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Network Manager

When logging on for the first time, you are referred to the Topology work space

. The following section introduces the RADview-EMS Network Manager GUI

and its functionalities.

1.1 Overview
The RADview-EMS GUI consists of the following elements:
• Menu bar. Opens various applications and tools.
• Work space selection. This area is used to select the various work spaces.
• Work space. Provides device maps, task lists, lists of services, catalog entries
etc. For additional information, refer to the summary in Table 0-1.
• Navigation panes. Navigate devices, user profiles, catalog entries, filters etc.
Various navigation panes appear, depending on the work space you choose.
• Auxiliary Pane. Displays summaries, lists or events etc, depending on the
currently selected work space. For additional information, refer to the
relevant section.
• Task bar. Displays the user name, the name or the IP address of the active
sever and the connection status.
RADview-EMS GUI components are associated with the work space you select as
explained in the table below.

Table 0-1. Window Elements of Work Spaces

Selection Work Space Navigation Panes Auxiliary Pane

Topology map(s). For • Network Element Repository. Displays Event Browser. Events and
additional the managed devices on their alarms of network
information, refer to respective levels, adds single devices elements. For additional
Working with or groups of devices. The network information, refer to
Topology in this repository tree appears when Chapter 7 in the System
document. selecting the Topology view User Manual.
• Groups. Dynamic user groups, for
additional information, refer to
Chapter 6 in the System User Manual

Resources. Devices Filters. Options to display selected Details, associated alarms,

and interfaces of resources services, events and
devices alarms associated with the
resource selected from the
list in the Resources

<Overview 1
Selection Work Space Navigation Panes Auxiliary Pane

Configuration Status. • Network Element Repository Archive Files. Displays

Displays a list of • Groups inactive configuration files
configuration statuses for the selected device
of one or more

Jobs Table. List of • Network Element Repository Reports. Job reports

jobs. The Jobs utility • Groups
enables transferring
files to/from network

Catalog. List of Catalog. List of catalogs for service Details on catalog entries
catalog entries in the components and services.
selected catalog

Services. Lists and Filters. Options to display selected Properties, details etc of
defines/edits services. service the selected service

Business Entities. Filters. Options to display selected Details, services and

Lists customers and business entities resources associated with
providers and the selected business
provides management entity
utilities of business
entities. For
information, refer to
Chapter 4

1.2 Customizing the RADview-EMS View

You can dock or auto-hide navigation panes, displays, the work space etc. The
sections below provide instructions on customzing the various GUI components
using the Topology work space as an example.

Customizing the Windows

You can arrange the layout of the windows and the Event Browser in the
RADview-EMS Network Manager to fit specific operational needs or to suit
personal convenience. They provide the following customization features:
• Dockable. The windows can be docked inside the RADview-EMS Network
Manager or changed to floating windows
• Autohide. The windows can be hidden when not in use.

Docking Windows
You can undock each dockable window component so that it becomes a floating
window, and you can redock it, in whatever position is suitable.

2 Customizing the RADview-EMS View

Note You can specify dockable windows by selecting Floatable Views in the Look and
Feel parameters in the Preferences dialog boxes.

 To undock a window:

• On the window title bar, click Toggle floating to change the window to a
floating window.
The window is undocked and becomes a floating window.

 To dock a floating window:

1. On the window title bar, click Toggle floating to change the window to a
dockable window.
Right-click the title bar of the window and in the submenu that appears, clear
Floating and select Dockable
2. Drag the window to the desired position.

Autohiding Windows
You can autohide the windows when it is not necessary to view their contents.

 To enable the autohide feature:

• On the window title bar, click Toggle auto-hide .

The window is hidden and a corresponding tab is displayed at the edge of
the screen.

 To disable the autohide feature:

• Click the window tab.

The window is restored temporarily. The Toggle auto-hide icon

indicates that the autohide feature is still active for the window.

• To permanently restore the window, click Toggle auto-hide .

The window is restored permanently.

1.3 Working with Topology

The Topology workspace is available by selecting Topology in the work

space selection area. It is divided into panes that contain the following

Network Element Provides a navigation tree of levels (submaps) and nodes

Repository (network elements ad clouds) in the EMS network

<Working with Topology 3

Groups Provides a tree of user-defined groups of network
elements, used for map viewing/configuration archive/jobs

Term Definition

Map Covers the main part of the user interface and provides a
visual representation of levels (submaps) and nodes
(network elements and clouds) and links in the EMS
network. The levels and the nodes on each level of the
map correspond with the tree in the Network Element

Event Browser Shows events received from the network devices. Refer to
Chapter 7 for details on the Event Browser.

You can add new levels and nodes in the Network Element Repository or map
pane. New levels and nodes added in the Network Element Repository are
immediately shown in the map, and new levels and nodes added in the map are
immediately shown in the Network Element Repository.

Searching in Topology Panes

You can search for elements by name in the Network Element Repository (NER),
Groups, and map panes, by typing directly into the search box, or opening a
search dialog box with more advanced options.
When searching the NER or the Groups, you can perform a recursive search (to
search all levels) or a regular search (to only search the current level).


For the search utility to operate, you have to select Topology . All other
work spaces do not support the search for devices (NEs), even if the Navigation
Pane displays the NER.

 To search via the textbox:

1. Enter the complete search term or part of it in the text box

, then press <Enter>.

A flag appears, notifying you that a recursive search is in progress.

2. If an element is found with a name that matches the text, the element is
highlighted in the Network Element Repository or Groups, or is surrounded by
a frame in the map.

 To search via the dialog box

1. Click the search icon .

The Search dialog box appears.
2. Fill in the parameters as explained in Table 0-2.

4 <Working with Topology

3. Click <Find Next> to start the search.
If an element was found with a name that meets the specified search
criteria, the element is highlighted in the Network Element Repository or
Groups, or is surrounded by a frame in the map, and the message
Search completed is displayed in the status bar of the dialog box. If no
match was found, the message Search item was not found is
displayed in the status bar of the dialog box.
4. Click <Find Next> to search for the next match.
The search continues as described above. After you find the last match,
when you click <Find Next> the message Search item was not found
is displayed. If you click <Find Next> after receiving this message, the
search starts again at the beginning.

Table 0-2. Search Dialog Box Parameters

Parameter Function

Find what Specifies the text string to search for. If you choose to run a
recursive search, you can enter part of the string to search for.

Match case Specifies if search is case sensitive (Checked) or ignores case

Default: Cleared

Whole words only Checked – The text being searched for must match a whole
Cleared – The text being searched for can match a whole word
or part of a word.
Default: Cleared

Direction Select the search direction: Forward or Backward.

Default: Forward

Recursive Search Checked – a recursive search is performed as explained above.

Cleared – a regular search is performed. Y
Default: Cleared
Note: This option is available only when searching the Network
Element Repository.

<Find Next> Click <Find Next> to search for the next occurrence of the string

<Close> Click <Close> to close the Search dialog box

• In the Network Element Repository or under Groups, all elements found with a
name that match at least part of the text are highlighted or surrounded by a
frame in the map respectively.
• On the map, only the current level is searched while in the Network Element
Repository, a search through all levels (recursive) is performed. Therefore,
searches in the Network Element Repository can take up to a minute,
depending on the number of nodes in the system.

<Working with Topology 5

Working with the Map

Map Functions
You can perform the following functions with the map.

Table 0-3. Map Functions

Task Description

Move up one level Click on the map toolbar

Change layout of map Click on the map toolbar. Refer to Changing Level Layout for details.

Locate other end of link

Click (Link Navigation Tool) on the map toolbar

Move all map icons at the same

Click (Pan Tool) on the map toolbar

Remove selection of Pan Tool Click on the map toolbar

or Link Navigation Tool

Display overview of map

Click on the map toolbar.

Save the map as an image file Right-click and select Save as image

Export the map as Tom Sawyer To export the map, right-click somewhere inside the map, select Export
Visualization file (*.TSV). which from the shortcut menu, and then choose Tom Sawyer Visualization File
can be loaded by the Tom and specify the desired location.
Sawyer Tomahawk utility for

Print the map Right-click and select Print

Zoom in on the map

Click on the map toolbar

Zoom out the map

Click on the map toolbar

View the map without any

Click on the map toolbar

Configure the map to fit the

Click on the map toolbar

Working with Submaps

Each level can be shown as a submap in the map pane, with a corresponding tab
at the bottom of the map. The map can be arranged to display just one submap,
or several submaps arranged horizontally or vertically.

 To display a submap:
• In the Network Element Repository, double-click the desired level.
The submap of the desired sublevel appears.

6 <Working with Topology

Note The level and the corresponding submap have been highlighted yellow for
illustration purposes.

Each submap contains icons corresponding to the content belonging to the level
in the Network Element Repository.
You are able to navigate between submaps, view multiple submaps in the work
space or close submaps from the Submap Tab menu.

 To access the Submap Tab menu:

• Right-click the submap tab of any submap.
The Submap Tab menu appears.

 To navigate between submaps:

• To move to the next or previous submap, select Next or Previous respectively.

 To divide the map into horizontal or vertical groups

• Select New Horizontal Group or New Vertical Group respectively.

The map is divided into two horizontal groups.

 To add horizontal or vertical groups respectively:

1. If there are more than two submaps, right-click the tab of each submap that
you want to create an additional horizontal or vertical group for.

2. Select New Horizontal Group or New Vertical Group respectively again

from the Submap Tab menu.

Note The New Horizontal Group menu item does not show if horizontal groups already
exist for all submaps.

 To create a floating submap:

• Right-click the tab of the desired submap and select Floating from the
Submap Tab menu.
The selected submap appears in a new floating window.
• To add a submap to an already existing floating submap window, select
Floating To and select the desired submap to which you want to add the
current one.

 To dock a floating submap:

• Right-click the submap tab of the floating submap and select Docking.
The submap returns to its previous position in the Map area.

Saving the Layout

Once you customize the layout of the maps in the topology workspace, you can
save this layout so that it will be retrieved the way you left it for the next session
even if the server has been restarted in between your sessions.

<Working with Topology 7

 To save the layout:
• From the menu, select Options > Save Layout.
The current layout is saved and updated with additional changes you may
make until you log out. When logging on the next time, RADview-EMS
loads with your latest layout.

 To reset the layout to the default:

• From the menu, select Options > Reset Layout.
The layout is reset to the default layout the next time you log on to

1.4 Working with Levels

The following table shows the tasks you can perform with levels and the
corresponding menu items/toolbar icons.

Table 0-4. Level Tasks

Task Accessed via:

Network Element Map


Right-click Toolbar Right-click Right-click Toolbar

menu, level icon menu, no icon menu, level icon
selected selected selected

Add a level under the selected New Level New Level –––
level (see Adding New Levels)

Add an NE (network element) to New NE New NE –––

the selected level (see Adding )

Add a range of IP addresses as New NEs ––– New NEs ––– –––
network elements to the selected
level (see Adding )

Configure the properties of the Properties ––– Properties Properties –––

selected level and, if desired, all
subordinate levels and network

Expand all levels as overview maps ––– ––– Expand > ––– –––
(see Expanding Levels) Expand All

Expand level as overview map (see ––– ––– ––– Expand –––
Expanding Levels)

8 Working with Levels

Task Accessed via:

Network Element Map


Right-click Toolbar Right-click Right-click Toolbar

menu, level icon menu, no icon menu, level icon
selected selected selected

Open submap corresponding to ––– ––– ––– Expand As Map

the level (you can also
double-click the level in the
Network Element Repository) (see
Expanding Levels)

Collapse all expanded level ––– ––– Collapse > ––– –––
overview maps Collapse All

Collapse expanded level overview ––– ––– ––– Collapse –––


Remove the selected level and all Delete ––– ––– Delete –––
subordinate levels (this function is
not available for the highest level)
(see Deleting Levels)

Change level background ––– ––– Wallpaper ––– –––

Change level layout (see Changing ––– ––– Layout –––

Level Layout)

Locate the level icon on the map Locate on Map ––– ––– ––– –––
(this function is not available for
the highest level) (see Locating

Search for level by name (see ––– ––– –––

Searching in Topology Panes)

Select network elements/levels ––– ––– ––– Show –––

that are connected by links to the Neighbors

Deselect network elements/levels ––– ––– ––– Hide Neighbors –––

that are connected by links to the
level, that were selected via Show

Hide the nearest neighbors of the ––– ––– Hide > Hide ––– –––
level Neighbors >
One Level

Hide the entire neighbor hierarchy ––– ––– Hide > Hide ––– –––
of the level Neighbors> All

Working with Levels 9

Task Accessed via:

Network Element Map


Right-click Toolbar Right-click Right-click Toolbar

menu, level icon menu, no icon menu, level icon
selected selected selected

Represent the nearest neighbors ––– ––– Fold > Fold ––– –––
of the level as a folder, which can Neighbors >
be double-clicked to open an One Level

Represent the level’s entire ––– ––– Fold > Fold ––– –––
neighbor hierarchy as a folder, Neighbors> All
which can be double-clicked to Levels
open an overview

Transfer any elements in a folder ––– ––– Fold > Unfold –––
back to their original location

Update the level with the latest Refresh ––– Refresh ––– –––

Navigating To Level Submaps

You can navigate to a specific level submap by double-clicking the level in the
Network Element Repository navigation tree, or clicking the corresponding
submap tab in the map pane, or by right-clicking the level icon and choosing
Expand as Map.

Adding New Levels

 To add a level to the Network Element Repository and map:
1. Select the level in the Network Element Repository under which you wish to
add a level and click on the toolbar, or right-click the level in the
Network Element Repository or map and select New Level from the
shortcut menu.
The New Level dialog box is displayed:

General Defines the level’s name and the default double-click

action for network elements in the level.

SNMP Defines the SNMP parameters of the level and, if desired,

all subordinate levels and nodes.

SNMPv3 Defines the SNMPv3 parameters of the level and, if

desired, all subordinate levels and nodes.

Job Parameters Defines the job parameters of the level and, if desired, all
subordinate levels and nodes, for authentication if a
script is sent to network elements.

10 Working with Levels

External Tools Defines default command parameters for external tools
for nodes in the level.

