Central Business District Secondary Plan Urban Design Guidelines

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Town of Milton Central Business District Secondary Plan Urban Design Guidelines ‘Secondary Plan forthe Town often Contra Business District Urban Design Guidelines 10 20 40 50 Introduction. 44 Useotihe Gldines 12 Objective ‘Streets, Conidors& Parking. 24 Sree 22° Conicor: 23° Patkng and Ste Crclaton Gateways sseeeeeeee Focal Points Pedestian Aras 54 Sidewals 52 Paved Areas 53 Crosewsles 54 —Colonnaias Arcades 55 Uphing Fetus Parks, Tall & Landscaping 81 Publ Squires 62 Uban Parkas 83 Major Tras 64 Minor Tras & Waloways. 85 Ste Lancecope Deum 66 Tree Prsewvaton 10 ‘Butaing Design «. Pn TA Bulng Sie : 2 72 —Buldng Character z 2 78 Buldng Oration 25 2s % 2 2 74 Buling Sebects 75 Comes 78 Arches Detstng 17 Buléog Heit... 78 Buldng Massing : 2 78 Buldeg Seal 0 TA0 Bung Matas ct TA1 Roof Profle Treatment co at 72 Sun Acces (Sulsing Sola Envelopes) 3 743 Lozaon and Teesment of Entyays 2 Harltage Conservation .. seseeseeeeees 33 81 Porches 2 90 Bartetes Deslon eovssseeeee 38 81 “Uban are" 39 982 Sida nd Oter Pie Open Aas 3 $00 Signage --eeesesesceseeseeeeeee sevens Ht 40.1 Commer Facados 4“ 502 Stes sions a $03 Reeeatona Tat & Gatowars 2 $10 PUBIC AR seeesoseseeceeseeeeeenee eeoeeeee AB 120° Uban Safety eee a S21" Pecetian Generators. a ‘Secondary Plen forthe Town of Miton Cantal Business Distct Urban Design Guidelines “Though the Town of Miton Official Plan and the Secondary Plan forthe “Town of Miton Central Busines District (CBD), the Town has established ‘the Central Business District as the primary area forthe provision of commercial services, retell and offco space including hotel and conference facities. The Official Plan policies are structured around the {allowing guiding principles: +The CBD the economic and cultural centre ofthe Town: + Development willbe based on a fine grain pattem of streets, bullaings and open spaces; + Development shouldbe pedestrian and transit crented: + Newdevelopment shoul retain the heritage character of Mliton; + Aatrong residentat component i etc! to the health of the downtown; + High quality urban and landscape design Isa prerequisite to now construction; + Parking areas wil be disrete and well designed: and, + Abroad range of uses will be encouraged. “The urban design guidelines forthe Town of tons CBD ar intended to provide aframawork for future development, as well as to cleary define the desired visual character ofthe area, The guidelines serve asa exible toot for Miton's Town planners, developers, architects and other proponents involved is fand dovelopment within the CBD. “Through the use ofthese guidelines, the Town of Miton hopes to affect new designs na positive manner, leading stakeholders toward municipal cbjecives for the creation of a vibrant, spataly well organized and visually attractive CBD. ‘Secondary Plan for de Town of Miton Cental Business iste Urban Design Guidelines 4.1 Use of the Guidelines “These guidelines shouldbe read in conjunction wit the Town of Miton’s Offical Plan, Section 3.5 ofthe Offical Plan deals specifialy with the (080. The Oficial Plan guldesthe future ofthe CBD through a designated system of new roads and conidors, open spaces and nodes. This, framework is ilustated in Figure One, the elements of which are ‘deserved in dota vthin this guideline document. Inpreparing applications frsubmission tothe Town, referencs should be ‘made tothe policies and objectives contained within the Offical Ptan, requirements inthe Zoning By-law ard other requirements of the Town ‘especialy as they apply tthe developmentof publicroeds and walkways. “The drawings contained within this report shoutd not be viewed asiterl ‘examples of raquced bul form. Rather, they are designed to articulate principles and Inspire individual design concepts. In general, developers looking for guidance should also study the architectural tyes ia the older sections of Town for appropiate design lements tobe incorporated into new development 1.2. Objective “The objective ofthese guidelines sto estabish design standards that wil promote: continuity of the urban fabric and connections between Milton's store downtown core and the planned extension of the CBD ‘easterly to Thompson Road; + acconsstentqualty of bul form; + preservation and rehabilitation of heritage clusters and buldings; + safety and other elements which emphasize pedestrian comfor thst wl be fully accesible, visual attractive and safely Intgrated Into ‘he fabric of Maton’ CBD; + the preservation and enhancement of significant views and vistas, ‘and the cretion ofa web of identifiable focal points and landmarks ‘which Inde the Niagara Escarpment, important civic buildings and ‘open spaces; continuity ofa sense of enclosure through earful consideration of. detailed sret layout, building massing and building sting; and, + through careful street and urban block layout, the organization of| buildings and spaces to encourage transit, pedestrian and bicycle ‘se, helping to reduce trafic and parking congestion. ‘Secondary Plan fr th Town of Miton Cantal Business Distct Urban Design Guldelines So] . i LJ aE RII) Uy Ee SY I 1 | } é / EES @— / fea (ae) Ome Sn Figure One: Urban Design Eiments “secondary Phen forthe Town of tn Cantal Busine Urban Design Guidelines 24 Streets ‘The Ofeal Plan designates streets as Local, Arterial er Colector. Urban design cnteria have been established inthe follwing sections to provide ‘vce and direction for development abuting these areas. Reference should bemadetothe Official Plantodeterminethe specficcassifction ofastoct In addon, the Secondary Pian for the CBD envisions a system of new streets and corridors east of Ontario Street spaced to create smaller blocks typical of the gra patter nthe exiting historic core are. “Thefollowing guidlines shout be consideredin te development ofthese now stots 244. SENSE OF ENCLOSURE + Street wall eight-tosvith ral sth essential ft step in defning stret space. ithe helght of street buildings is Inadequate in eaton toroad ath, good spatial definition becomes extremely cific, fot Impossibie to achieve. +The design of futue streets serving commercial funetons should ativeto achive Fultenclosure (1:1 ratio of street wall height to road ict) ora maximum desirable rato of 1:2 which provides suficent pata containment to permit the creation ofa strongly defined three- dimensional space. + While these guidelines encourage buldlngs to be massedio achieve the principle of enclosure, the OffiatPlanpoliciesrecognize that this ‘may not always be achlevable and allows bulldingsto bea minircum of 2 storeys in height, and under certain conltions, one storey 24.2 LOCAL STREETS Local sets are shot intemal, smal-scale ste ‘dons resdentilneighbourtioods andthe historic downtown core. They connect individual properties to collector and arterial roads, serve local travel demands and are characterized by stower, less frequent traf 5s which serve law + Typlcal design elements of local streets should include concrete sidewalks on both ses of th sroat s00 Section 5.1], two lanes for travel and on-street parking (on one or both ses, depending on the width ofthe raday) + Except on designate bicyte routes, cyclists should be encouraged to use local streets without the requirement of special bicycle anes ‘due to the low vehicular volumes and speed + Thedesignoffocal streets shoud encourage minimum6.omete front setbacks with appropriate landscaping to enharce the visual qualties of residential properties. 