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F. Betorz E. Falgueras I. Hidalgo O. Lordan
A. Fabrés E. Garrido A. Labian R. Waszkiewicz

D. García S. Marras

Group G4 EA-2009 04-06-2009

Date: 04-06-2009
Code: Group G4 EA-2009 Page: ii de iii

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 1
2 General conditions ............................................................................................................................ 2
3 General characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Weight ................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Fuselage ................................................................................................................................................. 3
3.3 Wing ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Engine .................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.5 Landing gear .......................................................................................................................................... 5
3.6 Gravity centre position .......................................................................................................................... 6
3.7 Empennage ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3.8 Stability .................................................................................................................................................. 7
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Code: Group G4 EA-2009 Page: iii de iii

List of figures
Figure 1. Dophinn main dimensions .................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 2. Fuselage side view .............................................................................................................................. 3
Figure 3. Front view of the landing gear disposition ......................................................................................... 5
Figure 4. Top view of landing gear disposition .................................................................................................. 5
Figure 5. Landing gear layout ............................................................................................................................ 6

List of tables
Table 1. Weight estimation results.................................................................................................................... 3
Table 2. Fuselage and cabin dimensions ........................................................................................................... 3
Table 3. Wing geometric and aerodynamic parameters ................................................................................... 4
Table 4. Powerplant specifications .................................................................................................................... 4
Table 5. Wheel dimensions ............................................................................................................................... 6
Table 6. Aircraft components placement and masses ...................................................................................... 7
Table 6. Empennage parameters....................................................................................................................... 7
Table 7. Values of the parameters in Dolphinn Project to calculate CMα .......................................................... 8
Table 8. Longitudinal stability coefficient results .............................................................................................. 8
Table 9. Values of the parameters in Dolphinn Project to calculate Cnβ ........................................................... 8
Table 10. Directional stability coefficient results .............................................................................................. 9
Date: 04-06-2009
Code: Group G4 EA-2009 Page: 1 de 9

1 Scope
This project is a preliminary design of an amphibian aircraft. This specifications sheet refers only to the
main characteristics, equipments and systems that must be developed or selected for the Dolphinn project.
A complete set of specifications must be carried out in a further detailed design of the aircraft.
Date: 04-06-2009
Code: Group G4 EA-2009 Page: 2 de 9

2 General conditions
Dolphinn is an amphibian aircraft, flying boat configuration. Number of total seats is 10, including the two
crew members. Fuselage is adapted for amphibian operations and is single aisle. Dophinn wing
configuration is high wing. With this configuration, wing and engines are protected when the aircraft has
contact with water. Power is provided by 2 aero-diesel piston engines, one each side. They are located over
the wing, almost in-line with it. Empennage contains a composite made T-tail configuration. Vertical tail is
mounted over the fuselage and horizontal is on the top. On land the aircraft rests thanks to a tricycle
landing gear retractable on air. On water, the aircraft rests thanks to the buoyancy provided by the fuselage
with hydrodynamic shape. Two floats under the wing provide additional stability in case of tilt when
performing on water.

Figure 1. Dophinn main dimensions

Date: 04-06-2009
Code: Group G4 EA-2009 Page: 3 de 9

3 General characteristics

3.1 Weight
Table 1 summarises the aircraft weight:
Empty weight, EW 2.119,4
Operating Empty weight, OEW 2305,4
Max. Payload, P/L 743,9
Max. Fuel weight, FW 460,7
Table 1. Weight estimation results

The operating empty weight (OEW) includes the weight of the crew members.

3.2 Fuselage
Amphibious aircraft fuselage is more complex than its land based counterparts, due to the dual mission.
The hydrodynamic shaped fuselage is manufactured with advanced composites. The interior configuration
is single-aisle with one seat on each side. There are 10 seats in total, including 2 seats for the crew

Figure 2. Fuselage side view

Parameter Value (m)

Fuselage external diameter 2,2
Fuselage length 12,3
Cabin maximum height 1,52
Cabin maximum width 1,59
Cabin door height 1,47
Cabin door width 1,73
Table 2. Fuselage and cabin dimensions
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Code: Group G4 EA-2009 Page: 4 de 9

3.3 Wing
Main geometric and aerodynamic characteristics of the wing are shown in the following table. No wing
torsion has been considered.
Parameter Units Value
Span (b) m 15,62
Root chord (cr) m 2,23
Tip chord (ct) m 0,89
Mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) m 1,65
Aspect ratio (A) - 10
Taper ratio (λ) - 0,4
Sweep angle (Λ) deg 4
Dihedral (Γw) deg 0
Wing surface (SW) m2 24,4
Xac m 0,634
CL-cruise - 0,304
αgeometric deg -0,88
CLmax - 1,52
αmax deg 13,95
CD0 total - 0,025
CMac - -0,112
Table 3. Wing geometric and aerodynamic parameters

3.4 Engine
The power plant is composed by two ZOCHE 02A aero-diesel engines. It is a direct drive, air cooled, radial
two-stroke cycle Diesel with 4 cylinders per row. It features two stage charging (turbo- and supercharger),
direct fuel injection. The main characteristics are:
Name Unit Value
Diameter without propeller mm 648
Diameter with propeller mm 1400
Length mm 835
Engine weight kg 123
Propeller weight kg 22
Fuel system weight kg 15
Total weight kg 160
Simple engine HP 300
Nº engines - 2
Total Power HP 600
Table 4. Powerplant specifications
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Code: Group G4 EA-2009 Page: 5 de 9

3.5 Landing gear

Landing gear configuration is a hydraulic retractable tricycle nose wheel landing gear. Location of the
landing gear is the following.