Notes Holds optional text description

2. Click <Set>.
The level is configured with the new properties and added to the Network
Element Repository tree under the selected level, and added to the map

as a level icon ( ). You can double-click the level icon to open the
submap for the new level.

Note • The corresponding submap tab appears at the bottom of the map pane only
after you double-click the new level icon to open its submap.
• It is recommended to use systematic level names, such as names or locations
of units or a part of the IP address range. Names assigned to NEs should
reflect the naming convention of the respective levels. This allows for easy
location of NEs in large systems when grouping NEs and creating security
domains for those groups.

 To remove a level from the Network Element Repository:

1. Right-click the level in the Network Element Repository and choose Delete.
You are prompted to confirm the removal.
2. Click <OK> to confirm the removal of the level.
The level, and all subordinate levels and nodes, are removed from the
Network Element Repository.

Expanding Levels
You can expand levels as overview maps, or expand a sublevel as a submap.

 To expand a level as overview map:

• In a map with sublevels, double-click a sublevel or right-click it and choose
The sublevel is expanded into an overview map.

 To expand a sublevel as a submap:

• In a map with sublevels, right-click a sublevel and choose Expand as Map
(alternatively, double-click the sublevel in the Network Element Repository).
A new tab opens in the map, showing the sublevel map.

 To expand all sublevels as overview maps:

• In a map with sublevels, right-click and choose Expand > All.
All the sublevels are expanded into overview maps (see Figure 0-2).

Working with Levels 11

Figure 0-1. Level Expanded As Overview

Figure 0-2. All Levels Expanded As Overviews

Deleting Levels
You can delete any level except the highest level.

 To delete a level from the Network Element Repository and map:

1. Right-click the level in the Network Element Repository navigation tree and
choose Delete.
You are prompted to confirm the removal.

12 Working with Levels

2. Click <OK> to confirm the removal.
The level is removed from the Network Element Repository and its
submap is removed from the map pane.

Changing Level Layout

You can change the level map layout.

 To change the layout:

1. In the level map’s toolbar, click Layout or right-click the level in the map
and select Layout from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Layout submenu, select or clear Incremental Layout. If Incremental
Layout is selected, RADview-EMS attempts to preserve map element locations
whenever possible, possibly relocating some elements if necessary, according
to the layout type. If Incremental Layout is cleared, the entire map is
formatted and map elements are relocated to best fit according to the layout
3. Select the desired layout type:
 Orthogonal –Produces compact map, using only horizontal and vertical
edge routing (see Figure 0-3 and Figure 0-5)
 Circular –Emphasizes clusters inherent in the drawing topology (see
Figure 0-4 and Figure 0-6)
 Symmetric –Emphasizes symmetries inherent in the drawing topology,
while ensuring that adjacent nodes are close to each other (see
Figure 0-7 and Figure 0-9)
 Hierarchical –Emphasizes dependency relationships (see Figure 0-8 and
Figure 0-10).

Figure 0-3. Orthogonal Layout Figure 0-4. Circular Layout

Working with Levels 13

Figure 0-5. Orthogonal Layout Diagram Figure 0-6. Circular Layout Diagram

Figure 0-7. Symmetric Layout Figure 0-8. Hierarchical Layout

Figure 0-9. Symmetric Layout Diagram Figure 0-10. Hierarchical Layout Diagram

Locating Levels
The locate function is useful for navigating directly to a level icon. This function
does not exist for the highest level.
 To locate the level on the map:
• Right-click the level in the Network Element Repository navigation tree and
choose Locate on Map.
The level submap is opened that contains the icon corresponding to the level that
you wish to locate. The submap is positioned to show the part that contains the
level icon, with a frame surrounding it.

14 Working with Levels

1.5 Working with Network Elements
Network elements can be RAD devices, third-party devices or entire networks.
A RAD device appears as an icon that resembles the shape of the respective
device. Its color on the map indicates its current operational status.
Third-party devices and networks are symbolized as clouds on the map. For
instructions on working with clouds, refer to Working with Clouds.
This section explains how to add, configure and test RAD devices as follows:
• Summary of Tasks
• Adding RAD devices
• Locating RAD devices
• Configuring Existing RAD devices
• Configuring Trap Synchronization
• Synchronizing Alarms
• Connecting to Network Elements
• Testing Connection to Network Elements
• Deleting Network Elements
The following table shows the tasks you can perform with RAD devices together
with the corresponding menu items/toolbar icons.

Table 0-5. Tasks

Task Accessed via:

Network Element Repository Map

Right-click menu Toolbar Right-click menu Toolbar

icon icon

Configure the properties of the Properties ––– Properties –––

selected network element (see
Configuring Existing Network

Configure trap synchronization Fault > Trap Sync ––– Fault > Trap Sync –––
groups for the selected network Groups Groups

Synchronizing the RADview-EMS Fault > Alarms ––– Fault > Alarms Sync –––
fault data with the network Sync

Connect to network element via Shelf View Shelf View –––

shelf view

Connect to network element via Web Browser ––– Web Browser –––
Web Browser

Working with Network Elements 15

Task Accessed via:

Network Element Repository Map

Right-click menu Toolbar Right-click menu Toolbar

icon icon

Connect to network element via Telnet/SSH ––– Telnet/SSH –––

Telnet, unsecure or secured (SSH)

Test connectivity of a network External Tools > ––– External Tools > –––
element by sending ping Ping Ping

Test SNMP connectivity of a SNMP Ping ––– SNMP Ping –––

network element

Trace route to network element External Tools > ––– External Tools > –––
Trace Route Trace Route

Run a custom external tool for External Tools > ––– External Tools > –––
network element <customized tool> <customized tool>
Note: If you added external tools
as described in , they appear in
the External Tools submenu.

Poll the network element Poll ––– Poll –––

View active alarms for the Active Alarms ––– Active Alarms –––
network element in the Event
Browser, via filter (refer to
Chapter 7 for details on viewing
device events)

View previous alarms for the History Events ––– History Events –––
network element in the Event
Browser, via filter (refer to
Chapter 7 for details on viewing
device events)

Remove the network element Delete ––– Delete –––

from the Network Element
Repository and map

Locate the network element on Locate on Map ––– ––– –––

the map

Search for network element by ––– –––

name (see Searching in Topology

Create a link between two ––– ––– New Link

network elements (see Adding
Links Between Network Elements)

Display list of links associated ––– ––– Link List –––

with network element (see
Viewing Link Properties)

16 Working with Network Elements

Task Accessed via:

Network Element Repository Map

Right-click menu Toolbar Right-click menu Toolbar

icon icon

Select network elements/levels ––– ––– Show Neighbors –––

that are connected by links to the
network element

Deselect network elements/levels ––– ––– Hide Neighbors –––

that are connected by links to the
network element, that were
selected via Show Neighbors

Hide the nearest neighbors of the ––– ––– Hide > Hide –––
network element Neighbors > One

Hide the entire neighbor hierarchy ––– ––– Hide > Hide –––
of the network element Neighbors> All

Represent the nearest neighbors ––– ––– Fold > Fold –––
of the network element as a Neighbors > One
folder, which can be Level
double-clicked to open an

Represent the network element’s ––– ––– Fold > Fold –––
entire neighbor hierarchy as a Neighbors> All
folder, which can be Levels
double-clicked to open an

Transfer any elements in a folder ––– ––– Fold > Unfold –––
back to their original location

If you added external tools, they appear in the External Tools submenu.

Adding RAD Devices

This section explains how to add network elements and configure them for the
first time. You have the following options to add network elements to a certain
level on the map:
• Adding a single network element manually
• Adding multiple network elements manually within a defined IP address
range. In addition, you can define adding RAD devices only and/or RAD and
third-party devices. You also have the option to add network elements
without verifying connectivity

Working with Network Elements 17

• Adding and configuring network elements automatically according to preset
rules. For further information and instructions, refer to Adding and
Configuring Network Elements Automatically in Chapter 4.

 To add a single network element to the Network Element Repository and map:
1. Select the level in the Network Element Repository for which you wish to add
a network element and select New NE on the toolbar, or right-click the
level in the Network Element Repository or in the map and select New NE
from the shortcut menu.
The New NE dialog box is displayed. It contains the following tabs:
 General – Defines general network element parameters. Refer to
Table 0-6 for a description of the parameters.
 SNMP – Defines the SNMP parameters of the network element if it is
managed via SNMPv1. Refer to Table 0-7 for a description of the
 SNMPv3 – Defines the SNMP parameters of the network element if it is
managed via SNMPv3. Refer to Table 0-8 for a description of the
 Job Parameters – Defines the job parameters of the network element, for
authentication if a script is sent to it. Refer to Table 0-9 for a description
of the parameters.
 External Tools – Defines default command parameters for external tools.
Refer to Table 0-10 for a description of the parameters
 Note – Holds optional text description.
2. Click <Set>.
The network element is configured with the new properties and appears
in the navigation tree as a node in the selected level. A new icon
corresponding to the network element appears on the level map.

Table 0-6. Network Element General Parameters

Parameter Function Possible Values

Node Name Name of network element. This

cannot be the same as the name
of a network element that already
exists in the network.

IP Address IP address of network element.

This cannot be equal to the IP
address of a network element
that already exists in the network,
unless you have allowed duplicate
net addresses via the Map
Settings tab of the Preferences
dialog box

18 Working with Network Elements

Parameter Function Possible Values

Management Protocol Indicates if network element is SNMP

managed via SNMP or is a device Non-SNMP
(such as a computer or printer)
that is not managed via SNMP
Note: If Non-SNMP is selected,
then the SNMP, SNMPv3, and Job
Parameters tabs are not

Commissioning Date Date of commissioning NE

Administrative Status Indicates if NE is active up – NE is active

down – NE is not active

Default double-click action Specifies action to take when Shelf View: Open shelf view
node is double-clicked. The Web Browser: Connect to
default is the action that was network element via Web
defined for the level, but you can browser
specify a different action for the
Telnet/SSH: Connect to
node if you wish.
network element via Telnet.

Name Displays name configured in agent

Note: This parameter appears only device
in the Node properties dialog box.

Description Displays description configured in

Note: This parameter appears only agent device
in the Node properties dialog box.

Contact Displays contact information for

agent device

Location Displays location information for

agent device

Table 0-7. Network Element SNMP Parameters

Parameter Function

Read Community SNMP Read request community

Write Community SNMP Write request community

Timeout (msec) The SNMP timeout for the network element, in


Working with Network Elements 19

Parameter Function

Retries The SNMP number of retries for the network element(s)

Polling Interval (sec) The SNMP polling interval for the network element(s), in

Table 0-8. Network Element SNMPv3 Parameters

Parameter Function Possible Values

Access Mode SNMP version used for network element V1 – SNMPv1

Note: If V1 is selected, the rest of the USM – SNMPv3 (User
SNMPv3 parameters are not available. Security Model)
User Name SNMPv3 user
Authentication Authentication protocol to use No Authentication – No
Protocol authentication is performed
MD5 – The authentication
protocol MD5 is used
SHA – The authentication
protocol SHA is used
Authentication Authentication password
Password Note: This parameter is available only if
Authentication Protocol is not set to No
Privacy Protocol Privacy (encryption) protocol to use No Privacy – No encryption
is performed
DES – The privacy protocol
DES is used
Privacy Password Privacy (encryption) password
Note: This parameter is available only if
Privacy Protocol is not set to No Privacy.
Context String that identifies the SNMPv3

Table 0-9. Network Element Job Parameters

Parameter Function Possible Values

User Username for script authentication Username and password

Password Password for script authentication defined in NE
Username and password
must both be filled in or
both left empty
Protocol Defines which protocol is used for SSH
access Telnet
SSH and Telnet can provide
secured access. Telnet is
Port Port for protocol Default port = 23

20 Working with Network Elements

Table 0-10. Network Element External Tool Parameters

Parameter Function Possible Values

Menu Option Specifies for which external tool Ping – Define the command
to define the command line and parameters for
parameters sending ping to network
Trace Route – Define the
command line and parameters
for tracing route to network
Note: If you added external
tools as described in , they
appear in the list.
Command Line Defines the command line for
the external tool
Note: This parameter is read-
Command Parameters Defines the command
Note: If you change the parameters for the external tool
command parameters, the
attribute is stored in the
EMS database and used for
command line generation
for this object, rather than
the value in the External
Tools tab in the Level
Properties dialog box.

 To add multiple network elements to the Network Element Repository and map:

1. Right-click the selected level and select New NEs from the shortcut menu.
The New NEs dialog box is displayed. It contains the following tabs:
 General – Defines general network element parameters.
 SNMP – Defines the SNMP parameters of the network element. Refer to
Table 0-7 for a description of the parameters.
 SNMPv3 – Defines the SNMPv3 parameters of the node. Refer to
Table 0-8 for a description of the parameters.
 Job Parameters – Defines the job parameters of the network element, for
authentication if a script is sent to it. Refer to Table 0-9 for a description
of the parameters.
 External Tools – Defines default command parameters for external tools.
Refer to Table 0-10 for a description of the parameters.
 Note – Holds optional text description.
2. Click <Set>.

Working with Network Elements 21

The range of network elements is added as nodes with the new
properties to the selected level. They appear in the navigation tree, and
corresponding icons appear on the level map.

Locating RAD Devices

The locate function is useful for when you have a large number of network
 To locate a RAD device on the map:
• Right-click the RAD device in the Network Element Repository navigation tree
and select Locate on Map from the shortcut menu.
The level submap that contains the network element is opened. The
submap is positioned to show the part with the network element. A
green frame is displayed surrounding the network element.

Configuring Existing Network Elements

This section explains how to (re)configure existing RAD devices in the system.
 To configure network element properties:
1. Right-click the network element in the Network Element Repository or in the
map and select Properties from the shortcut menu.
The Properties dialog box is displayed. It contains the following tabs:
 General – Defines general network element parameters. Refer to
Table 0-6 for a description of the parameters.
 SNMP – Defines the SNMP parameters of the network element if it is
managed via SNMPv1. Refer to Table 0-7 for a description of the
 SNMPv3 – Defines the SNMP parameters of the network element if it is
managed via SNMPv3. Refer to Table 0-8 for a description of the
 Job Parameters – Defines the job parameters of the network element, for
authentication if a script is sent to it. Refer to Table 0-9 for a description
of the parameters.
 External Tools – Defines default command parameters for external tools.
Refer to Table 0-10 for a description of the parameters.
 Note – Holds optional text description.
2. Click <Set>.
The network element is configured with the new properties.

