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Direct fired strip preheating

Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Bonnet, WS Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH, Renningen (Germany)
Dipl.-Phys. Karl Telger, ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG, Bochum (Germany)

Published in HEAT PROCESSING 3/2005

Vulkan-Verlag GmbH, Essen (Germany)
Editor: Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Schalm, Tel. +49 (0) 201/82002-12, E-Mail:

Direct fired strip preheating

Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Bonnet

WS Wärmeprozesstechnik
GmbH, Renningen
A novel design of a preheating unit for electrical steel strip has been developed and
installed in front of a radiant tube heated continuous annealing line. The unit uses
self recuperative FLOX® burners arranged in a “nozzle field” and is designed to
Tel. +49 (0)2302 / 2055699
preheat the strip up to 400 °C. The required heating length is reduced to one fourth
of a comparable radiant tube heated furnace section. This results in a large reduc-
tion of furnace length and therefore of lay-out and investment cost. The present Dipl.-Phys. Karl Telger
article describes the new fast heating unit, the feedback from industrial tests and ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG,
Bochum (Germany)
the conclusions derived from the successful installation on the continuous anneal-
ing line.
Tel. +49 (0)234 / 50851655

Introduction Alternatives above conditions was the process with

direct heating from gas burners in a
The Works BNO-Bochum (Thyssen- Some producers of electric steel strip
nozzle field.
krupp) produce 500 000 t/y of “non have been using direct fired zones for
oriented grain” (NOG) electric steel strip. preheating the strip in their continuous
The FLOX® nozzle field
The heat treatment, required to plants for a long time. The direct fired
recrystallize the material after rolling, zones are installed upstream of those With the novel system, the “FLOX®
takes place in three independent hori- heated indirectly which are using protec- nozzle field”, a very intensive heating is
zontal continuous furnaces, with an tive gas atmosphere. With the common achieved by direct jet impingement.
average length of 240 m each. The fur- horizontal layout of burners, an overhea- Besides heating by radiation, a very high
nace temperature profile is controlled by ting of the edges and therefore also a convective heat transfer takes place
up to 450 radiant tubes; annealing is car- non uniform temperature distribution because the burner nozzle is directed
ried out under protective gas atmos- across the strip is possible or even una- straight towards the strip surface. The
phere (N2/H2) and the maximum tempe- voidable. A control of the atmosphere of burners themselves fire in flameless
rature can be as high as 1150 °C [1]. combustion gases with a continuous mode [2]. This principle was developed
Strip width between 700 and 1270 mm, “modulating” control of the gas burners in order to suppress formation of nitric
thickness from 0.2-1.0 mm and a is quite problematic. oxide (NOx) at high temperatures which
throughput of circa 30 t/h can be obtai- is particularly important in the case of
On the other hand, laboratory tests on
ned. highly preheated combustion air for
electric steel specimen with variable Sili-
improving the thermal efficiency. Typical
con contents (up to 3.2 %) have shown
Preliminary basic considerations about features of the FLOX® process are a high
that a direct heating up to 300 °C follo-
increasing the furnace capacity with the air velocity at the burner nozzle and a
wed by a heat treatment with protective
conventional radiant tube heating have very homogeneous temperature distri-
gas is not critical. In order to choose the
shown that the inlet section of the conti- bution in the combustion reaction field.
suitable process, further laboratory test
nuous furnace would have had to be The latter properties and the layout of
were carried out with a high-powered
lengthened by some 50 m. This would
infrared radiator (electric), with porous
however involve additional investment to
burners (gas fired) and with a direct hea-
enlarge the factory shed and to manage ting system based on gas burners arran-
with enhanced control of the line speed. ged in a “nozzle field”. All alternatives
In order to avoid additional investment were checked not only for the initial
costs, the following conditions were laid investment costs, but also for the length
down when looking for possible, econo- and the running costs (energy and main-
mic alternative solutions: tenance), as well as for the effect on strip
• increase of line speed (i.e. process
A high-powered infrared radiator implied
velocity) about 50 %
not only high investment costs, but also
• strip temperature > 900 °C extremely high running costs. Introduc-
• no enlargement of the continuous fur- tion of porous radiators was impossible
nace, but possible use of the 12 m because of the very large length requi- Fig. 1: Schematic view of the test installation
free inlet section. red. The only possibility matching the at Renningen

