distribution requires negligible tect nology rely on low
a hotcapital cooked
homeand lunch
use cycles,

02 "The frst dalbbawalla thus, ensture that the organisation carns enough revenucs to
Aabbas at the railwaypicks up the tiffin from lhome and
dabbas ro che railway station according to takes it to the nearest railway station.The second dabbawalla sorts out
hem off at the olficcs."stations nearest to the destination andThe puts them in picks the luggage carriage. The third one travels with the
(o) Which characteristic dest inationns.ation is fourth
of coordi onc up dabbas from the railway station and drops
t Coordination integrates group effors highlighted above (I mark)
Coordination is a
03 "The dabbawallas rely continuous process
(b) Coordination ensures unity of action
(d) All of these
thus, ensure that the low capital and use cycles,
wooden local tralns to achieve their target. The dabbawallas,
highlighted above? organisation carns enough revenucs to carriage cover costs." Which of the following organisational objective is
(a) Survival (1 mark)
(c) Growth (b) Profit
(d) None of these
Q4 "The story of the dabbawallas begins in the
process of preparing the workerkitchens
of Mumbai. After they step out of their
ime-consuming a fresh, home-cooked lunch." Which function of
door, someone begins the
above? management is highligntca
(a) Planning (I mark)
(c) Directing
(b) Organising
(d) Controling
0.5 For the following statements, choose the
correct option:
Statementi "To establish interchange ability of manufactured parts and products is an obiective of
rechnique of scientific management. 'Simplification of work'
Statement : Simplification aims at eliminating superfluous varieies, sizes and
devising new varieties instead of the existing ones. dimensions while standardisation implics
Choose the correct option from the options given below:
(1 mark)
Statement I is correct and Statement l is not correct.
(6) Statement II is correct and Statement I is not correct.
(c) Both the Statements I and Il are correct.
(d) Boch the Statements I and II are not correct.
6 l is heartening that the implementation of compliunce requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 has progressed substancialy
with NIFTY 500 companies., Data shows asignificant increase in women's participation in the top management of Indian
Companics from 5% few years ago to 13% now. Even companies which are not in NIFTY 500 have undertaken drives to
increase women's participation across different areas of work. The government had also announced that it would support such
Publications (Subhash Dey)
Shree Radhey
382 BUSINESS STUDIES XII Supplementary brought abourt the change. (1 mar
discused abave whlch
companies, ldentify the dimension(s) of Legal environment
(2) Economic
(1) Technological environment environment
(3) Poliical environment (b) Only (3)
(4) brand. The
(a) Only (2) (d) Both (3) andair-conditioners of a famous company has
(c) Both (2) and (3) of demand for the c
cngaged In the
Q7 Bhagwari Enterprises is acompanymain functions- Purchase, Sales,
Finance and Stafting. As the
help the Human
Resource Manaee grec
functional structure with the four cmployees. ldentify the concept
which will
required number of persons foe find
more recruit the
the company decided to recruit personncl available so thar he could decide and (I martg
out the number and type
department. Workforce Analysis
(a) Workload Analysis (b)
(d) All of these As per the contract of cmplovm
(c) Estimating manpower requirements Ltd., who gets an annual salary of t8 lakh.commission if the rurnover cxceeds I
of Gloriya Life Insurance 109%
gets turnover education to the children.
0.8 Roshni is an cmployeebusiness rurnover of 1 crore per month. She aid and Which of the
Roshni has a rarget get medical
company policy, all che cmployees (l marl)
crore in any month. As a
following P2y plan is highlighted above?
(a) Time based direct financial Payment
(6) Performance based direct financial payment
() Time based pay plus incentives
financial incentives
(d) Time bascd pay as well as performance bascdon the basis of the samet
question no.9-12 Time and 'Morio
Read the following tert and answer air-conditioners. Recenly the company had conducted the
assenbly of company
AS. Lrd. is a large company engagcd in a worker can assemble ten air-condicioners in a day. The target voiume of the turno
study and concluded chat on an averageair-conditiones. The company is providing attractive allowances to reduce labour our d
1,000 units of day is 800 units only. To find
a day is assembling of Even then the assembly of air-conditioners per
absentecism. All the workers are happy. C.CTV. hat some of the workers were bu
and cach worker and observed through
performance of
reason the company compared actual to keep a close check on the activities of the workers to minimise che dishonest and unerhi
in gossiping. The company decided
behaviour s the part of workers. of A.S. Ltd.? (1 ma
As per Time Study' and 'Mocion Study, how many workers are required to meet the daily target volume
(b) 100
(2) 10 (d) None of these
(c) 1000
discussed above. (1 mard)
Q10 Identify the function of managemenc
(a) Planning (b) Staffing
(a) Controlling
() Directing
were busy in gossiping." ldentity che step in the function of
Q.11 .observed through C.C.TV. that some of the workers (l mar
management identified, as highlighred above.
(a) Measurement of Actual Performance
(b) Comparing Actual Performance with
() Analysing Deviations
(d) Taking corrective action
minimise the dishonest and unechical behaviour
Q.12 "The company decided to keep a close check on the activities of the workers to
as highlighted above.
as che part of workers." Identify the point of importance of the function of management identified,
(1 mar
() Accomplishing organisational goals (b) Ensuring order and discipline
(c) Making efficient use of resources (@) Judging accuracy of standards
Q.13 Temprations' is a food joint in Imperial Mall in Bengaluru. It is becoming popular among students and working people due
to healthy, on-the-go dishes on its menu like Pancer Wrap, 'Chickpeas Salad', "Grilled Sandwiches, etc. It has now decided to
open two new branches in ocher parts of Bengaluru. Which financial decision has been discussed in the above case? (1 mar)
(a) Long-term investnent decision (b) Short-term investment decision
() Dividend decision (d) Financing decision
Q.14 Which of the following statement is false? (I mars
(a) Fixed Assets should never be financed through short-term sourccs.
(6) Labour intensive organisation require less fixed capital.
(c) Higher growth of an organisation requires less fixed capital.
(d) Working capital affects both the liquidity as well as proficability of a business.
SQP.2023 and 20
SE Sample Papers for
ted. a well known
Practice BUSINESS STUDIES Xu Supplementary Material 383
rcal estate
diecors ofmade.
the company have ised company
has managed to
sensitive carve
Informatlon a niche
for thelr ltsell
lor In
peranal sector. lecently,
thisinterest Adequate
it was revealed that
public disclosures
wrere also not SEBI is
directors of this company.considering action agalnst these Nane the term used for trading
malpractice done by
i) Mislcading statemenr directors. (1 mak)
) Insider trading (b) Manipulations
following and choose the correct (d) Peice rigging
(1 mark)
Consumes would favour those alternative:
atfordable price nroducts which were widely available at an (A) Selling Concept
i) Bringing c continuous improvement in the quality, (B) Marketing Concept
) Firnns must
undertake aggressive selling and incorporating new featurcs etC,
(C) Production Concept
buy their products.
iv) A pre-requisite for the
promotional eflorts tto make customers
success of any
astomer needs orranisation is to
understand and respond to (D) Product
-(A), (i) - (B), (in) (C), (iv) - (D)
-(C).() -(D), (ii) (A), (iv) -(B) (b) () - (D), (ii) -(C), (ii) - (B), (iv) (A)
odhu Ayurved Lrd, a new and leading (d) 1) - (B), (i) - (A), (ii) - (D), (iv)- (C)
manufacturer products has capturcd a
largesshare of the market in a short of herbal and
ayurvedic E medicines and grocery
onsiderable time and span of tinme. The Research and (R & D) department of the company spends
cffort in developing Development
sE like toothpaste, biscuits, noodles, soaps,eco-friendly, chemical free and healthy alternaives for a variery of products of daily
necds. and ndiffers from competitors
who are short sighted and serve only consumer's detereents
Instead Sindhu 1etc.Ayurved
Their Ld. considers
business orie larger issues of long term social
dfarc, paying attention to social, ethical and
Hentify che marketing philosophy adopted by ecological aspects of marketing (1 mark)
The Marketing Concept Sindhu Ayurved Ltd.
The Societal Marketing (b) The Selling Concept
Philosophy (d) The
QJ8 'Pushpanjali Lrd., is manufacturing chocolates, biscuits, cakes andConcept
other similar products. The company is not generating
enough profits. Saurabh, the manager of the company got a survey conducted to find our the reasons. The finding
of the survey revealed that in Marketing
spite of better quality, che
form is competitors. Though the customers wanted to buy customers able to distinguish the products of the company
were not
rhe products of 'Pushoaniali Lrd.' again and again beease
goods quality, but they were not able to idenify its products in the market. Because of this, the sales of the company coua not
pick up resultng in inadequae profits. Saurabh, the Marketing manager now realised thar 'Pushpanjali Ltd. had torgote o
ake one of the most important decisions related to rhe product.
What decision should 'Pushpanajali Ld.' take so that its customers are able to identify its products in the market (1 mark)
() Pricing (b) Branding
() Packaging () Labelling
QI9 Shweta went to arepured beauty salon for highlighting her hait. She was told by the bcautician that if she agrees to the package
of 5,000, then
she will get two hait spas worth 1,200 cach, free. Shweta agreed to the offer. While highlighting
spilled chemical on Shweta's
her hair, the
went to the doctor
ace and it went inside her left cye. Shweta was in pain. When she
she was diagnoscd with cornea inflammation. Later, she gave alegal notice to the bebeautician accusing her of lack of expertise.
ldentify the consurner right which is violated in the above case. (1 mark)
(a) Right to Safety (6) Right to be Assured
() Right to Seek Redressal () Right to be Informed
Q20. Who anmong the following is not considered aconsumer under the Consumer Protection Act, 20192 (l mark)
(a) Aperson who buys any goods for aconsideration which has been paid.
A person who avails of any service for a consideration which has been promised.
(c) A person who avails of a service fora commercial purpose.
(a) Any user of goods when such use is made with the approval of the buyet.
Q21 Sunrisces Lrd. dealing in readymade garments, is planning to expand its business operations in order to cater to international
market. For chis purpose he company needs additional 80,00,000 for replacing machines with modern machinery of higher
production capacity. The company wishes to raise che required funds by issuing debentures. The debt can be issued at an estimared
cost of 10%. The EBIT for che previous year of the company was 8,00,000 and total capital investment was 1,00,00,000.
(a) Suggest whether issue of debenture would be considered a rational decision by the company. Give reason to justify your

