Independence Day Speech

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There was nothing extraordinary about the way the sun rose that day,

or the way the birds chirped at dawn, but it was truly a very
significant event for all those who lived in the nation. The auspicious
occasion was marked with a sense of euphoria, that one could clearly
smell in the air. The rivers were filled with tears of joy, for the
sacrifices of those who had spilt their blood for their mother soil had
not gone in vain.
Although the struggle was long and not easy to endure, it was finally
the day where the fellow countrymen could taste the sweetness of
freedom and take immense pride in being Indian, from the depths of
their heart, without fearing the risk of atrocities being done to them.
That was the beginning of a new era in the chapters of history. The
15th of August,1947 was a day no true Indian patriot could forget, for
their heart swelled with joy and respect for their nation every time
they saw the tricolor raised high.

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