What Is Entrepreneurship

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Team Details
1. Vishal Kumar Sagar
2. Rajeev Kumar
3. Vivek Kumar yadav
4. Rahul
5. Varsha Sharma
6. Shubham Sharma
7. Md.Noor Nawaz Alam
8. Vikas Sharma
9. Aman Kumar Singh
The Problem
Lack of access to healthy food options in
food deserts Food deserts are areas where
people have limited access to fresh, healthy,
and affordable food This can lead to health
problems such as obesity, diabetes, and
heart disease The problem affects millions
of people in the US alone
When and Where does
the problem occur ?

Food deserts are typically found in low-

income urban and rural areas The
problem occurs when people don't have
access to grocery stores or fresh food
markets within a reasonable distance
Why is it a problem?
Limited access to healthy food can lead
to health problems and increased
healthcare costs It can also contribute to
social and economic inequalities People
living in food deserts may have to rely on
unhealthy and expensive options such as
fast food
Existing Solutions

Government programs and initiatives to

increase access to healthy food options
Community gardens and farmer's
markets Mobile grocery stores and food
delivery services
Who is Facing the
Problem ?
People living in food deserts who have
limited access to healthy food options
Low-income individuals and families
who may not have the resources to travel
to grocery stores outside their area
Problem Statement

People living in food deserts have limited

access to fresh, healthy, and affordable
food options, which can lead to health
problems and contribute to social and
economic inequalities
Our Ideas :-

A subscription-based meal delivery service

that sources ingredients from local farmers
and suppliers A mobile grocery store that
visits food desert areas on a regular
schedule A community garden and
educational program to teach people how to
grow their own food
Finalized Idea
Present the idea that the team has chosen to
pursue: A mobile grocery store that visits
food desert areas on a regular schedule,
stocked with fresh and healthy food options
sourced from local farmers and suppliers
Addresses the problem directly by bringing
healthy food options to the people who need
them most Can be operated with relatively
low costs and high flexibility

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