(b) State che factor affecting the choice of capital structure highlighted above. (3 marks)
(Subhash De
384 BUSINESS STUDIES XII Supplementary Materlal Shree Radhey Publications
Q.22 lndlas langest domestic investor Life Insurance Coponition oflndla has one again come to government's sescue by subcrib

70% of Hindustan Aeronaurlks' 4.200-crore initlal publc olleilng

Which market is being reflexted ln the above caset State lts (eatures.
Q.23 (a) Datinguish berwren marketlng nd sellug philosophles of marketing
(6) Eplain the concept of branding, labelng and packaging
Dicuss the scope of Consumer Protcction Act
2019. (3 mac
S pan he concept of 'Consumer Protetioy',
NGOs 0n protecting consumers intetess.
(0) Decibe the role of consumer oranlzations and (4 mals
Q.25 ldentify and state the importance of busincss environment from the following first to recognise the
need for
small cars in s
market because it was the
() Maruti Udyog became the leader in thesmall car middle class popularion in India.
environment of rising petroleum prices and a large market with new substiturcs, On the basisof
() An Indian firm finds that a forcign mulrinarional is entering the Indianadopting such measures as mproving the quali
intormarion, the Indian firm can prepare itsclf to meet the chreat by advertising, and so on.
the produCt, reducing cost of the production, engacing incomoetiion may make an enterprise think afresh abour k
( Enty of new players in the market. which meant
deal with the situation.
i5 happening n the cnvironmenm L
() Many studies reveal that the furure of an enterorise is closcly bound up with what
really makes adifference in che performance of an enterprise. products to cater t o
Q26 Ater completing her studies in producr deion Surira wishes to start her own business to desTgn
her tricnd that she wanted to focue
mooliry and communication requirements of persons with special necds. She told would
Supplying high quality products at affordable prices. The Unique Selling Proposition (0.J) or the products
sensitivity of the challenges and necds of the differently abled peoplc.
across thc country. This decision of S
She wants to cmploy only differently abled persons in her factory and sales offices the company may reontir
provides the base for interpreting her stratcgy. This also defines the broad parameters within which
the selection of the differen
the persons. Sarita has also to decide abour the cxact manner and the chronological order of how
abled applicants will be done.
In the above lincs, Sarita is discussing about one of the functions of management. This function has several types. Idenifyand
cxplain the types Sarita is discussing in the above lines. Also state, giving reasons whether these are classified as single-use nlns
and standing plans. (4 marc)
Q27 Ir is aphilosophy thar implies selective dispersal of auchoricy because it propagates the bclief that pcople are competent, canakl
and resourceful. They can assume che responsibiliy for the effective implementation of their decisions. Thus this nhilt
recognises che decision maker's need for autonomy. It helps to promote self-teliance and confidence amongst the subordins
This is because when lower managerial levels are given freedom to take their own decisions they learn to depend on rhei
judgmentL It also keeps them in a state wherein they are constantly challenged and have to devclop solutions for the ario
problems they encounter. Ir gives them a chance to prove their abilities and creates a teservoir of qualilied manpower whe
can be considered to fill up more challenging positions through promotions. It also helps to identify those who may not be
succesful in assuming greater responsibility. Thus, it is ameans of management education as well as an opportunity for trained
manpower to use its talent in real life situations.
Explain any four points of imporrance of the management philosophy ilustrated above, other than the points explaincd in the
above para. (4 marlu)
Q.28 Ganesh was concerned about the sedentary lifestyle people are leading nowadays. Their dependency on outside food is alog
increasing because corporate work culture demands working till late night at offices. So, he decided to start a restauant,
"Healthy Eating Point' to provide healthy food options to customers. After complering planning and organising funcions, he
identified the various job positions that are required to be filled i.e. aGeneral Manager, an Accountant, two Chef, two boys
for serving the food in the restaurant and chrce boys for home delivery of food. He decided that his father, Karan, would be the
General Manager of the restaurant. He would be paid 50,000 per month for his services. His facher requested him to appoin
his triend's son, Prem as an accountant who is well qualified for this post. Ganesh agreed to this proposal. Earlier, Prem had
abusines of providing unskilled workers to diferent organisations from remote arcas of the country. Prem took permision
from Ganesh to continue with the old business. Ganesh hapily agreed and asked him to provide five boys for sering and
delivering the food. For he appointment of the two Chefs, Ganesh approached arenowned Hotel Management Institute and
ssatisfied with the Chefs provided by the institute.