22 Working with Network Elements

Deleting RAD Devices
 To delete a RAD device from the Network Element Repository and map:

Note Before removing a network element from the network, you have to first remove
all the links associated with the relevant network element.

1. Right-click the RAD device in the Network Element Repository and select
Delete from the shortcut menu.
You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
2. Click <OK> to confirm the deletion.
The network element is deleted from the Network Element Repository
and map.

Working with Clouds

Clouds can be entire networks or third-party devices that can be part of a service
you define. Once a cloud is added, existing physical interfaces must be specified.
These interfaces are referred to as logical access points and can be used for
multiple services.
This section explains how to add a cloud, specify logical access points and how to
remove a cloud.

Note • Clouds are associated with a provider, therefore at least one provider must be
added to the Business Entities list (in the Business Entities work space) before
you can add a cloud.
• If you try to add a cloud without selecting a provider, an error message is

 To locate a cloud:
• Follow the instructions on locating RAD devices under Locating RAD Devices.

 To add a cloud:
1. Select the level in the Network Element Repository for which you wish to add
the cloud and select New Cloud on the toolbar, or right-click the level in
the Network Element Repository or in the map and select New Cloud
from the shortcut menu.
The New Cloud dialog box is displayed.
2. Assign a name to the cloud and enter a short description (optional).
3. Under Provider, click <…>.
The Providers list appears.
4. In the Providers list, select the desired provider and then click <Select>.
The selected provider is added to the Provider field in the New Cloud
dialog box.

Working with Network Elements 23

5. Click <Set>.
The cloud is added to the map.
In order to include it in services, you now have to define access points, virtual
private networks and a service level.

 To define access points:

1. On the map, locate and right-click the cloud icon .

A shortcut menu appears.

2. From the shortcut menu, select Properties .

The Cloud Properties dialog box appears with the Access Points tab open
listing access points and virtual private networks (VPNs).
3. Under the Access Points list, click <Add…>.
The Add Access Points dialog box appears.
4. Add the parameters as explained in Table 0-11 and then click <Set>.
The access point is added to the list.

Table 0-11. Adding Access Points

Parameter Parameters Remarks

Name The name of the cloud

Pysical Type Eth Ethernet port, currently the

only option

Description Text field to add a note

Location Text field to add the location

Connectivity Type EPL, EVPL Ethernet E-Line services

Vlans 1-4094 VLAN to which the access

point belongs and on which
your service will run
Note: You can enter single
VLANs, a range of VLANs or
mixed lists, ranges of VLANs
and single ones.

You are now able to associate the access point with a virtual private network

 To add a VPN:
1. In the Cloud Properties dialog box, select the VPNs tab.
The VPN list and the Access Point (AP) Membership table appear with one
VPN already configured.
2. To add an additional VPN, click <Add…> under the VPN list.
The Add VPN dialog box appears.

24 Working with Network Elements

The new VPN is added.
3. Add a description and edit the name if desired and then click <Set>.
The new VPN is added to the VPNs list.

 To associate an access point with a VPN:

1. Select the VPN with which you wish to associate the access point (AP).
2. Under the AP Membership table, click <Add…>.
A list of access points appears in the Add AP Membership to VPN dialog
3. Select the desired access point and click <Apply>.
The selected access point is now a member of the selected VPN.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for every additional access point you need.
5. Click <Close> when done.
The access points are now members of the selected VPNs and the Cloud
Properties dialog box closes.

 To remove a cloud:
1. Remove all VPNs and access points from the cloud.
2. Right-click the cloud.
A shortcut menu appears.

3. Click Delete and confirm your request.

1.6 Working with Links

You can create one or more links between nodes (network elements or clouds).
These can be ‘general’ links between two nodes and serve as a graphic
association. Such links are referred to as legacy links.
Links can also be between specific interfaces of two nodes and are referred to as
topology links. These links are required and used to define a service between two
If the nodes are situated on different levels, the link is represented as being
between the corresponding levels. As the link color indicates the status of the
ports, the links provide a useful way to see the port status at a glance.
Nodes or levels with links between them are referred to as neighbors. The
neighbor hierarchy of a network element/level refers to all the neighbors of the
network element/level and all their neighbors, down to the lowest level.
For instance, in Figure 0-11, the nearest neighbor of the far left network element is the directly connected network element
However its neighbor hierarchy includes all the other devices shown in the figure

Working with Links 25

Figure 0-11. Network Elements with Links between them - Neighbors

Adding Links Between Network Elements

Notes • Links created in previous versions of RADview-EMS are preserved as legacy

links upon upgrading RADview-EMS to Version 3.40. Previous RADview-EMS
versions did not distinguish between legacy links and topology links.
• Only network elements that support E-line service creation and management
support topology links. For additional information, refer to Chapter 1.

 To create a legacy link between two network elements:

1. Right-click the device on the map and select New Link.
The New Link dialog box appears, with the selected device as the link
starting point (EndPoint A).
2. Under EndPoint Z, click <…>.
The Select End Point List dialog box appears.
3. Expand the list as necessary by clicking , select the desired network
element from the list and then click <Select>.
The New Link dialog box appears with the selected end point and the
message that the Legacy Link will be created.
4. Click <Set>.
The legacy link is created and appears gray on the map.

Figure 0-12. Legacy Link Created on the Map between two NEs in the Same Level

For illustrations on links between network elements on different levels, refer to

Figure 0-14 and Figure 0-15.

 To create a topological link:

Note You cannot ‘upgrade’ a legacy link to a topographical link. You have to create a
new link.

26 Working with Links

1. Follow the first two steps of the instructions provided for creating a legacy
2. In the New Link dialog box. under EndPoint A, click <…>.
The New Link dialog box appears.
3. Select the network element and the desired port of this network element and
then click <Select>.
You now have to select a port of the second network element under
EndPoint Z.
4. Under EndPoint Z, select the second network element and the specific port
and then click <Select>.
The New Link dialog box indicates that you are about to add a topological

Note Ports that already have a link defined or do not match the start point (End Point
A) appear grayed out and cannot be selected.

5. Click <Set>.
The Topological link is created between the selected ports of the two
selected network elements. The color of the link reflects the status of the
network elements.

Figure 0-13. Topological Link on the Map between two NEs on the Same Level

Figure 0-14. Topological Link on the Map between two NEs on the current Level
and a Sublevel

Working with Links 27

Figure 0-15. Topological Link on the Map between two NEs on Different Levels

Note Ports that already have a link defined or do not match the start point (End Point
A) appear grayed out and cannot be selected.

Viewing Link Properties

You can view link properties by selecting a link, to list all links between two
devices, or by selecting a device to list all links associated with the device.

28 Working with Links

 To view the properties by selecting a link:

1. Select the link. To do so, select Select from the toolbar and then click the
desired link.
The link is selected.

Figure 0-16. Topological Link Selected

2. Right-click a link and select Properties from the shortcut menu.

The Properties dialog box appears with a list of all the links between the
two devices, and displays the properties for the link that is selected in
the list.

 To view the properties by selecting a device:

• Right-click a network element and choose Link List .

Note The entry Link List appears in the right-click menu if the map corresponds to a
level. It does not appear if the map corresponds to a group.

The Link Properties dialog box appears with a list of all the links
associated with the device, and displays the properties for the link that is
selected in the list.

Deleting Links Between Network Elements

Before deleting a link, you have to first remove any service defined along this

 To delete a link:

1. Right-click the link and select Delete from the shortcut menu.
The Delete Link dialog box opens, showing a list of links between the two
2. In the list, select the link that you wish to delete and click <Delete>.
You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
3. Click <Yes> to confirm the deletion.
The selected link is deleted.

Working with Links 29

1.7 Working with Groups
When working in the Topology tab, you can define groups of network elements.
There are two types of groups:
• Static – Group members are added by copy/paste of nodes/levels from the
tree/map. When levels are pasted to a static group, the corresponding
network elements are added to the group without the level hierarchy. You
can create levels in a static group.
• Dynamic – Group members are defined by criteria that determine which NEs
belong to the group. NEs that meet the criteria are automatically members of
the group. When an NE is added to the map, and it matches the specified
criteria, it is automatically added to the group. When an NE is changed, it may
automatically be added to or removed from the group, depending on the
group criteria. When an NE in the group is removed from the map, it is
automatically removed from the group.
The Groups pane contains the access levels with the associated group trees as
listed below:
• Public – Contains public groups created by any user. All users can view the
groups. Create, delete, and modify access are controlled via the user security
• Shared – Contains groups created by users according to access allowed by
the user security profile. Shared groups are meant for a group of users that
share a common security level or profile.
• Private – Named <user> after the currently logged-in user, private group tree
containing the user’s own created groups. Only the currently logged-in user
has view, create, delete, and modify access.

Group Operations
You can perform group operations as shown in Table 0-12.
You can perform the same operations on group members as for levels/NEs in the
Network Element Repository, except you cannot explicitly add or delete members
of dynamic groups.

Table 0-12. Group Operations

Operation Description

Open (double-click) Opens a tab in the map pane, showing the devices that belong to

New Level Opens a dialog box to add a new level to the group
(Static group only)

Locate on Map Opens a tab in the map pane, showing the groups in the subtree

Paste Pastes the previously copied or cut device(s) into the selected group
(Static group only)

Remove Deletes the group and its contents, after confirmation

30 Working with Groups

Operation Description

Refresh Refresh view

Properties Opens a dialog box displaying group properties. In case of dynamic

group, you can edit the group criteria.

Adding Static Groups

 To add a static group:
1. Right-click the group tree under which you wish to add a static group and
select New Static Group from the shortcut menu.
The New Static Group dialog box is displayed.
2. Fill in the group name and click <OK> to create the group.
The group appears in the Groups pane. Refer to Adding Static Group
Members for a description of how to add network elements to the group.

Adding Static Group Members

You can copy or move levels or network elements to groups as follows:
• Use copy and paste to copy levels or network elements from the map,
Network Element Repository, or other groups to a static group
• Use cut and paste to move levels or network elements from one static group
to another.

 To add static group members:

1. Right-click the level or network element that you wish to add and select Copy
or Cut.
2. Right-click the static group to which you wish to copy/move the level or
network element and choose Paste.
The network element(s) is/are copied/moved to the selected group.

Note • If you copy a level from the map or Network Element Repository, the
corresponding network elements are added to the group, but the level itself is
not copied
• If you copy/move a level from another static group, the level is added with the
corresponding network elements.

Adding Dynamic Groups

 To add a dynamic group:
1. Right-click the group tree under which you wish to add a dynamic group and
select New Dynamic Group from the shortcut menu.
The New Dynamic Group dialog box is displayed.

Working with Groups 31

2. Fill in the group name.
3. Select the desired criterion (refer to Table 0-13) and select And or Or to
specify whether logical and or logical or is applied to the criterion condition.
4. Click <Add Criterion> to add it to the group criteria.
5. When you have finished specifying criteria, click <OK> to create the group.
The group appears in the Groups pane. Any network elements that meet
the criteria are automatically added.

Table 0-13. Dynamic Group Criteria

Criterion Condition Values

NE Type Equals Click <…> to open list of NE types. Select the

Do not equal desired type and click <Select> to place it into
Alternatively you can enter the NE type but this
is not recommended, as it is not checked for
correctness when the criterion is added.

Level Equals Click <…> to open Network Element Repository

tree. Select the desired level and click <Select>
to place it into Value. Alternatively you can enter
the full path of the level but this is not
recommended, as it is not checked for
correctness when the criterion is added.

IP Address Starts with Enter the IP address

Do not start with

SW Version Equals Enter software version. It is compared with the

Equals or greater device SW version string, as derived from the MIB
parameter sysDescr.
Equals or less
Greater than
Less than

HW Version Equals Enter hardware version. It is compared with the

Equals or greater device HW version string, as derived from the
MIB parameter sysDescr.
Equals or less
Greater than
Less than

32 Working with Groups

The Resources work space lists devices and their respective components in the
Resources list as illustrated below.

 To access the Resources work space:

• Clicking Resources in the work space selection area.

The Resources list appears with devices and their components listed.

1.1 Working with the Resources Table

The Resources table can be customized as explained in Chapter 3. You can
customize columns and select which columns to show. By default, the following
columns are visible:
• Resource. Device or component of a device, for example port or fan etc
• Alarm Severity. Alarm of highest severity associated with the relevant
• NE Type. The device name
• IP Address. The device’s IP address
• Class. Specifies, if it is a deice or a component of a device (for example port)
• Description. Provides additional details for the listed resource.
It is possible to assign or modify alias/asset ID entries as well as the serial

 To edit resources:

1. In the Resources list, select the desired resource and then click Edit .
The Edit Resource dialog box appears.
2. Enter or edit the entries for Alias, Asset ID and/or Serial Number and then
click <Set>.
The entries are added/updated in the Resources list.

Working with the Resources Table 1-1

Figure 1-1. Edit Resources Dialog Box

Details, Alarms and Services

If you select a resource in the top pane, you can view details, alarms and history
events. In addition, you can view, edit and add services associated with the
selected resource.
• Details. The Details table displays all the parameters associated with the
resource and matches the parameter set displayed in the Edit Resources
dialog box.
• Active Alarms and History Events. Displays alarms and events associated with
the selected resource. For additional information, refer to Handling RADview-
EMS Device Events in Chapter 7.
• Services. Displays, edits, adds and utilizes services associated with the
selected resource.

1-2 Working with the Resources Table

Figure 1-2. Resources – Details

Filtering Resources
There is a Filters pane in both the Business Entities and Resources work space. It
has different default filters and different criteria for the filters, according to
which work space it is in.

Working with the Resources Table 1-3

Jobs is a utility that covers most configuration tasks on selected network
elements that are performed on the RADview-EMS system level and not on the
agent (shelf view) level.