2.4.3 COLLECTOR ROADS Comprising twoto four ravellane, collector roads connectiocalroads to arterial roads, The primary purpose of collector reads is to sorve travel reeds witin local neighbourhoods Gocal automobile, bicycle and pedesriantrips), providing accossforresiders, shoppers and employees fame “Secondary Plan forthe Town of itn Cental Business Distet Urban Design Guidelines and allowing forthe delivery of goods. The four collector eds within the (CED are Main treet, Martin Street, Commercial Strestand Wilson ve, + Pedestrians are given prio withthe provision of widersidewalks on both sides ofthe soot and substantial provisions tofecitale street crossing. Generous sidewalk wicths (25 - 40 metres) should be fencouraged on these streets to promote pedestan traffic and socializing + Onstreet parking is allowed but may be prohibited in some locations, + Parallel parking is encouraged to alow greater accessibilly and pedestrian safely, and to effectively sow traf. +The streot and its facts shouldbe pedestrian rena and transit- oriented. + Main street east of the CPR tracks wil ultimately be requiced to ‘accommodate five travel lanes (four 3.5 metre wide travel lanes Givided by a 4.0 metre wide, partly lnéscaped median ff turn Jane),twolandscaped boulevards with customlightng columns each 13.0 metres wide) and sidewalks on each side (minimum 8.0 metre viet), At focal points, landscaped boulevards will accommodate Public transit stops. 24.4 ARTERIAL ROADS ‘an artesial road is a wider scale street of four to six travel lanes which accommodates higher densly and mixed use evelopment. These reads have generous sidewalks and other features such as a landscaped boulevard, Bronte and Thompson Roads epresentthe two atria within the CBD. + Buildings (especialy actives on the ground foo) should be ‘encouraged to face the sret, respecting the principles of enclosure to create an urban rather than a suburban ook + Atel roads should sorve major centres of activity within the CBD, temphasling pubic trans, veticular, pedestian and possibly bicycle trafic while balancing the many travel demands of intensely developed areas + Landscaping shouldbe ofthe highest qual, incorporating a variety oftree species which roduce consistent form, colours andtextures. + Due to higher densities, this (ype of street must anticipate futuro. transit services, Accordingly, ‘ensderation should be ‘ivan to the location and axientation of buildings ‘that strengthen future transitstoplocations|see Section 4. 2.2 Corridors “The planned conidors ‘onli in the Oficial Pan are designed to presanve lak the ne grain block pate [Ei ‘which is common tothe historic downtown while sti CPR asks Ssecondery Plan forte Town of tton Cent! Business District Urban Design Guidolines allowing for block sizes in the new CBD sultable for today’s development industry + Comidrs can be ‘must rovide visual and physical access from Main Siret Identified points yeways, local streets, mals or walways. They ine + Ifa condor does nat contain a local street, I should provide for at least 10 metrs of clear passage for pedessans or cyclists. [Exceptions to this may be considered where potions ofthe comidors ere required fr cafes, park space, pul ator anyother activity that is deemed to help create interest and draw people through the block. + Conidors shouldbe designed to allow access andlor visit to rear area parting. ‘isp Aria ith mates recommend Agent onango ofa comaeany 2.3. Parking and Site Circulation 23.4 SITE ACCESS + Wherever possible, shared entrances to rear parking areas and loading areas are encouraged (for 2 or more properties) n order to minimize the number of curb-cus and impacts on street trafic. + The adjacent sidewalk surface treatment should continue across eniances to maintaln visual continly ofthe pedestrian walkway. + Forpedestrian safety, sufflent sight tines shouldbe retained frm loading and service areas aoross the pedestrian right-of-way. 2.3.2. ON-STREET PARKING +The use of on-street parking on local roads and where permited on collector roads to accommodate overall parking requirements helps to reduce the amount of land deveted to parking. On-stret parking ‘also helps to "ubanize” the street for pedestrians by creating a ‘safely butfor between moving vehctes and the sidewalk. 3 OFF-STREET PARKING +The Official Plan encourages that all new paring lots be oriented to the rear lot areas of building sites, Parking los should not dominat the fontage of streets designed for pedestian use. + Parking areas should be well dafined through the use of e490 building forms, landscaping, architectural screens, colonnades or decorative fencing. Secondary Pan forthe Town of itn Cantal Business District Urban Design Guidelines Handicap parking spaces should have direct access to sidewalks ‘with curb cuts and ramps. Generally, internal civeways and driving asi shouldbe designed as intemal rads, providing clearly defined and organized onsite ‘cculaton, These roads should have suticint sidewalks as wall as ‘consistent, ich landscape treatment, Deciduous rather than coniferous tres are recommended as part of the landscaping 2 they alow beter visbity and therefore safety. Lendscaped butfers of a minimum 4.0 metre width should be provided between parking lots and adjoining streets Landscaped buffers of a minimum 3.0 wth should be provided between two or mer parking lots Landscaped bufers ofa minimum 3.0 matre width should be provided betwoen parking lots and adjoining residential use. In onder to reduce the frequency of inivdual parking entrances, the ftegration and sharing of parking shall be encoureged among axjolning developments ‘whenever possible in the historic downtown core, parking spaces and driving asles should be provided in Main Steet rer yards. Rear yard paking (such as that proposed on Mary Street should