la) various
By quoting the lines from the above paragraph, cxplain the sources of recruitment being used by Ganesh for filing up the
job positions.
(6) Also, give the meaning of the funcion of management discussed in the above case. (4 maris)
SE SQP 2023 and 20 Supplementary Material 385
Sample Papers for Practice BUSINESS STUDIES XI1
o.29 () In Tata Stecl several Initiatives have been motivation levels and participation in the decision
making process of the officers, taken to furthet rimprove the development
greater formalised system of a peronal
programme, talent review and job Ip
Impetus to training throug a system, formal
performance managermentopportunities
rwards and rotatio
tation systems, compensation linked to
t the
appraisals, leadership
gualisy circles,recognition systems, knowledge management systems linked with an extremely transparent and deaibe
continuous improver ent and value engincering programmes and both
multi-path communication system to all employees through various dialogues
formal and online, with such of
address queries and concernsOnline', special dialogucs with senior management,
meeting, conferences and tools as video conferencing, 'MD in Tata
seminars. These initiatives helped to build a homogencous and focused team on
Steel, incrcasing motivatio have employecs to deliver targets
ation and binding to the vision of the company and spurred
participatory management basis
Tata Stecl is a company that leading to ownership of process and even che freedom to ffail. It is 2
nimble. fast, modern and actively ptomotes freedom to work, freedom to innovate has undergone a revolutionary
change in terms of its forward-looking company on a strong growth path. The company resulted
These changes have on IT
in creat production fcilities and che technology in the manu process. based
cating grcater opportunities for taking up
enabled newer ork and for performance producers
of systems and high levels of challenges tnaking
tor youns the company one of the lowest cost
steel and the only
Indian automation.
steel makers. Tata Steel company to be These
have led to
by the World Sreel Dynamics as one of the top most "World
that have seen the hopes not only to consolidate but berter its leadership by robust lcadership development
company create many CEOs for other
Explain the featurces of the function of companics. (4 marks)
management highlighted above
(b) It is generally observed that OR
breakdowns or barriers. These
may prevent a managers face several problems due to comr
standings may be
creatcd. Therefore, or flter part of it or
carry incorrect meaning due to which misunder
it is
important for a manager to identity such barricrs and take measures to overcomne them.
Explain the classification of the barriers to with an example of each.
a0 ()
Describe the various channels of communication in the organisations into broad catcgories
(4 marks)
distribution with examples.
) Describe any four factors OR
determining price of a product.
Q.31 Vishesh completed his MBA ar a reputed business sschool in Lucknow. He was impressed by the Principles and Techniques of
Sientin Management developed by EW. Tavlor On comnlering his MBA, he wanted to apply scientific Management t
mily's business of fast food chain of
His main goal
restaurants named Burger Mania.
Dal wasSto reduce costs with increased ourpur. To begin wirh. he wanted ro develop a standard method which would be
followed throughour the organisation. So, he investionted rradirional nethods through wok study and unified he best Pracue
ihe standard method, i.e. the best way of doing the job was then developed taking into account all parameters right from che
procurement of raw materials till the delivery of thefinal product to the customer. Vishesh also believed that each person should
not only be scientitically selected but should also be given the required training to increase efficiency. For this, he set up a Special
Iraining Unit alled 'Hamburger in Bengaluru where the wotkers were given the required training to increase efficiency. For this,
he set up a workers were given the required training to learn the best method. Ar the factory, the ingredients making up a burgr
were strategically placed to reduce the time taken for excess movements. The standard time and other parameters were determined
on the basis of work study and Vishesh rewarded the workers for meeting the standard output.
Now: Burger Mania' has standardised processes, raw material, rime, machinery, product and working conditions that ensure
the food they send out to cheir customers has the same high standards of excellence and level of quality in every chain or
1he application of Scientific Management to every aspect of restaurant operations led to Burger Mania's widespread succes.
Quoting the lines from the above, explain he Principles and Techniques of Scientific Management used by 'Burger Mania.
(6 mark)
Q32 (a) State any three advantages and three disadvantages of che functional structure of an organisation. (6 marks)
(b) State any three advantages and three disadvantages of the informal organisation.
Q.33 (a) Discuss any three financial incentives and three non-financial incencives. (6 marks)
(b) Explain the concepr of leadership. Discuss the various styles of leadership.
Q.34 Ananta Ltd. is a company dealing in ready-made garments from last many years. Recently the profit of the company have
startcd increasing. The finance manager decided to retain the profit instead of distributing it among shareholders.
(6) ldentify and state the financial decision taken by finance manager in the above case.
(i) State any four actors afecting the decision idenrified in (i) above. (6 marke)
COSESQP 2023 and 20 Sample Papers for Practice Material

