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Section 3: Facelift

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Facelift anatomy, SMAS,
retaining ligaments and
facial spaces
Bryan Mendelson

Anatomically correct facial rejuvenation surgery is the basis The soft tissue overlying each cavity undergoes modifica-
for obtaining natural appearing and lasting results. The com- tions to form the cheeks, including the lips, the eyelids, the
plexity of the anatomy of the face, and especially that of the nose, and the ears. For each there is a full thickness penetra-
midcheek, accounts for the formidable reputation of facial tion through the soft tissue, around which superficial facial
surgery. This is to the extent that many surgeons design their muscles are located for control of the aperture of the function-
rejuvenation procedures around an avoidance of anatomical ing shutter. This is most evident for the lids and lips in the
structures, and thereby limit the intent to camouflaging of the human. While the primary function of the sphincteric shut-
aging changes. ters is to protect the contents of the cavities, they are further
The purpose of this chapter is to establish a foundation for adapted to a higher level of functioning for the additional
the advancement of facial rejuvenation surgery by defining roles of expression and communication. The degree of preci-
clear general principles as the basis for a sound conceptualiza- sion required for this important secondary function requires
tion of the facial structure. the muscles to be more finely tuned and the soft tissue fixa-
A proper anatomical understanding is fundamental to tion modified, to allow mobility. The balance between these
mastery in facial rejuvenation for several reasons. The patho- two opposing functions, movement and stability, is integral
genesis of facial aging is explained on an anatomical basis, to the facial structure. Aging brings with it a change of the
and particularly the variations in individual patients. This is youthful balance, leading to an altered expression on activity
the basis of preoperative assessment from which follows a and at rest. It is a major surgical challenge to restore the
rational plan for the correction of the changes. The anatomy youthful balance following rejuvenation surgery and to have
explains the differences between the many procedures avail- normal dynamic appearance.
able and the apparent similarities in their results. An accurate
intraoperative map of the anatomy is essential for the surgeon
for efficient and safe operating with minimal morbidity, and
specifically addressing appropriate concern for the facial
The combination of continued movement and delicate fixation
of the tissues is the basis for the ligamentous laxity that
Functional evolution of the face predisposes to the characteristic sagging changes of the aging
The anatomy of the face is more readily understood when
considered from the perspective of its evolution and the func-
tion of its components (Fig. 6.1). Located at the front of the
head, the face provides the mouth and masticatory apparatus Regions of the face
at the entrance to the embryonic foregut, as well as being the
location for the receptor organs of the special senses: eyes, The traditional approach to the face in thirds (upper, middle
nose and ears. The skeleton of the face incorporates a bony and lower) while useful, limits conceptualization, as it is not
cavity for each of these four structures. Those for the special based on the evolving structure. The significant muscles of
senses have a well-defined bony rim, in contrast to the articu- facial expression are all located on the front of the face (ante-
lated broad opening of the jaws covered by the oral cavity. rior aspect) predominantly around the eyes and mouth,
The soft tissues of the face, integral to facial beauty and attrac- where their effect is seen in communication. For these func-
tion, are in reality, dedicated entirely to their functions. tional reasons the anterior aspect of the face contains the

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Fig. 6.1 Functional evolution of the facial skeleton, from the primordial vertebrate, fish through to the primate chimpanzee (center) and to the human. The
facial skeleton supports four bony cavities whose size and location relate to their specific function. The eyes move to the front for stereoscopic binocular vision,
while the nasal aperture is reduced, due to the lesser importance of olfaction. The ear remains in its original location, at the back of the face. The location of
the orbits alters subsequent to cranial growth, which creates a new upper third of the face.

more delicate expressive areas, which are prone to developing while the perioral part overlies the maxilla, a bone of dental
aging changes (Fig. 6.2). origin. The functional parts are inherently mobile and meet
In contrast, the lateral face is relatively immobile as it pas- at the relatively immobile boundary that extends in an oblique
sively overlies the structures to do with mastication, which line across the midcheek. This is the midcheek groove formed
are all deep to the investing deep fascia. These are the tem- by the dermal extensions of the zygomatic ligaments (Fig.
poralis and masseter on either side of the zygomatic arch, 6.3).1
along with the parotid and its duct. The only superficial The soft tissue of the anterior face is further subdivided
muscle in the lateral face is the platysma in the lower third, according to: where it overlies the skeleton and: where it
which reaches no higher than the oral commissure. Inter- overlies a bony cavity. The soft tissue is modified where it
nally, a distinct boundary separates the mobile anterior face forms the lid and the mobile cheek because there is no under-
from the lateral face. The vertically oriented line of retaining lying deep fascia. The transitions that define the part of the
ligaments attached to the facial skeleton forms this boundary cheek overlying bone (the malar segment), and the mobile
(Fig. 6.2). extensions (lower lid and the mobile cheek, nasolabial
segment) are not visible in youth due to the shape of the
youthful midcheek, which has a compacted rounded fullness.
Subsequently, these transitions do become visible due to
Principle aging laxity in the midcheek.

The anterior aspect is the region of the face requiring The facial nerve in relation to regions of the face
The level in which the facial nerve branches travel relates to
the region of the face (Fig. 6.4). In the lateral face below the
zygomatic arch the branches remain deep to the investing
From the perspective of priorities in rejuvenation surgery, the deep fascia. In the anterior face (and above the lower border
midcheek is the most important area of the face, because of of the zygoma) the branches are more superficial in relation
its prominent central location between the two facial expres- to their muscles. The transition in levels occurs at the retain-
sion centers, the eyes and the mouth. The periorbital and the ing ligament boundary, which is the last position of stability
perioral parts overlap in the midcheek (Fig. 6.2). The perior- before the mobile anterior face. The nerves are protected here
bital part overlies the body and orbital process of the zygoma, as they course outward to their final destination

Chapter 6 Facelift anatomy, SMAS, retaining ligaments and facial spaces

Fig. 6.2 Regions of the face. The fixed lateral

face (shaded) overlies the masticatory structures
and is separated from the mobile anterior face by
the vertical line of facial ligaments (red). These
ligaments are, from above: temporal, lateral orbital,
zygomatic, masseteric and mandibular. The muscles
of facial expression are within the anterior face.
The midcheek is split obliquely into two separate
functional parts in relation to the two adjacent
cavities. The periorbital part above, (blue) and the
perioral part below (yellow), share the midcheek and
meet at the midcheek groove (oblique dotted line).

Layers of the face 7. At the transition between that over the skeleton to that
overlying the cavities (eyelids and mouth) there is a mod-
The principles of facial structure can be summarized quite ification of the anatomy.
simply: 8. The complexity of the facial structure results from the
balance required between mobility and stability (liga-
1. The scalp is the basic prototype for understanding facial mentous support).
anatomy, as it is the least differentiated part of the face
It should be remembered that the complexity of the facial
(Fig. 6.4).
structure is entirely due to the bony cavities and their func-
2. The face is constructed of concentric soft tissue layers tional requirements. Transitional anatomy occurs at the
over the bony skeleton. boundary of the cavities, as in the scalp where the complexity
3. The five layers of the scalp are: (i) skin; (ii) subcutaneous; of the glabella occurs where the forehead adjoins the orbital
(iii) musculo-aponeurotic; (iv) areola tissue; (v) deep and nasal cavities. Here, the deeper facial muscles and related
fascia. retaining ligaments attach to the skeleton.
4. The layers are not homogenous over the face proper, as
they are modified in areas of function. Details of the layers
5. The key areas of function overlie the bony cavities, espe-
cially the eyelids and the cheeks and mouth. Layer one – skin
6. A multilinked fibrous support system supports the The structural collagen of the dermis is the outermost part of
dermis to the skeleton (Fig. 6.5). The components of the the fibrous support system and is intrinsically linked, both
system pass through all layers.2 embryologically and structurally, with the collagenous tissue

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Fig. 6.3 The internal structure of the midcheek

is revealed by its surface anatomy when aging
changes are present. The two functional parts of
the midcheek relate to the underlying cavities
and are separated by the oblique line of the
midcheek groove (3) which overlies the skeleton.
The midcheek has three segments. The lid–cheek
segment (blue) and the malar segment (green) are
within the periorbital part and are adjacent to the
nasolabial segment (yellow) in the perioral part,
which overlies the vestibule of the oral cavity. The
three grooves defining the boundaries of the three
segments interconnect like the italic letter Y. The
palpebromalar groove (1) overlies the inferolateral
orbital rim and the nasojugal groove (2) overlies the
inferomedial orbital rim, then continues into the
midcheek groove (3). Mendelson BC, Jacobson SR.
Surgical anatomy of the midcheek: facial layers,
spaces, and the midcheek segments Clin Plast Surg

of the deeper layers. The thickness of the dermal collagen distension. The thick subcutaneous fat in the nasolabial
relates to its function, and tends to be in inverse proportion to segment is named the malar fat pad, which is confusing ter-
its mobility. The dermis is thinnest on the eyelids and thickest minology given that its position is predominately medial to
on the forehead and nasal tip. The thinner, more mobile dermis the prominence of the zygoma in the perioral part of the
is susceptible to an increased tendency for aging changes. midcheek3,4 (Fig. 6.2).
Within the subcutaneous layer, the attachment to the over-
Layer two – subcutaneous lying dermis is stronger than on its deep surface, due to the
The subcutaneous layer has two components: (i) the subcu- tree-like arrangement of the retinacular cutis fibers (Fig. 6.5).
taneous fat, which provides volume and mobility, is sup- In superficial, i.e. subdermal, dissection of the subcutaneous
ported by (ii) the fibrous retinacular cutis that connects the layer, many fine retinacula cutis fibers are encountered. At the
dermis with the underlying SMAS. Both components vary in interface with the underlying layer 3, there are fewer, though
amount, proportion and arrangement according to the spe- larger fibers and less subcutaneous fat, which appears not to
cific region of the face. descend fully to the interface where it overlies the superficial
In the scalp, the subcutaneous layer has a uniform thick- muscles, orbicularis oculi and platysma.
ness and consistency of fixation to the overlying dermis, This explains why surgically the subcutaneous layer can be
whereas, over the face proper, the subcutaneous layer has more easily dissected off the outer surface of the underlying
considerable variation in thickness and attachment. In the muscle layer (orbicularis oculi and platysma) than over other
high function mobile areas bordering an aperture such as the parts of layer 3.
pretarsal part of the eyelid and the lips, this layer is com- The retinacular fibers are not uniform across the face, but
pacted and subcutaneous fat is not present, so that the layer vary in their orientation and arrangement according to the
appears to be non-existent. region. This variation mirrors the anatomy of the underlying
Each of the three midcheek segments has a distinctly dif- 4th layer. As will be more apparent when the 4th layer is
ferent thickness of subcutaneous fat. The subcutaneous layer discussed, the line of retaining ligaments continue vertically
is thinnest in the lid–cheek segment adjacent to the lid proper. through the subcutaneous layer to form septae, that form
In the malar segment the layer is moderately thick and boundaries which compartmentalize between more mobile
uniform, whereas it is markedly thicker in the nasolabial areas.5 Accordingly, where the subcutaneous layer overlies
segment, which has the thickest layer of subcutaneous fat of spaces (in the 4th layer) there are no vertically oriented
the face. Where the subcutaneous fat is thicker, the retinacu- subcutaneous ligaments extending through. In contrast, the
lum fibers are lengthened and more prone to weakness and retinacular fibers overlying the spaces have a predominantly

Chapter 6 Facelift anatomy, SMAS, retaining ligaments and facial spaces

Fig. 6.4 The layers of the face. The five layers of the scalp are a prototype of facial anatomy and the simpler basis for the more complex structure elsewhere
on the face. Layer 4 is the most changed layer, consisting of alternating spaces and ligaments. The course of the facial nerve changes level at the ligamentous
boundary transition from the lateral to the anterior face. Mendelson BC, Jacobson SR. Surgical anatomy of the midcheek: facial layers, spaces, and the midcheek
segments; Clin in Plast Surg 2008;35:395–404.

Fig. 6.5 The ligaments of the multi-link fibrous support system of the face can be likened to a tree. This system attaches the soft tissues to the facial skeleton;
it links all layers of the face. The retaining ligaments are attached to the periosteum and deep muscle fascia and fan out via a series of branches into and
through the SMAS. In the outer part of the subcutaneous layer, the increased number of progressively finer retinacular cutis fibers securely grasp the dermis.

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

horizontal orientation, being in strata-like layers that are less facial expression are fundamentally different to skeletal
restrictive to underlying movement. muscles beneath the deep fascia, which move bones, because
they move the soft tissues of which they are a part. All the
Clinical correlation The variation in the arrangement of the muscles of the face are within this layer, enclosed to a varying
retinacular cutis fibers accounts for the variability in ease of degree within a fascial covering and lining. The muscles are
subcutaneous dissection between different parts of the face. all derived from the embryonic second branchial arch. The
Where the subcutaneous dissection overlies a space and the muscle precursors migrated into the facial soft tissues in a
retinacular cutis fibers are more horizontal, the subcutaneous series of laminae, each lamina being innervated by its own
layer tends to separate relatively easily, often with simple branch of the facial nerve. While the definitive muscles have
blunt dissection. Where the subcutaneous dissection directly subsequently lost continuity with their origin, the facial nerve
overlies a facial ligament, the vertical septae are responsible branches remain, like the vapor trail of an airplane, as an
for a firmer adhesion between the SMAS and the dermis. indicator of the migratory path.
Sharp dissection is usually required for release here. In the anterior face, the migrated muscle masses are mainly
located over and around the orbital and oral cavities. The
Layer three – musculo-aponeurotic double innervation of corrugator supercilii demonstrates the
To fulfill its functional role, the face contains skeletal muscle dual origins of the muscle from the supraorbital as well as
within its soft tissue structure. These ‘intrinsic’ muscles of the infraorbital migrating muscle mass.