be integrated and connected wth adjoining sts, as well as being fuly acessibe and safe. Direct pedestrian access to Main treet from rear parking lots should employ covered passages, open walkways or direct access to rear portions of bulsngs. Secondary Plan forthe Town of tton Contra Business District Urban Design Guidelines Cffstreet parking late should be visually sereened from surounding ‘reels and upper residential units by means of tees, elses and ‘other architectural devices. Large paved parking areas, such asthe GO Station parking area, ‘Should be divided with generous landscaping These parking lots es of smaller parking areas divided by ‘should be designed as a landscaping and sidewalk. + Direct access from the public righto-ay to of treet parking spacas onthe north ste of Main Street (between Ontario and ‘Thompson Strets) wl be permitted according to the proposed street network detied inthe Official Plan Te renderng itso how Janscaping can break down age ering aoe acest a more desta tenly envionment Front oft parking shouldbe avoided vithin the CBD 0 as to nd streotscape qual encourage a greater sense of encos In transttonal periods, existing font parking areas should be soreened with plantings o hard features such as transparent ‘architectural sereens and colonnaces. Paget 2.3.4 PARKING STRUCTURES Lend curently used fr surface parking ots should be reduced through future redevelopment and the construction of structured parking facilites. These opportunites wil be pursued only if there is ‘suficient development suppor such facts. Paring structures should be as architecturally articulate asthe ‘adjacent buildings which they serve. Rooftop parking shoul be screened from view ofthe stret and adjacent dovelopment Parking sructures should et face onto arterial streets and should be discouraged from collector sects. ‘were possibie, commercial services shoul be Integrated nto the street evel of the paring structure, 2.3.8 LOADING AREAS Entrances to service an loading areas shouldbe property Integrated into the oveal bung facade, s0 as tobe unobtrusive when viewed from the public rghtofway. In instances where this {s not possible, other means end ways of sereening should be considered (murals, supergraptcs) ‘Toninimize the with of such facites atthe building Hine, entrances shouldbe oriented perponicutr to the street where permed by sight lines and tung ri ‘secondary Plo forthe Town of iton Cantal Business District Urban Design Guidelines + “Tnorderto maintain the visual continuity of pedestrian walkways, adjacent sidewalk surface treatments should continue across the entrances of loading or service eroas. 2.3.6 TRANSIT HUB & TRANSIT STOP FACILITIES “Teanst hubs are special transi faites which provide easy connections to and between a varaty of transportation modes and ‘etc routes, as wll as adequate shelter and convenient passenger drop zones, «+ Transit hub and stop facities within the CBD should be designed with elements which improve passenger safely and comfort. These elements should be easly recognizable and in relationship with the surrounding architecture. 1+ Adequate lighting, publc washrooms, access to public telephones ‘and secure bike storage are addtional features of such facts. “+ Transithubs may algo ental a varioty of vendors, smal cafes ona other appropriate services. Secondary Plan forthe Town of ton Canta Business Dstct Urban Design Guidoiines Gateways represent important points of enty tothe CBD, symbolically defining the Town andits ently. Lands designated as gateways ‘iin the CBD are ilustated in Figure One (Seeton 1.0) As te basis frst impressions, gatoways also play an important ole inthe ‘economic development of @ community. Development at gateways should, therefore, help shape tis sense of identty through the nature and qualty of bul forms, landscaping, and urban design features such as public at, Taller buildings developed closer t the srt, signage ard other details iustrated in the Urban Desion Guidlines wil help Idontty the main entrances to Milton's core area + Depending on location and avatable space, gatoway features may Include taller bulsings and symbote architectural elements (ntry- like gatoposs, columns, customized lighting fbdure), + Landscape features such as planting, flags, special signage and banners may also accentuate gateways + Imorderto strengthen the gateway image, diferent public art features such as sculptures, fountains, and decorative wals with ‘murals may be used, Gateways should be given fist ptorty when considering the placement of publ at features. ‘+ Special ambient ghting and ight effects may be employed in order to strengthen the “nghtscape" aspect of gateways. ‘Special care should be taken to ensure that typical corporate Images, including those of servic stations, restaurant franchises and coffe shops do not dominate and “standardize” the gateways, thereby diminishing ther potential fora special entiy. Commercial signage should not be @ dominant feature of the ‘gateways ‘Building developments within gateway designations must Incorporate streetscape improvements that wil serve to provide shelter to pedestrians at these majr intersections. For example, this can be accomplished by ‘+ positioning the bulting directly adjacent tothe intersection, respecting the principle of enclosure and incorprating Into ts design a colonnade, awnings or interior pubic spaces ‘+ seting the buileing back fom the street and developing @ ‘public space in front that incorporates landscaping, public a, ‘ighting andr sheers. Th emer Pot Oe ng, ‘tein eagle Gutoey Snvavpment To buy esas ‘npr andar ape nes tan’ sense eo” ‘Secondary Pan forthe Town of ition Cental Business Distt Urban Design Guldetines Sa *peneSrmay rt HOLT ENVIRORNIENT NON "Ti radrig Mostatos ra cancapoa dasign ofa ow Bulag wihin a galway aaa ‘Secondary Pan forthe Town of lton Cental Business Distt Urban Design Guidetines 7 Focal pents occur at certain intersections as Kentied in igure One, “The purpose of focal points isto provide visual anchors, points of interest and refuge, and open space opportunites along Main Street. Focal points help prevent the development of fong Walls" of ‘dovelopment. By providing a series of interesting places end ‘ppartuntes forrest or refteshment along Maln Stee, pedestrians are ‘motivated to travel further, The system of gateways ans focel points ‘provides landmarks assisting people n crenting themselves tothe owntown cove on Main St + Focal points anchor key streets by eneouraning buildings 0 ‘employ prominent architectural design forms (oof desian, sehitelural detalis or use of more attractive materi). «+ Acivites that attractor generate pedestrian tafe such as