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The word plastic was derived from the word “plastikos” meaning to mould in Greek.

It was

discovered by famous German chemist Christian Schonbein in 1846 for the first time. Today

it is defined as carbon based material that contains an essential ingredient an organic substance

of large molecular weight. They are mostly used for producing packaging materials and also for

construction, textile, in electronics industry and others. However opposite to their benefits

plastics have huge impact on the environment. Because of having non-biodegradable

characteristics and are full of harmful by products and chemicals which are released during their

breakdown process they cause environmental pollution. It's been estimated that 400,000 barrels

of oil are used each day to make plastic packaging in the world. The oil-based plastics cannot be

rid easily and create landfills or environmental pollution. As the world need plastics for our daily

purposes, about 265 million ton of plastics were produced worldwide in 2010, of which 57

million ton were produced in Europe alone. Now a day 8.3 billion metric tons that has been

produced, 6.3 billion metric tons has become plastic waste. Of that, only nine percent has been

recycled. Due to the long-time of decomposition, the disposals of the said plastics have been one

of the biggest problems of one country. [1]

The environmental problems caused by the petroleum based products inspired developing

of environmentally safe and echo friendly materials such as bioplastic. Bioplastics are bio

based materials (plastics) produced from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats

and oils, corn starch, and from agricultural by products. Among these starch is used widely

to produce it.
The first documented interest in producing plastic from renewable resources came from

Henry Ford around 1910 who was interested in making plastic from agricultural waste.

Later in 1941he produced a plastic car from soybean wastes by mixing it with other

components in order to improve its qualities. However, he stopped using it after WWII as

the synthetic plastics became widely available and cheap.

Although it was not new, public concern for biodegradable polymers did not gain

momentum until the 1960s.During this time period people started to understand about

human impact on the earth’s surface including an adverse effect of huge production of

plastics. This paved the way for the environmentalists to research on it. And this lead to

using of products of bioplastics especially starch made bioplastics since they have a large

share in the market and several advantages, such as high availability, low cost, and

renewability. However, starch alone cannot be molded into plastic shapes. It needs to be

processed with heat, mechanical treatment, and a plasticizer to form thermoplastic starch

(TPS). It also needs to be combined with other materials, often a filler, to modify its

properties. Adding filler can improve the mechanical properties of starch and reduce its

water absorption.

Statement of the problem

Petroleum-based plastics have many disadvantages. They require a lot of energy to produce,

take a long time to decompose, and harm the environment. They are also dangerous to

humans as they contain toxic compounds such as benzene, PEG, BPA and other. To move

towards a more sustainable future, biodegradable products have been developed and

improved over the years, and they are still an area of interest for many scientists who want
to create new and greener materials. Starches are one of the most appealing natural

polymers because they are biodegradable, abundant, and cheap. Bioplastics that can degrade

and are made from starch can offer an environmental and economic solution to the problem.

Moreover, banana peels,

which are usually discarded as agricultural waste, can be used as a raw material for


The objective of the study

The general objective of this work Production of Bio plastic from Banana Peels. Under a

general objective Specific Objectives are mentioned as below.

 To prepare starch with some filler fluid paste from banana peel.

 To characterize bio plastic [mechanical properties of the plastic (tensile

strength), and analyze the water absorption properties of bio plastic].

 To analyze the effect of PH value, reaction time, and amount of plasticizer

on bio plastic production.

Scope of the project

The aim of this Synthesis and Experimental study is to produce bio plastic from starch

extracted from banana peels. The study will investigate the factors that affect the optimal

production of bio plastic. The steps involved in the study are: collecting banana peels,

extracting starch, making bio plastic, testing its properties, analyzing the data, and drawing

Literature View

Historical Background of Plastics

Originally, the term "plastic" referred to materials that were easily shaped, but it now represents

a category of materials called polymers. Polymers are long chains of molecules found in nature

and synthesized from carbon atoms in petroleum. These synthetic polymers have repeating units

that make them strong, lightweight, and flexible, hence the term "plastic." Plastics have become

vital in our lives, especially over the past 50 years, due to their versatility.

They have proliferated due to their flexibility, coming in various forms with different properties.

They are cost-effective, have a high strength-to-weight ratio, and can be pigmented directly.

Plastics are a specific type of polymer, and understanding them begins with understanding

polymers, composed of repeating units called monomers. They are also moldable organic

polymers, mostly derived from petroleum. They can be shaped into various products, including

fibers and foams. They can be classified as thermoplastics or thermoset plastics and as

commodity, engineering, or specialty plastics, depending on their properties. In their raw form,

plastics are called resins.

