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Cerebrospinal fluid

• 1 . Recognize mechanism of regulation and auto regulation of
cerebral blood flow.
• 2. Explain the effect of brain activity on cerebral blood flow.
• 3. Identify formation, flow and absorption of cerebral fluid.
• 4. List functions of CSF.
• Normal Rate of Cerebral Blood Flow
• Normal blood flow through the brain of the adult
person averages 50 to 65 milliliters per 100
grams of brain tissue per minute. For the entire
brain, this amounts to 750 to 900 ml/min, or 15
per cent of the resting cardiac output.
• Regulation of Cerebral Blood Flow
• As in most other vascular areas of the body, cerebral blood
flow is highly related to metabolism of the tissue. At least
three metabolic factors have potent effects in controlling
cerebral blood flow:
(1) carbon dioxide concentration,
(2) hydrogen ion concentration,
(3) oxygen concentration.
• Autoregulation of Cerebral Blood Flow When the Arterial Pressure
• Changes. Cerebral blood flow is “autoregulated” extremely well between
arterial pressure limits of 60 and 140 mm Hg.
• That is, mean arterial pressure can be decreased acutely to as low as 60 mm Hg or
increased to as high as 140 mm Hg without significant change in
• cerebral blood flow. And, in people who have hypertension,
• autoregulation of cerebral blood flow occurs even when the mean arterial pressure
rises to as high as 160 to 180 mm Hg
• General information about CSF

• CSF fills ventricles and subarachnoid space.

• - Volume = 150 ml
• - Rate of production =550 ml/d, so it turns 3.7 times/day.
• - Lumbar CSF pressure = 80-180 mm water
• - Absorption of CSF occurs by bulk flow is proportionate to CSF
• - At pressure of 112 mm water(normal average): filtration and
absorption are equal.
• - Below pressure of 68 mm water, CSF absorption stops.
• Formation
• Secreted by choroid plexuses into each ventricle
• Choroid plexus are areas where the lining wall of the ventricle is very thin and has a
large amount of capillaries
• Drainage
• From the roof of the 4th ventricle CSF flows through foramina into the subarachnoid
space and completely surrounds the brain and spinal cord
• When CSF pressure is higher than venous pressure, CSF passes into the blood
• and when the venous pressure is higher the arachnoid villi collapse, preventing the
passage of blood constituents into the CSF
• The CSF passes back into blood through tiny diverticula of arachnoid mater called
arachnoid villi (arachnoid granulations), which project into the venous sinuses
• Some reabsorption of CSF by cells in the walls of the ventricles occurs
• Movement of the CSF is by pulsating blood vessels,
• respiration and changes of posture
• CSF is secreted continuously at a rate of about 0.5ml
• per minute i.e. 600 ml per day
• Total CSF in the brain 120 ml
• CSF pressure can be measured by attaching a vertical
• tube to the lumbar puncture needle – 10 mmHg
Composition of CSF
nearly free from protein and cholesterol

of CSF is
essentially the
same as
brain ECF
Function of cerebrospinal fluid
• Protective function: The brain is supported within the
arachnoid by the blood vessels , nerve roots and the
arcahnoid trabiculae. When the head receives a blow, the
arachnoid slides on the dura and the brain moves, but its
motion is gently checked by the CSF cushion and by the
arachnoid trabiculae. Removal of CSF during lumbar
puncture can cause severe headache
Function of CSF
• 2. Facilitation of pulsatile cerebral blood flow,
• 3. Distribution of peptides, hormones, neuroendocrine factors and other
nutrients and essential substances to blood,
• 4.Wash away waste products.
• 5. Cardiovascular dynamics are also affected by CSF pressure,
• as the flow of blood must be tightly regulated within the
• brain to assure consistent brain oxygenation. (cushing reflex)
• 6- level of oxygen, CO2 and hydrogen ion concentrations in CSF regulate
respiratory and cardiovascular centers in medulla oblongata.
CSF PRESSURE = intracranial pressure
• External hydrocephallus: Large amounts of CSF accumulates when the
• reabsorptive capacity of arachnoid villi decreases.

• Internal hydrocephallus: occurs when foramina of Luschka &

• Magendie are blocked or obstruction within ventricular system,
• resulting in distention of the ventricles.
• Brain Edema
• One of the most serious complications of abnormal cerebral fluid
dynamics is the development of brain edema.
• Because the brain is encased in a solid cranial vault, accumulation
of extra edema fluid compresses the blood vessels, often causing
seriously decreased blood flow and destruction of brain tissue.
• The usual cause of brain edema is either greatly increased capillary
pressure or damage to the capillary wall that makes the wall leaky to
• A very common cause is a serious blow to the head, leading to
brain concussion, in which the brain tissues and capillaries are
• traumatized so that capillary fluid leaks into the traumatized tissues.
•Thank you

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