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Industrial Training Report on

Web Development

Persistence Software Solution

Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for award of

Bachelor of Technology

Mithlesh rawte

Roll No.-300702220026



Approved by AICTE Affiliated to CSVTU, Bhilai Newai
Koni, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh 495009



This is to certify that the “Internship report” submitted by Mithlesh Rawte (300702220026) is
work done by her and submitted during 2023 – 2024 academic year, in partial

Fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in

OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, at Persistence Software Solution

Department Internship Coordinator

Assistant Prof. Vivek Singh Rathore

Head of the Department

Dr. K. K. Saxena


First I would like to thank Mr…………………………….., HR, Head, of Persistence Software Solution
ACADEMY, Bilaspur for giving me the opportunity to do an internship within the organization.n

I also would like all the people that worked along with me Persistence Software Solution
ACADEMY, Bilaspur with their patience and openness they created an enjoyable working

It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of gratitude that I acknowledge
the help of these individuals.

I am highly indebted to Principal Dr. BS. CHAWLA, for the facilities provided to accomplish this

I would like to thank my Head of the Department Dr. K. K. Saxena for his constructive criticism
throughout my internship.
I would like to thank Asst.Prof. Vivek Singh Rathore College internship coordinator Department
of CSE for their support and advices to get and complete internship in above said organization.

I am extremely great full to my department staff members and friends who helped me in
successful completion of this internship.

Mithlesh Rawte


I, hereby declare that work, which is being presented in this report “
………………………………………………..’’ in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
bachelor of technology in Computer Science & Engineering and submitted to the Department
of Computer Science & Engineering , Government Engineering college Koni, Bilaspur, is an
authentic record of work carried within the premises of “Persistence Software Solution
ACADEMY, under the supervision of “ ’’ Director of Persistence Software Solution

The contents of this report, in full or in parts, have not been submitted to any other Institute or
University for the award of any degree and are free from plagiarism

Jitesh Ayam

This training report encapsulates a dynamic journey through the realm of web development,
exploring the fundamental concepts, modern technologies, and best practices in the ever-
evolving landscape of the World Wide Web. The training, conducted in [Company/Organization
Name], provided an immersive experience in developing responsive and user-centric web

The first section of the report introduces the foundational elements of web development,
covering the essentials of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and their crucial roles in constructing the
structure, style, and interactivity of web pages. As the narrative unfolds, it progresses to more
advanced topics such as front-end frameworks, back-end technologies, and the seamless
integration of databases. An emphasis is placed on mastering industry best practices, coding
standards, and version control, laying a solid groundwork for effective collaboration and high-
quality code.

The second section delves into the principles of responsive design and the utilization of
frameworks like Bootstrap to ensure a seamless user experience across various devices and
screen sizes. The exploration extends to the incorporation of JavaScript libraries and
frameworks, including but not limited to React and Node.js, for building interactive and scalable
web applications. Real-world projects and problem-solving scenarios are examined in detail,
providing valuable insights into practical challenges faced by web developers and equipping the
trainee with the skills necessary for efficient project delivery.

In conclusion, this report consolidates the knowledge and skills acquired during the industrial
training in web development, offering a comprehensive overview of theoretical foundations,
practical applications, and emerging trends in the field. It serves as a testament to the trainee's
ability to contribute effectively to the dynamic and ever-expanding domain of web
development, reflecting a commitment to excellence and adaptability in this fast-paced

S No. Contents Page No.

Introduction 1-2
Analysis 3
3 Software Requirement
Technology 5-6
Coding 7
Screenshots 8-9
Conclusion 10
Bibliography 11
Learning Objectives/Internship Objectives

 Internships are generally thought of to be reserved for college students looking to gain
experience in a particular field. However, a wide array of people can benefit from
Training Internships in order to receive real world experience and develop their skills.

 An objective for this position should emphasize the skills you already possess in the area
and your interest in learning more

 Internships are utilized in a number of different career fields, including architecture,

engineering, healthcare, economics, advertising and many more.

 Some internship is used to allow individuals to perform scientific research while others
are specifically designed to allow people to gain first-hand experience working.

