Normal Sagittal Parameters of Global Spinal Balance in Children and Adolescents - A Prospective Study of 646 Asymptomatic Subjects

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Eur Spine J

DOI 10.1007/s00586-016-4665-3


Normal sagittal parameters of global spinal balance in children

and adolescents: a prospective study of 646 asymptomatic subjects
Gabriel Gutman1,2 • Hubert Labelle1,2 • Soraya Barchi2 • Pierre Roussouly4 •

Éric Berthonnaud5 • Jean-Marc Mac-Thiong1,2,3

Received: 25 January 2016 / Revised: 18 May 2016 / Accepted: 15 June 2016

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract Keywords Sagittal alignment  Global spinal balance 

Purpose To document values for parameters of global Posture  Normal population  Children  Adolescents
spinal balance in asymptomatic children and adolescents.
Methods Multicenter prospective study of normal sagittal
global spinal balance in Caucasian children and adoles- Introduction
cents. Spinosacral angle (SSA), spinal tilt (ST), and C7
translation ratio were evaluated in 646 asymptomatic Global spinal balance (GSB) refers to the overall
children and adolescents (276 males and 370 females). alignment of the spine with respect to another reference
Results Mean and standard deviation for SSA, ST, and C7 point such as the sacrum or pelvis. Existing relationships
translation ratio were, respectively 132.1° ± 8.3°, between regional parameters described in the cervical,
93.2° ± 4.6° and -0.7 ± 8.3. Mean ± 2 standard devia- thoracic, lumbar and sacropelvic spine are assessed to
tions were, respectively 116°–149° for SSA and 84°–102° provide the information of the GSB [1–8]. When eval-
for ST. C7 plumbline was behind the HA (hip axis) in 78 % uating patients with spinal pathology, the GSB plays an
of subjects. Correlations between global balance and age important role in surgical planning and in attempting to
were small (-0.17 B r B 0.19). minimize complications such as adjacent segment dis-
Conclusion Asymptomatic children and adolescents tend ease, sagittal imbalance, implant failure, pseudarthrosis
to stand with a stable global balance, and 95 % have an and progressive deformity, particularly with long
SSA and ST between 116° and 149° and 85°–102°, constructs.
respectively. C7 plumbline in front of the HA is not nec- In a previous publication, Mac-Thiong et al. [9]
essarily associated with a spinal pathology. described the sagittal sacropelvic anatomy and regional
sagittal spinal alignment in the pediatric population but did
not correlate with the global balance.
& Jean-Marc Mac-Thiong Vedantam et al. [6] described the global balance with one parameter, the sagittal vertical axis (SVA), in adoles-
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of
cents only and without analyzing the changes with age and
Montreal, C.P. 6128, Succursale Centre-ville, Montréal, gender. Most statistical analyses were done without taking
Québec H3C 3J7, Canada into consideration the differences in gender and correla-
Department of Surgery, CHU Sainte-Justine, 3175 Ch. de la tions between parameters of spinal balance were not
Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, Québec H3T 1C4, Canada assessed. The study of Cil et al. [3] focused on the analysis
Department of Surgery, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, of the segmental sagittal alignment and the global balance
5400 Boul Gouin O, Montréal, Québec H4J 1C5, Canada was only assessed from the SVA.
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Centre Médico- Mac-Thiong et al. [10] reported the GSB in asymp-
Chirurgical de Réadaptation des Massues, Lyon, France tomatic adults and its influence of age, gender and sacro-
Clinical Research Unit, L’Hôpital Nord Ouest Villefranche, pelvic morphology using different parameters, but did not
Villefranche/Saône, France report any values for children and adolescents.