To work with Jobs, you have to select Jobs in the work space selection

1.1 Working with the Jobs GUI

The Jobs GUI is divided into the following four window elements:

Network Element Shows a tree of levels (submaps) and nodes (network

Repository elements) in the EMS network. For additional information,
refer to Working With Topology in the System User

Groups Provides a tree of user-defined groups of network

elements. Refer to Working with Groups in the System
User Manual.

Jobs Table Displays the jobs that are defined in the system. Refer to
Working with the Jobs Table for more information.

Reports Displays job reports. Refer to Working with Job Reports in

Chapter 4 of the System User Manual for more

1.2 Working with the Jobs Table

The Jobs Table has a row for each job that is defined in the system, with the job
attributes as the table columns (see Table 0-1 for a description of the job
attributes). The Jobs Table is divided into two tabs:
• Active – Shows all jobs that are currently running, or that are scheduled to
0run (once or recurring).
• History – Shows jobs that have already run, and will not run again. This list
includes jobs that ran` once, as well as jobs that ran recurring but the date of
the last run has passed. All jobs in History tab have status Completed or

Working with the Jobs Table 1

The Jobs Table is a customizable table, meaning you can customize the columns
and select which columns are visible. By default, the following columns are visible:
• ID
• Name
• Action
• Scheduling
• Active
• Status.
The Jobs table is customizable, Refer to Customizing Tables in the System User
Manual for additional information.

Table 0-1. Job Attributes

Attribute Description
Job Name A user-defined string of up to 255 characters that is used to identify the job
Job ID A number that is used to uniquely identify the job, set by the management system at
job creation. Each execution of a recurring job has the same job ID, but can be
distinguished by the execution date and time.
Action Action defined for job, e.g. Download Software
Description Description of job
Creator User name of the user who created the job
Creation Time Date and time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) that the job was created
Last Updated By User name of the user who last updated the job parameters via edit job operation
Last Update Time Date and time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) that the job parameters were last updated
Last Operation By User name of the user who last performed any action on this job such as: run, stop,
activate, deactivate, cancel
Last Operation Date and time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) that the job operation (stop, active, deactive,
Time cancel) was last performed – RO, set by the management system.

Active Indicates if the job is active:

• – The job is currently active, and is performed when its scheduling rules are met
• – The job is not active, and is not performed when its scheduling rules are met

2 Working with the Jobs Table

Attribute Description

Status • Running – Job is currently running

• Stopping – Job is preparing to stop
• Stopped – Job has been stopped by user
• Completed – Job has finished
• Scheduled – Job is scheduled to run
• Expired – Job scheduled time to run has passed, and job is not scheduled to run
• “—“ - The job is not active
• In the History tab, only two statusses exist, Completed or Stopped
• If a job is currently running, the status column displays a progress bar
• If a job was running and has been stopped , the status switches to Stopping...
Once it is stopped, the status switches to Stopped
• If a job is not running, the status column displays Stopped, Scheduled, or ‘--’ (if the
job is not active).
Scheduling The contents of Scheduling differ according to whether job scheduling is once or
• Once – Field contains:
• Recurring – Field contains:
At HH:MM every <recurrence pattern>, <recurrence range>
Next Execute Displays the date and time of the next execution of the job, in format

Owner The owner is the user name of the job owner. The default owner is the user who
created the job. A user can become the new owner of a job if permitted by
Since job is running on server side, the owner security profile is used for the job.
Refer to Job Security in Chapter 4 for additional information.
Security Domain This is empty by default. You can add a domain name during job creation or when
editing a job, to control access to the job (the domain must be defined in the user
security profile with relevant permissions). When security domain is set for a job, some
users may not be able to access the job.
Refer to Job Security in Chapter 4 for additional information.

1.3 Working with the Job Toolbar

You can perform job operations from the toolbar or via right-click in the Active
and History tabs. Table 0-2 lists and explains all tools available for the jobs.
Figure 0-1 and Figure 0-2 illustrate options available in the Active tab and the
History tab respectively.

Working with the Job Toolbar 3

Table 0-2. Job Toolbar Operations

Icon Action Availability In History Tab

New Job, refer to Creating Jobs in Always No

Chapter 4 for additional information

Edit Job When a single non-running job is selected No

Copy Job When a single job is selected Yes

Delete Job When non-running job(s) is(are) selected Yes

Run Job When non-running job(s) is(are) selected No

Stop Job When running job(s) is(are) selected No

Activate Job When non-running and non-active job(s) No

is(are) selected

Deactivate Job When non-running active job(s) is(are) No


Cancel Job When non-running job(s) is (are) selected No

Show Progress When a single running job is selected No

Note: You can also double-click the
row to view the job status dialog

View Reports When a single non-running job is selected Yes

Note: You can also double-click the
row to view the job reports in the
Reports pane.

Properties When a single job is selected Yes

The shortcut (right-click) menus for the History and Active tabs are illustrated

4 Working with the Job Toolbar

Figure 0-1. Active Tab Shortcut Menu Figure 0-2. History Tab Shortcut Menu

The section below outlines how to add a job. For additional information and
instructions, refer to Working with Jobs in Chapter 4 of the System User Manual.

 To start the Jobs wizard:

1. If not already done, select Jobs in the Select Workspace area.

The Jobs work space appears.

2. In the Jobs Table, click New Job .

The Jobs wizard appears.

Figure 0-3. Creating a Job - Wizard

The table below highlights the wizard steps and provides reference to additional
information and instructions.

Working with the Job Toolbar 5

Table 0-3. Work Flow of Creating a Job

Step Name Task

NE Selection Method Select the method that defines the nework elements (NEs).

Selection Define criteria to identify the relevant network elements according to

the selected method.

Select an Action Define the task to execute from a list. Only tasks that apply to all
selected network elements can be selected. All others appar listed,
but are grayed out.

Validate an Action Appears only if a conflict occurs, for example one or more NEs do not
support the selected action.

<Job>: Job Parameters Define the parameters for the tasks

Validate the Job Appears only if a conflict occurs, for example one or more NEs
Parameters support the job, but not the selected job parameters.

Schedule Define whether to execute the job now, at a later stage or frequently
according to defined intervals

1.4 Creating Jobs

You create jobs by following a wizard. You can start the process of creating a job
as follows:
• With prior selection of NEs - To go fast, select one or more NEs and/or
groups by right-clicking them and then define the job starting the wizard with
defining the task (Step ).
• Without prior selection of NEs - To build a complex job library, start the
wizard without prior selecting the desired NE(s). The wizard starts with
selecting the desired NEs (Step ). For additional information, refer to
Selecting NEs.

 To start creating a job for pre-selected NEs/levels/user groups:

1. In the work space selection area, click Jobs .

2. In the Navigation Pane, select NEs using one of the following options:

 One NE by right-clicking it in the Network Element Repository

 Specific NEs in the NER by right-clicking each NE separately
 All NEs on a specific level and the associated sublevels by right-clicking
the level
 All NEs belonging to a specific user group by right-clicking the relevant
group in the Groups tree.

6 Creating Jobs
3. Select New Job .

The Job wizard opens to Select Action (Step ). For additional

information, refer to Selecting Tasks.

 To start creating a job without prior selection of a level/NE/group:

1. In the Jobs Table Active tab, right-click and then select New Job from the
shortcut menu.

The job wizard opens to NE Selection Method (Step ).

2. Choose the method of selecting NEs. You have the following options:
 Selecting NEs directly
 Selecting the NEs that belong to one or more specified user groups
 Selecting NEs according that match pre-defined criteria
 Selecting NEs according that have been assigned to selected customers
as resources.

You are now able to select the NEs according to your choice (Step )
3. Select NE(s) according to the desired method (refer to Table 0-4).

The Job wizard opens to Select Action (Step ). For additional

information, refer to Selecting Tasks.
For detailed information on selecting NEs according to various criteria and
continuing defining the job, refer to the sections below.

 To continue creating the wizard:

1. Select the task (refer to Selecting Tasks)
2. Validate the task (refer to Validating Tasks)
3. Select job parameters (refer to Setting Job Parameters )
4. Validate the parameters (refer to Completing Adding the Job)
5. Schedule the task (refer to Scheduling Jobs).

Selecting NEs
This section explains how to select the NEs that apply to the desired job.

Note The examples of the dialogs below are provided for Windows 7, but apply to
Windows 2008 Server and Unix as well.

 To start the wizard and specify the Job Selection method:

1. In the Jobs table, click New Job or start the wizard without prior selection
of NEs as explained above.
The Create New Job wizard appears with the NE Selection Method dialog
box (Step ).

Creating Jobs 7
2. Select the NE Selection Method and then click <Next>.
The Selection dialog box relevant to the selected method appears
(Step ).
3. Select the desired NEs according to one of the methods listed and explained
in Table 0-4
 To discard the selection you made and choose different NEs or a
different selection method, click <Back> and repeat this procedure.

Table 0-4. Selecting NEs

Method Instructions

Explicit • To select NE(s), check the desired NE or

the entire level . The selected NEs
appear under Selected.
If all NEs of a level are selected, the
level appears as . If only some NEs
are selected, it appears as .
• To locate a selected NE in the tree,
right-click the NE under Selected and
select <Locate> from the shortcut

NE Group • Select a group associated with the

desired NEs from the Groups tree.
Note: Any update of the group’s content is
reflected in the selected NEs. The group
content is verified when executing the job.

By Criteria 1. Under Criterion, select the desired

criteria, for example IP Address (same
as for dynamic groups).
2. Select And or Or to specify whether to
apply the logical and or the logical or .
3. Under Condition, select the desired
condition, for example Starts With for
the starting IP address.
4. Click <Add> to add your selection to the
list of criteria.
5. To remove a criterion, select the
criterion in the list and click <Remove>.

8 Creating Jobs
Method Instructions

By Customer • To select NEs associated with (a)

specific customer(s) from the tree,
select Explicitely and check the
desired customer(s).
• To select NEs associated with all
customers of a specific ranking (such as
Gold, Silver etc), select By Customer
Ranking and then check the desired
ranking on the list.

4. After selecting the desired NEs, click <Next> to start selecting the job itself.

A list of jobs appears (Step ) as illustrated in Figure 0-4.

5. Refer to Selecting Tasks for further information and instructions.

Selecting Tasks
In Step , you select the tasks. Tasks are usually referred to as ‘actions’ in the
user interface and the wizard. For some tasks, you may have to select additional
options at this step.

 To select a task:

1. In Step (Figure 0-4), under Select an Action, select the desired task.
For some tasks, additional settings appear from which you have to
choose the ones required for the task.
2. Refer to Table 0-5 for additional information and instructions on these
additional settings.
3. To continue, click <Next>.

The wizard moves to Step .

Note • In case of Upload Software or Upload Software to Backup, all NEs must be of
the same type. If NEs were selected by selecting a dynamic group or via
criteria, there must be only one criterion for a single NE type and the
condition must be set to Equals.
• Step is skipped unless at least one selected NE does not support the
selected task or you are not authorized to perform this task on them. For
additional information on Step , refer to Validating Tasks.

Creating Jobs 9
Figure 0-4. Job Wizard – List of Tasks (For a Group of NEs)

10 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-5. Job Wizard –Upload Configuration Selected (For a Group of NEs)

Creating Jobs 11
Figure 0-6. Job Wizard – Task List (For LA-210)

Table 0-5. Selecting Tasks – Additional Options

Parameters Available Settings Remarks

Allow only actions • Checked. Tasks that are unsupported by at least one If you selected a
supported by all of the selected NEs are listed, but grayed out and dynamic user group, this
selected NEs unavailable for selection. option does not appear
• Cleared. Tasks that are unsupported by at least one of and all the listed tasks
the selected NEs are listed and selectable. When can be selected.
moving on, the system returns a list of NEs that do
not support the task (step ). For further
information, refer to Validating Tasks

Select an Action Listed tasks according to the above-mentioned criteria

12 Creating Jobs
Parameters Available Settings Remarks

Activate congfig file • Checked. Acivates the configuration upon upload. Appears if Upload
upload • Cleared. Does not activate the configuration. Configuration is checked
as illustrated in
Default: Cleared
Figure 0-5

Install Software • Checked. Installs the software and resets the NE. Appears if Upload
• Cleared. Only uploads the software. Software is checked.

Default: Cleared
Note: Some NEs automatically reset after uploading
software, regardless of whether Install Software is
checked or not.

Reboot after Swap • Checked. Reboot the NE after swapping the main and Appears as selectable
backup software files. swap option when Swap
• Cleared. No reboot after swapping main and backup Main and Backup
software files. The swap takes effect only after Software is checked.
manually rebooting the NE.
Default: Cleared

Creating Jobs 13
Figure 0-7. Job Wizard – Select Upload License Action (For LA-210)

Validating Tasks
Step is a validation step that the system passes if the current user is not
authorized to perform the task on at least one NE or if at least one NE does not
support the task defined in Step as outlined below.

Authorization The user is not authorized to perform the action

for the NE

Activate operation is not The Activate config upload option was selected
supported but the operation is not supported by the NE

Operation is not supported The operation is not supported by the NE

14 Creating Jobs
NEs must be of the same The selected operation is Upload Software or
type Upload Software to Backup and the selected NEs
do not have the same NE Type

For an illustration on Step , refer to Figure 0-8.

 To correct the NE selection:

1. Click <Back> twice to return to Step and then modify the NE selection.

2. Repeat Step and Step .

If all NEs are supported and none of the conditions above apply, Step
is skipped and the wizard moves straight to Step .

Figure 0-8. Job Wizard – Action Validation (For a Group of NEs)

Creating Jobs 15
 To continue defining the task:

• Click <Next> to advance to Step (Setting Job Parameters).

The unsupported/unauthorized NE(s) is (are) not included in the

Setting Job Parameters

In Step , the parameters, the workflow and the content of the dialog box(es)
depend on the selected job, the selected NE(s) and the selected task.

 To set Job parameters:

1. In Step , edit the name for the task if desired and add a description in the
optional Description field.
By default, the Description field is empty and the name is comprised of the
task name from the ‘Select an Action’ list and the following, dpending on the
number of NEs and whether they are of the same type:
 1-2 NEs: <Task name><Name of NE>, <Name of NE>, for example
Execute Script –,
 3 or more NEs of different types: <Task name> - <#> NEs, for example
Execute Script – 3 NEs
 3 or more NEs of the same type: <Task name> - <NE type>, for example
Execute Script – LA-210
2. Select the various parameters according to the task you select. These tasks
are explained and illustrated in the sections outlined below.