Cervical Infraorbital
lamina lamina

9 weeks

10 weeks

11 weeks

Fig. 6.6 Evolution of the facial muscles. The migratory path of the evolving muscles, including their connections and the multiple levels of the muscles,
explain the definitive location of the facial nerve branches. The mandibular lamina splits into two trunks around the oral cavity. The upper trunk, the infraorbital
lamina separates early for the developing midcheek while the mandibular lamina continues into the lower third. The two laminae later reconnect at the
modiolus, which explains the two buccal trunks of the facial nerve. The infraorbital lamina in turn splits around the orbital cavity as well as branching to
different depth levels.

Chapter 6 Facelift anatomy, SMAS, retaining ligaments and facial spaces

In the prototype scalp, the third layer demonstrates key temporal ligament along the superior temporal line, the
principles about the facial muscles. The superficial muscle, orbicularis oculi is stabilized by the main zygomatic liga-
occipito-frontalis, moves the overlying soft tissues including ment at its inferolateral border and the platysma is stabilized
the skin of the scalp and forehead. While the muscles have a at its upper border by the upper key masseteric ligament
minimal area of bony origin, which is remote (on the supe- (Fig. 6.15).
rior nuchal line), they have an extensive area of insertion into The composite three-layer structure of the face suggests it
the overlying soft tissues. would be no less logical to use the SMAS as a ‘surgical carrier’
The fibrous sheath enclosing the frontalis and occipitalis for the overlying soft tissue layers, than it is with a scalp
is continuous across the entire scalp, whereas the enclosed flap.
muscles are discontinuous. Where the fascia is present without The deeper muscles within layer 3 are concentrated only in
intervening muscle, the superficial and deep layers of the areas of greater function, which is to do with the bony cavities.
sheath are apposed and fused to form the galea aponeuro- For the upper third they are corrugator supercilii and procerus.
tica. This is the basis for the aponeurotic part of the 3rd layer. Around the oral cavity, the deeper muscles are the elevators
The superficial fascial layer is thin where it overlies the muscle, (zygomaticus major and minor, levator labii superioris, levator
and in areas such as over the forehead, muscle fibers extend anguli oris) and depressors (depressor anguli oris, depressor
into the subcutaneous layer. In contrast, the deep layer of the labii inferioris) of the oral sphincter. Compared to the super-
fascia is thicker, more supporting and provides a gliding ficial muscles, the deep muscles arise from a relatively larger
surface at the interface with the underlying 4th layer. The origin on the skeleton close to the target soft tissue and have
original description of the SMAS (superficial muscloaponeu- a short course through layer 4 to a more focused area of inser-
rotic system) in 1976 was essentially a description of this 3rd tion. Interestingly, the deeper intrinsic muscles of the eyelids,
layer, as is applies to the mid and lower thirds of the face.6 the levator and capsulopalpebral fascia arise not from these
The flat superficial muscle component predominates in some facial muscles, but have an orbital origin.
areas of layer 3, while in areas without muscle the aponeu-
rotic element predominates. Layer four
When a scalp flap is elevated, the flap naturally separates In the scalp, layer 4 is a gliding plane, without structure, other
from the periosteum following release of minimal attach- than the loose areolar tissue that allows movement of the
ments in layer 4. A scalp flap, being a natural fusion of the overlying composite superficial fascia secondary to contrac-
outer three layers, is a composite unit, both anatomically and tion of occipito-frontalis. There are no structures traversing
functionally. The fibrous component of the outer three layers the layer and impeding movement. However, where the scalp
is the superficial fascia of the face. The SMAS is the deepest is attached at its boundary with the temple along the superior
of the three layers of the composite unit. In the mid and lower temporal line and across the superior orbital rim there is a
face the composite structure is also present, although less form of ligamentous attachment. This anatomical arrange-
obviously apparent. ment illustrates the basic pattern of layer 4.
In the scalp the anatomy of the fourth layer is so inherently
simple and safe for surgery that a subgaleal scalp flap is the
Principle easiest and most natural layer in which to dissect. In contrast,
layer 4 over the face proper, is the most complex and most
A composite flap is a naturally integrated anatomical structure. dangerous level to dissect. This complexity results from the
compaction of the midcheek components during vertebrate
evolution, such that the cavities and the structures to do with
their dynamic activity are in such close approximation that
Layer 3 is a continuous generic layer of the face, which for they overlap. In addition, layer 4 is the battleground in which
descriptive purposes has different names to locate the particu- the fight between mobility and stability is played out.
lar part of the superficial fascia. Galea is the name of the scalp The following structures are contained within layer 4, but
part and temporoparietal fascia where this layer extends over each is distributed in different areas:
the temple, whereas over the orbital rim and upper cheek it
is the orbicularis muscle and its fascia. 1. Retaining ligaments of the face.
The definitive muscles in level 3 have a layered arrange- 2. The deep layer of the intrinsic muscles.
ment. The broad flat muscles form the superficial layer that 3. Soft tissue spaces.
covers the anterior aspect of the face: frontalis overlies the 4. Non-mobile areas of important anatomy.
upper third and orbicularis oculi the middle third. The pla- 5. Facial nerve branches.
tysma, over the lower third extends onto the lateral face,
The complexity of the anatomy within layer 4 becomes
presumably related to jaw movement, which functionally
simplified when it is understood how these structures are
dominates the lower third. The superficial muscles are more
arranged. The following principles assist with this
closely related to the overlying subcutaneous layer than they
are to the deeper structures. The superficial flat muscles have
a minimal direct attachment to the bone. They are indirectly • Overlying the skeleton, layer 4 is essentially composed of
stabilized to the skeleton by a ligament, located at the lateral a series of ‘spaces’ and non-mobile areas of important
border of the muscles. The frontalis is fixed by the superior anatomy.

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

• The spaces are mobile functional areas. Each space has a

definite boundary and minimal fixation. Principle
• The boundaries tend to be the least mobile part of the soft
tissue. The five-layered soft tissue anatomy should be considered in
• The retaining ligaments are located within and reinforce its two variants:
the boundaries that separate the different functional 1. that overlying the skeleton, and
areas. 2. that overlying the bony cavities.
• The intrinsic muscles of the deeper layer attach to the
bone within the boundaries.
• Superficially, the muscles insert into the mobile soft tissues
in layer 3, in the area of maximum mobility. To allow physical movement of the soft tissue over the rigid
• All the deep muscles of clinical significance attach to the skeleton subsequent to contraction of the superficial muscles,
bony border of the oral cavity. the soft tissue of the face incorporates a unique anatomical
• The retaining ligaments and muscle origins share a bony arrangement in the form of a series of spaces. Movement is
origin at the boundary. possible only because of the presence of spaces beneath the
• A line of ligamentous attachment continues around the muscles. The spaces are located between places of fixation.
perimeter of the bony cavities. The facial spaces are in two forms:

Fig. 6.7 Relationship between muscles and underlying spaces. Movement occurs where there is muscle in layer 3 and a related space in layer 4. The spaces
are, from above: the preseptal space of the lower lid, the prezygomatic space, the masticator space for the buccal fat pad and the premasseter space.

Chapter 6 Facelift anatomy, SMAS, retaining ligaments and facial spaces

1. Spaces provided by the bony cavities; the preseptal and The significance of the spaces is only now becoming appreci-
conjunctival spaces of the eyelids within the orbit and the ated. The spaces are not only essential for function; their
vestibule of the oral cavity beneath the lips and the naso- presence explains much about the changes that occur with
labial segment of the cheeks. facial aging. The appearance with aging of malar mounds,
2. Soft tissue spaces overlying the facial skeleton between jowls and labiomandibular folds is due entirely to changes of
the bony cavities. The series of tissue spaces between level previously unrecognized facial soft tissue spaces.7
3 and level 5 are voids in the attachment of the mobile
soft tissues to the underlying skeleton. Retaining ligaments of the face The retaining ligaments of
the face are located in specific locations.8,9 These are in
between areas of movement (spaces). The trunks of the liga-
ments pass out through layer 4 as part of the multilinked
fibrous support system.2,10 These structures were not origi-
nally thought of as being ligaments as they are not part of the
Principle musculoskeletal system and do not have the typical appear-
ance of ligaments, such as the cruciate ligament. However, a
Where there is a muscle in the face there is always a related ligament is, by definition, a fibrous structure that binds or ties
space. adjacent structures. The soft tissue ligaments take varied forms
consistent with the functions of the face.

Fig. 6.8 The three morphologic forms of facial

ligaments. Moss CJ, Mendelson BC, and Taylor GI.
Surgical anatomy of the ligamentous attachments
in the temple and periorbital regions. Plast Reconstr
Surg 2000;105:1475.

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Fig. 6.9 Topographical anatomy of level 4 over the

lateral face. Ligaments (red), spaces (blue) and the
areas of important anatomy (stippled). The largest
area of ligament, the PAF, dominates the posterior
part of level 4 at the least mobile part of the face. The
lateral face transitions into the anterior face at the
vertical line of retaining ligaments. Immediately above
and below the arch of the zygoma are the triangular-
shaped areas that contain the important anatomy
proceeding from the lateral face into the anterior face.

The lateral face immediately in front of the ear is not a ligaments from within the bony cavities to provide support
mobile area. This zone of no movement extends forward of for the mobile shutters of the lids and lips, there is a com-
the ear cartilage for 25 to 30 millimeters due to an important, pensatory gathering of the ligaments at the last place available
but little appreciated, area of ligamentous attachment the for skeletal support.
platysma auricular fascia (PAF).11 The PAF is unique because
it is two layers formed into one structure. It consists of a Sub-SMAS facial spaces The sub-SMAS layer 4 is largely
diffuse area of layer 4 ligament that binds the SMAS with the composed of ‘spaces’.7 These intervals have defined boundar-
underlying parotid masseteric fascia and parotid capsule. It ies and in the boundaries are located the retaining ligaments.
includes the part of the SMAS (layer 3) between the ear carti- The spaces are by definition safe spaces, because there are no
lage and posterior border of the platysma. It is both part of structures within and no structures cross through the spaces.
the SMAS (layer 3) as well as ligament (layer 4). The retinacu- This is important for the surgeon, as all facial nerve branches
lar cutis overlying the PAF is ‘dense’ because it does not are outside the spaces. Because spaces allow movement, laxity
overlie a space. Forward of the anterior border of the PAF develops more of the space than occurs in the ligamentous
where the platysma is present, the soft tissue layers are boundaries. This differential laxity accounts for much of the
mobile. characteristic changes of aging.

Clinical correlation The unique qualities of the PAF are

important for facelifting. When a traditional SMAS facelift is Principle
performed it is not easy to elevate the preauricular SMAS (as
it involves splitting the fused components of the PAF). This The soft tissue spaces offer the surgeon ‘predissected’ areas,
dissection is difficult because it is not a natural plane of sepa- which avoids the need for dissection. This means reduced
ration as it is, for example, when elevating the SMAS where bleeding, bruising and risk of facial nerve trauma.
it overlies a space. The fused PAF gives strength to the tissues,
which is an advantage for holding sutures used to fix the
advanced mobile SMAS and posterior platysma. When operating in the upper temporal space, in the interval
If tightening laxity of the anterior face is to be achieved, between the superficial temporal (temporoparietal) fascia
when operating through the lateral face, the surgeon must and the surface of the underlying deep temporal (temporalis
bypass the vertical line of retaining ligaments if they remain muscle) fascia, simple blunt dissection only is sufficient to
sufficiently strong to be providing resistance to any traction separate the loose areolar tissue and convert a potential space
effect (Fig. 6.10). into a real space. A different surgical approach is required
In the anterior face the ligaments are arranged around the when the ligamentous boundaries are released as the tempo-
entrance of each bony cavity. As there are not any retaining ral branches of the facial nerve branches are in proximity.

Chapter 6 Facelift anatomy, SMAS, retaining ligaments and facial spaces

Fig. 6.10 Concept of level 4 of the anterior

face. Note the ligamentous boundaries around
the entrance to both bony cavities and areas of
reinforced ligament.