Unlike nofessions such as

Sample Paper 11 (for Practice) degres, nwhere ir
for a medicine
Q.l or law lawyer tn (wess prodeeion being
rkd is it mandatory whih a practislng door or
Nd above whih is not ager to possess anyreuire
such profesional degree. ldentily the charc teristic o the (1ar)
(a) wl definel body of
being strictly met by
i) rofessional Asociationknowledge
(b) Restricted Enry
Sor-IT Lrd' is a
leading () Echical code of conduct diverse necds of its emplryees
Q.2 sofrware development atisfying the
employes are given compctitive salaries cumpany. The cOmpany is peronal growth
forwiththeirorganizational and de the
For harmony in the onganization, managementperka. They have been
has to reconcile given chance
personal goals objectives.
0 mark)
hie-tive of management being met by
) Social "SORT-T Ld'
(c) Organisational (b) Personnel
(d) Both Social and Personnel problems. This is
Q3. The principles are guidelines to action but do not solutions to all managerial (1 mark)
so because provide readymadc, Straitjacket
a) the application of
principles has to be changed as per requirements.
(6) real business situations are very compiex and dynamic and are a use under whar
(c) principles are like result of many decidewhich tool to
different tools serving different purposes, the manager has to
(d) All the above
0.4. Vidhya Public School is a a new Business Studia t c
renowned school in Nagpur. The management recently appointed sarisfied with it and said
Shweta, to ceach classes XI and XIl and pave her a ot schools in
alary is nor just and cquitable as per the amount of monthly alary of 50,000.byShwetS.
done a Business Studies teacher. Other
the city are paying 70,000 to their work required to be
teachers tcaching dasses XI and Xl. (1 mar)
Name che principle of management that has been violated by Vidhya Public School in the auore
(a) Discipline (b) Remuneration of Employees
(c) Equity (d) Esprit de corps
os For the following statements, choose the correct option: environment of
Statement I: "Balance of payments and changes in foreign cxchange reserves" is a component of political
Satement : Expansion of transportation and communicrion fcilities is a component of economie envo
(1 mark)
Choose he correct option from the options given below:
a) Statement I is correct and Statement II is not correct.
(6) Staternent II is correct and Statement Iis not correct.
(c) Both the Starements I and Il are correct.
(d) Boch the Statements I and II are not correct.
(1 mar)
0.6 Read the following starements-Assertion (A) and Reason (R):
Assertion (A): Planning is an cxclusive function of top management.
Reason (R): Planning is done by the top management; rest of the members just carry out orders.
Sclect che correct alternative:
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are truc.
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are false.
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason(R) is falsc.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason(R) is ruc.
Q7 Yashraj is a HR manager in Piyush Constructions Lrd, He is paid an annualof salary of R10 lakh. He is also given company
compensation is used by company to pay to its
shares at a price less than the market price. Which of che following method (1 mark)
HR manager?
(a) Time based direct financial payment
(b) Performance based direct financial payment
(c) Time based pay plus incentives
(d) Time based pay as well as performance based inancial incentive.
Supplementary Material Shree Radhey Publications
Q.8 Match the following: 1
(0 Sclt
respect, autonomy status, recognition and atientibn. (a) Basic lhysiologjcal Needs.
(i) Growth, (b) Safery/Security Needs
self-fultillment and achievement of goals
(iü) Hunger, thist, sheltet, sleep, etc. () Esteen Needs
(iv) Stability of incume, |(d) Self Actualisation Needs
pension plans, etc,
(a) ()-(c).() -(a).(i) -().(iv) - (b)
(b) (0) -(d), (1) - (c), (uI)- (b), (iv)- (a)
() )- (c). (i)-(d). (i) - (a),
(lv)- (b) (d) (0) - (b), (i1) - (c), (1) - (d), (iv) - (a)
Control should fous on key result areas (KRAS) only which are critical to the success of an organisation because
() An atteny to control everything resuls in controlling
0 t is neither eonomical nor casy to keep acheck on
(ii) Some deviation in performance can be expected in all
cach and every activity in an organisaton.
(iv) Deviations in key areas of business need to be activitics. to deviations in
attended more urgently as compared certain insignificaH
(a) Only ()
(1 me
(c) Only (ü) and (ii) (b) Only (ii)
(d) Only (ii) and (iv)
0.10 What is the term used to denote the
part of current assets which is financed through long term sources of the funds? (1 mer
(a) Fixed apital
(c) Net working capital (b) Working capital
al employed
(d) Capital
Q.11 Which of the following statements is
Ihe working capital requirement of abusiness become higher with higher rate of inflation.
(i) Aliberal credit policy results in lower
(iüü) Larger the lead time, larger shall be the amountcapital requircments.
of working capital rcquired.
(iv) Service industries require more
(a) Only (i) working capital.
(b) Only (iv)
(c) Only (iui) (d) Both (ü) and (iv)
Q.12 Which of the following statements is false?
(a) Current assets are usually more liquid bur contribure less ro the profits chan fixed assets.
(l mar
(b) Fixed Assets should never be financed chrough
short-term sources.
(c) Debt normally does not cause a dilution of control.
(d) As the financial leverage increases, the cost of funds
Q13 Sun-flag Iron Ltd. is manufacturing stcel at its plant in India. It is enjoying incrcased demand tor its steel as economic gromh
of the councry is about 8%. It is planning to set up anew plant to avail the benefits of increased demand. It is estimated
ir will require abour 4,000 crore for setting up of a plant and about 600 crore for other expenses to start the new plant.
colecr the above mentioncd funds, the sources to be used and the quanity to be collected from diferent sources had ro k
considered. The concept discussed above is
(a) Financial management (b) Financial planning
(l mar
(c) Capial Structure (d) Financing decision
14 When the shares can be boughr or sold at the price mentioncd, it will be communicated to the broker's terminal and che
will be exccuted electronically. The broker will issue a to the investor.
(a) Trade confitmation slip (1 mar)
(6) Contract Note
(c) Unique Order Code number (d) Beneficial owner (BO) account number
15 What is che another name of 'Demat' account?
(a) Depository account (1 mar)
(b) Depository Paricipant (DP) account
(c) Beneficial Owner (BO) account (d) Securities Balance (SB) account
16 If an investor wishes to buy or sell any security he has to first approach a registered broker or
agreement with him. The investor has to sign a broker-client agreement and a client registration sub-broker
and enter into an
to buy or sell securities. He has also to provide certain other details and information.
form before placing an order
Which of the following is not included in such details and information? (1 mark)
(a) Demat account details (b) PAN number
(c) Bank account details
(d) Depository account derails
7 A is located at specified places.
(a) Money Market (1 mark
(b) Capital Market
(c) Primary Market (d) Secondary Market
SQP 2023 and 20 Sample Material
Papers for Practice BUSINESs STUDIES XI Supplementary
but al
is an
important function of porction of the prouct 6mak)
serves as a pronmotionaltt marketing which is Impertant t nly fur