 Utilizing internships is a great way to build your resume and develop skills that can be
emphasized in your resume for future jobs. When you are applying for a Training
Internship, make sure to highlight any special skills or talents that can make you stand
apart from the rest of the applicants so that you have an improved chance of landing
the position.
Date Day Name of The Topic/Module
10/7/23 Monday HTML Basics
11/7/23 Tuesday CSS Fundamentals
12/7/23 Wednesday JavaScript Introduction
13/7/23 Thursday Responsive Design Basics
14/7/23 Friday Front-End Frameworks (e.g.,
15/7/23 Saturday JavaScript DOM Manipulation

Date Day Name of The Topic/Module

17/7/23 Monday Back-End Basics (Node.js)
18/7/23 Tuesday RESTful API Principles
19/7/23 Wednesday Database Integration (e.g.,
20/7/23 Thursday Version Control (Git)
21/7/23 Friday Advanced CSS Techniques
22/7/23 Saturday React.js Basics
Date Day Name of The Topic/Module
24/7/23 Monday React.js Components
25/7/23 Tuesday State Management in React
26/7/23 Wednesday Full-Stack Development Concepts
27/7/23 Thursday Server-Side Routing (Express.js)
28/7/23 Friday Deployment Strategies
29/7/23 Saturday Project Work and Troubleshooting

Date Day Name of The Topic/Module

31/7/23 Monday Advanced Topics (e.g., GraphQL)
1/8/23 Tuesday Security Best Practices
2/8/23 Wednesday Performance Optimization
3/8/23 Thursday API Design and Documentation
4/8/23 Friday Continuous Integration/Continuous
Deployment (CI/CD)
5/8/23 Saturday Project Refinement and Code

The digital landscape is continually evolving, and proficiency in web development has become a
cornerstone skill in navigating this dynamic terrain. This training report documents my
immersive journey into the realm of web development, conducted during the period 10/7/23 to
11/7/23, within the vibrant setting of Persistence Software Solution.

1.1 Scope and Objectives:

The training aimed to equip me with a comprehensive understanding of web development
practices, from foundational concepts to advanced technologies. Over the course of 4 Weeks, I
delved into the intricacies of front-end and back-end development, mastering essential
languages, frameworks, and methodologies that underpin the creation of modern, user-centric
web applications.

1.2 Organizational Context:

Undertaken at Persistence Software Solution the training was enriched by exposure to real-
world projects and industry best practices. This immersion allowed me to bridge theoretical
knowledge with hands-on application, fostering a holistic understanding of the challenges and
opportunities present in the field.

1.3 Key Highlights:

Hands-On Learning: The training prioritized hands-on experiences, providing practical insights
into coding, debugging, and collaborative development methodologies.

In-Depth Exploration: I explored a spectrum of technologies, from fundamental languages such

as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, to advanced frameworks like React and Node.js. Additionally, the
training delved into database integration, responsive design, and deployment strategies.
Collaborative Environment: The collaborative nature of the training encouraged teamwork,
effective communication, and the adoption of version control systems, mirroring the
collaborative dynamics prevalent in professional web development settings.

1.4 Structure of the Report:

This report unfolds in a structured manner, beginning with an analysis of the challenges and
opportunities encountered during the training. It further delves into the software requirements,
the technology stack explored, coding practices, and concludes with reflections on the overall

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, this training has equipped me with a skill set
poised to contribute effectively to the ever-expanding field of web development. The
subsequent sections provide a detailed account of the knowledge gained, skills honed, and
projects undertaken during this transformative period.

2.1 Project Overview:

The system analysis phase of the training involved a comprehensive exploration of the project
requirements and a detailed understanding of the objectives set by Persistence Software
Solution. The primary focus was on dissecting the project scope, user expectations, and the
overall architecture required for successful web development.

2.2 Challenges and Opportunities:

During the analysis phase, several challenges and opportunities surfaced, contributing
significantly to the learning curve. Challenges included, tight deadlines, complex project
specifications, providing a valuable backdrop for problem-solving and skill enhancement.
Simultaneously, opportunities such as exposure to cutting-edge technologies, collaboration
with experienced developers opened avenues for growth and innovation.

