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Koslowe 1

Noga Koslowe

Lisa Shenton


06 December 2023

Compare and Contrast

“77% of academic leaders believe online education is equal or superior to learning in the

classroom” (Upskill wise). In-person learning or face-to-face learning, is where teaching and

learning happens in a building or classroom with students as well. It means going to school daily

with a made schedule that has all the classes that the student is taking. Online education is where

students can pay a certain amount and take those same courses that are offered in person, but on

their computer from home. Face-to-face learning is superior to online learning because it

incorporates hands-on learning, has fewer distractions, and stimulates social interactions.
Face to face incorporates hands-on learning, whereas online requires self-teaching.

Hands-on or kinesthetic learning is where students do physical activities that are related to the

subject being learned instead of just listening to a lecture or reading a textbook. This allows

students to learn through experience, and it engages both the left and right sides of the brain. By

using more than one type of learning, there is a better connection in the brain that stores more

relevant information. This improves the attention of the students who do not usually have the

patience to sit and listen to a long lecture. 2Learning testing and homework assignments are all

the same when it comes to online learning, and qualified teachers can help. When learning

online one can learn from home everything that they would usually be learning in person. The
Koslowe 2

problem is that there is a limit to the types of learning that are provided online. Most courses will

offer videos, lectures, and assignments but when compared to in-person, the hands-on aspect of

the learning is not there. Even though online learning provides the same material that is given in

person, the element of hands-on learning is missing.

Online learning provides more freedom regarding when the subject should be learned,

but in-person learning creates a distraction-free atmosphere that allows students to learn and

complete their assignments. The main source of distraction is digital technology. When learning

online, electronic devices are required, and they easily steal attention for long periods. When

online students are not being watched, there is no reason for them not to go roaming on their

devices. If they get a text message from a friend, start scrolling on social media, or even

remember they started a movie the night before and decide to finish it instead of continuing their

online work. When in person, most teachers collect electronic devices as well as try to minimize

outside distractions. When learning online, students can plan their studying time around the rest

of their schedule instead of their schoolwork being in charge of their free time. This flexibility is

a push for many people away from in-person learning, and although it is very helpful for many, it

creates a space where if the student does not ‘feel like it’ or ‘want’ to learn, they can push off

their work and end up with lots of last-minute assignments. When in person, there are due dates

and daily reminders as well as breaks and class time that is specifically designated for learning.

With flexibility comes responsibility, and being able to stop all distractions when learning online

is much more difficult than when in a learning environment.

The social Interactions that occur during in-person learning are beneficial if not the most

important aspect of going to school. “Research shows that children with a stronger social-

Koslowe 3

emotional skill set were less likely to experience health problems, struggle with substance abuse,

or engage in criminal activity as they got older” (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)4. When in

person, students receive strong social-emotional skills. These skills tend to help students do

better in school and in the future. These help not only the students but society itself. These kids

who receive strong social-emotional skills will grow to become productive adults and ultimately

benefit everyone. When learning online, students may miss face-to-face interactions with their

classmates, teachers, and other staff members. For some of these students, the lack of social

interactions and the problem that nothing is motivating them to get their work done can lead to

feelings of isolation. The lack of interactions when taking online learning can harm the student's

abilities to perform their tasks. They are not motivated to do their work, it is much harder for

them to contact their teacher for help, and it can sometimes cause them to feel alone. Missing out

on the social aspect of in-person learning can lead to physical, and mental instability as well as

harm the student's ability to do well.

Due to its hands-on learning, reduced level of distraction, and fostering of social

connection, in-person learning is more beneficial than online education. Hands-on learning

allows students to learn through physical activity, this engages both sides of the brain creating a

better connection storing more relevant information, and helping the student learn. When staying

at home the possibility of distractions is greater whereas in person electronics are taken away as

well and it is a learning environment. The social aspect that comes with in-person learning and is

missing from online learning, helps the physical, and mental stability and allows for the student

to excel academically. Although some might consider online learning equal to or even more

Koslowe 4

beneficial to in-person learning, there are important abilities and skills that only in-person

learning provides.

Koslowe 5

Work Cited

Can learning social skills in school pay off beyond the classroom?. RWJF. (n.d.).

Classroom learning vs. online learning: Benefits of online learning for professionals.
Washington State University Carson College of Business. (n.d.).

Cooke, C. (2023, October 9). In-person vs online learning statistics. Upskillwise.

How does online high school work: Diploma program for Adults - USCI. U.S. Career Institute.

Miriam, Ms. (2021, August 26). The importance of hands-on learning. The Thinking Kid.

What happens to the social aspect of learning in an online course?. Best Colleges Online. (2021,
May 18).

Wolfe, C. (n.d.). Welcome to the Rutgers Writing Centers. Online Learning Distractions at


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