() Packaging (b Labeling chargrs

tlariom lewellers
o19 and a contest introduIced a series of (d) Branding
on diamond jewellery, h makingthe lestive
to win a
luxury car to short-term incentives llke 40% disountpurchae of their products during (1 mk)
n ldentily the encourage
promotional tool used by the buyers to make immediate
(a) Advertising them:
() Sales promotion (b) Personal selling
Which of the (d) Publicity (1 mark)
followings is not a
Asert yoursclf toensure thatresponsibility of the
Pay you get a fair deal. consumer?
punitive damages in
(c) Fom consumer appropriate circumstances.
societies which would play an active part in cducating consumers and safeguarding their interests.
Respect the environment. Avoid waste. littering and of
The govermment of India
announced contributing to polluto notes with effect from the midnight Ncw
November 8, 2016, As a Denonetizarion
result, the existing 500 and U,000
of Z500 and 1,000 currency
ceased to be legal
tender from thar
Cufrengy notes ofof the notes announcement.
denomination of 500 and 2,000 currencyReserve Bank of lndia after the ash
This step resulted in a
substantial were issucd by
Sale machines, e-wallets, digital rise in
and other modes of cashless increase the awareness about and use
in of Point of disclosure led to a
transactions. Also, increased in monetary transactions and
movernment revenue in the form of tax collection. transparency
ldentify the dimensions (3 mara)
of business environment
highlighted above, by the lines from the above.
Q22 (a) State the type of plan and state quoting
whether they are Single use or Standing plan:
(0) A typc of plan
(i) A plan based onwhich serves as a controlling device as well. (3 maria)
research and analysis and is concerncd with physical and technical tasks.
(b) Suhasini a home science graduate from a reputed college course. She wished to start her own
venture with a goal to provide 'health food' at has reccntly done a cookery idea with her tcacher (mentor)
She discussed her
cncouraged her. After reasonable price. chey shortlisted the option to sell ready
analyzing various options
made and ready to make vegetable shakes and for starting her business venture,
and cons of both the
satru milk shakes. Then, they both weighed the pros
shortlisted options.
Discuss three limitations of the function of management discussed in the above casc.
Q23 ADeparture Control System (DCS) automates processing an airlines airport management operations which includes managing
che intormant required for airport check-in, printing boarding pas, bagrage acceptancc, boarding load conrol and arert
checks. loday almost 98% of DCS manage e-ticket using interface from a number of devices including check-in kiosks, onine
check-in, mobile boarding pass and baggage handling, DCS are able to idenify and capture updated reservarions trom an
airlinc computer reservation system for passengers called passenger name record (PNR). A DCS is used to update reservations
ypically as ckecked-in, boarded, and flown or another status. Additionally and increasingly a DCS or some aty fre sectors
may also interface with immigration control for visa, immigration and passenger no fly watch list.
ldentity and state he funcion of management highlighted above. Also explain how this funcion is a pervasive function. (3 mara)
Q24 (a) The overall objective of SEBI is to protect the interests of investors and to promote the development of. and regulate the
securities market.
In light of this statements, state any three objectives of SEBI. (3 marks)
(b) Controlling insider trading and imposing penaltics for such practices" is one of the type functions of SEBI. State any
three functions of the same type performed by SEBI.
0.25 (a) Discuss the concept of coordination and its importance in an organisation. (4 marks)
(b) Give the meaning of management and discuss its objectives.
Q.26 Tanvi is a manager in Beta ltd, a company manufacturing plastic glasses and bowBs. The government banned plastic items.
As aresult, Beta Ltd. incurred ahuge loss as it had to stop production of plastic glasses and bowls, and had to purchase new
machinery for producing paper glasses and bowls.
The management of the company entered into an agreement with labour union whercby workers agreed to put in extra hours
without additional payment to revive the company ouc of loss. In return the management promised to increase wages of che
(Subhash Dey
390 BUSINESS STUDIES XII Supplementary Material Shree Radhey Publications

hours She conducted an cxperiment to see thc effect

a round that workers' eficiency declined due to long working workers cfficicncy and productivity increase
Improvement ot physical conditions of work to reduce stress. lr worked and
their wages by 50 per cent.
Within wo months, the company revived our of los The manseement in returned increased
a) ldentify and explain the principles/technique of management highlighted above. (4 mar)
(6) State che characteristic of principles of management highlighred above. (4 mark)
Q.27 (a) Explain che steps in he process of organising function of management.
(6) Explain any four points highlighting the importance of organising function of manageme
Q.28 It is the responsibiliy of all managers to directly deal wich and ssclect people to work for the organisation. When the managr
will include placing the right persono
performs the stafing function his role is sightly limited. Some ofthese responsibilities
theirngncjob, maintainingnew
abilitics, introducing
employees to the organisation, training employees and improving theit peromince, developing
their morale and protectine their healch and physical conditions. n Small organisations, managea
But as organisations grow and
inay pettorm all duties related to employees salaries, welare and working conditions.
department is formed which has specialists in
oPesons employed increases, a separate dcoartment called che human rcsource The
nanagingof People.
lhe management of human resource is a specialised area which requires the cxpertise of many people.
human resource specialists and size of this denartment gives an indication of the size of the busincss s well. For a
cach function of this department.
vEy age company, the Human Resources Department itself will contain specialists for
Human Resource Management incudes many specialised activities and duties which che human resource personnel mu
perform. State those specialised activities and duties. (4 mark)
Q.29 The personal factors of boch sender and receiver may exert inluence on effective communication. Explain the petsonal bariea
of superiors and subordinates. (4 marls)
Q30 SLud. is manuficturing steel at is planc in India. l is enjoying abuoyant demand for is products as economic growth is aboug
7%-8% and the demand for steel is growing The company has decided to set up anew stel plant to cash on the increased
demand. Ir is cstimated chat it will require about 2000 crore to set up and about 500 crore of working capital to start the
new plant.
(a) Identify the decision taken by the finance manager in the above case.
(6) Explain any cwo factors affecting the fixed capital requirements of SLtd (4 mark
Q31 Neha runs a factory wherein she manufacrures shoes. The business has been doing well and she intends to expand by
diversifying into leacher bags as well as western formal wear thercby making her company a complete provider of corporate
wear. This will enable her to market her business unit as the one stop for working women. Which type of structure would vou
recommend for her expanded organisation and why? Stare any four benefits ofsuch type of organisation structure. (6marto
Q32 (a) Identify and state the concept of management which is the sum of all things one person does when he wants to
creare understanding in che mind of another. It involves systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and
understanding. Explain briefly the clements in the process of the concept of management identified. (6 mark)
(6) Ford Motor Company announccd key changes to its senior management team as it continues to strengthen its automotive
busines, improve the company's operational fitnes, and accelerate astrategic shift to capitalize on emerging opportunides.
In announcing the leadership changes, Ford President and CEO Jim Hackett said Form is "very fortunate to have an
experienced and commited executive team in place to signiftcantdy strengthen their business while building towards
their vision of becoming the wotld's most trusted mobility company. Their objective is to lead busines to new levels of
operational fitness, product and brand excellence and profitability.
Explain the clements of the function of management highlighted above.
Q.33 (2) Procter and Gamble's (P&G) philosophy is that it should lead the industry in implementing a global
programme. P&G is onc of the first companies in the world to actively study the influence of consumerenvironmenta
products on
the environment and introduce concentrated products, recycled plastic botles, and refill packages to the industry.
contribures to sustainable development and addreses environmental and social issues connected with its products and
) Identify and explain the philosophy of marketing followed byy Procter and Gamble.
(ti) Describe che clements of marketing mix. (6 mad)
(b) What product will be produced, with what features and at what price shall it be sold, or where shall it be
for sale will depend on what do the customers want. If the customers want features like double
made available
door in a refrigerator
a separate provision for water cooler in it, the organisation would produce a refrigerator with these
it at a leyel which the customers arc willing to features, would prc
Day and so.on. If all marketing decisions are taken with this
Supplementary Material 391
CASE SQP 202S and 20 Sample Papers for Practice BUSINESS STUDIES XII fll
a nccd and
firm then is o "identify narnc,
selling will not be any problen. I will y lollow. The
basic role of a packing, or brand
it'. The concept implies that automatically not merely because of their quality, therefore, is to
produ ervlces ate bouht any organisation,
bur beause they sacisty a specic nee
cUtomcr, A pre-requisite for the success of
undestand and respond to cuxomer needs.
() Identify and explain thephilosophy marketing discusscd
() State the main focus', 'means',
of above.
'end' and 'oillars of che philosophy identee
it would be
considered as dcficiency
Q34 of a consunmer
services on part of forum judgement, now, if you do not get money fromn ATMs,
Raipur was filed where the
bank,.On May 4, a petition in the Consumer Forum in ATMs.
submitted photos and video recording of2017, three filed ATM transactions duc to -availabilitry of cash bank's hel
In front of the forum, the when users use ATM,
bank argued that ATM runs Internct conncctivity, so at the time it cannot be termcd as a
she is not dircctly the bank client. with ATM, chen
deficiency in scrvice. Hence, if the said moncy not withdrawn from the
The forum rcjccted the bank's logic time of
recording at thewithdraw
complerely. The has presented photo and video ATM to
withdrawal as cvidence in front of forum, Forum petitioncr thc consumers at various times go to
moncy every ime the message of 'cash acknowledged
not available'
is the lack in service.
ordered thar if the bank will
The forum accepted the
not provide AM scrvice pctition. After hearing the arguments of both the parties, the forum
to the customer, then it will be Consumer Forum imposed a ine
a reduction in service
of 2.500 on the bank
including 1,500 as
mental harassment and 1,000 for legal expenses for non
availabiliry of cash in its ATMs as deficiency incompcnsarion
bank services.
(a) Explain the concept of
(b) Deine 'Deficiency' and 'Consumer Protection'.
'Complainant' as per the Consumer Protection Act ok
(c) ldentity and state the two rights (6 marks)
excrcised by the consumer in the above casc.