The ligamentous boundary that separates the forehead lines become increasingly prominent and may eventually be
space from the upper temporal space is the superior tempo- present at rest. Further laxity may result in a bulge of the roof
ral septum, which originates along the superior temporal line of the space at rest, the so-called malar mounds, or malar bags
(the zone of fusion).8 Within the temple a second fibromem- (also called malar crescent). The presence of these changes
branous ligamentous structure, the inferior temporal septum, indicates laxity of the orbicularis for which tightening is the
crosses the outer surface of the deep temporal fascia and sepa- treatment. When operating in the prezygomatic space it is
rates the upper temporal space from a lower triangular-shaped logical and inherently safer to use blunt dissection with an
zone containing detailed temporal anatomy. The superior appropriate surgical instrument, or finger.15
temporal septum and the inferior temporal septum meet at The premasseter space in the lower third of the lateral face
the respective corners of the triangular-shaped temporal liga- is analogous with the temporal space in overlying the deep
ment (also called orbital),12 an area of ligamentous adhesion fascia of a muscle of mastication.10 Opening of the jaw
to the underlying periosteum and adjacent deep temporal without restriction from the overlying soft tissue requires that
fascia (Fig. 6.11).13 movement of the soft tissues be provided by the premasseter
As seen in the prototype forehead and temple, the fourth space. Eventually, laxity develops in the platysma roof of the
layer is composed of a series of spaces that are separated by space and its attachment along the inferior and anterior
boundaries containing the facial ligaments, the deeper facial boundaries leading to the bulging that forms the jowl and the
muscles and facial nerve branches. Because of the greater labiomandibular fold (Fig. 6.13).
movement of the middle and lower thirds of the face, soft The masticator space (also called the buccal space because
tissue spaces are more required. of its content, the buccal fat pad) is different in character
The prezygomatic space overlies the prominence of the being on the anterior face (Figs 6.7, 6.13). It underlies
body of the zygoma and allows displacement of the orbicu- the midcheek medial to the masseter. Similar to the oral
laris oculi, pars orbitale, in its roof (Fig. 6.12).14 cavity, the masticator space facilitates movement of the over-
The triangular-shaped space correlates with the shape of lying nasolabial segment of the midcheek. Aging results in
the bony platform and is bounded above by the orbicularis weakness of support of the boundaries and roof especially
retaining ligament and inferomedially by the line of zygo- from attrition of the masseteric ligaments. As a result, the
matic ligaments. Contraction of the overlying muscle results platysma becomes less closely bound to the masseter, allow-
in visible zygomatic smile lines inferior to the horizontal ing the masticator space to bulge inferiorly below the level of
crows feet lines. With aging laxity of the roof these zygomatic the oral commissure and into the lower face (Fig 6.15). With

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Fig. 6.11 Ligamentous anatomy of the temple and the upper temporal space. The boundaries of the space are the superior temporal septum (STS) and
inferior temporal septum (ITS), which are extensions of the temporal ligament adhesion (TLA). No structures cross the temporal space. The TLA continues
medially as the supraorbital ligamentous adhesion (SLA). Inferior to the temporal space is the triangular-shaped area of detailed temporal anatomy (stippled).
Crossing level 4 in this area are the medial and lateral branches of the zygomatico-temporal nerve (ZTN) and the sentinel vein. The temporal branches of the
facial nerve (TFN) course on the underside of the temporoparietal fascia over the area immediately inferior to the inferior temporal septum. The periorbital
septum (PS; green) is on the orbital rim at the boundary of the orbital cavity. The lateral orbital thickening (LOT) and the lateral row thickening (LBT) are parts of
the periorbital septum. Moss CJ, Mendelson BC, Taylor GI. Surgical anatomy of the ligamentous attachments in the temple and periorbital regions. Plast
Reconstr Surg 2000;105:1475.

major descent, the buccal fat comes to overlie the anterior contents, and can be gently opened, like a space using precise
border of the lower masseter, such that the fullness of the dissection.
displaced fat increases the prominence of the labiomandibu- The lower temporal area of important anatomy between
lar fold. the upper temporal space and the arch is the passageway from
Surgical access to the masticator space is through the weak- the lateral face into the upper third (Fig. 6.11). The temporal
ened borders with the adjacent spaces, either the premasseter branches of the facial nerve are suspended from the roof in a
space or oral cavity or the periosteum over the lower wafer-like strata of protective fat, immediately inferior to the
zygoma. inferior temporal septum. The contents, which cross the
area from deep to superficial, include both zygomatico-
Areas of important anatomy Over the lateral face, on either temporal nerve branches and the sentinel vein.
side of the zygomatic arch, are two similar areas containing The upper masseteric area of important anatomy, between
important anatomy (Fig. 6.9). These have not been specifi- the inferior border of the arch and the premasseter space is
cally mentioned in the surgical literature, so for purposes of the route from the lateral face through to the midcheek and
description they are named here as the lower temporal upper jaw. Here, structures course along, but do not cross
and upper masseteric areas of important anatomy, as they from deep to superficial. These include the anterior extension
are neither spaces nor ligaments. By definition they are not of the parotid gland, its accessory lobe and the parotid duct.
spaces, as they contain anatomical structures and are not The zygomatic branch is above and the upper buccal trunk of
lined by membrane. They both have soft fat protecting their the facial nerve is inferior to the duct.

Chapter 6 Facelift anatomy, SMAS, retaining ligaments and facial spaces

Fig. 6.12 A&B, The prezygomatic space overlies the body of the zygoma. The origins of the zygomatic muscles extends under the floor. The roof is formed
by the orbicularis oculi lined by the SOOF (suborbicularis oculi fat). The upper ligamentous border formed by the orbicularis retaining ligament is not as strong
as the zygomatic ligament reinforced lower border. Mendelson BC, Muzaffar AR, and Adams WP, Jr. Surgical anatomy of the midcheek and malar mounds. Plast
Reconstr Surg 2002;110:885.

Careful dissection in this area may be required to access The mandibular branches are at risk where they are fixed
the lateral zygomatic and upper masseteric ligaments. by having a close relationship to ligament. Initially, this is
within the PAF, and then well anteriorly by the mandibular
Facial nerve branches Confidence in the performance of ligament (Fig. 6.13). Over most of its course, where it is in
facial surgery comes from understanding the course of relation to the premasseter space, the nerve is mobile. The
the facial nerve branches, and this is based on the anatomy absence of retaining ligaments along the mandible between
of the facial layers as previously described. The nerve branches the PAF and the mandibular ligament allows an inherent
remain deep to layer 5 in the lower two thirds of the lateral mobility of the tissue. For this reason, it is not necessary to
face. The final pathway of the nerves to the anterior face is on dissect in the immediate vicinity of the mandibular branch
the underside of the muscles in layer 3. in order to correct laxity of the platysma overlying the jaw
and submandibular triangle.
Clinical correlation The facial nerve branches are ‘at greatest
risk’ where they transverse layer 4 to access layer 3. The nerves
cross this level in predictable locations, in relation to the Layer five
vertical ligamentous line defining the lateral face/anterior face The deepest soft tissue layer of the face is the deep fascia. This
transition where they are under the protection of the retaining is in the form of periosteum overlying the bony skeleton,
ligaments (Figs 6.4, 6.7). which has, for the most part, a mobile covering of preperios-
The temporal and mandibular branches are the most teal fat through which pass the attachments for the deep facial
important facial nerve branches in terms of surgical risk. The muscles and the facial ligaments. In the mobile soft tissue
temporal branches gain the underside of layer 3 immedi- shutters covering the bony cavities, there is no periosteum and
ately on leaving the parotid, inferior to the zygomatic arch. the fifth layer is not a structural layer but a mobile lining layer
These branches course within a wafer-like layer of fat con- derived from the cavity. That is conjunctiva or oral mucosa.
tained in a fibrous envelope suspended from the underside Over the lateral face the muscles of mastication largely
of the temporal SMAS, as they course over the arch and the conceal the skeleton and here the deep fascia equivalent is
lower temporal triangle, where they are immediately inferior the deep temporal and masseteric fascia, which also provide
to the inferior temporal septum (Fig. 6.11). The temporal attachment for retaining ligaments. The investing layer of
branches can be safely avoided by maintaining the plane of deep cervical fascia is the corresponding layer in the neck. The
dissection directly on the outer surface of the deep temporal deep fascia is traditionally taken to be the deep boundary of
fascia and avoiding compression neurapraxia from retractor the territory for aesthetic surgery. However, in recent times
pressure. this boundary is transgressed for subperiosteal ‘lifting’ and for

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Fig. 6.13 The rhomboidal-shaped premasseter space overlies the lower half of the masseter. The roof of the space is formed by platysma in the SMAS. The
posterior border is defined by the anterior edge of the strong PAF and the anterior border is reinforced by the masseteric ligaments near the anterior edge of
the masseter. The inferior boundary is mesenteric-like and does not contain any ligament. Weakness of attachment of the platysma roof at the inferior
boundary leads to the formation of the jowl directly behind the strong mandibular ligament. The masticator space containing the buccal fat is anterior to the
upper masseteric ligaments. All facial nerve branches course around and outside the space. The surgically important mandibular branch, after leaving the fixed
PAF, courses under the inferior boundary of the space then rises onto the highly mobile outer surface of the mesenteric inferior border before reaching the
mandibular ligament. With kind permission from Springer Science+Business Media: Surgical anatomy of the lower face; the premasseter space, the jowl, and
the labiomandibular fold. Aesth Plast Surg 2008; 32(2), 185–195, Mendelson, Freeman et al., Figure 3.10

bone contouring procedures. In the neck it is incised for Layer six

access to the deeper located submandibular gland. Layer six is a natural plane entered by a subperiosteal dissec-
The periosteum is the carrier for all the overlying structures tion to create a space. In the scalp, the periosteum separates
when a subperiosteal upper third or mid-facelift is performed. so readily from the frontal bone that the surgeon must be
The effect of its displacement is transmitted through all levels cautious not to unintentionally ‘strip’ the periosteum. Yet
of the multi-ligamentous support system the periosteum is firmly attached where there is ligament at
Inherently the anatomy of the periosteum imposes limita- the periphery, along the superior temporal line and across the
tions, which require special surgical considerations: superior orbital rim.
1. An overcorrection is required to compensate for the ‘lift On the face proper, the periosteum follows the same
lag’ phenomenon. This is to compensate for the accumu- pattern of attachment, being similar to the other layers in
lated aging changes throughout the entire ligamentous not having a uniform attachment. It mirrors the anatomy of
support system to the dermis, in order to transmit suffi- the 4th layer. Where the muscles and ligaments at the bound-
cient effect to obtain the desired changes of shape and aries of the overlying 4th layer pass through into bone, the
tone to the skin. periosteum is tightly adherent, as it is at suture lines
2. There is inherently more benefit from subperiosteal lifting and foraminae. Elsewhere, the periosteum is not strongly
where the overlying soft tissue layers are more tightly attached.
attached. This occurs overlying the skeleton, but is less so
over the bony cavities as there is no periosteum in the
eyelid or the mobile part of the cheek. Anatomy over the cavities in the skeleton
3. Because of the unyielding nature of periosteum, an exten-
sive undermining is needed beyond the immediate area The layered anatomy, as described over the lateral aspect of
for intended correction. The alternative is to perform a the face, is modified where the orbital and oral cavities are
‘periosteal release’, that is to incise the periosteum at the present over the anterior face (Fig. 6.1). The gaps in the bone
boundary. This boundary release is commonly performed surface, due to the presence of the cavities, make up about
along the superior orbital rim and less consistently along half of the surface area of the skeleton and necessitate modi-
the boundary with the lateral face. fications to the layered structure.

Chapter 6 Facelift anatomy, SMAS, retaining ligaments and facial spaces

Most of the movement of the face results from the muscular Around the bony rims there are anatomical and functional
activity in the soft tissues overlying the spaces, and the sur- transitions between the relative stability over the fixed area of
rounding periorbital tissues for the orbits. The movement skeletal attachment and the high mobility of the soft tissue
occurring on the lateral face is essentially passive, secondary to shutters over the bony cavities. This is mainly in layer 4,
active movement of the muscles on the anterior aspect of the where there is a concentration of ligaments around the bony
face around the eye and the mouth, and to jaw movement. rims, at the last available place for soft tissue ligament fixation
Retaining ligaments are a feature of the skeletal anatomy before the void of the bony cavity (Fig. 6.14).
and are not present in the spaces. Because layer 5 deep fascia The generic 5 layer concept also explains the soft tissue
is not present over the bony cavities, there is no base for liga- anatomy where it overlies the bony cavities. The submuscular
ment attachment. As ligaments do not exist over the cavities, space of the lower lids, between the septum orbitale and the
there is not the same vertical reinforcement through to the overlying preseptal orbicularis, allows mobility of the lids.
retinacular cutis. This space contributes to the pattern of aging changes,

Fig. 6.14 The anatomy over the midcheek skeleton and adjacent
bony cavities, showing the relationship of soft tissue spaces to bone
cavity spaces. Soft tissue transitions are located along the rim of the
bony, orbital and oral cavities. The prezygomatic space is separated
from the preseptal space of the lower lid by the orbicularis retaining
ligament, and from the vestibule of the oral cavity by the line of
zygomatic ligaments. The ligaments continue through the soft tissue
layers to provide dermal attachments, which are manifest on the skin
surface as cutaneous grooves. The prezygomatic space allows mobility
of the outer cheek where it overlies the zygoma, but it does not
extend medially over the maxilla. Movement of the medial cheek is
enabled by the soft preperiosteal, (level 4) fat.

