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In the neighborhood 4\ Around town oD Label the pictures with the correct: ‘Words from the box, | bank? coffeeshop~ newsstand bookstore“ —_gasstation Subway station~| q ‘Answer the questions. Use the places from Exercise 1- ae kstore, ora gas station. _ 1 wi ce sade tar Sin cofes? At. aga sta ns ere C ‘ a 2. Where can you usually get a newspaper? a one ae ir s een k i o 3 Where can you usually get a book? Ha ee aya ows onion ng 4 Where can you get gas for a car? A ola aa = 5 Where can you usually getsomefood? = ere Ceshop ard. Scanned with CamScanner “INeyson “oma 3 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. between” in@ nextto. Yon onthe corer of across from” fir Ne ietac MW VEL Thebus stop is on Maple Street. She cow Oak Theparkis_onthe comer_ot Street and Maple Street. Joe's Cafés, in the park. The bookstoreis__helween the bank and the park. . The schoolis vom the park, The banks. wt to the bookstore. 6Oe wt Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 1 is/The / supermarket / next to / the / post office /. rmarket is ne t office. / Th next to th market. e 2 The/ Linden street / department store /on /is/. i 1 Ste nd etic i famen: 3. the/hotel / drugstore / across from / The /is/. 6 the diuogslore, hwastore ig actoss tom he hel 4 bookstore / café / in /the /The/is/. The cole is in the bookstore 5 the/ library / The / bank and the school / is / between /. The Lbvory 16 belweenthe bask ond the gchool 6 First Avenue / The / hotel /is /on the corner of / and / Market Street /. The hold ison the comer of Gist Auenve and Mork et Street. Scanned with CamScanner r ~ “Son. fomay Read the clues, Lab, 8 a Places with the correct words, Then answer the questions. rket is f Second Avenue and Prince Street. ‘sen the bank and the hotel, le bank, A * Thesupermay ison the corn, er of is betw * The library is next to th * The coffee shop i 1 Isthe hotel between the cofee shop and the supermarket? 2. Whatis on the corner of Miller Avenue and Prince Street? 3 What is next to the supermarket? 4 'sthe coffee shop next to the library? No, ib ten't B_* The drugstore is across from the post office. * The police station is next to the drugstore * The bookstore isn't on Oak Street. * The newsstand is next to the bookstore. Whi he cor c 2 The nawstond Jk Street and Hill Avenue? snes yewsstand? “Tne boosloe 7 2. What is between the post office and the n ‘ete , : 4 : 3. {Isthe police station on Hill Avenue? a 4 re? Isthe bookstore across from the drugstore Scanned with CamScanner ow dolgetto.--? i Complete the directions with the correct words from the box. blocks left «stake «= turn” = up a walk 150 York Street ] 5 East Eighth Street | to the corner of Elm Street. > Start on York Street. Walk [P Take a Tun, on Elm Street. XS |» Go ap Elm Street. | > Toke right on Fifth Avenue. \> Walk four_Dlocks cs p> Leth - a right on Eighth Street. | ¢ | Go down Eighth Stost. t's onthe left Write the conversation in the correct order, 7 Excuse me, How do | get to the drugstore? Go up Oak Street and turn left on First Avenue Great. Thank you very much. Tum left on First Avenue? ~ Yes. . How do frugstore? ind juin | on first Avene Ms 2 Scanned with CamScanner [elBen in ‘Complete the pu: ou Puazle and the sentences with the correct places to visit. >| 2 Let’swatchamovieatthe___movie theater. 3. Mychildren can swim, and they love the Sanyo ethene Ngee _ 6 Isthereagwimming, _poot here? 7 Donworks at the science _¢.eny Down 1 Let's see the animals at the_ZOO . 