392 BUSINESS STUDIES XIl Supplementary Material Shree Radhey Publications (Subhash Dey

Sample Paper 12 (for Practice)

Read the following text and answer question no. 1 &2
on the basis of the samet
Founded in 1868, by Jamsetji Nuserwanji is a global business conglomerate operating in over 100 countri
across 5 continents. His strong sense of values,TaraandthespiritTacaof Group entreprencurship ate a legacy that continues sto guicde Ta
companies till date. He had four goals in life: setting up an iron and steel and
learning institution, : a unique
and a company, a world-clas
hydro-electric plant. Only the hotel became a reality during his lifetime, with the inauguration of the Taj Mahal botd
Hotel at Colabe
watertront in Mumbai on 3 December
hotel in India to have electriciry. 1903 ar the cost of 11 milion (worth 11 billion in 2015 prices). At that time it was he o
He believed that satisfied workers create sarisfied workers and in lieu to this principle he paid all his workers graruity, providenr
wel betore it was made mandatory. His management sille were dearly eident when minute details were chalked in planning an
building the entire city of Jamshedpur. The values and have governed the business for a century
Taa Code of Conduct (TCOC). principles that enshrined in he
rrom an carly toray into steel and automobiles, to staving abreast of the latest technologies, the Tata Gtoup today has 29 publich
aenterpries, which indude Tata Stcl, Taa Motors, TEata Consuleancy Services, Tata Power, Tata Chemicals, Tata Gio
bevcrdgs, lata leleservices, Titan, Tata Communications and Indian Hotels. The group has a combined market capitalisation of
around $103.5lbn (2016-17)
Tata has a strong sense of social responsibility, They balance economic responsibility and social
for the
community. In India, they are a partner in prosperity. environmental
its stakeholders forward in its benefty
progress with Odisha, and believe in taking
of growth. Tata Steel Thailand is one of the Arst 30 comnanies rhat ioined UNICEF in Child Friendly Business journey
in "The Chidren
Sustainability Forum" to make a commitment in children's rights. Taa Stel Europe's Community Partnership Programme
Future Generations, with sub-themes of education,protecting
environment, health and Well-being works across the UK, assisting job and wealth
reation by supporting small and medium businesses with finance and
They char lead
also business premises.
stels play1toa constructive
huel-eficientrole in addressing
vehicles and e n e b o h by reducing carbon toorprint, and by creating high perform
standards at all of their main manufacruring sites. buildings. Their Environmental Management Systems meet the ISO 14001
Shaped by a lincage of sound and straightforward business principles, the Tata Group is built on a
Building such huge enterprises, sustaining and running hem profitably are possible only foundation of trust and transparency
and co-ordination at all levels. through cHective and etthcient management
Source:; Accessed June, 2018
Q1 "He belicved that satisfied workers create satisfied
workers and in lieu
fund well before it was made mandatory" Which objectives have beento this principle hc paid all his workers gratuity, provident
(a) Organisational Objectives
fulfilled by the management of Tata Sreel?
(l mart)
(b) Social Objectives
(c) Personnel Objectives (d) Boch (a) and ()
Q.2 Tata Steel has risen to the top because of
(a) Efective and Efficient
(b) Coordination at all levels
(c) Both (2) and (b)
(d) Strong sense of values and spirit of innovation and
Q3 'Decisions rendered by various entrepreneurship
environment of business.
commissions and agencies at every level of the government is an example of
(a) Economic environment (b) Political environment (1mark)
(c) Social environment
(d) Legal environment
Q4 Match che feature of business
environment in Column I wich their respective explanation in Column Il:
A Inter-relatedness (1 mark)
(0) Increased life expectancy of people and
demand for many healh products and services likeawareness for health care have increased the
diet Coke, fat-free cooking oil, and health
resorts. New health products and services have, in turn,
B. Relativiy (i) It may be difficult ro know the changed peoples life styles.
extent of che relativc impact of the social,
technological legal factors on change in demand of a product in the market.
or cconomic, political.,
C, Complexity (iii) Political conditions in the USA, for
demand for sarees may be fairly highinstance, differ from those in China or Pakistan. Similaly
in India whercas it may
(a) ). (ü), (ii) almost non-existent in France.
() (üi), (i), 6) (b) (ü), (0), (ü)
() (), (ii), ()
SQP 2023,and
Sample Papers for Practice BUSINESs STUDILS xii Supolernentary Matenal 393
4 Niional Digital Lbary of India (NDL Idla) a pilot projtut tinitlated ythe HRD ministry lt wohs tuwarde deveagng
(ramewerk of vimual reoitory of learning lesources wltlh aainglewindirw seuh lility It provides supprt so ll adem
Ioehinuling warhers, lle lon ng lcarners and
) lehnological on(a) busines envitonnent di(lerently abled learners free of cost.
of (| mak)

olitical environment highlighted above.