Note If the job action is Generate Statistics Report, the dialog box Report Parameters
appears before Completing Adding the Job or Scheduling Jobs. For additional
information, refer to Chapter 5.

16 Creating Jobs
The sections below explain selecting and setting task parameters for the every
job. Follow the respective link to get to the desired job.
• Collect Statistics
• Download Auxiliary File
• Download Configuration
• Download Log
• Download Software
• Download Software from Backup
• Download User File
• Execute Script
• Execute SNMP Script
• Generate Data Report
• Install Software
• Reboot
• Save Configuration
• Swap Main and Backup Software
• Upload Configuration
• Upload License
• Upload Software
• Upload Software to Backup
• Upload User File

Collect Statistics
For this task, Step defines how long to store the statistic data in the NMS
database. The default is 90 days. For scheduling options, refer to Scheduling

Note Verify that your hard drive has sufficient space to store the statistics data.

Creating Jobs 17
Figure 0-9. Collect Statistics

Download Auxiliary File

In step , you choose to download the MAC table or any other specified file
from the NE(s) to to a specified location on your work station as illustrated
below. The File Name within NE list box displays mac-table as the only available
You specify the download location on your work station beforehand using the
TFTP or SFTP server you installed.

18 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-10. Download Auxiliary File

Download Configuration
In step , you choose to download the configuration to a specified location on
your work station.
You specify the download location on your work station beforehand using the
TFTP or SFTP server you installed.
Depending on the NE, you can download up to four different configuration files
that you can select under Source File Name within NE.

Table 0-6. Download Configuration

Source File Name within NE Remarks

startup-config Configuration file that resembles the state at the start of the device

user-default Default configuration for a specific user

Creating Jobs 19
Source File Name within NE Remarks

rollback-config Configuration to fall back to if the current configuration is deleted

factory-default The state at which the device leaves the factory

• If some of the selected NEs do not support several configuration files, the
value selected in Source file name within NE is valid only for the NEs
supporting multiple configuration files.
• For the NEs that support a single configuration file, the configuration file that
resides in the NE is downloaded.
• If none of the selected NEs supports file name within NE, or a dynamic group
was not selected for the job, the parameter does not appear.

Figure 0-11. Download Configuration

20 Creating Jobs
Download Log
In step , you choose to download the log file according to the label under
Source File Name within NE to a specified location on your work station.
You specify the download location on your work station beforehand using the
TFTP or SFTP server you installed. The example below is set to download the
alarm history.

Figure 0-12. Download Log

Download Software
In step , you choose to download the software file to a specified location on
your work station.
You specify the download location on your work station beforehand using the
TFTP or SFTP server you installed.

Creating Jobs 21
The Source File within NE list box shows, if multiple software versions reside on
the relevant NE from which you select the desired one.

Note • If the parameter Source File Name within NE does not appear, the active
software is downloaded.
• If the Main software file is downloaded, the version attribute in the
configuration archive is obtained from the MIB parameter sysDescr.

Figure 0-13. Download Software

Download Software from Backup

In step , you choose to download the software file from the backup to a
specified location on your work station. You specify the download location on
your work station beforehand using the TFTP or SFTP server you installed.
The Source File within NE list box shows, if multiple software versions reside in
the backup of the relevant NE from which you select the desired one.

22 Creating Jobs
Download User File
In step , you choose to download the user MAC address table to a specified
location on your work station. You specify the download location on your work
station beforehand using the TFTP or SFTP server you installed.
Under Source File within NE, the user file name (for example user.dat) is

Figure 0-14. Download User File

Execute Script
In step , you choose to execute scripts entered via the following three ways to
one or several NEs:
• Selecting built-in and pre-define scripts
• Importing scripts that are saved as text files (*.txt)
• Manually entering CLI commands.

Creating Jobs 23
The latter two options allow for running CLI command that are not supported by
a job, for example uploading a license file to a device that does not support the
Upload License job.
For more information on CLI commands, refer to the user manual associated with
the desired device.

Note Menu driven devices do not support the Execute Script job.

 To select a pre-defined script:

1. Under Select pre-defined script, select one of the readily available scripts
listed below and then click <Append>.
The generic CLI syntax of the selected script appears under Enter script to
execute, which can be modified to apply to your needs.

Alarm Sync SNMP V1 Synchronize alarms with SNMPv1

Alarm Sync SNMP V3 Synchronize alarms with SNMPv3

Configuration Change Forwards traps of configuration

Notification changes in NEs to the RADview-EMS

Date Set the sytem time and date

ETX-203AM Prepare for Service Creates and configures a a new Q-

Config Group for the NET ports of EX-203AM

ETX-2x Prepare for Service Creates and configures a a new Q-

Config Group for the NET ports of EX-203AX,
ETX-205A and ETX-220A units

RADIUS Initial configuration of RADIUS

Save Configuration Save configuration

SNTP Server Initial configuration of SNTP

Syslog Initial configuration of Syslog

TACACS+ Initial configuration of TACACS+

2. If required, edit the syntax to enter correct parameters (for example keys or
number of retries under TACAS+). These changes are preserved and take
effect for all selected NEs that support the respective feature when
completing the wizard.

 To view the syntax and a short explanation of the script:

• Next to Select Pre-defined Script, click .

A short explanation and the generic syntax appear as illustrated in
Figure 0-15 for ETX-203AM Prepare for Service Config.

24 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-15. Script Preview for ‘ETX-203AM Prepare for Service Config’

 To import a script:
1. Click <Browse>.
The Select File dialog box appears.
2. Navigate to the desired file and then click <OK>.
The entire content of the text file appears under Select pre-defined script
and the Select File dialog box closes.

 To enter CLI scripts manually:

• Enter the desired CLI command or string of CLI commands into the Select pre-
defined script field.
The <Next> button becomes available and you can continue the wizard.
The syntax is preserved for this particular job once you complete the

 To verify the execution of CLI commands:

1. In the Execute Script: Job Parameters dialog box (Step ), click <Advanced>.
The Advanced Job Parameters dialog box becomes available as illustrated
under Setting Advanced Job Parameters.
2. In the Advanced Job Parameters dialog box, select Log all job tasks.
3. Once you completed the wizard, in the Jobs Report, click <More details> to
view the result of the script execution.

Creating Jobs 25
Figure 0-16. Execute Script

Execute SNMP Script

In step , you choose to execute the scripts listed below for MP-2100/2104.
For instructions on verifying the execution of the commands, refer to Execute

Set Net Date and Time for MP- Synchronize the time and the date of
2100/2104 all selected MP-2100/2104 with the
network’s time and date.

Clear Net Alarms for MP-2100/2104 Clearing all current alarms for all
selected MP-2100/2104 devices.

26 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-17. Execute SNMP Script

Generate Data Report

In step , you choose to generate data reports for RV-SC/TDM devices. This job
is not applicable for this version of RADview-EMS. For additional information,
refer to the current RV-SC/TDM user manual (Version 5.20 and up) and the
associated RADview-EMS System manual that supports the RV-SC/TDM PC client.

Generate Statistics Report

In step , you choose to generate statistic reports. Setting the parameters for
this job is explained under Generating SLA Reports in Chater 5.

Note This job uses two wizard steps (step and ) to assign the job parameters.

Creating Jobs 27
Install Software
In step , you choose to install software that has already been uploaded to the
NE and stored there.
If the selected NE(s) support(s) multiple software files, you can activate a specific
software pack listed under Target File Name within NE.

Note Installing a previous software version may not be compatible with the device and
cause it to fail operating properly. Therefore, you have to verify that the desired
software version is compatible with your current hardware.

Figure 0-18. Install Software

In step , you choose to restart all the selected NE(s).

28 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-19. Reboot

Save Configuration
In step , you choose to save the current configuration.
If your NE supports it, you can copy running-config to startup-config in the NE in
order to save its current configuration.

Creating Jobs 29
Figure 0-20. Save Configuration

Swap Main and Backup Software

In step , you choose to swap main and backup software files in the NE.

30 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-21. Swap Main and Backup Software

Upload Configuration
In step , you choose to upload the configuration to a single or to multiple NEs.
In addition, you can upload the configuration from the archive or from the local
file system.

 To upload a configuration from the archive to a single NE:

Note These instructions apply if you selected a single NE.

1. Under Load From:, select Archive.

Configuration files appear listed in the Archive list.
2. Select the desired configuration file from the Archive list as illustrated in
Figure 0-22.
3. Select the target option under Target file within NE.

Creating Jobs 31
Figure 0-22. Upload Configuration - From Archive to Single NE

32 Creating Jobs
 To upload a configuration from the archive to multiple NEs:

Note These instructions apply if you selected multiple NEs.

1. Under Load From:, select Archive.

A list of available configuration file groups appears in the Archive list.
2. Select the desired configuration file group as illustrated in Figure 0-23. The
following configuration file types are available:

Last-startup The last startup configuration file that was archived by a

download job. If such was not found, nothing is uploaded.
For NEs that do not support the startup configuration file,
the latest configuration file saved in the configuration
archive is loaded.

Last running Use last running configuration file that was archived by a
download job. If such was not found, nothing is uploaded.
For NEs that do not support running configuration file, the
latest configuration file saved in the configuration archive is

Baseline Use last file marked as baseline.

By Date Use file with the specified date. If such was not found, the
file with the closest earlier date is loaded. If the job action is
Upload Configuration, then for NEs that support running and
startup configuration files, if both running and startup files
have the same date, the file with the latest time is loaded.

3. Select the desired option from the list.

Note If the selected task is Upload User File, By Date is the only available upload

Creating Jobs 33
Figure 0-23. Upload Configuration - From Archive to Multiple NEs

 To upload a configuration from the local file system to a single NE:

Note These instructions apply if you selected a single NE.

1. Under Load From:, select Local File System.

The Single File option is selected and the Multiple Files option is

34 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-24. Upload Configuration File from Local File System to Single NE

2. Click <Browse>.
The Select Path dialog box appears.
3. Navigate to the desired file and click <OK>.
4. Under Target File Name within NE, select the target file name and type.

 To upload a configuration file from the local files system to multiple NEs:

Note These instructions apply if you selected multiple NEs of the same type
specifically, for example multiple LA-210 devices.

1. Under Load From:, select Local File System.

The Multiple Files option is selected and the Single File option is

Creating Jobs 35
Figure 0-25. Upload Configuration - From Local File System to Multiple NEs

2. Click <Browse>.
The Select Path dialog box appears.

36 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-26. Select Path Dialog Box – Multiple Configuration Files

3. Navigate to the location of the startup config file.

4. Check Match Prefix and Match Suffix and enter startup and config for the
prefix and the suffix respectively and then click <OK>.
Under Multiple Files, the location of the startup config file, the prefix and
suffix are displayed.

Note The files are not displayed and the white field in the Select Path dialog box
remains empty.

Creating Jobs 37
Figure 0-27. Upload Configuration - From Local File System to Multiple NEs, Path Specified

The configuration file names are composed as follows:

<Prefix><NE Name>.<Suffix>.
This translates into something like the examples below under the assumption
that you selected three LA-210 units to upload the startup configuration to each
of them:

38 Creating Jobs
Notes • If a file is not found for a particular NE, nothing is uploaded to it.
• For all Upload Configuration options, if at least one of the selected NEs
supports the target file name within NE or a dynamic group was selected for
the job, the Target file name within NE parameter is displayed in the dialog
box, with only the startup-config option available.
• In the case of Upload User file, the Target file name within NE parameter is
displayed in the dialog box as a text box that you can fill in.

Upload License
In step , you choose to upload a license file to a single or to multiple NEs. In
addition, you can upload the configuration from the archive or from the local file

Note The Upload License job is currently supported by LA-210 units only.

 To upload a license file from the local file system to a single NE:

Note These instructions apply if you selected a single NE.

1. Under Load From:, select Local File System.

The Single File option is selected and the Multiple Files option is

Creating Jobs 39
Figure 0-28. Upload License File from Local File System to Single NE

5. Click <Browse>.
The Select Path dialog box appears.
6. Navigate to the desired file and click <OK>.

40 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-29. Upload License File from Local File System to Single NE – License File Selected

The license file names must include the MAC address of the device to which
the respective file is going to be uploaded. They are composed as follows:
LIC_<MAC address of the relevant LA-210 unit>.txt
If the MAC address is for example 00-20-D2-2A-60-37, the associated license
file name is LIC_0020D22A6037.txt

Note To identify the MAC address of the relevant device, open its shelf view and then
go to System Info or Device Info as explained in the respective RADview-EMS
agent manual.

Creating Jobs 41
 To upload a license file from the local file system to multiple NEs:

Note License files are dedicated to specific devices and are identified by the MAC
address of the respective device as part of their file names. The file names are
composed as explained above.

1. Verify that all license files are stored in the same folder and match the
number and MAC addresses of the LA-210 you selected.
2. Under Load From:, select Local File System.
The Multiple Files option is selected and the Single File option is

Figure 0-30. Upload License Files - From Local File System to Multiple NEs

3. Click <Browse>.
The Select Path dialog box appears.

42 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-31. Select Path Dialog Box – Multiple License Files

4. Navigate to the location of the startup config file.

5. Check Match Prefix and Match Suffix and enter LIC and txt for the prefix and
the suffix respectively and then click <OK>.
Under Multiple Files, the location of the license files, the prefix and suffix
are displayed.

Note The files are not displayed and the white field in the Select Path dialog box
remains empty.

Creating Jobs 43
Figure 0-32. Upload Licenses - From Local File System to Multiple NEs, Path Specified

 To upload license files from the archive:

Note You can upload single and multiple license files from the archive.

1. Under Load From:, select Archive.

A list of available license file groups appears in the Archive list as
illustrated in Figure 0-33.

44 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-33. Upload Multiple License Files via Archive – Selecting the File Option

2. Select the desired license file group. The following license file options are

Last License Upload the previously active license as illustrated in

Figure 0-34.

