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Ch1 Topics Understanding No of Revisions

1 Data analysis 2
2 Principles ofActuarial modellilng 1
3 Cash flow models 1
4 The time value of money 1
5 Interest rates 1
6 Real and money interest rates 1
7 Discounting and accumulating 1
8 Level anuuities 1
9 Increasing annuities 1
10 Equation of value 1
11 Loan schedules 1
12 Project appraisals 1
13 Bond, equity and property 1
14 Term structure of interest rates 1 1
15 The life table 1
16 Life assurance contracts 1
17 Life annuity contracts 1
18 Evaluation of assurance and annuities 1
19 Variable benefits and conventional with profit policies 1
20 Goss premiums 1
21 Gross premium reserves 1
22 Joint life and last survivor functions 1
23 Contingent and reversionary benefits 1
24 Mortality profit 1
25 Competing risks 0
26 Unit linked and accumulating with profit contracts 0
27 Ptofit testing 0
28 Reserving aspects of profit testing 0

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