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1.-Look at the pictures of six sleeping positions and answer the questions. Write A–F.

Which sleeper(s) lies …

1 .-on their back? D and E

2 .-on their side? A , B and C

3 .-on their front? F

4 .-with their arms in front of them? A and C

5.- with their arms down by their sides? E and B

2.- Listen to six people describe their sleeping position. Match each speaker to a sleeping
position, A–F.
Speaker 1 D Speaker 4 F

Speaker 2 B Speaker 5 E

Speaker 3 A Speaker 6 C

3.- Listen to an expert talking about sleeping positions. Complete the sentences with position A–

1.- Type C people like everything to be in the correct place.

2.- Type B people like to go out and be with other people.

3.-Type A people sometimes take a long time to decide on something.

4.-Type E people are quiet.

5.- Type F people are sometimes loud.

6.- Type D people are good listeners.

4.- Listen again. Are these sentences true or false?

1.-Many women are type C people. TRUE/FALSE

2.-Type C people like to tell other people what to do. TRUE/FALSE

3.-Type D is the second most popular sleeping position. TRUE/FALSE

4.- 13% of people are type A sleepers. TRUE/FALSE

5.- Type F sleepers sleep in a comfortable position. TRUE/FALSE

6.- Dr Rico is a type D person. TRUE/FALSE

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