Eur Spine J

The objective of this study is to build a large database on balance type (Fig. 2). Subjects with different types of
sagittal global balance of healthy children and adolescents. global balance were referred to subgroups (Table 1) to
To achieve this goal, 3 parameters of GSB and the relative conceptualize different normal standing positions in this
position of C7 plumbline respective to sacrum and hips will population.
be evaluated in a prospective cohort of 646 asymptomatic Data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 software (SPSS
subjects. The influence of age, gender, and sacropelvic Inc, Chicago, IL). Statistical tests were done with a level of
morphology and balance will also be assessed. This study significance set at 0.01. The Lilliefors test was used to
should be helpful to better recognize and treat patients with assess if parameters were normally distributed in female
spinal deformities, as well as to guide the surgery in and male cohorts. Comparisons for parameters of GSB
patients with abnormal sagittal balance. between males and females were performed using analysis
of covariance with age as a covariate. Relationships
between parameters of GSB and age, as well as PI, PT, and
Materials and methods SS were also assessed separately for males and females,
using Spearman’s coefficients. Statistically significant
Following local ethics committee approval and obtainment correlation coefficients were considered clinically large if
of informed consent from volunteer’s parents or legal greater than 0.5, moderate if greater than 0.3 and small if
guardians, a cohort of 646 asymptomatic children and greater than 0.1. Finally, C7, sacrum and HA anterior
adolescents without spinal and lower limbs pathology was subgroups were compared with C7, sacrum and HA pos-
enrolled in this prospective study. These subjects had terior subgroups, respectively, using bilateral Student
spinal radiographs done in the period 2000–2007 to rule t tests for independent samples to evaluate whether there
out a spinal deformity because their primary physician was was any difference in age, SSA, ST, PI, PT, and SS
suspecting the presence of a scoliosis. However, no spinal between the different subgroups. In the same way, 10 years
deformity or spinal pathology was diagnosed from the old subjects or younger were compared with subjects older
evaluation by the spine surgeon. The inclusion criteria were than 10 years.
as follows: (1) age under 18 years at the time of evaluation;
(2) absence of spinal pathology as confirmed by evaluation
from a spine surgeon and from plain radiographs; (3) no Results
history of spine, hip, or pelvic disorder; and (4) no con-
traindication for radiographic exposure. All subjects were The values of SS, SSA, and ST—but not PI, PT and C7
Caucasian, with a mean age of 12.1 ± 3.1 years (range translation ratio—were normally distributed in both female
3–17.5). There were 276 males and 370 females aged and male cohorts.
12.4 ± 3.1 years (range 3–17.5) and 11.9 ± 3.1 years PI, PT, and SS were, respectively, 46.3° ± 10.8°,
(range 3–17.5), respectively. 7.2° ± 8.1°, and 39.0° ± 7.7° in females, in contrast to
The radiographic protocol was standardized for all 45.7° ± 11.1°, 7.03° ± 8.2°, and 38.7° ± 7.5°, respec-
participating institutions. For each subject, a standing left tively, for males. No statistical significant difference was
lateral radiograph including the spine and pelvis was found between them (p [ 0.5). ST was 93.2° ± 4.6° for all
obtained with a long 36-in cassette and a 72-in distance subjects and showed the lowest variability. Mean ST in
with the radiograph tube. Subjects were instructed to stand females was less than 2° increased when compared with
in a comfortable position with fists on clavicles, hips and men (Table 2). This increase in ST remained less than 2°
knees fully extended. Sacropelvic morphology, as well as when controlling for age (p \ 0.01) corresponding to
sacropelvic and GSB were then measured by a single slightly more posterior position of C7 with respect to the
observer with the Optispine software (Optispine, France). sacrum in females. This result correlates with the tendency
To avoid errors related to linear measurements, only of females in showing a more negative C7 translation ratio
angular or linear ratio parameters were selected. when comparing with males and controlling for age
Sacropelvic morphology was measured by pelvic inci- (Table 3, p = 0.1). Overall, SSA was slightly higher in
dence (PI), whereas sacropelvic balance was measured females than males (1.3° mean difference (Table 4), and
from pelvic tilt (PT) and sacral slope (SS). change to 1.4° when controlling for age using analysis of
The following 3 parameters of GSB were measured for covariance (p = 0.001).)
this study (Fig. 1): Spinosacral angle (SSA); Spinal tilt Type 1 balance was most prevalent in all age groups,
(ST) and the C7 translation ratio. In addition, the relative followed by types 2 and 3 (Table 5). Type 1 balance was
position of C7 plumbline relative to the center of upper present in 43–53 % of subjects in all age groups, type 2 in
sacral endplate and to HA was assessed to determine global 17–22 %, and type 3 in 9–19 %. Of all subjects, 117

