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1(a) Dalton’s atomic theory consists of four main postulates.For each of the postulate given below ,

Briefly describe an experiment or discovery which is against the postulate:

(i) Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed

(ii) All atoms of given element are alike

(iii) Matter is made up of tiny indivisible particles called atom

(b) Explain the meaning of the following terms :

(i) Atomic orbital
(ii)Wave particle duality of electron
(c) Calculate the wavelength of the de Broglie wave associated with an electron moving with velocity
of 2x106m/s .

2 (a) Explain the meaning of the following :

(i) Van der waals forces
(ii) Induced dipole forces

(b) Outline any two factors affecting the magnitude of van der waals forces
(c) State the postulates of plank’s theory (any two points).

(d) By applying the knownledge of hybridization ,explain the following

(i) A carbon atom has got only two unpaired electrons yet it can form four covalent bonds
with chlorine atoms in CCl4

3(a) State the following gas laws, then provide their mathematical expression:
(i) Boyle’s law
(ii) Charle’s law
(iii) Graham’s law of diffusion

(b) On inversting the behaviour of gases a chemist add 3.2 moles of argon to 5.3 dm 3 vessel that
already contains 2.5 moles of argon, calculate the volume of the vessel after the addition of extra
amount of the gas.

(c) A sample of an inert gas occupies a volume of 350 cm3 at s.t.p . Find the volume of the inert gas
when the pressure is reduced to 92kPa.
4(a) Briefly explain the meaning of the following :

(i) Colligative properties

(ii) Non volatile substance
(iii) Vapour pressure
(iv) Lowering of vapour pressure

(b) When 40g of rhombic sulphur is dissolved in 1000g of CS2 , the vapour pressure of CS2 at 200 C

Falls to 0.3868 atm .If the vapour pressure of pure liquid CS2 at 200 C is 0.3914atm ,calculate

(i) Molar mass

(ii) Molecular formula of sulphur

5(a) Liquid A and B form an ideal solution when mixed together .If the boiling point of pure A is

Higher than the boiling point of pure B at 1 atm.

(i) Sketch a vapour –composition curve for the solution of liquid A and B.
(ii) Sketch a temperature –composition curve for the solution of liquid A and B
(iii) Explain what will happen when an equimolar solution of mixture A and B is distilled

At atmospheric pressure of 1 atm.

(b) Chlorobenzene and Bromobenzene are completely miscible liquids which form ideal solution.

A certain mixture boils at 400K when the pressure of pure chlorobenzene is 1.19x105 Pa and

That of pure bromobenzene is 9.2x105Pa .calculate the mole fraction of chlorobenzene in:-

(i) Liquid mixture

(ii) Vapour

6(a) Define the following :

(i) Standard enthalpy of neutralization

(ii) Standard enthalpy of combustion
(iii) Standard enthalpy of formation
(iv) Electron affinity
(v) Limiting reagent

(b) 500 cm3 of 0.1M NaOH solution at 500 cm3 of 0.1M was quickly added to 500 cm3 of 0.1M

HNO3 in calorimeter which was also at a temperature of 15.50C .The calorimeter had a mass of

540g and a specific heat capacity of 0.390j/g 0C . If the maximum temperature recorded was

16.150C .Calculate their enthalpy of the neutralization assume the specific heat capacity of the

Solution to be 4.2J/ g 0C .
7(a) State:-

(i) Markovnikoff’s rule

(ii) Seytzeff’s rule

(b) (i) Give one equation representing the reaction which do not obey markovnikoff’s rule

(ii) Give one equation representing the reaction which obeys seytzff’s rule

(c) The following names are incorrect ,Write correct structure and IUPAC name of each one

(i) 1,3 -dimethyl butane

(ii) 2,2 -diethyl butane

(iii) Hex-4-ene
(iv) 2-ethyl-3-methylpentane
(v) 2-methylpent-3-ene
(vi) 1,1,1,1-tetraethyl methane

8(a) Give the expected products from the reaction of 1-butene with each of the following reagents

(i) H2O ,H+

(ii) HOBr
(iii) Cl2under CCl4
(iv) O3 , H2O under zinc dust
(v) H2 under nickel catalyst
(vi) Diluted KmnO4 , cold
(vii) HBr under CH3OOCH3

(b) Give the structures of the product(s) expected from dehydrohalogenation of

(i) 1-bromohexane

(ii) 2-bromohexane


9(a) What is meant of the following terms:

(i) A group
(ii) A period
(iii) A block
(iv) Periodicity

(b) State:-

(i) Mendeleev’s periodic law

(ii) Modern periodic law

(c) A newly discovery element was found to have shells K,L,M and N containing

2,8,16 and 2 electrons respectivelly.Find out the following:-

(i) Electronic configuration

(ii) Total principle quantum number
(iii) Total sub-energy levels
(iv) The block to which it belongs in the periodic table

10. Account for the variation of melting point across the period 3 below with reasons from

One element to another.

Element Na Mg Al Si S P Cl
Melting 98 650 660 1423 44 120 -101

‘More practices more success’

Prepared by madam kambanga and mr Hashim,F

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