2.3 User Requirements:

Understanding user requirements formed a pivotal part of the system analysis. Through
consultations with stakeholders and project managers, I gained insights into the functional and
non-functional requirements essential for delivering a successful web application. The user
requirements were carefully documented to ensure alignment with the project's objectives.

2.4 Feasibility Study:

Conducting a feasibility study was imperative to assess the viability of the proposed web
development projects. Factors such as technical feasibility, economic viability, and legal
considerations were evaluated to ensure that the envisioned solutions were realistic and
aligned with the organizational goals.

2.5 System Architecture:

The system analysis phase included the conceptualization of the system architecture. This
involved defining the components, modules, and interactions that would constitute the web
application. Special attention was given to selecting suitable technologies and frameworks that
aligned with the project's requirements and scalability goals.

2.6 Project Planning:

A robust project plan was formulated during the system analysis phase. This included defining
milestones, allocating resources, estimating timelines, and outlining a roadmap for the
development process. The project plan served as a guiding framework for subsequent stages,
ensuring a systematic and organized approach to implementation.

2.7 Risk Assessment:

An integral part of the analysis was identifying potential risks associated with the development
process. Risk factors, including technical uncertainties, resource constraints, and external
dependencies, were analyzed, and mitigation strategies were devised to proactively address
and minimize these risks throughout the project lifecycle.

The analysis phase set the foundation for the subsequent stages of development, providing a
clear roadmap and strategic insights into the project's intricacies. The following sections will
delve into the specific software requirements, technologies employed, and the coding practices
adopted to bring the envisioned web applications to fruition.
3. Software Requirement and Specification

3.1 Project Overview:

The Software Requirement Specification (SRS) outlines the functional and non-functional
requirements for the web development projects.

3.2 Functional Requirements:

1. User Authentication and Authorization:

 Implement secure user registration, login, and role-based access control.

2. Data Management:
 Design a database schema for CRUD operations and integrate with [specific
database system].

3. Responsive Design:
 Develop a responsive UI using CSS frameworks for seamless user experience.

4. Front-End Interactivity:
 Implement client-side validation, use JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React), and
enable asynchronous data loading.

3.3 Non-Functional Requirements:

1. Performance:
 Achieve response times within [specified milliseconds].
 Implement caching mechanisms for improved performance.

2. Security:
 Utilize HTTPS for secure data transmission.
 Implement input validation and regularly update dependencies.
3.4 Development Environment:
1. Languages and Frameworks:

 Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React

 Back-End: Node.js
 Database: MongoDB

2. Tools and Version Control:

 IDE: Visual Studio Code

 Version Control: Git, Collaboration Platform: [e.g., GitHub]

3.5 Documentation:

 Maintain code comments, API documentation, and user manuals for comprehensive

3.5. Hardware Requirements

1. Server:

 Processor: Dual-core processor, minimum 2.4 GHz

 RAM: 8 GB
 Storage: Minimum 100 GB SSD
 Network: 1 Gbps Ethernet
 Operating System: Linux-based server OS (e.g., Ubuntu Server)
2. Client Devices:

 Processor: Dual-core processor, minimum 1.8 GHz

 RAM: 4 GB
 Display: Minimum 1024x768 resolution
 Network: Broadband internet connection
 Operating System: Compatible with Windows 10, macOS, or a modern Linux
4. Technology

4.1 Front-End Technologies:

4.1.1 HTML5:
HTML5 served as the backbone for structuring the content of web pages, providing
semantic elements and improved support for multimedia.

4.1.2 CSS3:
CSS3 was utilized for styling and layout, enabling the creation of visually appealing and
responsive user interfaces. Advanced features such as flexbox and grid were applied for
enhanced layout control.

4.1.3 JavaScript:
JavaScript played a pivotal role in enhancing interactivity and responsiveness. Key
aspects included DOM manipulation, asynchronous operations, and client-side

4.1.4 React.js:
The React.js library was employed for building dynamic and reusable user interface
components. Its component-based architecture facilitated modular development and
improved code maintainability.