Eur Spine J

Fig. 1 Measurement of global spinal balance: a Spinosacral angle: horizontal distance is positive when in front of the center of upper
angle subtended by the upper sacral endplate and the line from the sacral endplate. For cases in which HA is in front of the center of
center of C7 vertebral body to the center of upper sacral endplate, upper sacral endplate (positive PT), C7 translation ratio will be
b Spinal tilt: angle subtended by the horizontal line and the line from positive when C7 plumbline is in front of the center of upper sacral
the center of C7 vertebral body to the center of upper sacral endplate. endplate and negative when behind it, and greater than 1 when C7
A value greater than 90° indicates that the center of C7 vertebral body plumbline is in front of both HA and center of upper sacral endplate.
is behind the center of upper sacral endplate, whereas for values less For cases in which HA is behind the center of upper sacral endplate
than 90°, the center of C7 vertebral body is in front of the center of (negative PT), C7 translation ratio will be positive when C7
upper sacral endplate, and c C7 translation ratio: horizontal distance plumbline is behind the center of upper sacral endplate and negative
from the center of upper sacral endplate to C7 plumbline (drawn from when in front of it, and greater than 1 when C7 plumbline is behind
the center of C7 vertebral body) divided by horizontal distance from both HA and center of upper sacral endplate
the center of upper sacral endplate to the Hip Axis (HA). The

Fig. 2 Determination of the

global balance type (type 1–6)
from the position of C7
plumbline relative to the center
of upper sacral endplate of S1
(S1) and to the hip axis (HA).
Types 1–3 correspond to cases
when HA lies in front of S1,
whereas types 4–6 are present
when HA is behind S1

(18.1 %) had negative PT with the center of upper sacral When analyzing different age groups separately, it can
endplate in front of HA, in contrast to 529 (81.9 %) with be seen that mean SSA varied by 1.6° between age groups
positive PT. for females and by 3.5° for males (Table 4). There was a

Eur Spine J

Table 1 Subjects with different types of global balance referred to subgroups

Subgroup Description Type of global balance

C7 anterior C7 plumbline in front of middle of upper sacral endplate and HA 3-6

C7 posterior C7 plumbline behind middle of upper sacral endplate and HA 1-4
Sacrum-anterior C7 plumbline in front of middle of upper sacral endplate 2-3-6
Sacrum-posterior C7 plumbline behind middle of upper sacral endplate 1-4-5
HA-anterior C7 plumbline in front of HA 3-5-6
HA-posterior C7 plumbline behind HA 1-2-4
Sacropelvic retroversion Middle of upper sacral endplate behind HA (positive PT) 1-2-3
Sacropelvic anteversion Middle of upper sacral endplate in front of HA (negative PT) 4-5-6
HA hip axis

Table 2 Mean and standard deviation (mean ± 2 standard deviations) of spinal tilt (°) based on gender and age
Age Group All Subjects Females Males

All (370 females; 276 males) 93.2 ± 4.6 (84; 102.4) 93.6 ± 4.6 (84.4; 102.8) 92.3 ± 4.6 (83.1; 101.5)
3.5–10 years (103 females; 64 males) 92.2 ± 5.7 (80.8; 103.6) 93.0 ± 5.3 (82.4; 103.6) 91.0 ± 6.2 (78.6; 103.4)
10.5–17.5 years (267 females; 212 males) 93.5 ± 4.1 (85.3; 101.7) 93.9 ± 4.3 (85.3; 102.5) 93.1 ± 4.0 (85.1; 101.1)

Table 3 Mean and standard deviation (mean ± 2 standard deviations) of C7 translation ratio based on gender and age
Age Group All Subjects Females Males