In essence, plastics are a subset of polymers with organic and moldable properties, playing a

crucial role in various applications due to their versatility and characteristics.

History of Bioplastics

The interest in biodegradable plastics began to grow during the oil crisis of the 1970s, as rising

oil prices prompted increased research and development of biodegradable materials. In the

1980s, products such as biodegradable films, sheets, and moldable materials started to emerge.

Green or plant-based materials have gained popularity, primarily because they are a sustainable

resource that has become more economically viable over time.

Ongoing research is continually advancing the development of new materials. Scientists must

strike a balance between various factors to create suitable biodegradable materials. Starch-based

plastics are primarily derived from sources like wheat, potatoes, rice, and corn, with corn being

the most commonly used and cost-effective starch source. The majority of starch sales come

from the United States, generating approximately $1.8 million annually. Starch, a highly

versatile product, finds application in non-food items such as paper production, cardboard, textile

sizing, and adhesives. Starch-based plastics have already been utilized in the manufacturing of

items like eating utensils, plates, cups, and other products.

Creating biodegradable plastics offers several advantages. Starch-based biodegradable plastics

have demonstrated their environmentally friendly nature. They degrade 10 to 20 times faster than

traditional plastics. When traditional plastics are incinerated, they release harmful toxins that can

be detrimental to both human health and the environment. In contrast, burning biodegradable

films results in minimal or no release of toxic chemicals or fumes into the air. Biodegradable

plastics have also been shown to enhance soil quality as microorganisms and bacteria in the soil

decompose the material, enriching the soil's fertility.

Global overview of Bioplastics

As defined by the European bio-plastics organization, bio-plastics can be categorized as plastics

derived from either renewable resources (bio-based) or as plastics that are biodegradable and/or

compostable. Bio-plastics source their materials from a diverse range of renewable sources,

including vegetable oil, corn starch, potato starch, and fibers from materials like pineapple, jute,

hemp, henequen leaves, and banana stems.

While corn remains a primary source of starch for bio-plastics, contemporary usage also

incorporates starches from potato, wheat, rice, barley, oats, and soy. The fundamental goal of

bio-plastics is to replicate the natural life cycle of biomass, emphasizing the preservation of

fossil resources, reduced carbon dioxide emissions, and responsible water management.

Potential of Bioplastic in Ethiopia

Ethiopia currently hosts a total of 350 plastic manufacturing companies that produce a diverse

range of 12 product categories, including automotive tires, modern wood and plastic blended

home partitions, PVC-made tiles, and small household furniture. Notably, all the raw materials

used in this industry are imported, primarily from the Middle East, Europe, and Asia.

Bio-plastics can play a crucial role in reducing the environmental impact of plastic production

globally. However, in Ethiopia, there has been limited legislative attention to this aspect, despite

the country's potential to produce bio-plastics using agro-industrial waste and other byproducts.

These resources have the potential to produce and market environmentally friendly bio-plastics,

which could help address environmental issues while also creating job opportunities, from raw

material collection to product manufacturing. This paper aims to explore the potential for
producing eco-friendly products from the substantial amount of waste generated across the


Banana peels as raw material

Globally banana is a major food crop that is grown and consumed in more than 100 countries of

tropics and subtropics and which is fourth important food crop next to rice, wheat and maize

(INIBAP, 2000). Banana is the second major fruit that produced after citrus in Ethiopia which

produced throughout the country if there is enough rainfall or irrigation, but at present south and

southwestern Ethiopia are the major suppliers of banana to major cities like Addis Ababa from

ArbaMinch, MizanTeferi, and Tepi (Gebre-Mariam, 1999). So the banana for this research will

be bought from retailers and the peels will be used for the research experiment. The moisture

content of banana peel is 85% and its specific heat is 3.35kJ/kg oC. (Mohammad & Bushra ,


Sources of Bioplastics

From Microorganisms: the presence of polyhydroxyalkanoic acids as storage polymers in

prokaryotic cells is now recognized as widespread. These compounds are not soluble in water.

Many bacteria produce a storage compound known as polyβ-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) in

significant quantities for carbon and energy storage. While this feature is absent in enteric

species, it is commonly found in Pseudomonad and related species, including those that form

symbiotic relationships with plants like Rhizobium and nitrogen-fixing Azotobacter spp.