cafes, {otal funetions and public art are Highly desirable at focal paints. Focal points should have high quality puble spaces, distinctive in design, materials and street furiture features. Indoor r outdoor public spaces should aio Incorporate asufiient percentage of fandscapiag and amenttes fr the comfort and protection of, podestrans [see Section 50) “+ Designated focal points slong Main Street represent logical future transit stops, Bullting and streetscape design should anticipate this need and look for ways to incorporate future transit requirements «Foot! polnts can be developed entirely on private lands but should be avalable for public use on a 24 nour basis. _Secandary Pan forthe Town of ton Cantal Business District Urban Design Guidelines + Bult forms agjacent to focal ponts shouldbe ofthe highest architectural quailty, contributing tothe memorable and recognisable characer ofthe fcal point. + Bult forms associated with focal points (especialy those with ‘commercial, eutural or entertainment activites on the ground floor ‘should always be orented toward public streets to promate public ‘spaces as vibrant and pedosianflendly. [Fit ania serves esa osalpaniorthe bie quae and sounding bul ervermen Poon 2 “secondary Pan forthe Town of itn Central Business Distet Urban Design Guidelines 5.41 Sidewalks Sidewalks are the interface between private and public spaces and ‘ther crculation systems, They represent one ofthe most important elements ofthe streetscape, performing funclonal, aesthetic and social roles in the dally lives of Miton residents. + Gonerous sidewalk widths 0f2.§ to 4.0 metres should be encouraged throughout the CBD. + Allsdewals within the CBD should consist of an unobstructed coder witha minimum with of 1.8 metres, + Inorderto create visually unified sidewalks new development throughout the exiting CBD secondary use areas within the 2.8 to 4.0 metre sidewalk shout be considered for other uses such as desorbed below: + secondary use area 1 (minimum width of 1 metre): functional use area between sifewalk and bulsing intertace for use for merchant splays and bystandersibaby cariages etc; and, + secondary se area 2 (inimum width of 1.5 metres): functional use area between unebstructed condor and street edge for placement of street funiture (benches, café tables ete.) andlor landscaping features (olanters, mailboxes, igiting fixtures et. + Steet and sidewalk grades must be designed not to obstruct pedestrian movernent Including special use groups (the physically 1, elder, ciren, and mentally challenged, visually Impa pregnant women) ‘Sidewalk surface textures shouldbe sufficiently smooth and flat provide safe and pleasant pedestian use. Sima, surface teres should provide addkional visual qualils through use of Aiferent colors, shapes or materials, (Curb cuts shouldbe designod to alow maximum accessiity, unobstructed and safe pedestrian use [see Section 8.0 [A paint of congestion (foal polnts with outdoor patios, entrances to civic or entrainment bufdings), sidewalks shouldbe suficienty ‘widened fo accommadta increased numbers of pedestrians and activites Inthe eastem CBD, patoularly along Main Street, sidewalks should include features for weather protection such as permanent partic oF arcades xed of removable hanging canopies, permanent or temporary annings [see secton 5.4, SEA CoH f Per Reet re 2 Paved Areas 1+ Sidewalk design should explore opporuntes forthe creation of @ _senze of place through the utlization of special materials, patterns, oleurs or development as an information environment (ncorp- frat / Imprinted street names; valuable historical or cutral data Inthe form of coneete pavers: metal or durable ceramic eit). Depending onthe chesen design themes, sidewalk zones used as, walking areas (pathways ofa minimum 1.5 mete with) should preferably be made of brushed concrete wth smooth, even fits +Other sidewalk areas (duced areas 1 and 2) may tiie other textures, colour pattems and mater (.. Imprinted concrete, brick, conerte pavers, natural stone, etic flourescent mated). +The propotion of concrete to ther decorative materials should ‘vary accorfing tothe inlensty of use established inthe st plan ‘Generally, the more important the area, the greater percentage of ‘other supporting materials or pattems shouldbe consiered, «Pavel sidewalk surfaces should be expanded or contracted in some areas depending upon the Importance and adjacent use of the specific location This i particulary desirable in special paces ‘suchas focal points and gateways (where thsi implementable ‘vthout causing interference wth trafic ow requirements), a8 welt as olher open pubic spaces wih significant concentrations of ‘commercial, cutual,hosplalty or other similar uses along the stro. + Eastem CBD (Ontario Street, Main St ‘Secondary Plan fort Town oftiton Central Business Distt Urban Design Guidelines Sidewalk designs should use common colours and sys to bend together the varous paved areas ilo an overall visually unified streetscape Seletions and paving combinations at any paticlar locetion should use adjacent building materials, detls and colours 8 referonce, Generally, there ar tree types of opportunities forthe inreduation of new paving materials end designs within the CBD: + Downtown residential neighbourhoods ony minor changes anlcipated since sidewalks in these areas are in generally {good conan. Its recommended thatthe sidewalks be re esigned at he latersections to introduce “urban brallo™ ‘warning signs. Small reliefs would provide addtional artistic Character for the area as wel as belng a useful waytinging feature ++ Main Street Downtown (Brown to Ontarlo Streets) - major re- design and reconstruction recommended, + Option 4 ~ Retain existing outs and winding characte, but redesign paved surfaces. + Option 2 = Completely re-design sidewalks with new curb- cus, fentionatzanes and paving pattems, and Introduce "urban baile" features, east of CPR tracks, new streets within commercial and mixed use sub areas) - design of tractive, wider sldewalks (nisimum 4.0 metre with in the areas ‘of high commercial, hesptaty or office uses. Paving pattems may Page 18 ‘Secondary Plan fr te Town of Mito Cental Business Diet Urban Design Guidelines Ulze contemporary abstract themes, pales, materials and colours. 