All (370 females; 276 males) -0.7 ± 8.3 (-17.3; 15.6) -1.2 ± 10.0 (-21.2; 18.8) -0.1 ± 5.1 (-10.2; 10.1)
3.5–10 years (103 females; 64 males) -0.8 ± 9.8 (-20.4; 18.8) -1.4 ± 11.3 (-24; 21.2) 0.3 ± 6.8 (-13.9; 13.3)
10.5–17.5 years (267 females; 212 males) -0.7 ± 7.7 (-16.1; 14.7) -1.1 ± 9.5 (-20.1; 17.9) -0.2 ± 4.5 (-9.2; 8.8)

Table 4 Mean and standard deviation (mean ± 2 standard deviations) of spinosacral angle (°) based on gender and age
Age Group All Subjects Females Males

All (370 females; 276 males) 132.9 ± 8.3 (116.3; 149.2) 132.6 ± 8.5 (115.6; 149.6) 131.3 ± 8.1 (115.1; 147.5)
3.5–10 years (103 females; 64 males) 130.4 ± 9.0 (112.4; 148.4) 131.5 ± 8.5 (114.5; 148.5) 128.6 ± 9.5 (109.6; 147.6)
10.5–17.5 years (267 females; 212 males) 132.7 ± 8.0 (116.7; 148.7) 133.1 ± 8.4 (116.3; 149.9) 132.1 ± 7.4 (117.3; 146.9)

Table 5 Number of male (M) and female (F) subjects with each global balance type based on age
Age Group Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6

All (N = 646) 135 M; 190F 59 M; 72F 36 M; 37F 20 M; 25F 3 M; 4F 23 M; 42F

(50.3 %) (20.3 %) (11.3 %) (7.0 %) (1.1 %) (10.1 %)
3.5–10 years 23 M; 49F 12 M; 16F 13 M; 19F 8 M; 11F 1 M; 1F 7 M; 7F
(N = 167) (43.1 %) (16.8 %) (19.2 %) (11.4 %) (1.2 %) (8.4 %)
10.5–17.5 years 112 M; 141F 47 M; 56F 23 M; 18F 12 M; 14F 2 M; 3F 16 M; 35F
(N = 479) (52.85 %) (21.5 %) (8.6 %) (5.4 %) (1.0 %) (10.6 %)
For each age group, the percentage of subjects (males plus females) included in each global balance type is shown in parentheses

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Table 6 Correlation
Correlation All n = 646 Females n = 370 Males n = 276
Coefficients Between Global
Spinal Balance, Age, and SSA vs age 0.10* 0.05 0.19*
Spinopelvic Parameters
ST vs age 0.08 0.07 0.12
C7 translation ratio vs age -0.09 -0.09 -0.01
Global balance type vs age -0.11* -0.06 -0.17*
SSA vs PI 0.51* 0.50* 0.53*
ST vs PI -0.15* -0.15* -0.16*
C7 translation ratio vs PI 0.13* 0.15* 0.11
Global balance type vs PI -0.28* -0.34* -0.17*
SSA vs PT -0.09 -0.07 -0.07
ST vs PT -0.05 -0.05 -0.04
C7 translation ratio vs PT 0.09 0.12 0.06
Global balance type vs PT -0.49* -0.52* -0.45*
SSA vs SS 0.82* 0.82* 0.80*
ST vs SS -0.16* -0.14* -0.19*
C7 translation ratio vs SS 0.01 0.1 0.10
Global balance type vs SS 0.14* 0.06 0.26*
* Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