(i) Legal environment
) ) and (i)
(iv) Economic ehvironment
(0 0) and (ii) b) 0) and (i)
Mt. Ajay after completing MBA (d) 0) and (iv) Ltd.
0. He launches from USA under the banncr Feom Creatsons
comes to India a new business which already has an
ished market inproduct
a new
UK and e-learning
USA buting notfor inSenior
Jndia. Secondary to start starts lourishingCommerce
His business in Indiz. stream,
Now more Indian companies
School students in
rerod into the market with othet
Jdentify the subjects also.
Now more significance of
undestanding business
A helps Indian oompanies entered into the market with thightlighted below.
in assisting environment (Imark)
in different subjec
(b) lt helps the firm to planning and policy
Ià It helps in
I helps che improving
performanceopportunities formulation.
and get the first mover advantagc
firm to identify
gives shape to the threats and early warning signals. (1 muk)
() Extent of delcgation
organisation structure.
Number of employces (b) Span of Management
08 Match the columns; (d) Planning (1 mart
The network of
social Organisarional structure
at work. relationships which arises spontaneously due to interaction (A)
ea Number of
sulbordinates under
(iü) The framework within which
(B) Decentralisation
managerial and oneraing tasks are pertormcd. () Informal organisation
(iv) An optional policy decision of the (D) Span of Management
top management.
(a) ()-A), () (D), ()
-(C), (iv)- (B)
6) )-(C), () - (B), (iü) - (iv)
(A), - (D)
(d ()-(B), () - (D), (iü) - (A), (iv) - (C)
(d 0)-(C), (ii) -(D), (ii) -
(A), (iv) -(B)
09 Which of the following statements is fals? (1 mar)
) Alarge size organisation can be totally
(ii) Span of management is the outcome ofdecentralised.
(it) Informal organisation should be eliminated. organising process.
(iv) Planning gives shape to the organisational structure.
(a) () and ()
(b) (0), (0) and (ii)
(c) (0) and (ii)
(4) (0. (0), (ti) and (iv)
Read the following text and answer question no. 10-|1 on the basis of the same:
Vinber Ltd. set up a manuacturing unit at Bhiwadi at Himachal Pradesh to manufacrure electric geysers and supply them to dcalers
l over the country. Theit producion target was 500 gsysers per wek. It was decided by the management that variation in production
upto 10 units would be acceptable. Ar the end of the frst wek, the producrion was 450 geysers. The next weck, production increased
to 470 geysers. Aweck late, production was 460 geyses, On investieation, it was found out that fluctuation in production was due to
inegular supply of electriciy.
Q.10 ldentify the principle of the function of management identified, as highlighted above. (1 mark)
(a) Uniry of direction (b) Order
() Critical Point Control (d) Management by cxception
Q.11 Jdenify the step(s) involved in the function of management identified, as highlighted in the given lines. (1 mark)
(a) Setting Performance Standards
(6) Measurement of Acrual Performance
(c) Comparing Acual Perfotmance with Standards
(a) Analysing Deviations
Publications (Subhash Devd
Shree Radhey
394 BUSINESS STUDIES XIn Supplementary Materlal
(1 me
Q.12 Which of the illowing statements ls an incurect?
() Individual investons are not permitted to tranuct in the secondary moncy market such as Tbills, trade bills repot
are short tetm debr instruments
(6) The nnain instruments traded in the money market
commercial puper and cerificates of deposit.
(c) In the moncy market, transuctions entall huge sums of moncy.
(d) Money market instruments may even be issued for a single day. both debt and
arrangements through which long-erm funds, equity ae
Q13 The rem. refers to facilities and institutional (1 mal
raised and invested.
(a) Financial market (b) Moncy market
() Capital market (d) Primary market was teaching about capital marke
affiliated school of Kerala. One day he
Q.14. Nayar is wocking as PG.T. Commerce in a CBSE a tremendous growth becaue
market in India witnessed
in che clas. He informed the class chat during 1980's the capital 2nd market capitalisation led to a
of increasing participation of the public. This cver increasing investors' population
investmenc consultans
and others ariety
of malpracices on the part of the companics, brokers, merchant investon
the secunis market. These malpractices and unfir rrnding nrctices eroded investor contidence and multiplicd
problems beca
exchanges were heloless in redressing the investors decided to ser
scances. The Government of India and the stockleoisdarinn In view of this che Government of lndiz up
lCk or proper penalty provisions in the eistine ( marld
rgulatory body. The regulatory body which the Government of India decided to set up
Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
(a) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) (b) The Securities and
(c) National Stock Exchange (NSE) (d) Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) The issue was Oversubscribed by 2
500 crores in 2022.
DABG Ltd. isued prospectus for che subscriprion of irs chares for the prospcctus and tound some
ims. The company issued shares ro all the annlicanrs on pro-an basis. Later SEBI inspectedof crores and banned its thre
nucading statement about che management of the company in it. SEBI imposed a penalry
and its type pertormed by SEBI in rhe
cutive directors for dealing in securities market for three vears, ldenify the function
above czse. (1 mar
Developmenr Function
(a Underaking meas°es to develop the capital markets by adaptinga flexible approach - manipulations, price rigging e
(b) Prohibition of fraudulent and unfair trade practices like making mis leading statemedts,
-Protection Function
(C) Controlling insider trading and imposing penalties for such practices -Protection Function
(a) Calling for information by undertaking inspection, conducting enquirics and audits of stock exchanges and intermediar
Regulatory Function
Q.16 is refered to as the essence of marketing. (l mar'
2) Price (b) Product
(c) Exchange (d) Customer satisfaction
Q17 Acompany may produce agood qualiry product, price it appropriatcly and make it avrailable at the seling Points, which ane
convenient to customers. But inspite of all this, the product may not sell well in the market. There is a ned for developing
proper communication with the market. In the absence of communication, the customers would not be able to know abou
the product and how it can satisfy their necds and wants or may not be convinccd abour its utility and benefits. Idenify the
dement of marketing mix highlighted in the above para. (l mark)
(a) ProduCt (b) Price
(c) Place (d) Promotion
18 For most consumer goods like soaps, oils, cdothes, rice, sugar, pulses, ec., which type of channel of distribution is the mot
suitable? (1 ma)
(a) Direct channel (b) One level channel
(c) Two level channel (d) Three level channel
(a) Product cost
sets che minimum level or the factor price at which the product may be sold. (l mark)
6) The utilicy in the market
(c) Extent of competition in the market (d) Government and legal regulations
20 Match the cxplanations given in column-I with their respective terms given in column-lI and choose the correct option. (1 mar
(A) A name, term, sign, symbol, design or some combination of them, used to identify che () Trade mark
products of one seller and to differentiate them from those of the competitors.
(B) The Verbal Component of a brand.
(i) Brand mark
(C) Thar part of a brand which can be recongnised but which is not utterable. (ii) Brand
(D) A brand or part of abrand that is given legal protection.
(iv) Brand name
Supplementary Material
CBSE SOP 2023 and 20 Sample Papers for Practice BUSINESs STUDIES XII
(4) (). (iv), (), ) (b) (), (i), (iv). (0) fulfilling the
(c) (0.), (iv), (i), (li) towards
(d) (), (0. (), (iv) organlsation should work specialisu.
The management of Vrinda Ltd. strongly believes that the members of an individuals, departments and their
Q.21 common all to perfarm
organisational goals, This of efforts ofinformation and resources e it should
because all the individuals requires
s team work: dintegration tine
This is and cach other for interest, Ar the same
departments depend approach, timing, cffort
respective activities. Managersrs need to reconcile
on or ogansational goals.
cnableal its differences in individual goals and
members to grow and harmonise
ldentify and explain the conceptdevelop. Thus, there iis a nced to (3 marka)
of management discussed above. position. Ir
) State the characteristic of management whih is relected from the above PAra maintaining its comperitivethe challenge
in Consequently,
As a knowledge intensive company, Infosys
rcaliscsthar these assets recognises the value of its human assets covet its IT talent. environmen?
can casilyretain
walk and abroad and dynamic
acing Infosys is how to attract, away,develop assets and
its humanin India
as competitors in a highly competitive
of the lcaders and the culture that they have
Most of the current human resource pracrices at
Infosys result from the son His leadership style is
created, Narayana
Murthy, image of Infosys. his employees
and straight-forward, quire known for inhis theleadership is dhe public believes in sharing wealch withrhetoric
and vision business, and action
uncommon of Indian He consistency in
in leading by example. In a world
business le lIntosys, he sces the importance of His management
in empowering employees. He is credited with empowermnent at Infosys.
of closeness and
stylc, rare afmong Indian business leaders, is basedcreating a culture (3 marks)
on western management
Jdentify and explain the two furnctions of management (3 mars)
a23 (
highlighted above.
Stare any thrce assumptions of Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation
Stare any three barriers of OR
sender and receiver of
communicarion related to the state of mind of bothpermitted to become and act as depository
Q24 (a) Give the meanings of 'Depository and
parcicipants ? State. 'Depository Participant'. Who are (3 mark)