5.3. Crosswalks + Crosswalk shouldbe strongly identited. This ean be _sccomplshed by combining a concrete surface wit other coloured ‘patterned paving materas in preference to the steel asphalt ‘Crasswalks should be @ minimum of 2.0 mtres wide wih iio ‘edge bands 1o ideniy them as continuatlon ofthe pedestian surface + Crosswalks shouldbe designed to allow full access forthe physically and vieully challenged trough the use of cub ares and “urban baile” + Incetai locations, crosswalks may be raised above the asp to provide easier access for eenore and children, and i serve as @ traffic calming measure 5.4 Colonnades / Arcades CColonnades and arcades are exterior corridors along the front of bulldings, defined by a cantlevered ulcing space above and ‘supported by a series of aches, ples or colurms. They area sirable urban design element providing pedestian shelter from the weather and adding tothe architectural interest ofthe streetscape, + Colonnades/ arcades designed as recesses ino the buleing facade are encouraged in order to maintaln the characteristic street wall enctocure created by othr adjacent developments. Ccolonnades / arcades should allow a continuity of pedestrian rmoverent or tlic use between covered spaces and adjacent pubic ares. Layouts in the form of cubde-sacs are strongly ‘scouraged as they ave lnappropdate rom a functional and safety standpoit ‘The minimum clear wieth between the building wall and supporting ‘vertical elements along the sidewalk should be 3.0 metres, ‘and the colin ofthe arcade shouldbe 3.6 metres. Pose 18 “Arcades should not extend int the public right-ofwey or encroach upon adopted allowances for rad widening \Whenever possible, clonnades / arcades shouldbe at the same trae asthe adjacent sidewalk inorder to integrate withthe texiting puble realm, In cases where topography or building Gesign do nat permit such solutions, colonnades/ arcades should be property connected by steps and ramps to adjacent sidewalts, “The Noor surface of colonies / arcades should generally use the same paving materials, textures or colors proposed for the adjacent puble sidewalk or other public areas (rushed concrete, brick, etc) 80 as to visually unify both Features. ‘To croate the sense of enclosure and human scale envisioned for the east end of Main Steet (Ontaro Street to Thompson Road), the spacing of vertical elements such as posts and columns along the street or sidewalk edge ofthe colonnade / arcade should be approximately 8 metres. ‘on facades where colonnades or arcades cannot be implemented, pulling cantilevers above the ground fear should be considered ts an atomative solution, Canflevers (ings) are nat supported by columns and therefore do net provide the same sonse of cnelosure atthe street level, However, cantevers do provide desirable weather protection and a covered extension ofthe sidewalk, Cantlevers should have an attractive, colorful design utifaing more permanent materials steel, securiy as). “Secondary Plen fr th Town of itn Cental Business Distt Urban Design Guidelines 6.5 Lighting Fixtures _Extrorlghting i an important and relatively Inexpensive way to Improve streetscapes and open spaces. This is particulary true during inter periods where daylight is reduced. Properly employed fighting tracts people wile providing safety and comfort. + Instreet environments where buldings are buitto the edge ofthe sidewalk (Main Steet fron Brown to Commercis Stree) fhdures maybe mounted directly on bulings. + Altematvely, tures shouldbe placed regularly between sidewalk ‘and curb cuts (secondary eldewalk area 2) to allow unobstructed pedestrian movement. The minimum distance from the cu should be 0. metres. Pose 7 ‘Secondary Pian forthe Town of ttn Cantal Business Distict Urban Design Guidelines This lamp post fz wail ino 2 padesiimonertesenstenman' snd te banrore can be customized fo ‘Spacing of fidures should vary according to te intonity of pedestrian use and the Town's standards for various street types. FFures on Main Strect, for example, should be spaced about 10 metres apa, ‘The spacing of ating should be coordinated with the pattems and rhythm of ether sidewalk features suchas paving trees, the locaton of benches and trash receptaces. Selected streets shouldbe distinguished by a unified iting standart style. Variations in design may be used to characterize {gateways focal poets, parking and publ open spaces. These vatatons might inctude banners or hanging plants. ‘The design objactve for Miten's historic residential and commercial ores the creation ofa csinctqualty of street ighting In terms of ‘ath lighting performance and the heritage appesrance ofthe ‘aus. ‘The scale of light ftures shoul! relate to oth bung massing and pedestrians. An averege uminarie mounting height should be ‘3.8 motres (4.2 metres maximum). In this manner, ight tures should be shorter than the existing light polos on Main Street An appropriate Fighting strategy forthe Main treet corridor om (Ontario Street to Thompson Road isthe creation of a "Grand Boulevard" utlizing custom designed ight furs giving special “eighscaping” eects tothe area Existing and proposed parks and puble spaces are erica elements of fa successful and vibrant downtown and play Important roles inthe vera design ofthe CBD. Atractve public spaces are gonerally ‘ppreciated by residents, often generating civic pide, as wel as {alfing human needs forrest, eereation and socialization + To promote yearround uses, the design of parks and pubic spaces should consider the Impact of win, sun, shade and precptation. «Parks and open public spaces should provide a festing of security ‘and safety to users, To tis end, thelr desi should explore a balance between creating areas of refuge and ensuing vistiity for safety rasons. secondary Pan forthe Town of ton Cental Business Distr Urban Design Guidelines 6.1 Public Squares “The Official Plan identifies the lack ofa public square in to's historic downtown core. The Secondary Pan forthe CBD, therefore, has ‘entied the property atthe south east comer of Brown and Main ‘Streets as well a lands inthe Mbxod Use Sub Area ess of Ontario ‘Street as poten sts for public squares +The primary role ofa publ square isto create a central gathering place for civic evens, provide a point of refuge, opportuniies for public reereation such as ee skating and restlunching areas. «+ Miton'spuble squares shouldbe framed by cvle, commercial or cultural actives in order tobe vibrant spaces used throughout the day. + Squares should include pubic art features wih a local or historical theme to reinforce a sense of belonging to an ientile ‘community, 2s well as inereasing the Immediate enjoyment of the space, +The qually of details and materials used will determine the uniqueness ofthese spaces. Lighting of such spaces should have ‘a special character and ambient igtng effec should be considered, + Paving shouldbe of high quality mates, wsing unique pattems, colours and symbole public at element. + Grassed areas shouldbe lited due to anticipated intensive pubic Page 8 ‘Secondary Plan fr the Tow of ton Canta Businoss