significant difference in SSA (p = 0.002) when comparing Table 7 Mean and standard deviation of age, parameters of pelvic
subjects younger than 10 years (130.4° ± 9.0°) with sub- morphology, position and global spinal balance with regard to C7
ject aged 10.5 years or older (132.7° ± 8.0°). Similarly, subgroup
there was a significant difference in ST (p = 0.001) when C7-anterior subgroup C7-posterior subgroup p
comparing subjects younger than 10 years (92.2° ± 5.7°) n = 138 (21.4 % of n = 370 (57.3 % of
with subjects aged 10.5 years or older (93.5° ± 4.1°). subjects) subjects)
There was no specific pattern observed for the variation of Age 11.5 ± 3.3 years 12.2 ± 3.0 years 0.02
C7 translation ratio between age groups. PI showed a sig- PI 41.5° ± 9.9° 45.9° ± 10.0° \0.001
nificant difference (p = 0.001) in subjects younger than PT 1.7° ± 7.0° 7.5° ± 7.4° \0.001
10 years (43.7° ± 9.0°) compared to subjects older than SS 39.8° ± 7.4° 38.4° ± 7.3° 0.05
10.5 years (46.9° ± 11.4°). SSA 130.1° ± 9.1° 133.8° ± 7.5° \0.001
Results from the correlation analysis are presented in ST 90.3° ± 6.0° 95.4° ± 3.4° \0.001
Table 6. Correlations coefficients between parameters of
GSB and age were small clinically (-0.17 B r B 0.19).
GSB and SSA reached statistical significance (GSB and
SSA vs age for all subjects and males), reflecting a slight (57.3 % of subjects) with type 1 and 4 balance with respect
tendency for SSA to increase with age. Statistically sig- to SS (p = 0.05). However, they differed significantly in
nificant correlations between GSB and parameters of terms of age (11.5 ± 3.3 years vs 12.2 ± 3.0 years;
sacropelvic morphology and balance were generally small p = 0.02), PI (41.5° ± 9.9° vs 45.9° ± 10.0°; p \ 0.001),
clinically (-0.3 \ r \ 0.3), except from SSA and PI PT (1.7° ± 7.0° vs 7.5° ± 7.4°; p \ 0.001), SSA
(r = 0.51), global balance type and PT (r = -0.49), and (130.1° ± 9.1° vs 133.8° ± 7.5°; p \ 0.001), ST
SSA and SS (R = 0.82). Correlations coefficients were (90.3° ± 6.0° vs 95.4° ± 3.4°; p \ 0.001) (Table 7). 46
almost similar between males and females, reflecting a subjects (33 %) were younger than 10 years (26 females
similar clinical strength of the relationships. and 20 males) in comparison to 92 subjects (67 %) that
were older than 10 years (53 females and 39 males). These
C7 anterior and posterior subgroups proportions did not differ significantly from the C7 poste-
rior subgroup in which 91 subjects (25 %) were younger
C7 anterior subgroup was composed of 138 subjects than 10 years (60 females and 31 males; p = 0.35) and 279
(21.4 % of subjects) with type 3 or 6 balance and was subjects (75 %) were older than 10 years (155 females and
similar to C7 posterior subgroup that included 370 subjects 124 males; p = 0.8).

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Table 8 Mean and standard deviation of age, parameters of pelvic Table 9 Mean and standard deviation of age, parameters of pelvic
morphology, position and global spinal balance with regard to Sacrum morphology, position and global spinal balance with regard to HA
subgroup subgroup
Sacrum-anterior Sacrum-posterior p HA-anterior subgroup HA-posterior subgroup p
subgroup n = 269 subgroup n = 377 n = 145 (22 % of n = 501 (78 % of
(42 % of subjects) (58 % of subjects) subjects) subjects)

Age 12.1 ± 3.2 years 12.2 ± 3.0 years 0.64 Age 11.5 ± 3.3 years 12.3 ± 3.0 years 0.005
PI 46.5° ± 12.0° 45.7° ± 10.1° 0.36 PI 41.3° ± 10.0° 47.4° ± 10.8° \10-9
PT 7.0° ± 9.0° 7.3° ± 7.5° 0.64 PT 1.5° ± 6.9° 8.8° ± 7.7° \10-23
SS 39.5° ± 7.9° 38.4° ± 7.4° 0.07 SS 39.8° ± 7.5° 38.6° ± 7.6° 0.09
SSA 129.7° ± 8.8° 133.8° ± 7.5° \10 SSA 130.2° ± 9.1° 132.6° ± 8.0° 0.002
ST 90.2° ± 4.4° 95.4° ± 3.4° \10-53 ST 90.4° ± 5.9° 94.0° ± 3.9° \10-18

