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Time: 3 Hours October, 2019


1. This paper consists of fourteen (14) questions in sections A, B and C

2. Answer any four (4) questions from section A and three questions from each of sections B and C
3. Each question carries ten (10) marks
4. For calculations you may use the following constants:
 Rydberg constant RH= 1897m-1
 Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J/g °C
 Density of water = 1g/cm3
 Standard temperature = 273K
 Standard pressure = 760mmHg
 Plank’s constant, h = 6.63 x 10-34Js
 Avogadro’s number, NA = 6.02 x 1023mol-1
 Universal gas constant, R = 8.314 atm Jmol-1 k-1 or 0.0821 atm dm3mol-1k-1
 Velocity of light, C = 3.0 x 108 m/s
 GMV = 22.4 dm3
 Atomic masses: H = 1, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16, Na = 23, S = 32, K = 39, I = 127,
Cl = 35.5

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SECTION A (40 marks)

Answer four (04) questions from this section.

1. (a) Define the following terms

i. Line spectrum
ii. Quantization of angular momentum
iii. Azimuthal quantum number
iv. Octet rule (04marks)

(b) If the mass of an electron is 10-27 kg and uncertainty in position is equal to 10-11m
with accuracy of 3%. Find the uncertainty in velocity (03marks)

(c) An electron in a sodium atom has an energy of 4.8 Mev. Calculate the de-Broglie’s
wavelength of this electron. (03marks)

2. (a) Write short notes on the following terms

i. Degenerate Orbital
ii. Aufbau principle
iii. The uncertainty principle (3 marks)
(b) Provide the hybridization of the following
i) AlCl3 (ii) H2O (iii) PCl5 (4 marks)

c) (i) State the dump bell shape of the orbital (1 mark)

(ii) Calculate the frequency of radiations emitted when an electron moves from n = ⍺

to lower energy lever in Paschel series. (02marks)

3. (a) State under what condition does a real gas obeys ideal gas equation? (02marks)

(b) (i) Why do real gas deviate from ideal gas behavior

(ii) Show how the ideal gas equation is obtained (04marks)

(c) A quantity of 2.4g of a compound fills 934cm3 as a vapour at 298K and 740 mmHg. If it

Contains37.21%, 7.8% and 55% of carbon, hydrogen and chlorine respectively, what is its

molecular formula (04marks)

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4. (a) Define the following terms;
i. Mole fraction ii. Cryoscopic constant (02 marks)

(b) Briefly explain the effect of pressure of dissolved solute in pure solvent with respect

to i. Freezing point ii. Boiling point (02 marks)

(c) Calculate the expected vapour pressure at 25 ºC for a solution prepared by dissolving
158.0g of common table sugar (Molar mass 342.3g/mol) in 643.5cm 3 of water. At 25 ºC
the density of water is 0.9971g/cm3 and the vapour pressure is 23.76torr. (06 marks)

5. (a) Outline three ways (3) to change the pressure of a reaction system involving gaseous
components (03 marks)

(b) Write the expression for Kc and Kp for the following processes

(i) Solid phosphorus pentachloride decomposes to liquid phosphorus trichloride and

chlorine gas

(ii) Deep blue solid copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate is heated to drive off water vapour to
form white precipitates of copper (II) sulphate (03 marks)

(c) In the reaction CO (g) + H20(g) ⇋ CO 2(g) + H2(g) Kc = 1.00 at 1100K. The following
amounts of substances are brought together and allowed to react at this temperature. 1.00
mol. H2O, 2.00 mol CO2 and 2.00 mol H2. Compared with their initial amounts which of
the substances will be present in greater amounts and which is in lesser amount when
equilibrium is established? (04marks)

6. (a) (i) Define standard enthalpy of formation

(ii) State Hess’ law of heat summation (02 marks)

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(b) The ionisation energy of hydrogen atoms is 1310 kJ mol -1 and the electron affinity of
chlorine atoms is -347kJ mol-1.

(i) Write the equations for the two processes.

(ii) Given the following additional information

H ( g) + Cl (g) ⇋ HCl(g ) ∆H = -432 kJ mol
−¿ ∆H =−75kJ mol ¿
+¿+ Cl(aq ) ¿
H Cl( g ) ⇋ H(aq)

Calculate the standard enthalpy change for the process

+ - + -
H(g) + Cl (g) ⇋ H(aq) + Cl (aq) (04 marks)

(c ) Suppose 0.562g of graphite is placed in a calorimeter and allowed to burn in excess

oxygen to form CO2 according to the equation C (graphite) + O2(g) CO 2(g). On the
reaction, the calorimeter temperature rises from 25 ºC to 25.86 ºC. What is the heat of
reaction if the heat capacity of the calorimeter was determined to be 20.7 kJ / ºC ?.
(04 marks)


Answer three (3) questions from this section.

7. (a) Briefly explain the following terms with reference to chlorine atom:

(i) Covalent bonds

(ii) Valence electrons (03 marks)

(b) (i) Which of the following species are capable of hydrogen bonding with water?
CH3OCH3, CH4, F−, HCOOH and Na+. Give reason(s) for your choice.
(ii) Show how the hydrogen bonds are formed between water and the species of your
choice in (i) above. (04 marks)
(c) Give reasons for the following observations:

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(i) The boiling points of water, ethanol and ethoxyethane are in the reverse order of their
relative molecular masses unlike those of their analogous sulphur compounds, H 2S,
C2H5SH and C2H5SC2H5.
(ii) Aluminium fluoride has a much higher melting point than aluminium chloride
(iii) BF3 is non-polar but NF3 is polar. (03marks)

8. (a) (i) What is meant by the term degree of dissociation?