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

particularly the development of lower lid bags. The oral cavity underlying a space is unavailable for ligamentous attachment
is the largest of the facial spaces and allows movement of for support of the soft tissue cover over this large area.
most of the midcheek as well as of the lips. Accordingly, the non-attached cheek overlying the oral cavity
The layers undergo significant adaptations as they leave is the least supported and most mobile part of the face. The
the bone surface and continue over the orifices. Only the indication for a facelift is largely to correct the changes that
outer three-layer composite superficial fascia forms these soft occur in this poorly supported part of the cheek around the
tissue extensions that are in the form of a composite flap. lips.
The SMAS layer within the flap extension has the sphincteric
orbicularis muscle around the free edge of the soft tissue
aperture of the lids and lips. The facial ligaments in (layer 4) Anatomy and aging of the face
that normally support the composite soft tissue shutters do
not exist over the cavities. They are remote where they are The youthful face has the appearance of rounded fullness.
condensed along the rim of the bone. This is the basis for Laxity gradually develops in the boundaries of the spaces
the periorbital ligament around the orbital rim, of which the consequent on the repetitive movement that occurs with
lower lid part is the orbicularis retaining ligament, which expression and jaw function. The laxity develops most in
stabilizes the overlying orbicularis to the orbital rim perios- the roof of the spaces (level 3). The membranous lining of
teum (Fig. 6.11). The orbicularis does not have any attach- the spaces undergoes distension in proportion to the degree
ment to the septum orbitale, (deep fascia) directly beneath, of laxity developing in the adjacent retaining ligaments,
other than the attachments of the orbicularis to the medial although these are not uniformly affected by laxity. For
and lateral canthal tendons and the nearby orbital rim example, in the lower face the lower masseter ligaments at
periosteum. the anterior boundary of the premasseter space undergo attri-
The lining layer beneath the composite shutters is derived tion, yet the nearby mandibular ligament remain strong and
from the underlying cavity (conjunctiva, oral mucosa). resist laxity (Fig. 6.15).
The extent of the oral cavity has a major impact on the As aging changes progress, the bulging over the spaces
facial structure and on aging of the face. The vestibule of the contrasts with the restriction imposed by the ligaments at the
oral cavity covers a large area of the surface of the maxilla boundaries. These do not bulge as much and form the cutane-
and of the mandible (Fig. 6.14). The part of the skeleton ous grooves (Fig. 6.3).

Fig. 6.15 The facial spaces and their role in aging of the face. Youthful (left), aged face (right). Distension of the facial spaces occurs secondary to laxity of
their ligamentous boundaries. This process is most pronounced in the roof of the spaces: lower lid bags (preseptal space of lower lid), malar mounds
(prezygomatic space), nasolabial folds (vestibule of oral cavity), jowls (premasseter space) and labiomandibular folds (masticator space). Greater laxity occurs in
the lower facial spaces due to movement of the jaw. The masseteric ligaments, illustrated, along the anterior border of the masseter, undergo attrition with
distension on aging, so that the overlying platysma loses its close relation with the masseter and mandible, leading to the development of jowls and
labiomandibular folds.

Chapter 6 Facelift anatomy, SMAS, retaining ligaments and facial spaces

SMAS does not need to be dissected where it overlies a space).

Principle The SMAS here is inherently mobile and the laxity can be
tightened by plication or imbrication.
The pattern of laxity in the roof and walls of the spaces largely The more superficial the carrier layer for the overlying lax
determine the characteristic appearance of the changes of soft tissues, the more direct and the effective is the benefit
aging. of the redraping on layers 1 and 2. Accordingly, periosteal
redraping has the least benefit for major laxity of the skin and
subcutaneous layer.

Application of anatomy to surgical technique Application to facelift, levels of dissection

When a facelift is initiated over the lateral face, the level of
Many facelift techniques deliver comparable results. However,
dissection can be changed at the transition to the anterior
the difference on closer analysis is in the extent of harmoni-
face, e.g. subcutaneous for lateral face extended to sub-SMAS
ous facial shape achieved and the balance between skin
for the anterior face, or vice versa. Because the objective of
tension and shape. Excessive tension flattens natural shape.
the surgery is correction of the laxity of the mobile anterior
This is anatomical, and specifically determined by the level
face, the level of dissection used for the lateral face is of sec-
in which the dissection has been performed and the layer
ondary importance.
used for redraping (Fig. 6.16).16
The dissection is performed to gain access to the lax tissues
of the anterior face. The advancement is applied directly to
the layer that has been mobilized on the upper surface of the Level 4: sub-SMAS
dissection plane. There are three possible layers on which to Understanding the anatomy of layer 4 allows sub-SMAS dis-
apply the traction force: skin (layer 1); SMAS (layer 3); and section to be utilized in a proactive manner. This provides
periosteum (layer 5), this layer being the carrier for the overly- many advantages based on the fact that the spaces are natu-
ing (undissected) tissue. When a subcutaneous dissection is rally predissected areas, so the surgical dissection is quick,
performed, there is also the option to tighten the exposed easy and atraumatic. The surgical approach is commenced
surface of the deeper layer (SMAS because the underlying with a subcutaneous dissection, which is extended forward

Fig. 6.16 The alternative levels for dissection and redraping in facelifts. Dissection can be performed through any one of three alternate layers, namely:
subcutaneous (layer 2), sub-SMAS (layer 4) and subperiosteal (layer 6) (for the upper two thirds of the face). Redraping is performed on the mobilised layer
according to the dissection plane. These are: skin (Layer 1), SMAS (Layer 3), and periosteum (Layer 5) A subcutaneous dissection (2) allows not only redraping of
the mobilised layer 1, but also tightening of the surface of the revealed deeper layer, SMAS where it overlies a space.

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

until over the posterior part of the roof of the appropriate SMAS)19 or directly the through anterior face via the lower lid
space. The space is then entered, using traction on the layer (zygorbicular dissection).18,20
3 roof. Once inside the space, blunt dissection only is used
to define the boundaries. Level 2: subcutaneous
If dissection anterior to the space is required, the position The subcutaneous layer is unique in having a thickness. This
of the ligaments and nerves is indicated by the knowledge provides options regarding the level within the layer to
that they are located within the boundaries. Precise dissection perform the dissection
is now used to locate the residual retaining ligaments by their
tethering effect and then to release the ligaments as is neces-
sary. In younger patients this step is more difficult, as more Principle
ligament is present and it is tighter because of less aging
attrition. The ease of dissection varies at different levels within the subcu-
The anatomy of the relationship of the nerves to the liga- taneous layer.
ments here provides a guide to the technique. Because the
facial nerve branches are immediately adjacent to the liga-
ments, precise dissection is now necessary. Blunt scissors are
used in a gentle spreading motion oriented in a vertical, i.e. When performing a subcutaneous dissection, knowledge of
outward direction. This provides maximum effect on the the spaces in level 4 is beneficial in explaining the easier dis-
ligament while, at the same time, having a nerve-sparing section where the subcutaneous layer overlies superficial
effect. The surrounding areolar and fatty tissues separate muscle, especially over orbicularis oculi and platysma. Move-
to clearly reveal the ligament and any related nerves. Now, ment of the muscle is associated with a lesser attachment of
under visual control, the ligament yields to the tissue the subcutaneous layer at this interface, while the orientation
stretching force while the nerve, being more mobile and of the retinacular fibers is more horizontal overlying the surgi-
obliquely oriented, is not tightened and can be dislodged cal spaces (beneath the muscle).
out of the way, being unaffected by the controlled stretching
The spaces can be used, like stepping stones, to safely Principle
navigate across the face. In fact, the spaces have long been
used in facial surgery, without considering them in these At any point in the subcutaneous layer the orientation of the reti-
conceptual terms. Some examples include: nacular cutis fibers reflects the underlying anatomy of level 4.
• The transconjunctival (space) approach to access the pre-
septal space of the lower lid.
• The deep temporal lift dissection from the upper temporal The intended role for the fibrous retinacular cutis in the reju-
space, around the lateral orbital rim, into the prezygo- venation determines which level within the subcutaneous
matic space. layer to perform the dissection. If the skin flap is to be used
• The premasseter approach to the masticator space, used for the redraping, the fibrous retinacular component should
to reduce displaced buccal fat and to tighten laxity of be left on the flap by performing a ‘deep’ level of subcutane-
the overlying superficial fascia lateral to the oral ous dissection. If external plication of the anterior SMAS is
commissure. the objective, a deep subcutaneous level of dissection is
required to visualize the outer surface of the SMAS.21,22 This
level of deep subcutaneous dissection at the interface with
Principle level 3 has been given several names: the superficial muscu-
loaponeurotic plane (SMAP)11 and the extended suprapla-
It is inherently easier and safer to enter the SMAS where it over- tysma plane (ESP).23
lies a space, rather than where it is fixed by ligament. Alternatively, when a ‘separate’ SMAS flap is to be used,
it is advantageous to keep most of the retinacular cutis
mass attached to the SMAS, as this optimizes the strength of
When the ‘deep plane facelift’ was introduced, the term the thin SMAS flap. This is achieved with a superficial level
‘deep’ referred to dissection in level 4, deep to the SMAS.17 of subcutaneous undermining, the so-called, ‘thin skin
Although not clear at that time, the deep dissection was only flap’.24,25
over the lateral face18 as the level of dissection changed to
more superficial (deep subcutaneous level 2) at the transition
to the anterior face and over the level 3 muscles, orbicularis Principle
and zygomaticus major.3,4 The deep plane procedure evolved
into the ‘composite facelift’,18 the difference being that the The shape of the face is the product of the shape of the facial
sub-SMAS plane of dissection was also used in the anterior skeleton and of the quality of attachment of the overlying soft
face. Sub-SMAS dissection over the midcheek can be tissues.
approached either through the lateral approach (extended

Chapter 6 Facelift anatomy, SMAS, retaining ligaments and facial spaces

This chapter has been structured to assist the reader to develop a tomical information becomes the knowledge needed for clinical
conceptual understanding of facial anatomy. It is the missing application, and when enhanced by surgical experience it pro-
framework on which to attach the detailed anatomical informa- vides the key for the advancement of the quality of facial
tion now available in the literature. Once understood, this ana- rejuvenation.


1. Mendelson BC, Jacobson SR. Surgical anatomy of the 13. Moss CJ, Mendelson BC, Taylor GI. Surgical anatomy of
midcheek; facial layers, spaces, and the midcheek segments. the ligamentous attachments in the temple and periorbital
Clin Plast Surg 35:395–404, 2008. regions. Plast Reconstr Surg 2000;105:1475.
2. Mendelson BC. Chapter: Extended sub-SMAS dissection and 14. Mendelson BC, Muzaffar AR, Adams WP, Jr. Surgical anatomy
cheek elevation. Clin Plast Surg 22:325–339, 1995. of the midcheek and malar mounds. Plast Reconstr Surg
3. Owsley JQ. Lifting the malar pad for correction of prominent 2002;110:885.
nasolabial folds. Plast Reconstr Surg 1993;91:463. 15. Aston SJ. The FAME Procedure. Presented at the Annual
4. Owsley JQ, Fiala TG. Update lifting the malar fat pad for Meeting of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive
correction of prominent nasolabial folds. Plast Reconstr Surg Surgeons, Dallas, Texas, November 9–13, 1996.
1997;100:715. 16. Mendelson BC. Surgery of the superficial musculoaponeurotic
5. Rohrich RJ, Pessa JE. The fat compartments of the face: system: principles of release, vectors, and fixation. Plast
anatomy and clinical implications for cosmetic surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg 2002;109:824–825.
Reconstr Surg 2007;119:2219–2227. 17. Hamra ST. Deep-plane rhytidectomy. Plast Reconstr Surg
6. Mitz V, Peyronie M. The superficial musculo-aponeurotic 1990;86:53.
system (SMAS) in the parotid and cheek area. Plast Reconstr 18. Hamra ST. Composite Rhytidectomy. Plast Reconstr Surg
Surg 1976;58:80. 1992;90:1.
7. Mendelson BC. Advances in understanding the surgical 19. Stuzin JM, Baker TJ, Gordan HL, Baker TM. Extended SMAS
anatomy of the face. In: Eisenmann-Klein M, Neuhann-Lorenz dissection as an approach to midface rejuvenation. Clin Plast
C, eds. Innovations in plastic and aesthetic surgery, Chapter Surg 1995;22(2):295–311.
18. New York: Springer Verlag. 2007, pp. 141–145. 20. Hamra ST. The zygorbicular dissection in composite
8. Furnas DW. The retaining ligaments of the cheek. Plast rhytidectomy: An ideal midface plane. Plast Reconstr Surg
Reconstr Surg 1989;83:11. 1998;102:1646.
9. Stuzin JM, Baker TJ, Gordon HL. The relationship of the 21. Robbins LB, Brothers DB, Marshall DM. Anterior SMAS
superficial and deep facial fascias: Relevance to rhytidectomy plication for the treatment of prominent nasolabial folds and
and aging. Plast Reconstr Surg 1992;89:441. restoration of normal cheek contour. Plast Reconstr Surg
10. Mendelson BC, Freeman ME, Woffles W, Huggins RJ. Surgical
anatomy of the lower face; the premasseter space, the jowl 22. Trepsat F, Cornette de Saint-Cyr B, Delmar H, Goin J.-L, Thion
and the labiomandibular fold. Aesth Plast Surg 2008;32: A. Les nouveaux liftings. Ann Chir Plast Esthet 1994;39:597.
185. 23. Hoefflin S. The extended supraplatysmal plane (ESP) facelift.
11. Furnas D. The superficial musculoaponeurotic plane and the Plast Reconstr Surg 1998;101:494.
retaining ligaments of the face. In: Psillakis JM. Deep face – 24. Connell BF, Gaon A. Surgical correction of aesthetic contour
lifting techniques. New York, NY: Thieme Medical Publishers, problems of the neck. Clin Plast Surg 1983;10:491.
1994. 25. Connell BF. Neck contour deformities. The art, engineering,
12. Knize DM, ed. The forehead and temporal fossa. Philadelphia: anatomic diagnosis, architectural planning, and aesthetics of
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2001. surgical correction. Clin Plast Surg 1987;14:683.