Dstct Urban Design Guidelines + Fumiture should be chosen according to theme and quality, and ce-orinated by syle and colour schemes, + In adlton to central squares or urban plazas, th cretion of| smaller frecourts may be possibi In order to celebrate and acommadale street actives relative to the commercial, civic, heritage and religious interests of tho community. ry A ‘ropa ron Sat Pas Saas ag SB Tone Fat 6.2 Urban Parkettes Urban parkettes are usualy very small goon or paved areas which may include such eloments a fountains, atieal waterfalls and ‘arcaded siting areas. Urban parettes shouldbe considered as focal points at th terminus and intersections of the streets and coniors wahin the CBD. ‘Small oases inthe urban environment, urban parketes are imal for short-term use. Urban parkettes should have an urban look wih predominantly paved surfaces, ‘Goedtighting and sting festures which promote socialization ‘among users are prerequisites fr successful parkato design. Urban parketes should include public art, fountains or other smaler ‘water features (reflective pols, etc). 6.3 Major Trails “The CBD Secondary Plan designates the land on ether side ofthe (CPR sight of way a8 a Major ral +The conidor with of a major tll should range from a minimum of ‘5 metres toa maximum of 20 metres. This would ellow fora minimum pathway width of metres (wo lanes of 1.5 metres ch) and landscaping. «+ Majo tails should aocommodate pedestrians, bicyclists, inne skaters and olbr recreational uses. + Major trails shouldbe designed as separate linkages from other velour tate. «+ Majo tals should be surfaced wit asphalt to accommodate & ‘wide range of users. In mare natural settings, tals may be paved vith natural meteils such as crushed stones, mestone, wooden planks, ee. + Accommodation of tferent modes of movernent along tits (podestians, oylsts and tne skaters etc) may require pat or ful functional separation + Trall design shoul allow easy access for all users surfaces should be carefully graded and fished to allow full accossty «+ Mortals shouldbe leary marked with an active sina system. Secondary Pian fr the Town of Mion Cantal Business District Urban Design Guldelines “Tne design of major tras should explore opportunities to introduce environmental (ra, fauna) or cultural / historical educational experiences en route Whore there are no bult faites adjacent to tho major tral itis advisable to eccasionaly locate mint-pavifons/ shelters for pedestrian protection. Buildings abutting major trails should be ‘encouraged to incorporate such features ino ther design. Mejor trai shoud be carefully landscaped to provide shelter from natural elements (extensive sun radiation) while creating a high ‘ually visual envionment “Trail design should consider elements of public safely. Dense ‘tees or high walls shouldbe avolded because they create entrapment areas, Frequent, clearly-marked exis to areas of high pedestrian and car tafe should be incorporated into the design ‘Secondy Plan forthe Town of itn Cental Business Distct Urban Design Guidelines + Forsafey reason, lighting should be mandatory forall tals. The level of tating anc type of facure wil depend onthe size and character of the tral. Lighting may also include special ‘environmental effecs In order to add to the visual qualities of the tall, 6.4 Minor Trails & Walkways Minor tals and wakways are key elements ofthe urban fabric which provide necessary pedestrian and bicycle connections between diferent pontsof intrest and community faites. + In some cases minor tals may be characterized more formally 25 pedestrian promenades connecting streets, boulevards, creeks, ‘Ponds and other Interesting urban spaces. These tall serve primary as passive use areas (recreational walking, observing natural setings, heritage architecture et) as well as important socializing spaces where people moet and talk. + Minor tras / walkways should be designed as either separa linkages trom other traffic or pat ofthe overall street ights-of way. Minor rls and walkways may be estabished on unused or underused laneways, potions of vacant lots or sde-yaré ‘easemants beside existing bulings + In ation to thee funtionsl purpose (access, short cannections), ‘minor tals and walkways shouldbe of atractve and easly comprehensibe design, with attractive architectural and landscape features, ‘ts tc errr no prog eit Srote pon ote Crk ay yao + Tralldesign should alow for easy and efficient maintenance of paved and landscaped areas oftrais/ wakways. For safety reasons, the design of minor tralls allways should avold creation of entrapment spot. + Minor tralis with promenade characters should have more formal paved surfacasutlzing concrete or limestone pavers. As such, paving wih abstract pattems, formal lighting and urban future may be used. 6.5 Site Landscape Design “The CBD Secondary Plan Kentiies the value of Miton's natural environment, particulary the qualty ofits rees from bath an environmental and aesthetic perspective. The Pian sets a target of reauiting neviy planted trees to provide canopy cover over 15% ofthe ‘ite, Its recognized that this may not be achievable in certain areas of the Town's core, notably along Main Steel. General, the follwing ‘uidelies should be observed: + ite landscaping should ulize a varlety of methods and forms to ‘achieve a hierarchy of places within the st. Frontages of lts with public exposure shouldbe of the best quay landscaping, ‘This property cides both hard and sof landscaping fates which emploment tha noure end each other. Secondary Plan forthe Town of ton Cental Business Diet Urban Design Guidelines + Ontocal streets where fast through traffic is generally discouraged, twee planting should suggest an regular stop-and.go character achieved by the uneven spacing of clusters, In contrast, endscaping on collector and arterial roads should be of ‘consistent character and maintain a continuous, even rythm. Site landscaping should consist of appropriate tee species cextibiting tolerance fr the loest microcimete, winter salt and sl spraying, drowght, pasts and clsease, as well 2s atmospheric polars. «site landscaping shouldbe of indigenous or Carolinean species reatlly available In local nurseries, easy transplantable, and with 2 tolerance for root damage, 6.6 Tree Preservation “Trees represent an Important element towards achieving urban design objectives. They asi in achieving the pincipe of enclosure and provide shelter and shade, fcitating and encouraging pedestian ‘moverent Existing trees in Miton form significant part of ts natural heritage, ‘Many tres are as important as the buildings In Town that refit ts historical pas, Preserving this natural hertage Is an