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Name: Jevie C.

Cowas Year & Section: BSEd 2 Section 2

Activity # 1

All About My Family

My family is the fundamental factor of why I am still striving and aiming for a
comfortable and sustainable future. They are the reason why I get up each day, despite of
how much I want to sleep more, just to attain onto my responsibilities as the eldest daughter.
The one who needs to be tough and resilient for the sake of my younger sisters.

Our family is composed of six individuals bound with each other. My father’s name is
Rey and he’s a farmer. My mother, Analyn, accompanies him in his work. They are always
doing their best to attain to our daily needs despite the heat of the sun. They gave birth to four
female offsprings. I was named Jevie. My sister’s names are Jenny, Jessica, and Vallyrey. I
am the eldest among the four which means that I am also responsible of their well being as

My family has been through a lot of struggles just like another normal family do. And
yet, we are standing firm with the help of one another. We ensure that every family member
is in a good state and supports each of our passion in life. We are each other’s foundation.
Regardless of how hard our situation may become, I know we will get through it because we
have each other. What matters is that we always stick with one another’s side.

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