Section 3: Facelift

Go to
to see updates to this chapter CHAPTER 7
Facelift with SMAS technique
and FAME
Sherrell J. Aston and Jennifer Walden

History Physical evaluation

Surgery of the deep layer tissues of the face and neck is now • Evaluate the face in general for the bone structure of the
established as a permanent part of facelift operations. There entire face including the forehead, orbits, zygomas, zygo-
is no clear consensus as to how to treat the midface and its matic arches, maxilla, mandible, mentum, as well as the
related nasolabial fold. Skoog introduced tightening of the lips, nose and teeth.
midface superficial fascia and platysma muscle in the late • Evaluate skin quality and laxity, fat deposits and/or bulges
1960s, and Mitz and Peyronie verified the anatomy of the in the face and neck.
superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) in 1976. • Evaluate midface thickness, laxity, and mobility to finger
Surgery of the midface developed subsequent to descriptions tip manipulation.
of the retaining ligaments of the cheek, as the focus of facial • Evaluate nasolabial folds, and labiomandibular folds if
rejuvenation extended to correction of the nasolabial fold. present.
Masseteric-cutaneous and lateral zygomatic-cutaneous liga- • Evaluate neck including fat deposits, platysma muscle
ment release allowed lifting of the SMAS to correct the lower anatomy, hyoid position, thyroid cartilage contour and
face below the zygoma. However, approaches to the prezygo- submandibular gland position.
matic SMAS developed in an effort to gain harmony of the
• Evaluate the malar area for bony contour and the thick-
upper and lower parts of the face. In this effort two different
ness of the soft tissue lying medial to the zygomaticus
approaches are in use:
major muscle.
1. Wide skin undermining and separate dissection of a • Evaluate the lower eyelids for the integrity and function
SMAS platysma flap. of the orbicularis oculi muscle.
2. Very limited skin undermining in the cheek and the dis- • Evaluate the lower eyelids for prominence of herniated
section beneath the SMAS layer in continuity with the fat, prominence of the bony orbital rim, palpebromalar
skin. grove and nasojugal grove.
In the deep plane facelift the plane of the dissection for • Determine patient’s main concerns.
the lateral segment of the face is in the sub-SMAS plane, but • Make detailed photographs.
more anterior the plane changes to become more superficial
overlying the zygomatic muscles, therefore the cheek fat
remains adherent to the skin flap. The composite facelift tech- Anatomy
nique (this technique later modified by Hamra with the
zygoorbicular dissection) continues the sub-SMAS dissection The midcheek can be understood as part of the midface and
beneath the central part of the malar fat including the prezy- refers to a part of the cheek medial to a line extending from
gomatic SMAS and the orbicularis oculi muscle and its fascia. the frontal process of the zygoma to the oral commissure
Mendelson has noted that this prezygomatic space is a surgi- and from the lower lid above to the nasolabial fold below.
cally safe space that can be entered through the lower eyelid It is composed of two functionally distinct parts including
or laterally through a space between the temporal and the the prezygomatic part over the body of the zygoma and
zygomatic branches of the seventh nerve as is performed in maxilla and infrazygomatic part below, as described by
the FAME (finger assisted malar elevation) technique. Mendelson (Ch. 6). A major determinant of the shape of the

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

midface is the underlying skeleton as it connects the orbital

and oral cavities and provides a bony platform for their skel-
etal attachments and retaining ligaments of each muscle. The
aging changes that appear in the midcheek largely reflect the
effect of laxity and ptosis of the soft tissues relative to the
underlying skeleton. This affects the upper face by revealing
the anatomy of the orbit, with exposure of the bony orbital
rim inferiorly, palpebromalar groove laterally, and nasojugal
groove medially. The displaced soft tissue accentuates the
nasolabial fold and reveals lower lid fat bulges. With soft
tissue descent, laxity of the structures of the prezygomatic
space including the orbital retaining ligament at its upper-
most aspect and its roof (pars orbitale of the orbicularis oculi)
are resisted by the zygomatic-cutaneous ligaments below.
When visibly enlarged this area forms the clinical entity
known as the malar mounds, also termed malar bags and
malar crescent. It should be noted that the presence of the
malar septum was described by Pessa and Garza and Pessa
et al. to explain the clinical appearance of a black eye, and
explain the anatomic basis of malar mounds and malar
edema. Malar mounds should be distinguished from the
malar fat pad. The anatomical terminology regarding this area
can be somewhat confusing, as the malar fat pad is also
simply known as malar fat.
Specifically, the malar fat pad is a term used to describe
the subcutaneous fat of the medial cheek that exaggerates the
nasolabial fold. The malar fat pad is a localized thickness of
the subcutaneous panniculus adiposus (Fig. 7.1). The malar
fat pad is of maximum thickness centrally in youth with a
well-defined border at the nasolabial crease and less discrete Malar fat pad
border in the upper face as it blends imperceptibly into the
lower lid with a gradual decrease in thickness over the promi- Fig. 7.1 Malar fat pad is a localized increase thickness of the panniculus
nence of the orbital rim and zygoma. The malar fat has upper, adiposis.
middle and lower components. The fullness of the nasolabial
fold is in large part caused by the medial and inferior migra-
tion of the soft tissue medial to the zygomaticus major muscle
(primarily the malar fat pad). It is triangular in shape with its brane and the most cephalad of the zygomatic-cutaneous
base along the nasolabial crease, and its apex overlies the ligaments as they extend between the origins of the lip eleva-
body of the zygoma. The malar fat pad firmly attaches to skin. tor muscles through the subcutaneous fat to the dermis. With
It is easily separated from underlying fascia, and the malar fat blunt dissection in this space, as in the FAME procedure, the
pad moves forward and down perpendicular to the nasolabial smooth surface of this membrane remains intact and preperi-
crease during the aging process. osteal fat remains attached to the underlying facial bones.
The prezygomatic space overlies the body of the zygoma Mendelson has noted that the prezygomatic space can be
and the origins of the lip elevator muscles. It extends to the entered from (1) the lower eyelid; (2) the temporal area; (3)
posterior border of the body of the zygoma and can be laterally passing between the seventh nerve branches as per-
accessed from the lower temporal region and lower lid. The formed with the FAME procedure to enter the prezygomatic
floor is a thick layer of preperiosteal fat with an overlying thin space (Fig. 7.2).
membrane which covers the origins of the muscle bellies of
the lip elevators. The upper border of the space is formed by
the orbicularis retaining ligament, which separates the prese- Technical steps
ptal from the prezygomatic space and becomes confluent at
the inferolateral orbital rim with the broad lateral orbital The senior author (SJA) began using the FAME technique in
thickening that overlies the frontal process of the zygoma. The the early 1990s as a procedure in conjunction with a standard
zygomatic-cutaneous neurovascular pedicle is the only struc- SMAS/platysma facelift to improve the midface and nasola-
ture crossing this space as Mendelson has previously eluci- bial fold. The FAME technique (finger assisted malar eleva-
dated. The roof of the space is the orbicularis oculi and its tion) is a composite technique designed to elevate skin, lateral
investing fascia, which is contiguous with the temporopari- orbicularis oculi muscle, and reposition the malar fat pad.
etal fascia laterally. The inferior wall of the prezygomatic This technique is used in combination with skin undermining
space is lined by a continuation of the preperiosteal mem- and a SMAS/platysma flap to correct the remainder of the

Chapter 7 Facelift with SMAS technique and FAME

laxity in facial and cervical areas. The description given here In the temporal area the skin is undermined sharply
is as performed for approximately 14 years. Recent modifica- for approximately half the distance between the ear and
tions since February 2006 will be described below. lateral canthus. The right index finger is rotated medially and
inferiorly so as to separate the orbicularis oculi muscle
from the temporal fascia; the lateral canthus is easily reached
Orbicularis retaining Suborbicularis (Fig. 7.3).
ligament oculi fat
Next, the facial and cervical skin flap undermining, as
indicated for the individual, is completed. In the midface skin
undermining is carried medially to approximate the course of
the zygomaticus major muscle. In the lower face, when indi-
cated by skin redundancy, undermining may be carried medi-
ally to the labiomandibular fold. The mandibular ligament is
divided in most patients. Any anterior platysma procedures
are completed. Complete submandibular and submental skin
undermining and anterior platysma procedures are frequently
indicated. Necessary anterior platysma procedures are per-
formed prior to lateral platysma and cheek work.
Attention is now returned to the lateral canthus. With the
index finger pulp surface down under the orbicularis oculi
muscle pressure is exerted downward, inferiorly, and medi-
ally across the malar prominence (Fig. 7.4A&B). The orbicu-
laris oculi muscle and the malar fat pad separate rather easily
from the underlying fascia overlying the preperiosteal fat thus
entering the prezygomatic space (Fig. 7.4C). The entire malar
fat pad in undermined with the index finger going to near the
nasal alar attachment (Fig. 7.4D). The index finger is turned
over with the pulp surface up in order to permit leverage for
complete mobilization of the malar fat pad. Bimanual palpa-
tion with one index finger in the “deep plane” helps evaluate
Preperiosteal Zygomatic Prezygomatic malar fat pad thickness and mobility (Fig. 7.5).
fat ligament space At this point the levels of dissection have been established
Fig. 7.2 Mendelson’s description of the prezygomatic space and the three
(1) subcutaneously and (2) underneath the malar fat pad and
access routes, lower lid, temporal and lateral. Reproduced with permission orbicularis oculi (in the deep plane and a composite flap).
from Mendelson BC, Muzaffar AR, Adams WP, Jr. Surgical anatomy of the The subcutaneous soft tissue bridge separates the two planes
midcheek and malar mounds. Plast Reconstr Surg 2002;110:885–896. at the lower quarter of the malar prominence. Redraping of

Lateral canthus


Fig. 7.3 The right index finger is advanced across the temporal area separating the orbicularis oculi muscle from the temporal fascia.

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Orbicularis oculi Malar fat pad

Malar fat pad

A B major muscle

Malar fat pad


Fig. 7.4 A, The index finger is passed under the lateral orbicularis oculi muscle. B, The index finger is turned to pass under the orbicularis oculi muscle and to
enter the prezygomatic space. C, The index finger is advanced into the prezygomatic space under the orbicularis muscle and the malar fat pad. D, The index
finger is advanced to the base of the prezygomatic space.

the composite flap in a cephaloposterior direction with the carried medially for 4–7 cm, depending on the amount of
emphasis on the vertical vector will demonstrate reposition- platysma mobility needed for the individual patient. The
ing of the malar fat pad to its earlier location over the malar zygomatic arch is palpated with fingertips to determine its
prominence. If more mobility is needed for repositioning of exact location, and an incision is made through the SMAS
the malar fat pad, the subcutaneous bridge is dissected until along the lower border of the zygomatic arch extending from
the desired mobility of the composite flap is achieved. approximately 5 mm anterior to the base of the tragus to
Next, attention is directed to developing a SMAS/platysma approximately 1 cm from the subcutaneous bridge separating
flap. The lateral border of the platysma muscle is incised at the deep plane and subcutaneous plane.
the anterior border of the sternocleidomastiod muscle and A SMAS flap is developed going inferiorly to join the sub-
carried from the angle of the mandible inferiorly 7–8 cm platysmal dissection and going medially anterior to the
below the angle of the mandible. Subplatysmal dissection is parotid gland until the desired flap mobility is obtained. The

Chapter 7 Facelift with SMAS technique and FAME

SMAS platysma flap and, when indicated, anterior platysma Excess SMAS is then resected along the horizontal SMAS
procedures give independent control for lower facial and cer- incision line and sutured to the incised SMAS edge. In the pre-
vical contouring. The SMAS/platysma flap is elevated and auricular area the SMAS is then cut vertically creating a small
rotated in the cephaloposterior direction with the vectors of SMAS flap, which is positioned behind the ear and sutured to
lifting and repositioning according to the anatomy of the the sternocleidomastoidmastoid fascia to help with jawline
patient and the desired facial contouring. contouring. The lateral platysma is sutured to the sternocleido-
mastoid muscle fascia. Final jawline fat contouring is carried
out by open suction lipectomy or sharp dissection.
The description of the technique above is as performed by
the senior author for approximately 15 years. Most cases were
performed without malar fat pad fixation to the zygoma.
However, in some patients the malar fat was sutured to the
periosteum of the zygoma to help maintain the vertical vector.
In February 2006 the senior author modified the technique
by extending the SMAS flap through the subcutaneous bridge
between the deep plane and the subcutaneous plane. It is now
an extended SMAS flap joining the FAME composite deep
plane flap, thereby giving more mobility to the malar soft
tissue (Fig. 7.6A&B). The SMAS flap is not excised but sutured
to the temporal fascia (high lamella fixation) in order to
maximize the vertical vector of the midface repositioning
(Fig. 7.7A). The elevated malar fat pad is sutured to the peri-
osteum of the zygoma in a vertical vector (Fig. 7.7B). In
patients with a thin or poor quality SMAS, the FAME tech-
nique can be performed with plication of the SMAS. Likewise,
a smasectomy can be performed with the FAME in patients
where it is desirable to excise facial fat.
Fig. 7.5 Bimanual palpation determines the thickness of the malar fat pad Redraping of the skin flap in the cephaloposterior direc-
and mobility. tion repositions the malar fat pad and orbicularis oculi
muscle. In general, the maximum vertical vector possible is
Orbicularis oculi
desired in order to return the malar soft tissue onto the

SMAS flap

Facial nerve Parotid
branches gland

Fig. 7.6 A, Extended SMAS flap showing dissection medial to the zygomaticus major and joining the FAME dissection. B, Intraoperative photograph showing
zygomaticus major muscle and gauze in the prezygomatic space.