By Date Upload a license issued on the specified date. When

selecting this option, a field is displayed fromvwhere you can
select the date as illustrated in Figure 0-35

If you select By Date and the file issued at the specified date is not found, the
file issued at the nearest date is uploaded instead.

Creating Jobs 45
Figure 0-34. Upload Multiple Licenses License – Last License

46 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-35. Upload Multiple Licenses License - By Date

Upload Software
In step , you choose to upload a software version to a single NE or to multiple

 To upload software files to one or more NEs:

Note If you select multiple NEs, all NEs must be of the same type, for example

• Select the desired software version from the Software Version list as
illustrated in Figure 0-36 and Figure 0-37.

Creating Jobs 47
Note • If the desired software version does not appear, it is not listed in the
RADview-EMS Software File Management Table and must first be imported. For
instructions on importing the software version, refer to the instructions on
importing a software version below.
• If you upload the software file to multiple NEs and the NEs support multiple
software files, the dropdown list Target file name within NE appears, enabling
you to specify the SW pack as which you want to upload the software file.
• For NEs that support multiple software files, in order to activate the SW pack
you have to create a task to install software. For additional information, refer
to Install Software.
• If multiple software files are not supported by an NE, the software file is
uploaded to the main software

Figure 0-36. Upload Software - To Explicitly Selected NE(s)

48 Creating Jobs
Figure 0-37. Upload Software - To NEs Selected By Criteria

 To import a software version:

1. Click <Import>.
The Import SW dialog box appears.

Creating Jobs 49
Figure 0-38. Upload Software – Import SW Version

2. Click <Browse> to navigate to the location and the desired software file.
3. Under SW Version, enter the software version, for example 4.3.
4. Under Comments, add a comment if desired.
7. Click <OK>.
The software is imported and appears listed. It also appears in the
RADview-EMS Software File Management Table.

Upload Software to Backup

In step , you choose to upload a software version associated with a single NE
or multiple NEs to the backup location of one NE or multiple NEs of the same
To upload a software file to the backup, follow the instructions and refer to
information provided for the Upload Software job in the section above.

Upload User File

In step , you choose to upload any file to the selected NEs.

Setting Advanced Job Parameters

Before you continue to the next step in the wizard, you can select and specify
notification and logging options for the job you are creating.

 To set advanced job parameters and complete this step of the wizard:

1. In the relevant Step dialog, click <Advanced>.

The Advanced Job Parameters dialog box appears.
2. Set the parameters as explained in Table 0-7 and then click <OK>.

50 Creating Jobs
3. Click <Next>.
You are moved to the next stop of the wizard.

Figure 0-39. Job Wizard – Advanced Job Parameters

Table 0-7. Advanced Job Parameters

Parameter Description

Send report to: When this is selected, a text box is available where you can enter one
or more email addresses, separated by semicolons (“;”), to which the
job report should be sent
By default, the text box contains the email address(es) entered in
previous job creations
If Send report to: is selected, you can select which type of report to
send – Summarized or Detailed (default), as well as to send email
only if job was unsuccessful

Creating Jobs 51
Parameter Description

Send report only if job fails When this is selected, job report is emailed only if job execution
completes with status not equal to OK
Note: Relevant only if Send report to: is selected

Maximum number of concurrent Specifies how many NE tasks (such as SNMP, xFTP, or Telnet session
NE Tasks for this job between NMS and an NE) can be opened for the specific job. For
Note: Does not appear for action example, if the job applies to 25 NEs, there are 25 NE tasks to
Generate Statistics Report. execute. If this parameter is set to 5, a maximum of five NE tasks can
be executed simultaneity. When one of the five NE tasks finishes, the
next task starts, and so on.
This parameter should be set to equal to or less than the value set in
the system console for the number of concurrent sessions allowed in
the entire system.
Values: 1–200 (default 100)

Report Logging Specifies logging options:

• Do not log job tasks – Do not log any tasks
• Log job tasks only if errors occur – Log tasks if errors occur
• Log all job tasks – Log all tasks (this option is useful for action
Execute Script to see why job completed but script failed).
You can view logged task details in the job report (Log Details
column) after the job completes execution.

Security Domain A dropdown list is provided for domain name. By default it is

empty.You can add a domain name during job creation or when
editing a job, to control access to the job (the domain must be
defined in the user security profile with relevant permissions). When
security domain is set for a job, some users may not be able to
access the job.

Set as default If selected, all future new jobs have the security domain of the
current job. Clear this option to cancel setting the security domain
for new jobs.

Clear Click to delete the list of previously defined security domain names
from the dropdown list (this applies to all jobs). This is useful if the
autocompletion feature prevents you from entering the desired
domain name.

Configuration Error Policy Determines the device behavior if an error occurs while NE is loading
Note: Appears only for action configuration file:
Configuration Upload for RAD-OS • Ignore errors and continue loading the file
devices. • Stop loading the configuration file if an error occurs
• Reject the file, reboot, and load the next configuration file in the
following sequence: startup, rollback, user default, or factory

52 Creating Jobs
Completing Adding the Job
Once you configured the job parameters, you are asked to schedule the job. In
case that one or more NEs do not support task parameters you set, you are
notified and asked to validate the job parameters.

 To complete adding the job:

1. When the job parameters are set, click <Next>.

You are moved to step or , depending on whether job parameters

are supported by all NEs.

Step lists the NEs that do not support at least one parameter you set as
explained under Validating Job Parameters.

The scheduling options in step vary with the selected job. Refer to
Scheduling Jobs to locate the parameters and complete setting up the task.

Note The Generate Statistics Report job uses two wizard steps to set parameters,
therefore the validation of job parameters and scheduling are performed in steps
and respectively. For additional information on the Generate Statistics
Report job, refer to Generate SLA Reports in Chapter 5.

Validating Job Parameters

Step appears for example as a result of the following:
• If the selected task is Upload Configuration or Upload User File to multiple
NEs, and there are NEs for which no file was found.
• If the selected task is Download Configuration with a configuration type that
is not supported by all the NEs.
• The dialog box displays a list of NEs for which the job actions cannot be

Creating Jobs 53
Figure 0-40. Job Wizard – Job Parameter Validation

 To correct the problem:

• Click <Back> twice to go back to the selection step and remove the NEs for
which the job cannot be executed.

 To complete defining the task:

• Click <Next> to advance to step .

Job scheduling options appear in step as illustrated below. For further

information, refer to Scheduling Jobs.

54 Creating Jobs
Note • Unsupported/unauthorized NEs for the selected job and its parameters are not
included in the selection.
• The Job Scheduling dialog varies with available scheduling options, which
depend on the respective job. For additional information, refer to the next
• f a group from the private group tree was selected for the job, only the option
Now appears
• The option Recurring appears only for the job actions Download Configuration,
Download Software, Download User File, Collect Statistics, and Generate
Statistics Report
• For job action Collect Statistics, only the option Recurring appears.
• For job action Generate Statistics Report, only the options Now and Once
appear if the report period is not the previous month; only the option
Recurring appears if the report period is the previous month
• For job action Generate Data Report, only the options Now and Once appear.

Scheduling Jobs
Depending on the specific task, up to three scheduling options are available:
• Running the job now
• Running the job once at a scheduled time.
• Running the job periodically according to a specified recurrence pattern.

 To run the job now:

• Select Now and click <Finish>.
The job starts running.

 To run the job once at a scheduled time:

1. Select Once.
Scheduling options become available.

Figure 0-41. Job Scheduling – Date & Time

2. Enter the desired time and date and click <Finish>.

The job runs at the scheduled date and time.

Note Make sure that all selected NEs are connected and online at the time when the
task is scheduled to be executed.

 To run the job periodically:

1. Select Recurring.
Scheduling options to specify a recurrence pattern become available.

Creating Jobs 55
Figure 0-42. Job Scheduling – Time Frequency for Collect Statistics and Generate Data Report

Figure 0-43. Job Scheduling – Recurring Pattern for all other Jobs

2. Define the recurrence pattern as outlined below.

 Every. In case of Collect Statistics and Generate Data Report, the
following options are available: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour,
1.5 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours, 7 hours, 8 hours,
9 hours, 10 hours, 11 hours, 12 hours. The default is 15 minutes
 Recurrence Pattern. If the task is not Collect Statistics or Generate Data
Report, define the recurrence pattern as outlined in Table 0-8.
3. Define the period of time during which the task recurs as outlined in
Table 0-9.

56 Creating Jobs
4. Click <Finish> to complete creating the task (job).
The job to the Active tab of the Jobs Table.

Table 0-8. Scheduling the Recurrence Pattern

Pattern Description Pattern Options

Daily The job can be executed every

Note: This does <x> days (default is 1)
not appear for
job action
Statistics Report.

Weekly The job can be executed every

Note: This does <x> weeks (default is 1), on
not appear for days that you select (default is
job action Monday).
Statistics Report.

Monthly You can select either of the

following options:
• The job can be executed on
a particular day of the
month (default is 1), every
<x> months (default is 1).
If you enter 31 as the day,
the job is executed on the
first day of the next month
for months that have less
than 31 days
• The job can be executed on
a selected occurrence
(default is First) of a day
(default is Monday), every
<x> months (default is 1).

Yearly You can select either of the

Note: This does following options:
not appear for • The job can be executed on
job action a particular day (default is
Generate 1) of a particular month
Statistics Report. (default is January)
• The job can be executed on
a selected occurrence
(default is First) of a day
(default is Monday) in a
particular month (default is

Creating Jobs 57
Table 0-9. Scheduling the Range of Recurrence

Parameter Description

Start Specifies the date when the job starts running, according to the recurrence
pattern. A combo-box is available where you can select the date, and a text
box is available where you can enter the time.

Select one of the following:

No end date The job runs periodically forever

End after A text box is available where you can enter the number of recurrences
Default: 10

End by (default) A combo-box is available where you can select the date until when the job
Default: one year later

<Recurence Options>

If a recurring job session is executing, and the next job session is about to
start, the default behavior is to skip the next session.
To stop the current session instead, select Stop current session in the
Recurrence Options dialog box.

1.5 Editing Jobs

You can edit jobs that are not running.

 To edit a job:

• Select the job, then click Edit Job on the toolbar or right-click and select
Edit Job .

The job wizard opens at step . You can edit the job attributes as
desired, except for the job action, which cannot be changed.

58 Editing Jobs
1.6 Copying Jobs
You can create a new job with the same parameters as an existing job, except the
copied job has a new job ID.

 To copy a job:

• Select the job, then click Copy Job on the toolbar or right-click and select
Copy Job .

The job wizard opens at step . For additional information, refer to

Selecting NEs.

1.7 Viewing and Configuring Job Properties and

You can display general job properties and configure job security.

 To display general job properties:

• Select the job, then click Properties on the toolbar or right-click and
select Properties .
The Properties dialog box appears, displaying the General tab parameters,
which reflects the task you select and the schedule as explained under
Setting Job Parameters.

Viewing and Configuring Job Properties and Security 59

Figure 0-44. Job Properties

 To configure the job security:

• In the Job Properties dialog box, click the Security tab.
The Security tab parameters appear. Configure them according to the
following table.

Table 0-10. Job Security Parameters

Parameter Description

Job Owner Each job has an owner, whose security profile is used for the job.
The default owner is the user that created the job. If you are viewing
properties for a job that you do not own, the job owner is displayed
as a dropdown list that contains the current owner of the job and
the current user. You can select your user name to become the job
owner if you have the relevant permission.

Security Domain A dropdown list is provided for domain name. By default it is empty,
therefore all users can obtain this job. If you wish to control the
access to the job, you can add a domain name (the domain must be
defined in the user security profile with relevant permissions).

60 Viewing and Configuring Job Properties and Security

Parameter Description

Set as default If selected, all future new jobs have the security domain of the
current job. Clear this option to cancel setting the security domain
for new jobs.

Clear Click to delete the list of previously defined security domain names
from the dropdown list (this applies to all jobs). This is useful if the
autocompletion feature prevents you from entering the desired
domain name.

Figure 0-45. Job Security

Viewing and Configuring Job Properties and Security 61

1.8 Running a Job
This operation is enabled only for a job with status Active, that is not currently

 To run a job:

• Select the job, then click Run Job on the toolbar or right-click it and select
Run Job .
The job runs immediately. The progress bar in the Status column is
updated accordingly.

62 Running a Job
Before you can create an E-line service, you have to set up a service catalog that
defines attributes that will be attached to the service. A service catalog consists
of classes of service (CoS) of different priorities attached to an Ethernet
bandwidth profile. The attributes of a catalog appear in the Navigation pane
illustrated below.

Figure 1-1. Catalog Work Space – Navigation Pane

The service catalogs are defined and/or edited using a wizard that consists of
three steps.

 To start defining a service catalog:

1. In the work space selection area, select Catalog.

The Catalog work space appears.
2. In the Catalog navigation pane. under Ethernet, select Service Catalog.
The Service Catalog list appears in the work space area.

3. In the Service Catalog list, click New .

The Service Catalog wizard appears.

Figure 1-2. Defining a Service Catalog – Wizard

Customizing the CoS Priorities List 1-1

The table below highlights the configuration steps and provides reference to
additional information and instructions.

Table 1-1. Work Flow of Adding a Service Catalog

Step Name Task

Common Parameters Assign a name and enter a description

Ethernet Parameters Enter Ethernet parameters that address shaping, bandwidth and class of

OAM Parameters Specify the Maintenance Domain (MD) level, enable Performance
Monioring (PM) etc.

 To set up a service catalog:

1. Modify existing CoS priorities. You can modify the order and/or add additional
CoS priorities and/or delete existing ones.
2. Map CoS priorities to priority bits (CoS --> pBit).
3. Map CoS priorities to priority queues (CoS --> Queue)
4. Assign a bandwidth policy to the CoS priorities (Ethernet --> BW)
5. Define a service catalog using the previously defined CoS priorities and
bandwidth policies (Ethernet --> Service Catalog).

1.1 Customizing the CoS Priorities List

RADview-EMS has four CoS priorities built in. You can switch their priorities
around, add additional CoS priorities or remove the built-in priorities and compile
an entirely new list.