(b) Explain the two depositories presently operational in India. prcsentation
employee is given a brief
Q25 ) Explain briefly the steps involved in the staffing process of management after the (4 mark)
about thc company and is introduced to his superiors, subordinates and the coleagues.
(b) State the merits of flling vacancies in higher iobs from within the organisation or chrough internal trse appreciatea y
Q.26 A behaviour study was done on total of 100 emolovees of an oreanisation. Group A (of 50 employees) were
of flexible working hours and
the manager for thcir work and initiaive for new ides All hese emnlovees were given option was criticised for their poor
were patd wages at a higher picce rate. On the other hand, Group B (of remaining 50
performance. Their increments were stopped and they were paid wages at a lower picce rate.
(a) ldentify the feature of motivation highlighted in che above case. (4 marks)
(b) What ype of leadership is followed by the manager? (4 marks)
9.27 Planning is looking ahead and controlling is looking back.' Comment.
(4 marks)
Q.28 (a) Explain the concept and objectives of financial management.
(b) Explain the role of financial management in an organisation.
Q.29 Neelabh Sarin, the Finance Manager and Atul Chopra, the Managing Dircctor of Ghokerns Ltd. were discussing rcgarding the
in the
sOurce of finance to be raised for modernization of their existing plant. Ouoting that 'Sensex has soared by 5078 points'
last three years, Neelabh Sarin suggests hat equity should be preferred while Arul Chopra wanted to opt forfor debt.
modernization of
Keeping in mind the high operaring costs of the company, suggest the source of finance thac should be used
cxisting plant. Also, explain the two factors highlighted above which should be kept in mind for taking this decision. (4 marks)
Q.30 Why is ic imporcant for abusines to lay emphasis on prorecring the consumers and adequarely satisfying chem? Ghve(4anymarks)
0.31 (a) Explain the following principles/techniques of scientific management: (6 mark)
0 Cooperation, Not Individualism
(i) Development of Each and Every Person to His or Her Greatest Efficiency and Prosperity
(i) Differential Piece Wage System
396 BUSINESs STUDIES XIl Supplementary Material Shree Radhey Publications (5ubhash Dey)
(b) Explain the
following principles of
() Subondination of Individual Interestgeneral management:
to General Interest
Sability of Personnel
(ii) Esprit De Corps
Q32 (a) Explain kour tyes of standing plans.
(6 mara)
(6) Explain any four features of planning
function of management.
Q33 Inoom has diversified itself into several product lines Telecoumunicaions, Engincering, financial services. Each subsidiary is
selt-suftiicnt with thcir-own adnministrative functions, pronaeating the belicf that people can assume the responsibility for th
ctthtive implementation of their decisions and should be given autonomy. This has reduced the nced for direct supervision
superiors, has promoted flexibility, iniciative and faster decision making. The orders of customers are never delayed, as a reule
of good policy decisions of top
(a) ldentify and explain four points of importance of the concept being discused above.
(b) Name and briefly explain a
suitable framework for the company within which the managerial | and operating task are to be
performed. (6 marla)
Q34 As a project work in Business Studies subiect. the Commerce students of Creative Public School thought of
setting up a
ins plant to recycie all che waste papers from the school and prcpare regisers and exercise books to be used by the vcho
same. TheIhey
sudens pproached their principal who not only appreciated the idea of the students but also give her consent for the
school also decided to donate 50% of the revenue generated from the sale of registers and exercise books to a ncarby
blind school.
(a) Explain any rwo product related decisions which the children have to take.
(b) Suggest any cwo factors the childrern should keep in mind while choosing the right name tor their exercise books and
registers. (6 marla)

L. (c 6. (d) 11. (d) 16. () 26. (a) Motivation can be cither positive or negative.
2. (c) 7. (b) 12. (2) 17. (d) (b) Autocratic leadership style
3. (d) 8. (d) 13. () 18. (c) 29. Equity
Two factors:
4 (4) 9. (d) 14. (6) 19. (a) (a) Stock market conditions
5. (b) 10. (d) 15. (b) 20. (a) (b) Risk considerations.
21. (a) Coordination (give explanation) 33. (a) Importance of Decentralisation discussed are:
() Develops initiative among subordinate
(b) Management is agroup activity (i) Develops managerial talent for the furure
22. Staffing and Directing (ii) Quick decision making
23. (b) Psychological bariers (iv) Relief to top management
25. (2) The next four steps in the staffing process are: (6) Divisional structure
(6) Training and Development 34. (a) The product related decisions which the children have
(ii) Performance Appraisal to take are: (Erplain any tuo)
(ii) Promorion and carcer planning ) Branding (ü) Labeling (i) Packaging
(iv) Compensation (6) (0) The name should be short, easy to pronount,
spell, recognise and remember.
(b) Merits of internal sources of recruitnent (i1) le should suggest the bencfits and the utilities.

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