important objective ofthese guidelines, In achieving this objective the folowing uidetines should apply: + pror tothe removal of any tre on private property over 30 centimatres in lameter, measures 1 metre above the ground, the owner should consult with the Town stat ‘Secondary Plan forthe Town of itn Cantal Business District Urban Design Guidelines + where to0s must be removed for reasons of safety tothe public or property, or the tive is diseased, where feasible a new ree of similar specos should be planted In or near its gia locaton; hen selecting @ new tree, the conditions thatthe tre wil be ‘exposed to should be considered, For example, tres to be planted slong roads would need tobe tolerant of ar pllaton, salt, soll compaction, low soll moisture, ifort salts et. 7.1 Building Style “These design guidelines do not favour or prescribe a particular architectural style. Rather, the intent sto achieve a sense of areitecturatcontinuly throughout the CED while anticipating fture ‘changes in architectural syle and public tate, as well as leaving room for individual architectural expression, + The guidlines advocate respect forthe existing complexity of architectural styles in Miton, which represent the evolution ofthe ‘community's built hetago, 25 wel as strong development controls In parcuaty sensitive areas ofthe CBD's historic cor, + Tho ure of contemporary styles which are senslive and sympathetic to adjacent historical structures is advised. This ‘means that now il buldings should respect existing massing, helgt, fenestration (windows siyes), roofing pattems and use loca ‘materials to successfully blend into the exsing streetscape. ‘Secondary Plan forthe Town of iton Cent Business Distt Urban Design Guidelines 7.2 Building Character High qualtybulig design should produce a unique busing charactor, Uniqueness, achieved through te creative use of frm, Getalls and eoloure, should enhance pedestrian enjoyment along the street and create a strong bulding edge with which to define the urban space, [New buildings shoud ft into Milton's existing character, especial In store residential areas + Such character may be achieved through creative and sensitive architectural design Inthe following areas: + Bulcingsthouete; + Spacing between buildings: ‘+ Setbacks trom th property tne: + Buiding massing; + Location and treatment of entrances; + Surface materials, textures and fishes + Shadow pattems from massing and decorative features; + Style of areitecture; and, + Site landscaping ‘New cesidential and mixed-use development inthe eastern part of the CBD should reinforee the existing character of “old Mon” through the use of highly stuctured enclosed or sem/-enclosed urban blocks. Modem bullding designs shouldbe sympatheticto the architectural elements and material found in the historic downtown core. 7.3 Building Orientation “The orentation of bullngs in elation tothe stroet is ect in ereating sucessful urban spaces. Inconsistoncy in oriontation resis in an incoherent urban space, Proper stroet enclosure supports pedestrian ‘activities whic, in tur, make strets livable, For example, on the north side of Main Steet east of Ontario Steet, thre is no continuous "treet ‘wall beeause bulsings ere individually placed on lots, and predominant oented towards inner spaces entrances to most light Indust and commercial actives are located deep inside the lt). ‘This orientation contributes ta the fagmentation of urban space inthis area and promotes the use of ears rather than encouraging pedestrian travel “+ Orientation of maln bulaing facades should be always toward the public street. + Front facades of intl development within Mion’ historic downtown core should have a maximum of 30% fenestaion (storaont and ‘upper for windows). + Fron facades of new development ess ofthe CPR tracks should have a maximum of 50% fenestration (storefront end upper floor indo), “The use of reflective glass clscouraged to allow better visual contact betwoea the ntsor and extriog, Page 28 ‘secondary Plan forthe Town of itn Central Business Distct Urban Design Guidelines 7.4 Building Setbacks ‘The ereaton of building frontages which property define pivate and publle space i of stvategic importance. Consistent setbacks provide pedestrian inlerest and contort at ground level. An important ‘component of Mito's CBD design Is the re-reation of continuous, baulang tines to define its sets, + Setbacks should enhance te srestsape, denoting important or public blige, or creating a well defined, highly usable and pedestrian teenaly publ realm. mere a consistent setback exists on an urban bloc, that setback should be respected with new development not projecting over the setback or eeatlng @ gap inthe established bulking tne uicling lines at treet corners should be softened by angled setbacks, The resulting comer spaces can be used for urban ssquares/parkttes. + The setback of buldings Inthe historic cre shouldbe considered 1 performance standard for setback in the mixod use sub area in the easter par ofthe CBD. 7.8 Corners “The design of street comers fs one ofthe mest ict dosign tasks ‘Successful design usualy represent landmark points which allow better understanding ofthe urban space ‘comer buildings should terminate vistas, Special attention should be siven to sting, massing an detaing Prominent intersections (focal points) should be enclosed by Iocating new bulking of oer structures close to the streot, thoreby better defining the intersection space. Corners shouldbe accentuated through the careful positioning of entrances or by developing buildings to maximum height its New development Inthe CBD should define major comer locations ‘though the use of ferent architectural techniques. The principal intersections of the CBD (Maia and Thompson, Main and Ontario, ‘and Main and Grone) are designated gateways to the a providing orientation for vistors. Pose ‘Secondary Plan fr the Town of itn Cental Business Disrit Urban Design Guidelines ‘Te MeDonals estouranl fue may ofthe design extra reat boomer tostnent end arslectral etting, The main rar is ‘honfadf0 tho comer and windove face bth stvets. Exo” fries incidental above to main doo, arches on he Upper windows and dating atte eo re, 7.6 Architectural Detalling ‘Architectural deals ad significantly tothe character of bulsings. ‘Occuring most frequently on front facades, architectural detalts acute and emphasize the composton and proportion ofa biting. «Architectural details should be determined upon examination ofthe ‘general character ofthe area, New architecture should acknowledge the postive aspects ofits suroundings + tts ntther feasible nor advisable to replicate historical or period atcntetual deta for