Accumulation of PHB typically occurs in response to imbalanced growth when there is an excess

of carbon and an energy source. In suitable conditions, this polymer can make up more than 50-
80% of the cell's dry weight. The stored PHB is observed in the form of granular inclusions

within the cytoplasm.

However, many of these compounds are either present in relatively small amounts or are

unsuitable as potential bioplastics due to factors such as short chain lengths. Some Archaea,

including Haloferax mediterranei, synthesize PHB and PHV. These halophilic bacteria offer

advantages for production due to their culture requirements, which involve salinity and relatively

high temperatures, reducing the risk of contamination. In certain species like Azotobacter

vinelandii, the simultaneous production of significant amounts of exopolysaccharide diverts

substrates to other products and complicates the recovery of PHB. Through the development of

high-yielding mutant strains, conversion rates of up to 65 percent for PHB have been achieved,

ultimately resulting in PHA yields of 71 percent of the cell's dry weight

From Starch

Starch is a significant resource in the development of bioplastics, and numerous prior studies

have focused on its use as a natural biopolymer. Starch is composed of long chains of glucose

units linked together, forming branched polymers known as amylopectin and amylose, which

contribute to its granular structure. Because of its widespread availability, affordability,

renewability, and biodegradability, starch is a common choice in bioplastic production. Starch

can exhibit thermoplastic properties when combined with a plasticizer and subjected to heat and

mechanical treatment.

Native starch-based films, however, have limitations such as high water affinity and brittleness.

To enhance and modify the properties of these films, other natural biopolymers are often

introduced as fillers.
Banana peels represent notable waste form rich in starch content, approximately 18.5%.

Managing waste, especially in developing countries, becomes a challenge due to the disposal of

substantial quantities of banana peels, particularly in regions with banana-based industries, like

Malaysia. These industries use banana flesh as their primary raw material and discard the peels

as waste, leading to environmental issues and potential health problems, including respiratory

disorders The starch content in banana peels increases as they ripen, but overly ripe peels convert

starch into glucose, while under-ripe peels remain firm despite their high starch content.

Hence, banana peels can be considered a suitable source for bioplastic manufacturing.

Furthermore, corn, a well-known source of starch and a staple food source for humans, has also

been extensively studied for its potential as a biopolymer in bioplastic production.

Composition of banana peel

Items (Composition name) Contents (g/100g dry matter)

Protein 8.6

Fat 13.1

Starch 12.78

Ash 15.25

Total Dietary Fat 50.25

As in table above, the contents of banana peels is divided in to five categories, from this

items starch is the key for bio plastic production

Classification of bioplastics
Bioplastics can be classified into various categories based on their origin, properties, and

biodegradability. Here are some common classifications of bioplastics:

1. Bio-based vs. Petro-based Bioplastics:

 Bio-based bioplastics are derived from renewable resources like plants, algae, and

microorganisms. They are often considered more sustainable than petro-based plastics.

 Petro-based bioplastics are made from fossil fuel sources but are engineered to have

properties similar to traditional plastics.

2. Biodegradable vs. Non-biodegradable Bioplastics:

 Biodegradable bioplastics can break down naturally in the environment into harmless

substances, reducing plastic pollution. Examples include PLA (polylactic acid) and PHA


 Non-biodegradable bioplastics retain their structure and properties over an extended

period. They are made from bio-based materials but do not readily decompose.

3. Thermoplastic vs. Thermosetting Bioplastics:

 Thermoplastic bioplastics can be melted and reshaped multiple times without undergoing

chemical changes. They are used in applications where flexibility is required, such as


 Thermosetting bioplastics undergo irreversible chemical changes when heated and, once

set, cannot be reshaped. They are used in durable and heat-resistant applications.

4. Polymeric Type:

 Different types of bioplastics are categorized based on their polymer structure, such as

polylactic acid (PLA), polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), and starch-based bioplastics.

5. Source:
 Bioplastics can be classified based on the source material, such as starch-based, cellulose-

based, or protein-based bioplastics.

6. Blended Bioplastics:

 Some bioplastics are created by blending bio-based polymers with traditional plastics to

improve their properties and reduce environmental impact.

7. Engineering vs. Commodity Bioplastics:

 Engineering bioplastics are designed for specialized applications requiring high-

performance properties, while commodity bioplastics are used for everyday products.

8. Synthetic vs. Natural Bioplastics:

 Some bioplastics are synthesized in a lab using bio-based precursors, while others are

naturally produced by microorganisms.

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