(ii) Derive an expression relating the Vant Hoff factor (i) with the degree of dissociation
(α) of a molecule (04 marks)

(b) Nitrobenzene (C6H5NO2) and water forms immiscible mixture of liquids at 99 ºC.
Calculate the relative masses of the two components in the distillate when the mixture is
distilled at 1.013x105 Pa given that the vapour pressure of water at 99 ºC is 9.749x104 Pa.
(04 marks)
(c) Write down the equations for partition law of a solute X dissolved in two solvents A and B
(i) a solute X is normal in both solvents A and B
(ii) a solute X associates in solvent B only
(iii) a solute X dissociates in solvent A and associates in solvent B
(iv) a solute X dissociates in solvent B only (02 marks)

9. (a) Account for the following :

(i) Aluminium atom can bond covalently with other species although it is a metal
(ii) The reaction between sodium and water goes to completion while that of magnesium
with water stops on the way
(iii) The acidic strength of ox-acids decreases from HClO to HIO through HBrO
(b) When a solution of Ba(OH) 2 is mixed with a solution of sulphuric acid (H2SO4), a white
precipitate forms and its electrical conductivity decreases markedly.
(i) Write down the balanced ionic equation for the reaction that occurred
(ii) Briefly explain the observed decrease in electrical conductivity (03marks)
(c) Explain the following observations:

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(i) PCl5 is more reactive than PCl3
(ii) Halogens are generally coloured
(iii) AlCl3 is covalent while AlF3 is ionic
(iv) Melting point of alkaline earth metals are higher than those of alkali metals
(04 marks)
10. (a) (i) Define vapour density
(ii) Define relative vapour density
(iii) The mass of 243 cm 3 of a volatile liquid at 273K and at 1 atmosphere is 0.162g.
Calculate the vapour density and relative vapour density (04 marks)
(b) In the experiment of the molecular weight of chloroform vapour by Hoffmann’s method, the
following results were obtained:
Weight of vapour in the bulb = 0.2704g
Volume of vapour = 110cm3
Temperature of vapour = 99.6 ºC
Atmospheric pressure = 747 mmHg
Vapour pressure of water vapour at 99.6 ºC = 285.2 mmHg
Calculate the relative molecular weight of the chloroform when 1dm 3 of hydrogen at S.T.P
weighs 0.09g. (06 marks)

SECTION C (30 marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

11. (a) A student gave the following names for various alkanes. The names indicate the
structural formula of alkanes but do not strictly follow the IUPAC rules of nomenclature.
Draw the structural formula suggested by incorrect names and give the correct IUPAC
name for each compound, indicating where the student made mistakes in the original
attempts at nomenclature
(i) 2,4-dimethylbutane
(ii) 2,5-diethyl-4-methylheptane
(iii) 1,1,1,1-tetramethylmethane
(iv) 2-propylpentane (04 marks)

(b) How could 2,3-dimethylbutane be prepared from a starting compound which contains

(i) Only three carbon atoms (ii) Only four carbon atoms

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(iii) six carbon atoms (03 marks)

(c) Give equations including reagents and conditions to show how you could prepare the

following compounds from cyclopropane

(i) 1,3-dibromopropane
(ii) Propane
(iii) 1,3-diiodopropane (03marks)
12. (a) Give one simple chemical test which could be used to distinguish between the
following pairs of compound
(i) CH3-CH2-CH-I and CH3-CH2-Br
(ii) Br-CH2-CH2-CH2-Br and CH3-C(Br)2-CH3
(iii) Benzene and chloromethylbenzene
(iv) CHCl3 and Br-CH2-CH2-Br (04marks)

(b) Predict the mechanism and hence the product of the following reaction

=CH2 + HBr→

(c) Compound D (C10H16) is a naturally occurring compound which is found in lemon

oil. One mole of D reacts with two moles of ozone and on hydrolysis in the presence

of zinc, the following compounds are formed:


H-C-OH and CH3-C-CH2-CH2-CH-CH2-C-H


If D contains a six carbon atom ring, suggest a suitable structural formula for D

13. (a) Give the IUPAC names of the following organic compounds
i. CH3-C-CH2-C-CH3

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ii. CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH-CH-CH-CH3


iii. CH3-CH-CH2-CH2-CH- CH-CH2-CH3

iv. CH3-C≡C─C=C─C─CH─CH3

OHOH CH3 (04marks)

(b) Draw the structure of the following names

i. 3-methylbutenal ii. 2,3-dimethyl-6-(2-methylpropyl)decane

iii. Diphenylmethanone (03marks)

(c) With balanced chemical equations complete the following reactions

i. CH3CH2─C─CH3 + H2N─NH─C6H5→

ii. CH3─C─C6H5 + I2 + NaOH

iii. (HCOO)2Ca + (CH3COO)2Ca (03marks)

14. An organic compound S contains only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. When mixed with
cold dilute Na2CO3 solution, S dimerises to give a compound T. Four moles of T are
reduced by one mole of LiAlH4 to give U. U is dehydrated on heating with excess
alcoholic KOH to give V. V undergoes ozonolysis which, in presence of zinc dust and
water, yields two moles of methanol to every one mole of the other product X. X has a
relative molecular mass of 90 and 0.45g of X are neutralized by 50cm3 of 0.2M NaOH
solution. (10 marks)

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