Sacrum anterior and posterior subgroups Table 10 Mean and standard deviation of age, parameters of pelvic
morphology, position and global spinal balance with regard to
Sacrum-anterior subgroup was composed of 269 subjects sacropelvic version subgroup
(42 % of subjects) and was similar to sacrum-posterior Sacropelvic retroversion Sacropelvic anteversion p
subgroup with respect to age (12.1 ± 3.2 years vs subgroup n = 529 subgroup n = 117
(82 % of subjects) (18 % of subjects)
12.2 ± 3.0 years; p = 0.64), PI (46.5° ± 12.0° vs
45.7° ± 10.1°; p = 0.36), PT (7.0° ± 9.0° vs 7.3° ± 7.5°; Age 12.2 ± 3.1 years 11.8 ± 2.9 years 0.14
p = 0.64), SS (39.5° ± 7.9° vs 38.4° ± 7.4°; p = 0.07). PI 48.1° ± 10.6° 36.5° ± 6.5° \10-27
However, both subgroups differed significantly in terms of PT 9.6° ± 6.8° -3.9° ± 3.2° \10-75
SSA (129.7° ± 8.8° vs 133.8° ± 7.5°; p \ 10-10) and ST SS 38.5° ± 7.8° 40.5° ± 6.3° 0.01
(90.2° ± 4.4° vs 95.4° ± 3.4°; p \ 10-53) (Table 8). SSA 131.6° ± 8.4° 134.1° ± 7.6° 0.004
ST 93.1° ± 4.6° 93.6° ± 4.8° 0.30
HA anterior and posterior subgroups

HA-anterior subgroup was composed of 145 subjects

(22 % of subjects) and was similar to HA-posterior sub- Discussion
group only with respect to SS (39.8° ± 7.5° vs
38.6° ± 7.6°; p = 0.09). In consequence, HA-anterior and This study reports the largest cohort of asymptomatic
HA-posterior subgroups differed significantly in terms of children and adolescents in the literature pertaining to the
age (11.5 ± 3.3 years vs 12.3 ± 3.0 years; p = 0.005), PI evaluation of sagittal GSB. Results from this study could
(41.3° ± 10.0° vs 47.4° ± 10.8°; p \ 10-9), PT (1.5° ± be used as reference values when evaluating patients with
6.9° vs 8.8° ± 7.7°; p \ 10-23), SSA (130.2° ± 9.1° vs spinal pathology. Overall, asymptomatic children and
132.6° ± 8.0°; p = 0.002), ST (90.4° ± 5.9° vs 94.0° ± adolescents tend to stand with a relatively stable global
3.9°; p \ 10-18) (Table 9). balance, as demonstrated by a narrow range of values for
SSA and ST. Therefore, SSA between 116° and 149°, and
Sacropelvic retroversion and anteversion subgroups ST between 84° and 102° are typically expected in 95 % of
normal children. More specifically, it was observed that the
Sacropelvic retroversion subgroup was composed of 529 line from the center of C7 vertebral body to the center of
subjects (82 % of subjects and was similar to sacropelvic upper sacral endplate used to measure ST was very close to
anteversion subgroup with respect to age (12.2 ± 3.1 years the vertical line, confirming the findings from a previous
vs 11.8 ± 2.9 years; p = 0.14) and ST (93.1° ± 4.6° vs study [7]. In this study, older children were standing with a
93.6° ± 4.8°; p = 0.30). On the other hand, both sub- more negative sagittal balance, as a reflect of the increase
groups differed significantly in terms of PI (48.1° ± 10.6° in ST, confirming results from a previous study [3].
vs 36.5° ± 6.5°; p \ 10-27), PT (9.6° ± 6.8° vs We found that SSA in children and adolescents has close
-3.9° ± 3.2°; p \ 10-75), SS (38.5° ± 7.8° vs relation with sacropelvic balance (SS) and morphology
40.5° ± 6.3°; p = 0.01) and SSA (131.6° ± 8.4° vs (PI), in a similar way as in adults [10, 11]. Both SSA and
134.1° ± 7.6°; p = 0.004) (Table 10). ST could be used to maintain or restore the global balance