2. Ireally like the art at this MUSenM& 4 The parkis fun! Wheeeeeeee! Scanned with CamScanner oneyson Tomar ™ Read the text. Then answer the questions. STATE —_— GATLINBURG, TENNESSEE Welcome! There's a lot to do in Gatlinburg! Read about all of the fun places to visit here! Cm) COT ra | sa] a od | 5 | We havea lot of museums. Goto the Hollywood Great Smoky Mountains National Parkis near ‘Star Cars Museum and see musicians’ cars. You Gatlinburg. It has 150 hiking trails! For other can see actors’and actresses'cars,too! Ripley's outdoor activities, you can try the alpine Believe It or Not Museum is also great. And slide or water raft rides at Ober Gatlinburg Ripley's Aquarium has very unusual fish. ‘Ski Area and Amusement Park. Are theré any museums in Gatlinburg? _Yes,thereare. Is there an aquarium in Gatlinburg? Ne, Mere 6 _cauarium Meu Is there a national park near Gatlinburg? Nes Yheeig © Are there 200 hiking trails in the park? Hot, thew cue hag 60.0 Wiking Anoils Is there a ski area in Gatlinburg? Neg dhaeig Isthere an amusement park? Neyteeig Write sentences about Gatlinburg with there is / are / isn’t / aren’t and the information in parentheses. 1. (aquariums / 1) —There’sanaquariuminGatlinburg. 2. (museums /9) —Thie's a. ninus_museums.i¢ Gallinbug 3. (2005/0) pve jan NT (movie theaters /4) Thee _ote. . 4 5 (tere /2) Thae_oren't on ete is 6 (amusement parks/1) Thete n_amusem ant porkiin Gailinty 7 anno ne Scanned with CamScanner Sheyson “Pome?! ¢ A Great. And are there any zoos herr BNo_thee isn't 3 ne . ——— but there's an aquarium. It’s near the art museum, A OK. Thanks, \__ near here? © Excuse me. inthoie: o guiming 222 — D_Aswimming pool? Yes, Shee 16 — - ere is. ‘one in the park. © Great. ‘ig there the Vonary —nearthe pate D No, Thee ign} __. The tibraryis across from the school, about ten blocks from here. © Thankyou very much, Complete the chart with the number of each place in your town or city. Then write sentences with there is/are and the information in the chart. amusement parks aquariums movie theaters science centers ‘swimming pools oO 0 oO museums 4A 2 10 0 05 zn t inmy wr 2 i Al _ooxk K : gee Scanned with CamScanner u Look at the calendar in Exercise ft Read the text. Complete the sentences with the correct days © great place to visit day? 21s the Ridgewood community Center open every day: NS clased_on Sundoys e week. 1 You can see a movie at the community center on Friday —- 2. Youcan visita museum on_Menay ‘There's an Italian dinner at the community center on 3 4. Theswimming pool is open all day on_[vesdasy —- 5 Thereisa book sale on Thursdey— . 6 Youcan goto an amusement parkon_ Saturday, . Ridgewood'Co amt ‘ 4 Movie Night Field Trip Children’s Art OpenSwim _—ItalianNight Bookstore l Tour ‘Allday 600-800pm. —Allday 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. 230-430pm. 9:00a.m.-Tt090 Bring old books Watch a movie at We take abus | Tour the new Ourswimming There's an tain | Metro Art Museum pools open to inner at our torte center the center. There's tothe Geatfin | with two guides, everyone on ‘community center. on Monday. On drama in Room Amusement Pa “Thisisfor children Tuesday! Come andeat Thursday we have B, andthere'sa in Oakdaeinte "age 6-12 and their spaghetti a book sale. children’s movie in moming an cae _ Parents. $8 foradults Room D. back in te een “$Sperperson it's ree! $6forchiléren __Allbooksare $1. They're free! $45 perperson ie “NOTE: We are closed on Sunda : Take the 062 bus to the Lamont bus stop. Walk By Subway: Take the C train to Melvin Station. Walk up the down Lamont Street. Tum lft on Orchid Street. We're stairs and tum right on View Street. Walk to Main ste | _ nthe comer of Orchid Street and Main Stet. and tum right. Walk two blocks to the comer of Main ae ‘Steet and Orchid Street, Read the text again. Then answer the questions, 1 How much is the museum tour? -ltsfivedollars per person, 2 What time is the Italian dinner? : . 7 3. Is there a swimming pool at the community center? sie 4. How do they get to the amusement park? 4 a 5. Whereis the community center in Ridgewood? Scanned with CamScanner

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