4.2 Back-End Technologies:

4.2.1 Node.js:
Node.js was chosen as the server-side runtime environment. Its non-blocking, event-
driven architecture proved instrumental in handling concurrent connections and
building scalable applications.
4.2.2 Express.js:
Express.js, a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework, was utilized for
server-side routing and building RESTful APIs. Its simplicity expedited the development
of robust back-end services.

4.3 Database:
4.3.1 MongoDB:
MongoDB, a NoSQL database, was selected for its flexibility and scalability. It facilitated
the storage of structured and unstructured data, crucial for dynamic web applications.

4.4 Version Control:

4.4.1 Git:
Git, a distributed version control system, was employed to track changes in the
codebase, enabling collaborative development, versioning, and efficient handling of
code repositories.

4.5 Additional Tools:

4.5.1 IDE:
[Specify your preferred Integrated Development Environment, e.g., Visual Studio Code]

4.5.2 Collaboration Platform:

GitHub served as the primary collaboration platform, facilitating code hosting, version
control, and team collaboration.
5. Coding
5.1 Code Organization and Structure:
Discuss how you structured your codebase for maintainability and readability. Highlight
the use of modularization, directory organization, and any design patterns employed.
Briefly explain the file structure and the rationale behind it.

5.2 Coding Standards:

Outline the coding standards you adhered to during the development process. This may
include naming conventions, indentation practices, and any specific guidelines followed
to maintain a consistent code style across the project.

5.3 Key Coding Practices:

Describe specific coding practices you employed, such as:

 Version Control Usage: Discuss how Git was used for version control, branching
strategies, and collaborative coding practices.
 Error Handling: Explain how errors were handled and logged to facilitate
troubleshooting and debugging.
 Security Measures: Briefly mention security considerations implemented in the code,
such as input validation and protection against common vulnerabilities.

5.4 Testing:
Summarize the testing approach used, covering unit testing, integration testing, or any
other testing methodologies applied. Highlight the tools used for testing and how they
contributed to the overall code quality.

5.5 Performance Optimization:

Discuss any performance optimization techniques applied, including code profiling,
minimizing resource usage, and optimizing database queries.
5.6 Noteworthy Code Snippets:
Select a few key code snippets that showcase your problem-solving skills, efficient
algorithms, or the implementation of significant features. Provide brief explanations for
each snippet to help readers understand your thought process.

5.7 Collaboration and Communication:

Explain how collaboration was fostered within the development team. Discuss
communication channels, code review processes, and any collaborative tools utilized.

5.8 Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

If applicable, mention how CI/CD pipelines were set up to automate the testing and
deployment processes, enhancing the efficiency of the development workflow.

Some Screenshot’s of some coding


Prompt Diary

Weather Application
Free Games API

One-piece Bounty
In conclusion, the web development training has been a transformative journey, equipping
me with a comprehensive skill set in both front-end and back-end technologies. From
mastering fundamental languages to implementing advanced frameworks, the experience
has not only reinforced technical proficiency but also cultivated problem-solving abilities
and collaborative development practices. Successful project deliveries underscore the
application of industry best practices, and as I conclude this report, I am eager to leverage
these newfound skills for continuous growth and contribution in the ever-evolving field of
web development.
The following books are referred during the analysis and execution phase of the project

1. Flanagan, D. (2011). JavaScript: The Definitive Guide. O'Reilly Media.

2. Duckett, J. (2014). HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites. Wiley.
3. W3C. (2023). HTML Living Standard. [Online]. Available:
4. Meyer, E. A. (2017). CSS: The Definitive Guide. O'Reilly Media.
5. Eloquent JavaScript. (2023). [Online]. Available:
6. Chacon, S., & Straub, B. (2014). Pro Git. Apress.
7. MongoDB Documentation. (2023). [Online]. Available:
8. React Documentation. (2023). [Online]. Available:
9. Node.js Documentation. (2023). [Online]. Available:
10. Bootstrap Documentation. (2023). [Online]. Available:
11. Mozilla Developer Network (MDN). (2023). [Online]. Available:
12. Freeman, E., Robson, E., & Bates, B. (2004). Head First Design Patterns. O'Reilly Media.

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