HEAT PROCESSING · (3) · ISSUE 3 · 2005 139


men, surface oxidation, magnetic pro-

perties, grain size etc were determined
without noticing any significant alterati-
Based on the above results concerning
temperature and speed, it could be
ascertained what steel throughput could
be preheated up to 300 °C by means of
a bilateral nozzle field system with a
length of 1.5 m. In order to verify the
results obtained so far a prototype of the
FLOX® nozzle field was built and instal- Fig. 5: Original arrangement of the nozzle
led upstream of an annealing furnace jets
using protective atmosphere (N2/H2),
with the purpose of testing the combi-
ned effect of the heating processes. FLOX® process are indeed very high and
Fig. 2: Diagram in principle of the prototype With the nominal speed, 6 modular units the question is to choose the best arran-
for a FLOX® nozzle-field module would be necessary in order to preheat gement of the burner nozzles. The latter
the strip up to circa 300 °C. This would are reproduced in Fig. 3 and each burner
imply no enlargement of the line. In has in fact four round nozzles (Fig. 4).
the nozzle field make it possible to rea- order to achieve representative results, The above arrangement causes a club-
lize the desired effective heat transfer in the tests were carried out with reduced bed propagation of the impinging jet
a small confined space. line speed. which encourages a uniform heating of
the material (Fig. 5).
On a first test facility, where the burners
were firing from one side only, the heat
flux density was determined by means of Tests with the prototype
a stationary water cooled plate and preli- With the first tests with the prototype,
minary tests with real strip specimen temperatures between 350 and 600 °C
were carried out (Fig. 1). were measured for strip speed between
Furthermore it was to be tested which 40 and 25 m/min. The desired uniform
heating of the materials was not satis-
length was required with this nozzle field
factory and superficial coloured stripes
and if negative effects could be expec-
could be noticed in the gap between
ted on the product quality. The following
burner lines. These stripes were not just
results were obtained:
an optical nuisance, but also bore an
• the heat flux density was 250 kW/m2 Fig. 4: Burner arrangement in the FLOX® influence on oxide layers, on surface
with NOx emission 25 ppm nozzle field uniformity and even the magnetic pro-
• the CO emission with flue gases at perties, if compared with standard. As a
about 315 °C is negligible first measure, the distance nozzle to
The prototype
• the combustion chamber temperature strip was increased so that the pattern
was 1040 °C The FLOX® nozzle field was realized with resulted as in Fig. 6 (with respect to
7 (band width) x 5 (band length) recuper- Fig. 5).
• the heat flux density can be varied in
ative burners, so that 35 burners are
the range 150-300 kW/m2 Nevertheless the heat distribution was
installed on each strip side. Fig. 2 shows
The strip specimen in this test section not yet very good and therefore the
a schematic arrangement of the strip
(steel with silicon contents up to 3.2 %) whole nozzle field was turned by 6° with
flowing through the “nozzle field”.
had the size 200 x 2000 mm with thick- respect to the strip (Fig. 7).
ness 0.5 mm. With the speed selected, a As combustion in FLOX® conditions is
temperature of about 350 °C could be only allowed above a threshold tempera-
reached; the uniformity along the strip ture of 850 °C, the facility is equipped
width was about ± 10 °C. On the speci- with two conventional start-up burners.
These can be operated when the plant is
in standby position and after reaching
850 °C, the facility is automatically swit-
ched to FLOX® mode and the prototype
can be operated in the working.
It is well known from literature that the
highest heat transfer can be obtained
with impinging jets. For this purpose
however, it is important to arrange the
nozzle field and the nozzle size in such a
way that as many uniformly distributed
with high impact velocity jets impact on Fig. 6: Arrangement of nozzle jets with
Fig. 3: Burner head in the FLOX® nozzle field the surface. The jet velocities typical of enlarged spacing

140 HEAT PROCESSING · (3) · ISSUE 3 · 2005


With the latter arrangement, a very uni- by no means harmed. By means of the
form heating is obtained and both theory new FLOX® nozzle field the length requi-
and practice confirm that no stripe, no red for preheating can be reduced by a
preferential oxidation or magnetic pro- factor 4 with respect to radiant tubes.
perty occurs. The investment for a desired increase of
After settling this, tests with identical capacity is significantly lower, both in
material (steel with silicon contents up to initial investment and maintenance
3.2 %) were carried out with and without costs, with respect to a traditional fur-
insertion of the FLOX® nozzle field. Then nace.
probes were analyzed and compared in
the laboratory. Depending on the Literatur
preheating temperature, no differences Fig. 7: Arrangement of the nozzle jets rotated
[1] Roth W., Telger K., Betriebserfahrung
by 6°
could be detected for Si contents up to beim Einsatz von Brennern mit flammlo-
1.8 %. ser Oxidation, GasWärme International,
Band 44, 1995, Seiten - 332-337
equipment has been able to heat the
Conclusions strip in the shortest space, with the best [2] Wünning J.A., Wünning J.G., Brenner für
die flammlose Oxidation mit geringer NO-
It can be stated that the FLOX® nozzle efficiency and the lowest emissions. The
Bildung auch bei höchster Luftvorwär-
field has completely fulfilled the require- quality properties of the material for mung, GasWärme - International, Band
ments set by the present project. The preheat temperatures up to 300 °C are 41, 1992, Heft 10, Seiten 438-444

Visit us at: Härterei-Kolloquium, Wiesbaden, Hall 9A, Stand 940

HEAT PROCESSING · (3) · ISSUE 3 · 2005 141

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