Figure 3. Front view of the landing gear disposition

Figure 4. Top view of landing gear disposition

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Code: Group G4 EA-2009 Page: 6 de 9

Figure 5. Landing gear layout

Table 5 shows the main characteristics of the wheels.

Nose wheel Main wheel
inches centimeters inches centimeters
Diameter 12,62 32,07 19,54 49,66
Width 4,77 12,13 7,05 17,92
Table 5. Wheel dimensions

3.6 Gravity centre position

Table 6 listed the main parts mass and position in x and z axes:
Ref. Element Mass (kg) Mass/MTOW (%) x-position (mm) z-position (mm)
1 Wing 355,3 10,1 4400 850
2 Horizontal tail 47,7 1,4 12200 2150
3 Vertical tail 71,5 2,0 11550 1200
4 Fuselage 640,0 18,2 4300 0
5 Nacelle 44,3 1,3 3600 850
6 Main land. Gear 90,0 2,6 4800 -600
7 Nose land. Gear 41,6 1,2 1300 -500
8 Engine 246,0 7,0 3300 850
9 Propellers 44,0 1,3 2900 850
10 Fuel System 30,0 0,9 3750 850
Fixed equipment
11 Avionics, electronics 46,2 1,3 2600 50
12 Electrical system 94,0 2,7 3600 0
13 Air conditioning, ventilation 63,2 1,8 2000 -250
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Code: Group G4 EA-2009 Page: 7 de 9

Ref. Element Mass (kg) Mass/MTOW (%) x-position (mm) z-position (mm)
14 Hydraulic system 21,1 0,6 3200 -200
15 Flight Controls 56,1 1,6 3000 200
16 Furnishings 208,0 5,9 5200 -200
17 Paint 21,1 0,6 4000 0
Useful load
18 Payload 744,0 21,2 4800 0
19 Crew 186,0 5,3 3700 100
20 Fuel (usable,reserve) 460,7 13,1 4200 800
C.G MTOW 3510,8 100,0 4444 303
Table 6. Aircraft components placement and masses

3.7 Empennage
The empennage has a T-tail configuration, which means that the stabilizer is in the top of the vertical tail.
The main parameters are listed in Table 7:
Parameter Unit Value
Horizontal Tail Plane
Span m 4,38
Chord at root m 1,25
Chord at tip m 0,50
Vertical Tail Plane
Height m 1,81
Chord at root m 2,02
Chord at tip m 1,61
Table 7. Empennage parameters

The chosen airfoils are NACA 0012 for VTP and NACA 0012-64 for HTP.

3.8 Stability
Table 8 listed the necessary parameters for calculated the longitudinal stability:
Parameter Symbol Units Value
Wing Lift Coefficient (CLα)w - 2
Wing position Xw m -0,1
Wing Medium Chord c m 1,71
Horizontal Tail Lift Coefficient (CLα)HT - 4,97
Downwash factor de/dα rad¯¹ 0,5
Tail efficiency ηT - 0,9
Volume coefficient (ht) VHT - 0,896
Engine effect inlet dCMeg/dα rad¯¹ 0,0
Date: 04-06-2009
Code: Group G4 EA-2009 Page: 8 de 9

Dist. to horizontal tail lHT m 7,9

Horizontal Tail surface SHTP m² 4,73
Wing surface SW m² 24,4
Engine entrance distance li m -1,1
Air density ρ kg/m³ 1,2
Cruise speed V∞ m/s 80
Table 8. Values of the parameters in Dolphinn Project to calculate CMα

Table 9 shows part coefficient on longitudinal stability:

Coefficient Value
Inlet effect 0
Wing effect 0,295
HT effect -0,618
Total Coefficient CMα -0,323
Table 9. Longitudinal stability coefficient results

Table 10 listed the main parameters for directional stability calculations:

Parameter Symbol Units Value
Fuselage effect CF rad¯¹ -0,542
Wing effect CW rad¯¹ 0,269
Vertical Stabilizer effect CVS rad¯¹ 0,426
Fuselage volume VOL m3 10,17
Fuselage height h m 1,20
Wing surface SW m2 24,4
Fuselage amplitude w m 1,20
Wing Span b m 15,62
Fuselage length Lf m 9
Lift Coefficient Cl - 5,044
Aspect Ratio A - 10
Sweep angle Λ rad¯¹ 0,070
Wing Aero Center distance x m -0,12
Wing Medium Chord c m 1,71
Vertical stabilizer Lift Coefficient (CLα)vs - 5,73
Influence of fuselage and wing to Vertical Stabilizer ie - 1,22
Volume Coefficient (VS) VVS - 0,059
Vertical Stabilizer surface SVS m2 3,29
Vertical Stabilizer distance lVS m 7,1
Vertical Stabilizer Sweep angle ΛVS - 0,52
Height of the wing root chord respect to the fuselage centerline Zw m 0,7
Table 10. Values of the parameters in Dolphinn Project to calculate Cnβ
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Code: Group G4 EA-2009 Page: 9 de 9

Table 11 shows each part coefficient on directional stability:

Coefficient Value
Fuselage effect -0,542
Wing effect 0,269
Vertical Stabilizer effect 0,426
Total Coefficient Cnβ 0,153
Table 11. Directional stability coefficient results

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