 To view the CoS Priorities list:

• In the Navigation pane, click CoS Priority.
The CoS Priority list appears.

Figure 1-3. List of QoS Priorities

 To modify the list of priorities:

1. Select any row in the QoS Priorities list and then select Edit .
The Edit CoS  CoS Priority dialog box appears.

1-2 Customizing the CoS Priorities List

Figure 1-4. Edit CoS  CoS Priority Dialog Box

 To add an additional CoS priority, click <Add> and assign a name and a
description to it.
 To remove a CoS priority, select the relevant row by clicking the square to
the left and then click <Delete>.
 To move the priority of a CoS priority up or down, click the <Up> and
<Down> buttons respectively.

Customizing the CoS Priorities List 1-3

Figure 1-5. Adding a CoS Priority – Example for Modifying the List

2. When done, click <Set>.

The CoS Priorities list is now modified.

Figure 1-6. CoS Priority Added

1-4 Customizing the CoS Priorities List

1.2 Mapping CoS Priorities to Priority Bits
Marking profiles map the CoS priorities to priority bits. The marking can also be
done per color (green and/or yellow), to support color re-marking, optionally
specifying the Drop Eligible Indicator (DEI) bit in the frame header.
This section explains how to map the CoS priorities to priority bits and create a
CoS priority profile (Marking profile).

 To map CoS priorities to priority bits and create a CoS priority profile:
1. In the Navigation pane (Figure 1-1), select CoS to pBit.
The CoS CoS to pBit list appears.

Figure 1-7. Adding a CoS Priority Profile (Marking Profile) – Example for Modifying the List

2. To add a new CoS to pBit profile (Marking Profile), click New .

The New CoS  CoS to pBit dialog box appears (Figure 1-8).
3. Assign a name and issue a description and check Network Default.
4. Select the color marking type for all pBits and CoS priorities and then refer to
Table 1-2 for additional information.

Mapping CoS Priorities to Priority Bits 1-5

5. Click <Set>.
The CoS Priority profile is set (Figure 1-9)

Figure 1-8. New CoS  CoS to pBit Dialog Box

1-6 Mapping CoS Priorities to Priority Bits

Figure 1-9. New CoS  CoS to pBit Dialog Box – pBit Color Marking

Table 1-2. New CoS  CoS to pBit – pBit Color Marking for the CoS Priorities

Color Marking Type Values Description

No Color Marking pBit 0..7 No color marking

DEI Color Aware pBit 0..7 Using the Drop Eligible Indicator bit

pBit Color Marking pBit Green 0..7 pBit marking per color (green and/or yellow)
pBit Yellow 0..7

The number of CoS Priority profiles (marking profiles) supported depends on the
device in use. For example, ETX-203AX (Ver. 4.30) supports up to 12 marking

Mapping CoS Priorities to Priority Bits 1-7

Figure 1-10. pBit Color Marking Profile is Set

1.3 Mapping CoS Priorities to Priority Queues

In order to facilitate congestion management, you can sort traffic by applying
queue block profiles to queue block entities. A queue block profile contains
entries for queues 0–7, with the following scheduling methods:
• Strict – High-priority queues that are always serviced first. If a lower-priority
queue is being serviced and a packet enters a higher queue, that queue is
serviced immediately.
• WFQ (weighted fair queuing) – If one port does not transmit, its unused
bandwidth is shared by the ‘transmitting’ queues according to the assigned
In configurations with Strict and WFQ queues, the WFQ frames are transmitted
only after the transmission of frames associated with the Strict queues is
This section explains how to map the CoS priorities to priority queues and create
a block profile.

1-8 Mapping CoS Priorities to Priority Queues

 To map CoS priorities to priority queues:
1. In the Navigation pane (Figure 1-1), select CoS to Queue.
The CoS CoS to Queue list appears.

Figure 1-11. Adding a Block Profile

2. To add a new CoS to Queue profile (Block Profile), click New .

The New CoS  CoS to Queue dialog box appears.
3. Assign a name and issue a description.
4. Under Queue, click each row and select the desired scheduling method. The
following options are available:
 0-3, Strict
 4-7, WFQ
5. Click <Set>.
The profile is set and added to the CoS  CoS to Queue list.

Mapping CoS Priorities to Priority Queues 1-9

1.4 Assigning a Bandwidth Policy to the CoS
Now you have to configure the bandwidth policy for the CoS priorities (Traffic
Shaping) as explained below.

 To create a bandwidth policy:

1. In the Navigation pane, under Ethernet, select BW.
The Ethernet  BW list appears.

Figure 1-12. List of Bandwidth Profiles (Shaping Profiles)

2. Click New .
The New Ethernet  BW dialog box appears.

1-10 Assigning a Bandwidth Policy to the CoS Priorities

Figure 1-13. New Ethernet BW Profile Dialog Box

3. Specify a name and add a description to the new bandwidth profile.

4. Define the following:
 CIR. Defines the Committed Information Rate (CIR) for the current profile.
The CIR specifies a bandwidth with committed service guarantee (“green
bucket” rate).
 CBS. Defines the Committed Burst Size (CBS) for the current profile. The
CBS specifies the maximum guaranteed burst size (“green bucket” size).
 EIR. Defines the Excess Information Rate (EIR). The EIR specifies an extra
bandwidth with no service guarantee (“yellow bucket” rate).
 EBS. Defines the Excess Burst Size (EBS). The EBS specifies the extra burst
with no service guarantee (“yellow bucket” size).
5. Click <Set>.
The new bandwidth profile is set.

Assigning a Bandwidth Policy to the CoS Priorities 1-11

Figure 1-14. New Bandwidth Profile Set

1.5 Adding a Service Catalog

Now, all the attributes that are required for the service catalog are configured. To
define the service catalog, follow the instructions below.

 To add a service catalog:

1. In the Navigation pane, select Service Catalog.
The service catalog list appears.

1-12 Adding a Service Catalog

Figure 1-15. Catalog Work space – Service Catalog List

2. To add a new service catalog, click New .

The Add Service Catalog wizard appears.
3. Assign a name and add a description (optional).

Figure 1-16. Catalog Work space – Add Service Catalog (Name and Description added)

4. Click <Next>.
You are asked to add the Ethernet parameters illustrated below and
explained in Table 1-3.

Adding a Service Catalog 1-13

Figure 1-17. Catalog Work space – Add Service Catalog (Ethernet Parameters with Parameters set)

Table 1-3. Adding a Service Catalog Ethernet Parameters)

Parameter Values Description

VLAN Manipulations

Add Service VLAN Check to add a service VLAN

Action on Z End Point Pop Pop. Remove the service VLAN. The inner VLAN
Keep (Concentrator) becomes the service VLAN.
Keep. Keep the service VLAN.

Swap Outer VLAN on Z End Check to swap the outer VLAN and the inner
Point VLAN at the end point.

BW by Service Level

Set BW Compensation Type Data Rate

Line Rate

Set Shaping by Service Level Click <…> to select one of the bandwidth profiles
A-Z Shaping (shaping profiles) you just configured for the
service level in A-Z direction.

1-14 Adding a Service Catalog

Parameter Values Description

Set Shaping by Service Level Click <…> to select one of the bandwidth profiles
Z-A Shaping (shaping profiles) you just configured for the
service level in Z-A direction.
Note: BW by Service Level must be defined for
both directions.

Add EVC.CoS(s)

<Add…> Click to add a class of service that have been

mapped to the priority bits and priority queue as
explained previously.
To add the EVC.CoS, refer to the section below
for further information and instructions.

 To add a class of service and continue configuring the service catalog:

1. In Step 2 of the Add Service Catalog wizard (Figure 1-17), under EVC.CoS(s),
click <Add…>.
The Add EVC.CoS dialog box appears.

Figure 1-18. Catalog Work space – Add Service Catalog (Ethernet Parameters, Adding EVC.CoS)

Adding a Service Catalog 1-15

Table 1-4. Adding a Class of Service (EVC.CoS)

Parameter Values Description

CoS Platinum The values listed reflect the defaults and the CoS
Gold called Test added for this example. Additional
Silver CoS entries may have been added by users.
Best Effort

PM SLA Add a performance monitoring policy

Note: Required if you wish to collect data in the
RADview Performance Portal

BW by CoS

Set Shaping by Service Level Click <…> to select one of the bandwidth profiles
A-Z Shaping (shaping profiles) you just configured for the
service level in A-Z direction.

Set Shaping by Service Level Click <…> to select one of the bandwidth profiles
Z-A Shaping (shaping profiles) you just configured for the
service level in Z-A direction.
Note: BW by CoS must be defined for both

A-Z Classification Rules VLAN Click <Add> to add a classification rule.

pbit To specify DSCPs, VLANs and pBits, click .
VLAN & pBit

2. Add and configure the parameters as illustrated above and explained in

Table 1-3 and then click <OK>.
You are returned to Step 2 of the Add Service Catalog wizard
(Figure 1-17).
3. Click <Next>.
You are asked to configure OAM parameters.
4. Configure the OAM parameters as illustrated below and then click <Next>.
The service catalog is added.

1-16 Adding a Service Catalog

Figure 1-19. Catalog Work space – Add Service Catalog (OAM Parameters)

Table 1-5. Adding Service Catalog (OAM Parameters)

Parameter Values Description

MD Level 0..7 The allowed range for the maintenance domain

level is 1 to 7.
Note: If pre-standard OAM is used, the only
allowed MD value is 3.

CCM 3.3 ms Check CCM and define the interval for continuity
10 ms check messages.
100 ms
10 s
1 min
10 min

AIS 1 sec Check AIS and select the intervav for the AIS
1 min interval.

Performance Collection Management

Enable PM Collection Check this option to enable data collection in the

PM Portal.

The parameters you selected are displayed at the bottom of the Service Catalog
dialog box (Figure 1-20). You can now proceed to add the service.

Adding a Service Catalog 1-17

 To edit an existing service catalog:

1. In the Service Catalog list, select the desired catalog entry and click Edit .
The Add Service Catalog wizard appears with the existing service catalog’s
2. Follow the instructions above as if you are entering a new catalog entry.

Figure 1-20. Selecting a Service Catalog for Editing

1-18 Adding a Service Catalog

RADview-EMS allows you to set up E-line services to specified customers between
interfaces of RAD devices and/or third-party devices or networks. These services
are based on a service catalog and a bandwidth profile. E-line services are
configured using a wizard that consists of four steps. Before adding a service,
you have to first prepare your infrastructure.

 To get ready to add a service:

1. If required, add and configure a cloud that resembles a third-party device or
network. For information and instructions, refer to Working with Clouds in
Chapter 3 of the System User Manual.
2. Add a link between two nodes. For information and instructions, refer to
Working with Links in Chapter 3 of the System User Manual.
3. Add a customer to whom you provide the service that you are about to
4. Add a service catalog on which the service will be based.
5. Add the desired service.

Notes • Creating and modifying services requires a separate license. If you try to work
with services without the proper license installed, you will receive an error
message. For additional information and instructions on installing the license,
refer to Installing Licenses in Chapter 2.
• Services are uni-directional. The beginning and end nodes are referred to as A
and Z respectively.
• Before adding a service, you have to create a new Q-group for the NET ports
of the devices involved on the CLI level using the Execute Script job.
• The following units currently support creating E-line services in RADview-EMS:
ETX 203AM, ETX 203AX, ETX 205A, ETX 220A.
• The examples below are provided for Windows 7, but apply to Windows 2008
Server and Unix as well.
• Using the CLI interface, devices that are part of a service should be configured
as follows: configure management snmp config-change-notification

 To start adding a service:

1. In the work space selection area, select Service.

The Services work space appears.

2. In the Services list, click New Service .

The New Service wizard appears.

Adding a Service 1-1

Figure 1-1. Defining a Service – Wizard

Table 1-1. Work Flow of Adding a Service

Step Name Task

General Parameters Assign a name and add a short description

End Points Start and end point of the service, defined by a previously
routed link.

Technology Service catalog, VLAN and OAM settings

Creation Choose to design, create or create + activate the service

The Service work space allows you to configure, edit and utilize E-line services
between nodes. These nodes can be on the same level or different levels. To
configure a new E-line service, do the following:

1.1 Adding a Service

This section explains how to add the service based on the service catalog you just

 To add the service:

1. In the Service work space, click New Service .

The Add Service wizard appears.

1-2 Adding a Service

Figure 1-2. Adding New Service – Step 1

2. Do the following:
 Assign a name to the service.
 Enter a description optional (optional).
 Assign an external ID.
3. Attach a service catalog to the new service. To do so, under Service Catalog,
click <…>.
The Select Service Catalog dialog box appears.

Figure 1-3. Add Service Catalog

4. Select the desired service catalog and then click <Select>.

Adding a Service 1-3

The selected service catalog is attached to the service.
5. Attach a customer to which you provide the service. To do so, under
Customer, click <…>.
The Select Customer dialog box appears.

Figure 1-4. Add Customer

6. Select the desired customer and then click <Select>.

The customer is added to the service and you are returned to the Add
Service wizard.
 If desired, view the service catalog parameters by clicking the catalog

symbol next to Service Catalog.

1-4 Adding a Service

Figure 1-5. Adding New Service – Step 1, Parameters Added

7. Click <Next>.
You are asked to define the end points of the new service.

Note Services are uni-directional, therefore you have to configure a start (end point A)
and a target (end point Z).

Adding a Service 1-5

Figure 1-6. Adding New Service – Step 2, Defining End Points

8. Under End Point A, next to NER Level, click <…>.

The Select End Point dialog box appears.
9. Navigate to the interface of the device that serves as the start of your
service. Use the interface with the topological link illustrated under Working
with Links in Chapter 3.
<Select> becomes available as illustrated in Figure 1-7.

1-6 Adding a Service

Figure 1-7. Selecting Device and Interface

10. Click <Select>.

The NER level, device name, slot and port are automatically entered in the
respective fields for End Point A.
11. Repeat this procedure for End Point B.
The end points are specified.
 To switch the direction of the service, click <Switch Between End Points>.