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when treating different pathologies. SSA could be used to compared with PI and SS. The strong correlation between
quantify the global kyphotic alignment of the spine. On the SSA and SS, however, underlines the importance of SS in
other hand, ST could be easier to evaluate due to its close the maintenance of a normal stable posture. The significant
relationship with the vertical line. In this study, angular change in PI between both age groups may be attributed to
parameters (SSA and ST) were preferred over linear (dis- the modification in pelvic morphology before and after the
tance) parameters because they are less sensitive to varia- growth spurt, confirming results from previous studies
tions in radiographic protocols and magnification, allowing [9, 12, 13].
easier comparison between different institutions or studies. One limitation of this study is that the recruited subjects
In addition, SSA and ST have the advantage of taking into were all discharged after their consultant spine surgeon
account the spinal length. ruled out a spinal pathology. It is possible that some of
Global balance type is useful to characterize the position them could develop a spinal disorder in the future and as
of C7 plumbline within the sacropelvis. Describing the for any cross-sectional study, no definite conclusion about
global balance type could be easier than calculating the C7 the evolution of the GSB over time can be drawn. Ideally, a
translation ratio. Furthermore, subgrouping the global longitudinal study would allow adequate selection of nor-
balance type may be a useful clinical tool to classify mal subjects and accurate assessment of the association
patients before and after surgery. Subjects in C7-anterior between age and the parameters of the GSB and pelvis.
subgroup are able to maintain a stable balance in spite of Unfortunately, such methodology would require serial
having a lower PI and a more anteverted sacropelvis. This radiographs in normal children and is thus problematic
could be attributable to the smaller thoracic kyphosis and because of ethical concerns.
lumbar lordosis in these subjects. To maintain the global
balance, the sacrum anterior subgroup presents with less
kyphosis and the C7 plumbline falls closer to the center of Conclusion
the upper sacral plate in comparison to the sacrum posterior
subgroup. The HA anterior subgroup is less frequent than Asymptomatic children and adolescents tend to stand with
the HA posterior subgroup and subjects tend to be younger, a stable global balance when measured from SSA and ST.
with lower PI and less global kyphosis. It is interesting to The small difference in global balance parameters between
observe that despite the differences in PI and SSA between males and females does not justify any clinical distinction
the sacropelvic retroverted and anteverted subgroups, both between them when referring to normal values. It is
adjust to have similar ST, or in other words, to have a expected that 95 % of normal children and adolescents
stable global balance. have an SSA and ST between 116° and 149° and 85°–102°,
In this study, 21.4 % of asymptomatic children and respectively. C7 plumbline in front of the HA and sacrum
adolescents had C7 plumbline in front of HA and sacrum is not necessarily associated with a spinal pathology in this
(C7-anterior subgroup with type 3 or 6 balance). This result population as almost 22 % of them had C7 plumbline in
suggests that an anterior sagittal alignment is not neces- front of them. However, comparison of normal values to
sarily associated with spinal pathology. The smaller PI in the sagittal balance parameters found in patients with
the HA-anterior subgroup could also suggest that a small PI spinal pathology should be addressed in the future to better
could interfere with the ability to position the C7 plumbline define the characteristics of normal sagittal balance.
behind the hip axis, which is the position most often seen in Improved knowledge of normal spinal balance could be
normal subjects for the C7 plumbline. Moreover, it is helpful in recognizing and treating patients with spinal
possible that subjects with smaller PI will have a greater deformities, as well as to guide the surgery in patients with
tendency to have a C7 plumbline in front of the HA, abnormal sagittal balance.
although this assumption would need to be verified in a
Compliance with ethical standards
larger cohort also involving adult subjects.
Correlations between GSB, parameters of sacropelvic Conflict of interest None.
morphology and balance were generally small clinically
(r \ 0.3), except for large correlations found with respect
to PI and SS. These results reflect the high variability in References
GSB in the normal population, suggesting that regulation
of GSB also depends on other factors such as spinal and 1. Berthonnaud E, Dimnet J, Roussouly P, Labelle H (2005)
chest cage geometry, body morphology, muscle tone, and Analysis of the sagittal balance of the spine and pelvis using
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