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery


Fig. 7.7 A, Vertical vector elevation of extended SMAS flap and malar fat pad. B, Flap sutured to temporal fascia and zygoma at lateral canthus. Excess
preauricular SMAS flap transposed and sutured to sternocleidomastoid fascia.

malar prominence. An incision is made beneath the tempo- Sample instructions for the facelift patient
ral hairline so as not to narrow or elevate the sideburn. A
Burrow’s triangle is excised so as to place only minimal General
tension on the elevated and rotated skin flap. Excess tension • Take pain medication as prescribed.
will only result in scar migration and add nothing to the lift. • Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen or any products containing
In the vast majority of patients, an incision along the ante- these drugs, as they can cause bleeding problems after
rior hairline is avoided entirely. When a small “dog ear” is surgery. Tylenol is permissible. Also avoid vitamin E and
present at the end of the transverse incision under the hair- multivitamins containing vitamin E. Stop herbal and
line, a small anterior hairline incision (5 to 7 mm) will homeopathic medications, as some may cause bleeding
eliminate the “dog ear” and permit restoration of the side- after surgery.
burn shape and position. The remainder of the skin flap is • Abstain from alcohol for a minimum of 7 days post-op.
trimmed and sutured in a routine fashion. The FAME proce- Do not drink alcohol when taking pain medications.
dure can be performed with a short scar facelift technique
or conventional scar technique, where the posterior scar is • Do not smoke, as smoking delays healing and increases
curved in the mastoid hair so as to be as almost impercep- the risk of complications.
tible. Pre- and postoperative views of patients who have • Following surgery, sleep on your back for 2 weeks. Keep
undergone a facelift with the FAME technique are shown head elevated on two pillows while sleeping.
(Figures 7.C1–C5). • You may shampoo 24 hours after removal of the drainage
tubes. Hair is generally shampooed on the 2nd postopera-
tive day. Wash hair daily for two weeks following surgery.
Postoperative care
Use a cool setting on the hair dryer. Do not use rollers for
1 week after surgery. Do not color hair or use harsh chemi-
Standard postoperative facelift care is used. A facelift dressing cals prior to 2 weeks post-op.
is placed in the operating room and removed the first day
• Soft foods are easier to consume post-op.
after surgery. Treatment of hypertension and maintenance of
blood pressure is stressed especially in the perioperative • Always use a strong sunblock, if sun exposure is unavoid-
period, and drains are usually removed on the first postopera- able (SPF 30 or greater).
tive day. The following information is typical of that given to • You may use cold compresses for comfort and to help
our facelift patients. decrease the swelling.

Chapter 7 Facelift with SMAS technique and FAME

Fig. 7.C1 A 58-year-old-patient following facialplasty with FAME technique, extended SMAS/platysma flap, endoscopic browlift and lower lid blepharoplasty.
Postoperative photographs show lower and midface repositioning and lateral orbicularis tightening.

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Fig. 7.C2 A 59-year-old patient 10 months postoperative facialplasty with FAME technique, extended SMAS, laternal platysma dissection, high lamella fixation,
chin implant, 4-lid blepharoplasty, erbium laser resurfacing lower lids and rhinoplasty. Postoperative photographs show repositioning of mid and lower facial
soft tissue and lateral orbicularis tightening.

Chapter 7 Facelift with SMAS technique and FAME

Fig. 7.C3 A 58-year-old patient 1 year postoperative facialplasty with FAME technique, SMAS/platysma flap procedure and 4-lid blepharoplasty. Postoperative
photographs show repositioning of thick, heavy midface and lateral orbicularis tightening.

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Fig. 7.C4 A 55-year-old patient 2 years postoperative facialplasty with FAME technique, SMAS/platysma flap procedure, 4-lid blepharoplasty and chin implant.
Postoperative photographs show mid and lower face correction and lateral orbicularis oculi tightening.

Chapter 7 Facelift with SMAS technique and FAME

Fig. 7.C4, cont’d

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Activities • Expect a bruised and puffy face for 7–14 days, although
• Start walking as soon as possible. This helps to reduce some patients do not bruise at all. Wearing scarves, turtle-
swelling and lowers the chance of blood clots in the necks and high-collared blouses masks the swelling and
legs. discoloration.
• Do not drive until you are no longer taking any pain • By the third week, you will look and feel much better.
medications (narcotics), and can turn your neck easily. • Final result is not fully realized for approximately 3
• No strenuous activities, including sex and heavy house- months.
work, for at least 2 weeks. (Walking and mild stretching
Follow-up care
are permissible).
• Sutures are usually removed from in front of the ear in
Incision care 3–5 days.
• The area of sutures must be washed gently and • Remaining sutures and metal clips, if used, are usually
thoroughly. removed in 8 days.
• Keep incisions clean and inspect daily for redness or signs • If a drainage tube is inserted, it will be removed in 1–2
of inflammation. days.
• You may use makeup after the sutures are removed; new
facial makeup can be used to cover up bruising, but not Complications
on the incisions until 48 hours after suture removal. It is
important to gently remove all makeup. Possible complications are those of a standard facelift. Serious
complications from facelift surgery are extremely rare. As with
What to expect
any surgical procedure, complications and risks can often be
• Swelling, bruising and numbness is normal and to be minimized if the operation is performed by an experienced
expected. surgeon who has performed many facelifts. Complications of
• Expect to feel tightness and a pulling sensation in your any facelift include bleeding (hematoma), infection, promi-
face and neck, especially when turning your head. nent or widened scars, alopecia, or nerve damage. Sequelae
• Face may look and feel strange and distorted from the specific to the FAME facelift that patients should be advised
swelling. of is the possibility of midface edema that resolves usually
• Men need to shave behind their ears, where beard-growing over the first 2 to 3 months. However, all facelift techniques
skin is repositioned. have some edema that resolves over this amount of time.

Pearls & pitfalls

Pearls Pitfalls
• Apply firm downward fingertip pressure when dissecting • Failure to dissect under the orbicularis oculi muscle laterally,
across the temporal area to go under the orbicularis oculi therefore injuring the muscle and delaying the return of
muscle. This establishes the plane you want to be in. lower lid function.
• Inject anesthetic hemostatic agent perpendicular to the face • Failure to dissect under malar fat pad at its apex; therefore
of zygoma so as to infiltrate prezygomatic space. dissection will probably not be in the prezygomatic space
• Apply fingertip pressure downward on malar bone to go but tear the malar fat pad.
under malar fat pad. • Injury to the small motor branch that crosses the upper
• Dissect prezygomatic space completely to mobilize entire zygomaticus major muscle to innervate the lateral orbicularis
malar fat pad. oculi muscle.
• Use absorbable sutures (PDS, Vicryl, and Monacryl) to secure • Subcutaneous dissection medial to zygomaticus major
malar fat pad to periosteum. muscle.
• Performing the procedure on a patient with thin malar fat

Chapter 7 Facelift with SMAS technique and FAME

Summary of steps
1. Infiltrate face and neck with anesthetic hemostatic 9. Push index finger into the prezygomatic space and release
solution. the entire malar fat pad.
2. Infiltrate prezygomatic space. 10. Bimanual palpation of malar fat pad to determine malar
3. If indicated undermine anterior neck skin through a fat pad thickness.
submental incision and perform anterior platysma 11. Test mobility of this composite flap.
procedure through submental incision. 12. Perform lateral platysma and SMAS procedure (SMAS,
4. Dissect sharply in the subcutaneous plane in the extended SMAS, plication or smasectomy) as indicated for
preauricular area and temporal area half distance to lateral the individual patient.
canthus. 13. Rotate and elevate the extended SMAS flap (most often
5. Rotate index finger downward and medially going under used technique) and secure to temporalis fascia (high
the lateral orbicularis oculi muscle. lamella fixation).
6. Complete skin undermining as needed in cervical area. 14. Redrape composite skin flap and determine position of the
7. Complete midcheek undermining in subcutaneous plane elevated malar fat pad with vertical vector.
up to the lateral border of the zygomaticus major muscle. 15. Secure malar fat pat with 4-0 PDS to zygoma
8. Place index finger under lateral orbicularis oculi and push approximately 1 cm lateral to lateral canthus.
downward against malar bone so as to go under the apex 16. Redrape and trim skin flap, suture skin and place drains.
of the malar fat pad. 17. Apply dressing.

Further reading
Aston SJ. The FAME technique, presented at the Aging Face term failure, by Sam T. Hamra, MD. Plast Reconstr Surg
Symposium. Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, NY, 1993. 2002;110(3):952.
Aston SJ. Platysma-SMAS cervicofacial rhytidoplasty. Clin Plast Mendelson BC. Surgical anatomy of the midcheek and malar
Surg 1983;10(3):507. mounds. Plast Reconstr Surg 2002;110(3)885.
Barton FE, Jr. The aging face: rhytidectomy and adjunctive Owsley JQ. Lifting the malar fat pad for correction of prominent
procedures. Select Read Plast Surg 2001;9(19)22. nasolabial folds. Plast Reconstr Surg 1993;91:463.
Barton FE, Jr. Rhytidectomy and the nasolabial fold. Plast Reconstr Skoog T. Rhytidectomy – A personal experience and technique,
Surg 1992;90:601. presented at the Seventh Annual Symposium of Cosmetic
Hamra ST. The zygorbicular dissection in composite rhytidectomy: Surgery. Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, Miami, FL. 1973.
an ideal midface plane. Plast Reconstr Surg 1998;102:1646. Stuzin JM, Baker TJ, Baker TM. Extended SMAS dissection as an
Mendelson BC. Discussion; A study of long-term effect of malar fat approach to midface rejuvenation. Clin Plast Surg
repositioning in face lift surgery: short term success but long- 1995;22:295.

Section 3: Facelift

Go to
to see updates to this chapter CHAPTER 8
The SMAS facelift – restoring
facial shape in facelifting
James M. Stuzin

Introduction ing recommended by Bames essentially established the basic

facelift procedure for the next 40 years.
The works of Skoog, Mitz and Peyronie enlightened plastic Skoog described a technique of dissection of the superficial
surgeons to the possibility of repositioning descended facial fascial layer in the face in continuity with the platysma muscle
fat to the anatomic position of youth, providing an alterna- in the neck and advancement of the myofascial unit in a
tive to skin envelope tightening to enhance contour in the cephaloposterior direction. This was the beginning of the
aging face. The recognition that sub-SMAS dissection offered modern era in facelifting. Mitz and Peyronie used cadaver
a technical solution for facial rejuvenation spawned multiple dissections to define the limits of the superficial musculoapo-
anatomic studies to delineate an accurate understanding of neurotic system (SMAS) in the face and noted that tightening
facial soft tissue anatomy. This led to further investigations of this layer would be beneficial in facialplasty. SMAS-
which more clearly defined both the anatomic and morpho- platysma facelifting, wide skin undermining, and extensive
logic changes which occur in the aging face, leading to a fat removal soon gained worldwide popularity. Surgery of
plethora of technical approaches for facial rejuvenation. In the tissue layers deep to the skin of the face and neck is
reviewing the literature, good results can be seen utilizing now established as an essential part of cervical and facial-
what appears to be very different technical approaches. In plasty operations. Many surgeons have described different
reality, most of these seemingly different technical procedures SMAS-platysma techniques to improve the cervicofacial
share a common theme that contour restoration is predomi- area and to remedy problems not corrected by conventional
nantly through the re-elevation of facial fat as opposed to skin facialplasty.
envelope tightening. While good results are possible through Furnas, in 1989, described the retaining ligaments of the
a variety of techniques, in my opinion, all methods have midface, which led to a better understanding of anatomic
advantages, disadvantages and limitations, with the ultimate areas where facial soft tissue is supported and the involve-
result often dependent upon underlying skeletal support and ment of these ligaments in leading to the anatomic changes
the quality of facial soft tissues for a particular patient. From that occur with aging. These ligaments were further defined
my perspective, the key to consistent results in facelifting is by others who felt that loss of the support from the retaining
not the particular technique utilized, but rather the preopera- ligament system allowed facial fat to descend inferiorly in the
tive aesthetic analysis and how the operative plan is individu- face, deepening the nasolabial fold and forming facial jowls
alized according to the aesthetic needs of the patient. with aging. The importance and location of the retaining liga-
To consistently improve facial shape in facelifting requires ments led to modifications in procedures involving retaining
the surgeon to accurately understand both facial anatomy and ligament release in sub-SMAS dissection, the primary goal of
the anatomic changes which have occurred in aging for a these procedures being to reposition descended facial fat back
particular patient, appreciate the importance of underlying to the anatomic location of youth. Other surgeons, preferring
skeletal support in formulating the treatment plan, and incor- subperiosteal rather than sub-SMAS dissection to reposition
porating one’s aesthetic vision into a surgical destination fat, developed procedures whose similar goal is to resuspend
which is appropriate for a specific patient. descended malar fat to the malar eminences using the sub-
periosteal plane. A combination of subperiosteal and subcu-
taneous lifting has also been described.