Adding a Service 1-7

Figure 1-8. Adding New Service – Step 2, End Points Defined

12. Click <Next> and specify VLAN and OAM parameters as illustrated below and
explained in Table 1-2.

1-8 Adding a Service

Figure 1-9. Adding New Service – Step 3, Specifying VLAN and OAM Settings

Table 1-2. Adding New Service – Step 3, Specifying VLAN and OAM Settings

Parameter Description

VLAN Settings

Service VLAN The service VLAN you may have selected for the service catalog
Note: Available for editing if a VLAN was selected in the catalog.

Swap Outer VLAN on Z End Point Specify the outer VLAN to swap with the inner VLAN at end point Z.
Note: Available for editing if Swap VLAN was selected in the catalog.


MA Name If OAM was defined in the catalog, assign a name to the

maintenance association.
Default: The same as service name

Adding a Service 1-9

Parameter Description

Destination MAC adress The MAC address of the selected interface on end point Z.
Note: Available for editing if OAM was defined in the catalog.

PM Collection Device Select the device that collects the data in the performance monitor
Note: Available for editing if OAM was defined in the catalog.

MEPs Define the maintenance end poins on end point A and end point Z.
To make the table cells eitible, double-click the respective table cell.
Note: Available for editing if OAM was defined in the catalog.

You are asked to select the creation mode.

13. Select from the following as desired:
 Design. Service designed, but not implemented.
 Design and Provision. Service designed and created for the relevant
agents, but not activated.
 Design, Provision and Activate. Service designed and activated.

Figure 1-10. Adding New Service – Step 4, Designing and Activating

The service is now added to the Service list.

1-10 Adding a Service

Figure 1-11. Adding New Service – Step 4, Selecting the Activation Mode

1.2 Editing a Service

Some parameters are available for editing while others are not. It depends on the
status (activation mode) of the respective service, which services can be edited.
Parameters unavailable for editing appear grayed out in the respective dialog

 To edit parameters of an existing service:

1. In the Service list, select the desired service for editing.

2. Click Edit Service .

The Edit Service wizard appears. The Edit Service wizard is identical to the
Add Service wizard and reflects the parameters of the selected service.
3. Follow the instructions provided for adding a service.

 To change the activation mode of a service:

1. Do one of the following:
 Select the desired service and select the respective option.

Editing a Service 1-11

 Right-click the desired service in the Services list and select the desired
option from the appearing shortcut menu.

Figure 1-12. Service Options – Service in Designed Mode

2. Select the desired service option and follow the onscreen instructions.

 To activate the service, select Activate Service .

 To create the service between the agents, select Provision Service .

 To deactivate the service and return the service to Deactivate and
Provision mode, select DeActivate Service.

1.3 Deleting a Service

If you intend to delete an active service, you can choose whether to delete the
service from the agents and keep it in Designed mode or to completely delete it.

 To delete an existing service:

1. Make sure that no traffic is using the relevant service,

2. Select the relevant service and choose Remove Service .

 If the server is activated, you are asked if you want to completely delete
the service or only delete it from the agents and switch it to Designed
 If the server is already in Designed mode, you are asked to confirm your
request to completely delete the service.

1.4 Viewing Service Properties

In the Service work spaces, you can find all resources that apply to a specific
service in the list, such as the following:
• Details - Displays VLAN settings, catalog entries selected for the service etc.
• Path - Displays the nodes and the topological link that associates them.
• OAM - Displays the OAM settings.
• PM - Displays an extract from the Performance Monitor relevant to the
selected service.

1-12 Viewing Service Properties

• Resources - Displays the node resources relevant to the selected service.
• Active Alarms - Displays the alarms relevant to the involved nodes and the

Viewing Service Properties 1-13

Business Entities
The Business Entities work space contains data for customers, such as the
customer ranking, customer contact information, and resources associated with
the customer.

1.1 Interface Components

You navigate to the Business Entities work space by clicking

Business Entities in the work space selection area.

The Business Entities work space is divided into panes that contain the following
• Business Entities – List of business entities (refer to Working with the
Business Entities Table)
• Details and Resources and Services – Displays the business details, the
resources associated to the business entity and services associated with that
business entity. Refer to Details, Resources and Services for additional
• Filters – Contains filters for changing the displayed data (refer to Filtering
Business Entities.

1.2 Working with the Business Entities Table

The Business Entities table can be customized as explained in Chapter 3. You can
customize columns and select which columns to show. By default, the following
columns are visible:
• Name
• Ranking
• Status
• Type
• Contact Name
• Contact Role
• Contact Phone1
• Contact Phone2
• Contact Email
• Creation Date
• Comments

Working with the Business Entities Table 1

• Creation Date
• Comments.

Figure 0-1. Business Entities

1.3 Details, Resources and Services

If you select a business entity in the top pane, you can view and modify details,
resources and services associated with that business entity as follows:
• Details. The Details table displays all the parameters you entered when
adding this business entity. For additional information on these parameters,
refer to Adding Business Entities.
• Resources. Displays resources (devices or single interfaces) that are
associated with the selected business entity.
• Services. Displays services associated with this business entity.

Figure 0-2. Business Entity Details

2 Details, Resources and Services

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 0 Chapter Name

Figure 0-3. Business Entity Resources

Figure 0-4. Services associated with a Business Entity (Clients)

1.4 Adding Business Entities

 To add a business entity:

1. In the Business Entities work space, click New Business Entity on the
toolbar or right-click and select New Business Entity.
The New Business Entity dialog box is displayed.
2. Fill in the fields as needed.
3. Click <Set>.
The business entity is created.

Adding Business Entities 3

1.5 Changing Business Entities
 To change a business entity:
1. In the Business Entities work space, select the business entity that you wish
to change, then click Edit Business Entity on the toolbar or right-click and
select Edit Business Entity.
The Edit Business Entity dialog box is displayed.
2. Change the fields as desired.
3. Click <Set>.
The changes to the business entity are performed.

Table 0-1. Business Entity Parameters

Parameter Description


Business Role Customer or Provider

Name Name of the business entity

Business Entity Parent You can click the browse button to select the parent of the business entity

External Id Identification of business entity for external OSS

Status Indicates whether the Business Entity is Active. “Locked” means the user
cannot add Service to the Business Entity (but the user can unbind service).
Not Active

Creation Date Date business entity was created, format mm/dd/yyyy

Type Free form text where you can enter the type of business entity, e.g. Individual,
Company, Department, etc.

Ranking The customer ranking can be used to associate policies with OAM services for
statistic reports (refer to Chapter 5). The rankings are:
• Normal
• Platinum
• Gold
• Silver.

Comments Free text for comments

Location – Specifies location of business entity

Address Street address of business entity

City City of business entity

State State of business entity

Country Country of business entity

4 Changing Business Entities

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 0 Chapter Name

Parameter Description

Zip Code Zip Code of business entity

Contact – Specifies contact information for a person at the business entity

Name Name of contact person

Role Job of contact person at the business entity

Phone1 Phone number of contact person

Phone2 Additional phone number of contact person

Email Email address of contact person

1.6 Deleting Business Entities

You can delete a business entity only if it is not associated with resources,
services or clouds.

 To delete a business entity:

1. Make sure to delete all resources, services and clouds associated with the
relevant business entity.
2. In the Business Entities work space, select the business entity that you wish
to change, then click Delete Business Entity on the toolbar or right-click
the relevant business entity and select Delete Business Entity.
You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
3. Click <OK>.
The business entity is deleted if it was not associated with any resources
or services.

1.7 Editing Business Entity Options

 To edit business entity options:

1. In the Business Entities work space, click on the toolbar.

2. If desired, you can change the Ranking names. The default is:
1. Platinum
2. Gold
3. Silver
4. Normal.
3. If desired, you can change the Separation Character, which is the character
between a business entity and its parent. The default is /.

Editing Business Entity Options 5

4. Click <Set> to save your changes.

1.8 Filtering Business Entities

There is a Filters pane in both the Business Entities and Resources work space. It
has different default filters and different criteria for the filters, according to
which work space it is in.
Filters are organized into trees and groups. The Filters pane contains the
following filter trees:
• Public – Contains public filters created by any user, as well as default filters.
All users can view the filters. Create, delete, and modify access are controlled
via the user security profile.
• Shared – Contains groups created by users according to access allowed by
the user security profile. Shared groups are meant for a group of users that
share a common security level or profile.
• private – Named <user> after the currently logged-in user (e.g. root), private
filter tree containing the user’s own created filters. Only the currently user
who is logged in has access to viewing, creating, deleting and modifying.

Figure 0-5. Default Filters – Business Entities

6 Filtering Business Entities

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 0 Chapter Name

Default Filters
The default filters can be edited, with the exception of the All filter. They can be
deleted, but it is recommended to not delete them. The following tables describe
the default filters.

Table 0-2. Default Filters – Business Entities

Filter Tree Group Effect of Applying Filter

All None None All resources are displayed, in tree format

Platinum Public Ranking Displays business entities with Platinum ranking

Gold Public Ranking Displays business entities with Gold ranking

Silver Public Ranking Displays business entities with Silver ranking

Normal Public Ranking Displays business entities with Normal ranking

Table 0-3. Default Filters – Resources

Filter Tree Group Effect of Applying Filter

All None None All resources are displayed, in tree format

Unreachable Public Fault Status Resources with Class set to Device are displayed if they haven’t
responded to Get/Set SNMP requests within a timeout period

Critical Public Fault Status • Legacy devices – Resources with Class set to Device are
displayed if they have Critical alarms
• Supported devices – Any resources with Critical alarms are

Major and Up Public Fault Status • Legacy devices – Resources with Class set to Device are
displayed if they have Major or Critical alarms
• Supported devices – Any resources with Major or Critical
alarms are displayed

Minor and Up Public Fault Status • Legacy devices – Resources with Class set to Device are
displayed if they have Minor, Major, or Critical alarms
• Supported devices – Any resources with Minor, Major, or
Critical alarms are displayed

Applying a Filter
Follow the instructions below to apply an existing filter.

 To apply a filter:

• Double-click the filter, or right-click it and select Apply Filter .

The table data is displayed according to the filter criteria.

Filtering Business Entities 7

Adding a Filter
Follow these instructions to add a new filter.

 To add a filter:
1. Right-click the tree or group where you would like to add a filter, and select
Add Filter .
2. Fill in the filter name.
3. For resource filters, do one of the following:
 Select Include Ancestors if you wish to include parent nodes.
 Select Include Descendants if you wish to include child nodes.
4. Select the desired criterion (refer to Table 0-4 or Table 0-5) and select And or
Or to specify whether logical and or logical or is applied to the criterion
5. Click <Add Criterion> to add it to the filter criteria.
6. When you have finished specifying criteria, click <OK> to create the filter.

Changing a Filter
 To change a filter:

1. Right-click the filter and select Properties .

2. Change the filter name if desired.
3. For resource filter, select Include Ancestors if you wish to include parent
4. For resource filter, select Include Descendants if you wish to include child
5. Select the desired criterion (refer toTable 0-4 or Table 0-5) and select And or
Or to specify whether logical and or logical or is applied to the criterion
6. Click <Add Criterion> to add it to the filter criteria.
7. If you wish to remove a criterion, select it and click <Remove>.
8. When you have finished specifying criteria, click <OK> to apply the changes to
the filter.

8 Filtering Business Entities

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 0 Chapter Name

Table 0-4. Filter Criteria for Business Entities

Criterion Condition Values *

Address Equals Address of business entity

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Business Entity Parent Equals Business entity that is defined as parent

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

City Equals City of business entity

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Contact Email Equals Contact email of business entity

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Contact Name Equals Contact name of business entity

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Contact Role Equals Contact role of business entity

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Filtering Business Entities 9

Criterion Condition Values *

Country Equals Country of business entity

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Creation Date Equals Creation date of business entity

Do not equal
Before or equals
Equals or after

External ID Equals External ID of business entity

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Name Equals Name of business entity

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Ranking Equals Platinum

Do not equal Gold

State Equals State of business entity

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Status Equals Active

Do not equal Not Active

10 Filtering Business Entities

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 0 Chapter Name

Criterion Condition Values *

Type Equals Type of business entity

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Zip Code Equals Zip Code of business entity

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

* You can click <…> to open a list of available values and select one of them, or you can enter the value
directly. It is recommended to select the value whenever possible rather than enter it, to lessen the chance
of adding an incorrect criterion.

Table 0-5. Filter Criteria for Resources

Criterion Condition Values *

Admin. Status Equals Up

Do not equal Down

Alarm Severity Equals Unknown

Do not equal Normal

Alias Equals Alias defined for a resource

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Filtering Business Entities 11

Criterion Condition Values *

Asset ID Equals Asset ID defined for a resource

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Class Equals CPU

Do not equal Card

Contained In Equals Device or chassis name

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Customer Equals Customer defined in Business Entities

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Description Equals Description string

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

FRU Equals Yes

Do not equal No

12 Filtering Business Entities

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 0 Chapter Name

Criterion Condition Values *

FW Ver. Equals Firmware version

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

HW Ver. Equals Hardware version

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Link to Node Equals Node name to which link exists

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

NE Name Equals Name of device

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

NER Level Equals Name of Network Element Repository level

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Oper. Status Equals Up

Do not equal Down
Not Present

Filtering Business Entities 13

Criterion Condition Values *

Resource Equals Resource name

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

SW Ver. Equals Software version

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Serial Number Equals Serial number

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

Sys Location Equals Device location

Do not equal
Do not contain
Starts with
Ends with

* You can click <…> to open a list of available values and select one of them, or you can enter the value
directly. It is recommended to select the value whenever possible rather than enter it, to lessen the chance
of adding an incorrect criterion.

Deleting a Filter
 To delete a filter:
1. Right-click the filter and select Delete.
2. Click <OK> to confirm the deletion and delete the filter.

1.9 Adding a Group

 To add a group:
1. Right-click the tree or group where you would like to add a group, and select
Add Group.

14 Adding a Group
Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 0 Chapter Name

2. Enter the name of the group.

3. Click <Set> to create the group.

1.10 Changing a Group

 To change a group:
1. Right-click the group and select Properties.
2. Change the group name as desired.
3. Click <Set> to apply the change.

1.11 Deleting a Group

 To delete a group:
1. Right-click the group and select Delete.
2. Click <OK> to confirm the deletion and delete the group.

Deleting a Group 15

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