Unit 5 Test

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Bài 1

1. The ceiling is low. We’re going to have to crawl through the tunnel.
2. You’re going too fast. Brake !
3. The car in front of us is going really slowly. Why don’t you overtake it?
4. We’ve got enough wood, why don’t we construct a hut?
5. We can’t continue down this street. We’ll need to reverse .
6. If you want to make a fire, you’ll have to gather some dry wood first.
7. Make sure you don’t damage the car. Steer carefully around this corner.
8. We’ve collected too much water. Why don’t we exchange it for some food?
Bài 2
1. The man in the games shop was really friendly. His friendliness was amazing.
2. The hotel receptionist treated us really badly. His treatment was awful.
3. It was so dark in the middle of the forest that we were scared. The darkness
scared us.
4. My brother and I often argue. Our argument(s) will never stop.
5. My teacher says that my weak point is my spelling. My greatest weakness is
my spelling.
6. She was embarrassed because she had to speak in front of the class. Speaking
in front of the class caused her embarrassment.
7. My dad keeps fit by cycling to work.Cycling to work improves his fitness.
8. My sister’s Maths teacher encouraged her to study Maths at university. She
studied Maths at university because of her Maths teacher’s encouragement.
Bài 3
1. Douglas Engelbart invented the first computer mouse, which was made of
2. Our computer got a virus that/which destroyed the hard drive and we had to
buy a new one.
3. Amazon is an online shop where you can buy things like books, electronics,
music, and clothes.
4. Are you someone that/who spends all your free time on social networking
5. The library where I often go after school has a great range of computer
6. My aunt is a person that/who can explain how to use different computer
programs really well.
7. Our laptop, which we bought 8 years ago, is getting quite slow.
8. My sister, who is studying computer science, won a prize for designing a
Bài 4
1. I was given a new mobile phone for my birthday. It has a huge memory.
=>I was given a new mobile phone for my birthday, which has a huge
2. My best friend is called Tom. He has seen an erupting volcano. =>My
best friend, who has seen an erupting volcano, is called Tom.
3. Our car is 25 years old. It’s by far the slowest car on the road. =>Our car,
which is by far the slowest car on the road, is 25 years old
4. My favourite actor is Eddie Redmayne. He’s been in the Theory of
Everything and J.K. Rowling’s latest film.=> My favourite actor, who has
been in the Theory of Everything and J.K. Rowling’s latest film, is Eddie
5. I often go to the Star cinema. They show old films there.=> I often go to
the Star cinema, where they show old films.
6. . My dad hurt his knee during a football match. He’s much better now.=>
My dad, who hurt his knee during a football match, is much better now.
7. We often go to the shopping centre. You can buy all kinds of things
there.=> We often go to the shopping centre, where you can buy all kinds
of things.
8. The department store was destroyed in the earthquake. It has now been
rebuilt.=> The department store, which was destroyed in the earthquake,
has now been rebuilt

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