All early facialplasty procedures were limited to skin excision

Physical evaluation – patient planning
and wound closure without subcutaneous undermining.
Bames described subcutaneous face and neck undermining, • Skin quality and elasticity.
skin redraping, and excision of excess skin. The continuous • Age.
incision described by Bettman and subcutaneous undermin- • Subcutaneous fat accumulation.

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

• Contour change developing from attenuation of deep muscles within the facial soft tissue architecture that lie
layer support, i.e. jowling, deep nasolabial fold; and pla- deep to the plane of the facial nerve are the mentalis,
tysma banding with cervical obliquity. buccinator, and levator anguli oris muscles. Because these
• Degree of facial deflation. muscles lie deep to the plane of facial nerve, they receive
• Degree of skeletal support – malar prominence, mandibu- their innervation along their superficial surfaces.
lar ramus height and length of mandibular body. 4. The muscles of facial expression, which are situated
• The relationship between malar convexity and submalar superficially within the facial soft tissue architecture and
concavity. are involved with the movement of facial skin, are invested
by the superficial fascia, which lines both the superficial
and deep surfaces of these muscles. Because these muscles
Anatomic considerations are invested by superficial fascia, this SMAS-mimetic
muscle complex forms a single anatomic and functional
The anatomic basis that allows rhytidectomy to be performed unit whose components work together to move facial
safely is that the facial soft tissue is arranged as a series of skin during animation.
concentric layers. This concentric arrangement allows dissec- 5. Deep to the SMAS-mimetic muscle complex lies the deep
tion within one anatomic plane to proceed completely sepa- facial fascia. The deep facial fascia represents a continua-
rate from structures lying within another anatomic plane. The tion of the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia
layers of the face are the (1) skin; (2) subcutaneous fat; (3) cephalad into the face. Where this fascial layer is identi-
SMAS (superficial facial fascia); (4) mimetic muscles; (5) fied, it is given specific nomenclature. Overlying the
parotidomasseteric fascia (deep facial fascia); and (6) plane parotid gland, the deep fascia is termed “parotid fascia”
of the facial nerve, parotid duct, buccal fat pad, and facial or “parotid capsule”; overlying the masseter muscle, it is
artery and vein. termed “masseteric fascia”; and in the temporal region, it
The anatomic components of facial soft tissue anatomy, has been termed “deep temporal fascia.” The significance
which are essential for the surgeon attempting to master sub- of the deep facial fascia is that all the facial nerve branches
SMAS dissection to understand include the following: within the cheek lie deep to the deep facial fascia. Typically,
these nerve branches course deep to the deep fascia until
1. Although there is variation in the thickness of the various they reach the muscles of facial expression that they
layers from patient to patient, structures within each layer innervate, at which point they penetrate the deep fascia
are anatomically constant. On a two-dimensional basis, to innervate these mimetic muscles along their deep sur-
the facial nerve exhibits a variety of branching patterns, faces (Fig. 8.1).
but on a three-dimensional basis, the facial nerve always
lies within a specific anatomic plane. This anatomic In an overview of the architectural arrangement of the
arrangement allows the surgeon to perform extensive sub- facial soft tissue, the essential point to grasp is that there is a
SMAS dissection safely, as long as the dissection proceeds superficial component of the facial soft tissue that is defined
at a level superficial to the plane of the facial nerve. by the superficial facial fascia and includes the SMAS and
2. There is significant variability in terms of the thickness of those anatomic components that move facial skin (including
the superficial fascial layer (SMAS). This variability of superficially situated mimetic muscle invested by SMAS, the
SMAS thickness is obvious from patient to patient. Also, subcutaneous fat, and skin). This is in contrast to the deeper
the thickness of the SMAS will vary from one region of the component of the facial soft tissue, which is defined by the
face to another. Overlying the parotid gland, within the deep facial fascia and those structures related to the deep
temporal region (temporoparietal fascia) and within fascia (including the relatively fixed structures of the face,
the scalp (galea), the superficial fascia (SMAS) represents such as the parotid gland, masseter muscle, periosteum of the
a substantial, discrete layer. As the superficial fascia is facial bones, and facial nerve branches) (Fig. 8.2). As the
traced anteriorly in the face, overlying the masseter, buccal human face ages, many of the stigmata that are typically seen
fat pad, and into the malar region, the SMAS tends to in aging relate to a change in the anatomic relationship that
become thinner and less substantial. To elevate the super- occurs between the superficial and deep facial fascia.
ficial fascia in these areas requires precise dissection, so that
the flap is thick enough to be useful in facial contouring.
3. The muscles of facial expression are arranged in four Extended SMAS technique
anatomic layers which overlap one another. The muscles
that are encountered in facelifting, including the pla- Except perhaps in the younger facelift patient, most individu-
tysma, orbicularis oculi, zygomaticus major and minor, als undergoing rhytidectomy will benefit from tightening of
and risorius muscle, are all superficially situated mimetic the superficial fascial layer. Restoration of support to the
muscles. This is in contrast to deeply situated mimetic underlying deeper facial soft tissues has become an integral
muscles such as the buccinator and mentalis muscle. part of the rejuvenation of the aging face. If the SMAS is thin
Most of the muscles of facial expression lie superficial to and tenuous, plication of this layer is a useful alternative to
the plane of the facial nerve. Because these muscles are formal SMAS elevation. Nonetheless, in my opinion, better
superficial to the plane of the facial nerve, they receive contouring and longer lasting results are obtained following
their innervation along their deep surfaces. The only a formal dissection of the superficial fascia.

Chapter 8 The SMAS facelift – restoring facial shape in facelifting


Fig. 8.1 A, Cadaver dissection after SMAS-platysma elevation within the cheek exposing the underlying parotid gland, the anterior border of parotid (marked
in ink), and the parotid-masseteric fascia (held in forceps). The surgical significance of the parotid-masseteric fascia is that the facial nerve branches within the
cheek are always deep to this anatomic layer. B, Cadaver dissection after elevation of the parotid-masseteric fascia exposing the underlying masseter muscle
and the marginal mandibular nerve as it crosses the facial artery and vein. From Stuzin JM, Baker TJ, Gordon HL. The relationship of the superficial and deep
facial fascias: relevance to rhytidectomy and aging. Plast Reconstr Surg 1992;89:441.

In skin flap dissection, it is important to develop uniform preserving the attachments from the SMAS to facial skin. The
skin flaps during the subcutaneous undermining, with care to preservation of these attachments, followed by adequate
leave some fat intact along the superficial surface of the SMAS. undermining of the superficial facial fascia (SMAS), will allow
If the skin flaps are dissected such that no fat is left along the the surgeon to re-elevate facial skin through SMAS rotation
superficial surface of the SMAS, then the SMAS becomes more rather than to redrape the superficial fascia completely inde-
difficult to raise, appearing thin, tenuous and prone to tearing. pendent of skin flap redraping. The ability to re-elevate and
Much of the contouring that I obtain in my facelift has to do resuspend facial skin through SMAS rotation, in my opinion,
with elevation and fixation of the SMAS layer. The more sub- produces a more pleasing aesthetic result in most patients,
stantial the SMAS flap, often the better long-term results that and preserves some of the peripheral vascularity to the facial
can be obtained in terms of facial contouring. Transillumina- skin flap.
tion when performing subcutaneous dissection is a useful
technique in allowing precise skin flap elevation.
I usually carry the subcutaneous skin flap dissection well SMAS elevation
into the malar region and usually the skin overlying the
lateral two-thirds of the zygomatic eminence is undermined. The dissection of the superficial fascia allows the surgeon to
I prefer to stop the skin undermining several centimeters re-elevate jowl and descended malar fat back upward into the
lateral to the nasolabial fold rather than undermining the face toward their previous normal anatomic location. In
skin to this facial landmark. This is to limit the dissection of patients with prominent nasolabial folds, and significant
the skin flap in the medial aspect of the cheek, subsequently malar pad descent, it has been my feeling that the SMAS dis-

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Zygomatic ligaments

Zygomaticus minor muscle

Zygomaticus major muscle

Masseteric cutaneous
Parotid cutaneous
Risorus muscle

Mandibular ligaments

Fig. 8.2 Facial soft tissue is maintained in a normal anatomic location by a series of supporting ligaments. The zygomatic and mandibular ligaments are
examples of osteocutaneous ligaments that originate from the periosteum and insert directly into the dermis. The masseteric cutaneous and parotid cutaneous
ligaments are formed as a coalescence between the superficial and deep facial fascias. Rather than originating from periosteum, these ligaments originate from
relatively fixed facial structures such as the parotid gland and the anterior border of the masseter muscle. Attenuation of support from the retaining ligaments
is responsible for many of the stigmata seen in the aging face. From Stuzin JM, Baker TJ, Gordon HL. The relationship of the superficial and deep facial fascias:
relevance to rhytidectomy and aging. Plast Reconstr Surg 1992;89:441.

section should extend into the malar region in an effort to the lateral canthus for a distance of 3 to 4 cm. On reaching
re-elevate the malar fat pad back upward overlying the zygo- the edge of the subcutaneous skin flap in the region of the
matic eminence. An added benefit of performing a more lateral orbit, the incision is carried inferiorly at a 90 degree
extensive anterior dissection of the SMAS is that it frees this angle toward the superior aspect of the nasolabial fold. A
layer from the restraint of both the zygomatic and masseteric vertical incision is designed along the preauricular region,
ligaments, and this anterior release provides for a more com- extending along the posterior border of the platysma to a
plete elevation of the facial fat below the oral commissure point 5 to 6 cm below the mandibular border. In essence, the
and along the anterior portion of the jowl. malar extension of the SMAS dissection simply represents an
The incisions for extended SMAS dissection begin approxi- extension of a standard SMAS dissection into the malar region
mately 1 cm inferior to the zygomatic arch to ensure frontal in an attempt to obtain a more complete form of deep layer
branch preservation (Fig. 8.3). This horizontal incision is con- support.
tinued several centimeters forward to the region where the The SMAS in the malar region is then elevated in continu-
zygomatic arch joins the body of the zygoma. At this point, ity with the SMAS of the cheek. When elevating this flap, the
the malar extension of the SMAS dissection begins with the fibers of the orbicularis oculi, as well as the zygomaticus
incision angling superiorly over the malar eminence toward major and minor, are usually evident and the flap is elevated

Chapter 8 The SMAS facelift – restoring facial shape in facelifting

Fig. 8.3 In patients with prominent nasolabial folds, I perform what I term an extended SMAS dissection. By this, I mean I extend the SMAS dissection into the
malar region in an attempt to re-elevate ptotic malar fat back upward over the zygomatic prominence. The incisions begin at the junction where the
zygomatic arch joins the body of the zygoma. From this point, the incision in the SMAS is angled superiorly toward the lateral canthus and along the lateral
orbital rim. The incision in the SMAS is then carried medially and inferiorly toward the peripheral extent of skin flap undermining, angling toward the
uppermost portion of the nasolabial fold (the amount of subcutaneous undermining is shaded in pink, whereas the amount of SMAS undermining is shaded in
yellow). From Baker TJ, Gordon HL, Stuzin JM. Surgical rejuvenation of the face, 2nd edn. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1996, pp. 254–255.

directly along the superficial surface of these muscles. It is originate medial to the zygomaticus minor. To improve
important to carry the dissection directly external to these mobility, I commonly continue malar pad elevation medially
muscle fibers, where a natural plane exists, remembering that in an area where we have not subcutaneously undermined
the facial nerve branches lie deep to these muscular bellies. the skin. This dissection is carried directly in the plane between
The malar SMAS is then elevated until the flap is freed from the malar fat and the superficial surface of the elevators of the
the underlying zygomatic prominence. Freeing of the SMAS upper lip. It is usually quite easy to delineate this level of
completely from the zygomatic attachments is an important dissection after the malar SMAS elevation is complete, and
technical point in obtaining the mobility necessary to reposi- the superficial surface of the elevators of the upper lip is visu-
tion the malar soft tissue superiorly. To obtain this mobility alized. The scissors are then inserted directly superficial to the
usually also requires a division of the upper fibers of the elevators of the upper lip, and blunt dissection is quickly
masseteric cutaneous ligaments, which will expose the performed by pushing the scissors in a series of passes bluntly
underlying body of the buccal fat pad. The cheek portion of toward the nasolabial fold. We find that when we insert the
the SMAS dissection is performed beginning directly overly- scissors in the proper plane, the dissection quickly glides
ing the parotid gland and then extending this dissection through the malar soft tissues and we usually will feel a
anterior to the parotid utilizing a combination of sharp and “snap” as we dissect through the remaining retaining liga-
blunt dissection toward the anterior border of the masseter ments. Once these structures are divided, one notes greater
(Fig. 8.4). mobility when traction is applied to the malar portion of the
In most patients, following extended SMAS dissection of SMAS flap, translating into greater movement along the
the cheek and malar regions, mobility of the soft tissues lying uppermost portion of the nasolabial fold (Fig. 8.5).
lateral to the nasolabial fold remains restricted unless the Repositioning and closure of the SMAS is then performed.
dissection is carried more medially. This restriction in move- The malar SMAS flap is advanced superiolaterally over the
ment results from the undivided retaining ligaments which zygomatic prominence in a direction perpendicular to the

