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Private University of the North

Business Administration and International Business

"Year of Unity, Peace and Development"


Deisy Giovanna Saldaña Rodriguez

Yubixa Isabel Mostacero Anticona
Maryori Lizeth Quispe Pizan
Xiomara Nayeli Rojas Asmat
Cristhian Rodrigo Sosa Zavaleta


Global Market Perspective



Gloria employs many loyalty strategies to keep her customers satisfied and
promote loyalty with her brand.

1. Discounts and promotions: Gloria offers points accumulation to her

clients with their purchases, and this brings them closer so that they
can stay closer to them.

2. Personalized communication: Gloria can make use of her clients'

social networks and emails, offering promotions and discounts and
purchase reminders, and her clients' preferred products.

3. Referral program: gloria motivates its customers to recommend the

brand to their acquaintances and friends, so that they can reach more
customers, offering promotional discounts to those who make these
referrals, this guarantees customer loyalty to them. the brand.

4. Loyalty Programs: Offering customers, the opportunity to accumulate

points or receive rewards for repeat purchases of GLORIA products.

5. Discounts and Promotions: Providing special discounts or exclusive

promotions to loyal customers.

6. Communication: Maintaining regular communication with customers

through email, text messages, social media, or other channels to
inform them about new products and offers.

7. Product Quality: Ensuring high-quality standards for GLORIA products

to ensure long-term customer satisfaction.

8. Customer Feedback: Gathering customer feedback and opinions to

continuously improve products and services.

9. Personalization: Offering personalized recommendations and deals
based on each customer's purchasing preferences.

10. Exclusive Events and Experiences: Inviting loyal customers to special

events or providing exclusive experiences related to the brand.

11. Shared Values: Highlighting values and corporate social responsibility

that may resonate with customers, such as sustainability and
community engagement.

In conclusion, the brand GLORIA implements a variety of effective strategies to

foster customer loyalty. These strategies include loyalty programs, exclusive
promotions, ongoing communication, high-quality products, and a focus on
shared values. Through these efforts, GLORIA aims to build strong and lasting
relationships with its customers, ensuring long-term satisfaction and loyalty.


The company GLORIA, which is dedicated to the production and marketing of

dairy products, aims to enter the Chilean market, which presents a great
diversity and complexity of consumers. To do this, it is necessary to know the
different types of consumers and their behaviors in Chile, as well as the
opportunities and challenges that arise for the company. This report presents an
analysis of the four consumer profiles identified by Accenture's "COVID-19: The
New Chilean Consumer" study, and proposes some offer, communication, and
distribution strategies for each segment.


The population in figures

 Total population: 19,493,184

 Urban population: 87.8%
 Rural population: 12.2%
 Population density: 26 inhabitants/km²
 Male population (in %): 49.5%
 Female population (in %): 50.4%
 Natural growth: 0.99%
 Average age: 32

The buyer has experienced major challenges due to budget constraints. For a
country that is often seen as an economic bellwether in the region, consumer
behavior was impacted in a shocking way for the consumer goods sector.

Today, households prioritize the most basic things, with greater depth in the last
quarter of the year, when these categories reached 43% of the value of the
basket of consumer goods.

According to Accenture's "COVID-19: The New Chilean Consumer" study1, four
consumer profiles have been identified in Chile, which differ in their level of
concern for health, finances, and mobility, as well as their preferences and
purchasing habits. These are:

- Extremely worried: It represents 31% of the Chilean population. These

are people who feel very uncomfortable visiting public places and who
are looking for new sources of income. They prefer to buy essential, low-
priced, and well-known brand products. They are sensitive to offers and
promotions and use digital channels more to get information and buy.

- Tentative returner: Represents 39% of the Chilean population. These are

willing to give up their preferred brands for the price, who want to return
to the physical store, but with caution, and who want to make sure that
their purchase causes the least environmental impact. They are more
likely to buy local, organic, and healthy products, and to support small

- Cautious optimist: Represents 18% of the Chilean population. These are

people who feel confident in their economic situation and who have not
changed much in their consumption habits. They prefer to buy quality,
innovative, and differentiated products, and are loyal to their favorite
brands. They are more open to trying new shopping channels and
experiences, and value personalization and convenience.

- Indifferent carefree: It represents 12% of the Chilean population. These

are people who do not feel affected by the pandemic or the social crisis,
and who continue to consume as before. They prefer to buy products
that they like that they enjoy, and that make them feel good, without
caring much about the price, brand, or origin. They are less sensitive to
the opinions or recommendations of others, and do not have a clear
preference for the purchase channel.

For the company GLORIA, which is dedicated to the production and marketing
of dairy products, it is important to know these consumer profiles to adapt its
offer, communication and distribution to the needs and expectations of each
segment. For example:

- For the extremely concerned segment, GLORIA could offer basic,

economical dairy products with a guarantee of quality and hygiene. You
could also leverage digital channels to communicate your nutritional
benefits, special offers, and delivery or in-store pickup options.

- For the tentative returner segment, GLORIA could offer dairy products
with sustainable attributes, such as recyclable or biodegradable
packaging, organic or natural ingredients, or environmental or social
certifications. It could also highlight their commitment to local producers
and to caring for the environment.

- For the cautious optimistic segment, GLORIA could offer premium,

innovative, and personalized dairy products, such as yogurts with exotic
flavors, gourmet cheeses or functional milks. It could also provide a
differentiated shopping experience, with additional services such as
nutritional counseling, loyalty programs, or virtual tastings.

- For the carefree indifferent segment, GLORIA could offer indulgent, fun,
and indulgent dairy products, such as ice cream with assorted toppings,
creamy desserts, or fruit-flavored dairy drinks. It could also appeal to
emotions and personal enjoyment, with simple, direct, and humorous

The analysis shows that Chilean consumers have been affected by the
pandemic and the social crisis, and that they have changed their preferences
and shopping habits based on their level of concern about health, finances, and
mobility. Four consumer profiles have been identified: extremely worried,
tentative returner, cautious optimism and carefree indifferent, which are
differentiated by their demographic, psychographic and behavioral
characteristics. For the company GLORIA, it is important to adapt its offer,
communication and distribution to the needs and expectations of each segment,
offering dairy products that fit their choice criteria, that provide them with added
value and that generate confidence and satisfaction. In this way, the company
will be able to position itself in the Chilean market and achieve a competitive
advantage over its competitors.


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DFSUD. (n.d.). The business network of Grupo Gloria, the Peruvian firm that
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Zendesk Blog. (August 5, 2022). 6 types of relationships with customers to build

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Forbes Peru. (2022, November 17). Grupo Gloria acquired Soprole in Chile.
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