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Week-7: Animal Production Interventions

1. Location

Name of Farmer....prasanth. kumar............ Father's Name...surendra kumar........


District......saharsha................... Date..........10/09/2022..........

2. Land Holding

Size of Land holding.... 20hq.................... Area Irrigated..............10hq................

Area Un-irrigated.......10hq......... Sources(s) of Irrigation.....tubewells, pumps,pipes.......

3. Human Resource
Male/Female 18 years and above Less than 18 years
6 3 3

4. Details of animal Resources

Type of animal Number Breed Breed Desi Milch Dry
Cow 2 0 Bachaur (2) 1 Napiere grass
Bullock 2 0 Desan 1 Napier grass
Buffalo 2 1Meshana murrah 0 Rice dusk
He-buffalo 0 0 0 0 0
Heifers 2 0 saihwal 0 Maize stems
Poultry 1 leghron 0 1 Seed cover
Fishery 0 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0 0

5. Daily milk production and its disposal(Kg.)

Total Milk Milk Consumed Milk Sold Rate(Rs/Kg.)

10 litre per cow 8 litre 8 litre 50 rs

6. Utilization of dung

Dung cake making(Duration) FYM making(Duration) Sale(%)

10 days 15 days 60%
7. Major problems of animals (Assign nos. To each problem out of 10)

a) Anastrous ; 1
b) Repeat breeding ;3
c) Open animals; 5
d) Disease ; 6
e) Availability of bull ;6
f) Fodder ;8
g) Shortage of geen/dry fodder ;6
h) Lack of market ;8
i) Lack of health center ;9
j) Lack of AI facilities ;7
k) Calf mortality ;7
l) Any other ; no

10. Economic Analysis of Animal Production (If Commercial)

Animals Input cost (Rs. per Gross Income (Rs. per Net Profit (Rs. per
annum) annum) annum)
Hens 40 70k 1.5 lkh

Fish 50k 70k 1 lakh

Goat 70k 90k Aprox 2lk h

Cow milk 60k 80k 2-3 lkh

Signature of Farmer

Name : sushant saurav

Reg. No/ Roll No: 11914606

Farmer no :8890682429

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