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery


Fig. 8.4 A&B, The malar-SMAS dissection is then performed in continuity with the cheek-SMAS dissection. Dissecting in the malar region carries the dissection
directly along the superficial surface of the zygomaticus major and usually exposes the lateral aspects of the zygomaticus minor as well. To obtain adequate
mobility in terms of SMAS dissection, it is necessary to elevate the malar portion of the dissection completely from the zygomatic eminence and free it from
the zygomatic ligaments. To obtain mobility in terms of SMAS movement affecting the jowl contour, the uppermost portions of the masseteric cutaneous
ligament commonly are divided, especially where they merge with the zygomatic ligaments of the malar area. If these fibers are not divided, they will restrict
the upward redraping of jowl fat. This diagram and intraoperative photograph illustrate the typical degree of mobilization performed in the extended SMAS
dissection. From Baker TJ, Gordon HL, Stuzin JM. Surgical rejuvenation of the face, 2nd edn. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1996, pp. 254–255.

nasolabial fold, and usually paralleling the zygomaticus major If the patient is healing well at the end of a week or 10
muscle. After superior and lateral advancement, if a malar days, return is advised in 2 to 3 weeks for a routine postopera-
augmentation is not planned, the excess tissue can be excised tive visit and again in 6 weeks. The patient is instructed to
and the flap securely fixated to the zygomatic periosteum with return or call at any time if there are any questions about the
interrupted sutures. In many patients, I incorporate Vicryl postoperative course.
mesh (an absorbable mesh) into the SMAS fixation to improve During the first week the patient is allowed to walk and is
the tensile strength of SMAS closure (Figs 8.6, 8.7). encouraged to be up and about as much as is reasonably pos-
If significant platysma banding is present, a platysma- sible. Strenuous physical activities such as tennis, water-skiing,
plasty is performed through a submental incision. I typically and golf are not permitted for 5 or 6 weeks. A good basic rule
approximate the medial edges of the platysma extending is: “If it hurts, don’t do it.”
from the mentum caudally toward the base of the neck, fol- The following postoperative recommendations have
lowed by a transverse platysma myotomy performed low in proven helpful for most patients:
the neck to alleviate tension along the platysma closure
(Figs 8.8–8.12). • Pressure dressings are not used. A light facelift dressing is
placed for the first 24 hours.
• The head of the bed is elevated at all times, but flexion of
Postoperative care the patient’s neck is avoided because this may compro-
mise circulation to the cervical flap.
The patient is provided with specific instructions about post- • Appropriate pain and sleep medications are given; strong
operative care. Some surgeons provide the patient with a narcotics are rarely required.
printed list, whereas others prefer to give the instructions • The patient may go to the bathroom with assistance on
verbally. the first postoperative day and as desired thereafter.

Chapter 8 The SMAS facelift – restoring facial shape in facelifting

Fig. 8.5 It is commonly necessary to extend the malar SMAS dissection

more peripherally than the subcutaneous dissection to obtain adequate
flap mobility of the soft tissues lateral to the nasolabial fold. This portion
of the dissection is easily performed by simply inserting the scissors in
the plane between the superficial surface of the elevators of the upper
lip and the overlying subcutaneous fat. Once the scissors are inserted in
the proper plane, the surgeon bluntly dissects in a series of passes past
the nasolabial fold (area marked in green). As long as the scissors remain
superficial to the elevators of the upper lip, motor nerve injury will be
prevented. Two or three passes are usually required to obtain adequate
flap mobility. From Baker TJ, Gordon HL, Stuzin JM. Surgical rejuvenation
of the face, 2nd edn. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1996, p. 257.

Fig. 8.6 The vectors of redraping of the extended SMAS flap are
determined according to the preoperative evaluation of the patient and
are generally more cephalad than skin flap redraping. From Baker TJ,
Gordon HL, Stuzin JM. Surgical rejuvenation of the face, 2nd edn. St.
Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1996, p. 259.

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Fig. 8.7 Diagram illustrating how the excess SMAS, rather than being
excised, is rolled onto itself (forming a double layer of SMAS
thickness). Once the roll has been formed, it is fixated to the
periosteum of the zygomatic buttress using permanent sutures. It is
important to obtain a secure intraoperative fixation, and emphasize
that fixation is as important as adequate SMAS mobilization. A small
piece of Vicryl mesh is typically incorporated into the roll of the SMAS
to improve its tensile strength. From Baker TJ, Gordon HL, Stuzin JM.
Surgical rejuvenation of the face, 2nd edn. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book,
1996, p. 263.

Fig. 8.8 After edge-to-edge approximation of the platysma from the mentum to the cricoid
cartilage, some form of muscle release is performed. This usually consists of a horizontal cut
extending from the midline to the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The
key to platysma transection is to perform it low in the neck.


Fig. 8.9 A, Preoperative appearance of a 59-year-old male following a 90 pound weight loss from a gastric bypass procedure. Notice the significant areas of
facial deflation along the infraorbital rim, lateral orbital rim and malar region. Also notice the radial expansion of skin and fat lateral to the nasolabial fold, most
marked on the right side. Not only does malar fat descend, but attenuation of the retinacular connections among skin, fat and deep facial fascia lateral to the
nasolabial line allows prolapse of soft tissue, which accentuates nasolabial prominence. B, Postoperatively, the areas of deflation along the infraorbital rim,
lateral orbital rim, and malar region are improved as facial fat has been repositioned into these regions. The nasolabial folds are somewhat improved after malar
pad repositioning, but correction is incomplete, especially on the right. Malar pad elevation helps to flatten the prominent nasolabial fold, but does little to
correct radial expansion, with the skin lateral to the nasolabial line remaining prolapsed from its attachments to the facial skeleton. From Stuzin JM. Restoring
facial shape in facelifting: The role of skeletal support in facial analysis and midface soft-tissue repositioning. Plast Reconstr Surg 2007;119:362–376.
Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery


Fig. 8.10 A&B, Long, thin faces often benefit from an enhancement of malar volume. SMAS dissection and facial fat repositioning carried anteriorly over the
zygomatic eminence allows the surgeon to restore malar volume, thereby increasing bizygomatic diameter. When malar volume is enhanced, the face appears
wider, detracting from the relatively excessive facial length. From Stuzin JM. Restoring facial shape in facelifting: The role of skeletal support in facial analysis
and midface soft-tissue repositioning. Plast Reconstr Surg 2007;119:362–376.


Fig. 8.11 A, Preoperative appearance. Note that facial shape is oval, secondary to malar deflation, associated with an increase in submalar fullness.
B, Postoperatively, following malar pad elevation, malar volume is enhanced in association with a restoration of submalar concavity, producing a more
angular appearance to facial shape.

Chapter 8 The SMAS facelift – restoring facial shape in facelifting


Fig. 8.12 A, Preoperatively, this patient shows a similar blunting of the relationship between the malar and submalar regions. B, Postoperative appearance.
Enhancing malar volume (and bizygomatic diameter) and restoring the concavity within the submalar region make the face appear more angular, as well as
vertically shorter.

• The first dressing is changed after 24 hours. At this time, lems. The most common complications after rhytidectomy
the wounds are inspected and no further dressing is are:
• Hematoma (70% of all rhytidectomy complications).
• Preauricular sutures are removed on the fifth or sixth post-
• Postoperative edema.
operative day.
• Ecchymosis.
• All sutures are removed by the tenth postoperative day.
• Nerve injury.
• Antibiotics are routinely used preoperatively and for 5
days postoperatively. My current preference is Levaquin, • Unacceptable scarring (hypertrophic).
500 mg once daily, begun the night prior to surgery. • Skin slough.
• If crusty or oozing, wounds are cleaned with hydrogen • Seromas.
peroxide and coated with a topical antibiotic ointment. • Contour irregularities.
• Infection.
• Patient dissatisfaction.

No surgical procedure exists without complications. The

surgeon must be able to recognize and deal with these prob-

Section 3: Facelift
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Pearls & pitfalls

Pearls Pitfalls
• Improving technical control through contouring the • Imprecise subcutaneous undermining of the skin flap can
superficial facial fascia and platysma provides for a more lead to a paucity of fat being left along the superficial surface
consistent, aesthetically pleasing result which is natural in of the SMAS, making it difficult or impossible to raise the
appearance. SMAS as a discrete anatomic layer, limiting its usefulness in
• Patient selection is probably the most critical factor when facial contouring.
determining the success of a proposed aesthetic procedure. • Not extending the release of the SMAS anterior to the
• Although aging represents a complex process, many of the adherence of the retaining ligaments limits the movement of
stigmata developing in the aging face involve a change in this layer, thereby limiting surgical control in terms of
the relationship between the superficial and deep facial restoring facial shape.
fascia, with the superficial unit of the facial soft tissue • Vertical skin tension to tighten the face often produces an
descending inferiorly in relation to the fixed deeper struc- unnatural surgical appearance to the postoperative result
tures of the face. and can be avoided by utilizing the superficial fascia to
• The prime advantage of performing skin undermining vertically reposition facial fat.
separately from SMAS dissection is that it allows these two • Imprecise incision design and skin flap inset can lead to
layers to be redraped along vectors which are independent noticeable scars, hairline shifts, tragal and earlobe distortion.
of one another. Limiting skin tension by utilizing the SMAS to restore facial
• The importance of incision quality cannot be overempha- shape provides the surgeon with greater control in terms of
sized in diminishing the stigmata that the patient has scar perceptibility.
undergone a surgical procedure. • Attempting to improve cervical contour through lateral
platysma tension and closed suction lipoplasty of the neck
provides less consistent results than approaching platysma-
plasty anteriorly through a submental incision.

Summary of steps for extended SMAS procedure

1. Tragal margin incision design which respects the aesthetic 6. Vectoring the SMAS should be patient-specific and should
units of the tragus and preserves the tragal insisura. be determined preoperatively with the patient in an
2. The use of transillumination to allow precise skin flap upright position. Variation in vectors between the right
undermining which preserves the fat along the superficial and left side of the face are common.
surface of the SMAS provides greater consistency in SMAS 7. Secure fixation of the SMAS, often incorporating Vicryl
flap elevation. mesh into the closure improves consistency in shaping
3. Limiting subcutaneous undermining over the buccal and postoperative results.
recess and buccinator allows this region of the cheek to be 8. Approaching platysmaplasty through a submental incision
repositioned through SMAS rotation producing greater and suturing the platysma from the mentum to the base
control in terms of submalar contour and jowl correction. of the neck provides greater control in cervical contouring.
4. The incision of the extended SMAS dissection parallels the 9. Meticulous hemostasis leads to a low hematoma rate and
zygomatic arch and then extends superiorly over the malar more rapid postoperative recovery.
eminence in the area where the arch joins the body of the 10. Placement of drains along the base of the neck prior to
zygoma. closure promotes rapid postoperative recovery.
5. Releasing the SMAS from the restraints of the retaining 11. Precise skin flap inset and closure with minimal tension,
ligaments until the SMAS moves freely requires the especially along the tragus and earlobe leads to control of
surgeon to carry the dissection into the mobile region of scar perceptibility.
the SMAS which lies anterior to the retaining ligaments
over the malar eminence and parotid.

Chapter 8 The SMAS facelift – restoring facial shape in facelifting

Further reading

Baker TJ, Gordon HL, Stuzin JM. Surgical rejuvenation of the face, Owsley JQ, Jr. Lifting the malar fat pad for correction of prominent
2nd edn. St. Louis: Mosby, 1996. nasolabial folds. Plast Reconstr Surg 1993;91:463.
Bames H. Truth and fallacies of face peeling and facelifting. Plast Skoog T. Plastic surgery – New methods and refinements.
Reconstr Surg 1927;126:86. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1974.
Barton FE, Jr. Rhytidectomy and the nasolabial fold. Plast Reconstr Stuzin JM. Restoring facial shape in facelifting: The role of skeletal
Surg 1992;90:601. support in facial analysis and midface soft-tissue
Connell BF. Neck contour deformities: The art, engineering, repositioning. Plast Reconstr Surg 2007;119:362.
anatomic diagnosis, architectural planning, and aesthetics of Stuzin JM, Baker TJ, Baker TM. Refinements in facelifting:
surgical correction. Clin Plast Surg 1987;14:683. Enhanced facial contour using Vicryl mesh incorporated into
Feldman JJ. Corset platysmaplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg SMAS fixation. Plast Reconstr Surg 2000;105:290.
1990;85:333. Stuzin JM, Baker TJ, Gordon HL, Baker TM. Extended SMAS
Furnas D. The retaining ligaments of the cheek. Plast Reconstr Surg dissection as an approach to midface rejuvenation. Clin Plast
1989;83:11. Surg 1995;22:295–311.
Mitz V, Peyronie M. The superficial musculoaponeurotic system Stuzin JM, Baker TJ, Gordon HL. The relationship of the superficial
(SMAS) in the parotid and cheek area. Plast Reconstr Surg and deep facial fascias: Relevance to rhytidectomy and aging.
1976;58:80. Plast Reconstr Surg 1992;89:441.


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