modem buldings. Rather, modem buildings wth design elements that respond creatively tothe historical environment are encouraged. ‘Wal detalig should consider types of materials, texture, colour schemes and window styes. Local historical builsng facades display vertically rented windows and a wide varlety of wal detaling, Including brick soaler coursing decorative brick rim ofthe same or contrasting colour, stone tines, wood detaiing, ete, These paltlerns may be used as @ creative reference Inte design of new bung. “Among the elements which should be taken into consideration In the architectural design of new buldings in Miton's historic dlovntown are door and window lintels and sls, window shutters, horizontal bands and comices, diferent types of decorations (tes ‘or scuplual elements), ght, fences and balustrades, ‘Secondary Plan forthe Town of itn Cental Business Distct Urban Design Guidelines 7.7 Building Heights Building heights ae regulated in Milton's Offa Plan nd CBD ‘Secondary Plan and reference should be mad to these documents to determine maximum heights, Within these restrictions, te following ‘guidelines should be considered. Buicings should general be of uniform height, not varying more than 25% from one to the other, The more uniform the height, the easier iis to define the invisible stret "cong" In general, builing height dopends on street width, microctimate and related performance eta for publc urban space, orientation of the set, and prominence ofthe location within the street (Germination of vistas, comer locations, ef) Int buiings abuting existing structures atte bildng tine should math the agjacentbulding height, or provide a clear offset In height to maintain the visual ntegrty of the exiting struct Builaings abutting lower seale buldings shouldbe designed to ensure a transition in Seale, The location of windows, horizontal lines and comicas, gables and roofs can be used to seale and proportion buildings and create transitions + Since the CBD Secondary Plan proposes mixed use development east of Ontario Street with commercial actives at ground level and ofce or residential activities above its recommended thet ‘he approximate maximum allowed helght of individual stories shoul be: ea aE 1) for commercial ground floors: 4.2 metres 1») forofce use second foes: 8.6 metros (9 for standard residential feos: 3.3 metros © fornon-standard residential lofts (mansards, ates): 36, metros Bulcings with atic spaces under pesked or sloped roots may be slightly higher (about 20%) than the recommended maximum height, provided that livable areas within the roof structure are limited to one storey ‘Mechanlcl perhouses, cock owers or similar architectural features shall not be subject o these height rections. However, their massing and proportions should bein cect elation to the buling Builing height should be determined using the sun angle atthe shortest day in the year (December 21) 1 maintain a desirable [evel of sun penctation to streets sidewalks, end public en spaces. «Future development aplicatlons should include a mandatory stidy of shadow impact n order to minimize negative effects on pubic space, + Inotderto maintain and create a ploasant urban environment witin the CBD, Ris advisable to retaln the scale and perception of the foe spatial enclosure that currently exists nthe historic downtown core, as well sto allow a bulling height of 7 stories for key development areas such as designated gateway Inds. «Nev infil development within the historic downtown core Brown to Charles Street is encouraged to retain the predominant 3-4 stray height atthe front bung «Inthe design of muitine storey buildings, consideration shoud be ‘ivan to “stepping back” upper floor storeys to create a uléing base.” 7.8 Building Massing “The Impact of massing should be migatd trough utzatin of ferent architectural techniques to achleve an agreeable contextual ft ‘Secondary Pian forthe Town of ton Cental Business Distt Urban Design Guidelines SS t 3 (RR/aIRE nel fat scorns YT] Pity - HEREME(RERY ¢ { flomaee tt + Two important design elements pertaining to massing are the pata elaonship between height and wth of busing components (e facades to rots, facades to projected or recessed balconies, ete) and the number and retatve proportions of openings. Massing of buildings in the histori downtown area should fotow the estabshed width to height ratio of 12 01:3. + Building design must conser the use ofthe base, middle and top ofthe siicure. Buildings shouldbe "broken" Into predominantly horizontally oriented 2 2 storey bases above which upper storeys ‘are recessed in order to create a pedestrian friendly street environment, } Mang conan re deet wi te Meed U Sub es ‘Secondary Plan forthe Town ofilton Cantal Business Disct Urban Design Guidelines ed HY] = manctonous slab, the gables + Hortzontalty ofthe base mass ofa building shouldbe broken with ‘8 vertical rythm of secondary architectural eloments (columns, vertical fenestration, oof ines, gables) + Future residential, real, entertainment, office or mixed use buildings should avold "boxy" or slab massing. Instead, they ‘shouldbe designed t give tha impression of male blocks / Dullaings which respect historical pattems and the propotions of neighbouring forms. Creation of smaller facade writs wil provide ‘eiional visual interest for pedestans (alization of ratio 1:8) + Planned residetal developments Inthe Mixed Use Sub Area should blend long and short townhouse blocks on residential stives to provide a desirable chythm inthe streetscape. The ‘massing of long townhouse blocks canbe broken up with a series of walkways or passageways to avold the creation ofa single ‘monotonous elevation, Root line, colours, chimneys, window bays, changes in material and other elements can be utlized to achieve these objectives. 7.9 Building Scale Buliing scale sa significant design feature, controling the overall Appearance and friendliness ofthe bul structure within the urban setting + Buling scale should take in account the dynamic nature ofthe treat experonce (changes of angles, perceived tythm of the buulings and their elements), “The target cimension for human scale Is a bulding 3 storis high and approximately 11 metres wide, placed ona stvet spproximately 22 metres wide ‘Tho small sale of buildings in Miton's historic downtown area reflect varied actives, needs end style, and project an Image of the variety and diversity of local cultural it, es should wor to + Batt courses, comices and ether dosig help define street space and scale In urban areas whore enough ‘radvonaly designed bultings remain to establish a coherent pattom: New commercial developments must incorperte human scale