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RULES OF PLAY ‘Peon Sect foro Comma 8, Soon i ae Cowpea Ma ‘SECOND eating a 5 tere Fe mcm: ce etme ctu ence fa gene fe HO ‘ic nah Conus gQ «Oo INTRODUCTION ‘TOBRUK rerestes, in elt fio, the tcc level combat problems enountered 8 the Hetsh {Commonweal German and idan forces codon Ingen ether ia the Neth Azan deer in May aed Toe of 190. Thug aor set of proces for Plaver ea tough eagenence the scope and Seth thee pretens spd an ight in the dicen ‘handing sail ot cone, These prsedes e ince in a conte. pal Sequence wine wht Is known in iis a the rogemmed Inaracton of PL method, In genet cnn of edn the rues ofthe gue epnent ech soci ith ‘erator from te tal tate and each beng Fated im comtent and compen tn thi Kh. 8 ‘rong rcommeniation must he Male 10 owner etwen the condact of TOBRUK and tht of pe soe AH gues, espacial) inthe area of combat Fesoluion i stanly asd thi ll player ay TOBRUK sca by cen, SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PLAY TOBRUK is plied turns. each reectnting 3D seconds of dept ine At. lay an Ary Crployment ace governed by ie et ren presented foreach servo which sey otf sled and oft actin by each ier. One mae player ede a Pete Bash Commonweal tnd one or more payers ae Beg sv ei the (German-Ilian or Anis side. In general, at the ‘epning of senao each kde ls or ener int and engage in corbt wih uns for the er ie {ia timers ot oF speed actor coon a (ait. These very contin tre ice for ccs ‘Cenario andre intended to balance out” the Scents ts aking Yess mach deen om (aye sl = pon “TIE PROGRAMMED INSTRUCTION METHOD meh forcing players othe reso the ‘Bim, This done for ive fetons, Fist TOBRUK bien ocurred. The heaps sem i used 10 Feplte movement and combat. The shad eae Uherenir called "hone are od fo inte area oui or unit pacement inthe varies seman ‘Ag coodate sytem, pie aunt the eg of ‘he mapbour comb of nes raring. mrs ‘ni number ranaing nest southwest. Hex ka ‘ons are Menifed by tos sefrnreg + leer hot row with a mumber hex row Thi locaon ste Uae for cena advanced ume nes. 1 CHARTS Cena pay are the 10 fling cass combining mera charte and ates The Mt mp thee tcl the Hit Poatliy Table. Each lave tres his owa ard to revave combat and dees ‘mage One src es nuded fr ine with UNIT TYPE! ARMORED FIGHTING VEHICLES . SCENARIOS “Te scenarios refered 10 inthe res are saad a ths bolt athe sa of the Rakes son D. ROSTER PAD, [As exganed fhe ls, the roster pad is asd 10 ‘econ muiude of etic ane facto: cast tis sic damage on omit eflctnenen. Aso includ om each rover shot tt Tem Reverd Bon ted cr slag tome , UNIT COUNTERS The to set of dct paying ese, vainly clad tunis unt umes oso resent iia Schclens weapons. or small srs of pervonne Pred en each unt ante frmaton pertinent then of he pme sow nt sta (GaN SALE ah hex repens 18 meters tera rom he sie to hex side: Each game ta equa 9 seco of rea time. Each weapon or vee uni Leese ene ‘weapon of veite Personne us try represen German British inch Simm Pakw-IVe asi Stan Be aoe] nm oe Gi Marder 111 ty 25011 792mm Breda 37 an nt st] ce? all Crusader M340 Sd kf. 7 EE oer are [ee talan: P fe sere Heavy wiser Semovente | ge] tio Crew-Served Weapons: ; British: Medium . Matilda 11 OTHER VEHICLES Light BE] CssSovea weapons: 2uner British: fae ss British: re Valentine 1 Quad Medium 8! ycter Spounder Truck sll ‘Machine gut ATG German: Lael WEAPON UNITS 34inch ‘75mm (f) Pekw-lIh 3Ae Carver Light Infantry Weapons: mortar ATG Bits: German: Armored oto Pzkw-III, 3B Command Boys. 55 cal Ge ; ig Comma ATR Machine gun] AS] 40mm Aw 25-pounder 20mm ; FIELD INDICATOR sn FE] naan SC erman; woorak | ya] sua | Minefel Fire ~i sOmm PAK | a PERSONNEL uNtrs nla" Hedgehog wreck a 75mm Light | gag 1a Wien Dummy pon Pit di Infantry Gun Sun Position y Ti HQ group) LL 18g Sun'Post | 8mm FLAK a Bunker yok 1 ned o Malian: ‘Smoke a mm ATG Forward | ai | Crew |G | Anttnk server | x 1 rench I. RULES FOR SCENARIO ONE—‘THE CLASH OF ARMOR’ Scent on nee anh. tank combat hich fhe heat of the TOBRUK game system. Aliet ireserng armored conbat, payer show have ade {Qe penton for ter vac COMM te 1, SEQUENCE OF TURNS SEGMENTS" the movement segment an he combat Seement. Wain cach segment. paves teratly imme oie thera a los |. MOVEMENT SEGMENT a. et payer (a designated i the inva se Sec player mons al sme of oe of Ns nts nov ns mone. 2. COMBAT SEGMENT 1 SECOND planer fies the weap of one of it hin ats target ume, rls the defor Ihe Es of hae and plc nF dae cour on tp of thew es 1 FIRST player es the weapons of ne fh Unis fra ep rhe de for ec an iar aces to" comer the et ha ee Players cept ates a) and) ant all desired SSetpons have ben ed. Ine ple Ses eng SI heaps efne the ber ayer te ter Faery ominefng i weapons ate Bed 3. Atte mt ofthe aa all movement arow — and (C. VEHICULAR MOVEMENT 1. Movement fs calelated in tera of ees, tener cach unit expends one ovement pot of is {Sua movement (pte) allowance for cach ew i 2 Iman ome tr, player may move a many oF {ow of hs ante he dees. Movement volun. ever requed Each wis move indy, acing the pat of once twp sah hoki thr Once at Bas Sirf moneer nay mote te Sir sam chen he per bn mie Whenever anit moves ut of the ex it sept She being ofthe manement segment a movement Soom placed behind athe conch OF Hs 1 Fach vir unit counter as fo et. and fan eictbn determing! ty the Hex we WA thet a the mis shout pone REAR FRONT BLANK nie nese nthe ex toca. I the Fines tot clear. the opposing player has the option of Sorting he facing oe of the wo ambi hex sie Fron facing te trough the Bont ex se) when movin ram one Bex ote 2. Pvling—A vehi eit may change ts acing 0 any bon se wiin hex ooe of te following 0 1 At ht does ot mone ot of ex rng its ‘movement segment ay 9 Wo ay other hes sin ‘hat hen at no movement i cnt The nt NAY ‘STILL FIRE lathe combat sane hes ald ato movement po Sint i ay pO in ay hex, scan fal be the st hon i Imowe ns: bomen: may ony et by expending 4, Reyene—A Vebiclar unit wy move fn rover towards any one of Hs thee erfacng ex sis at the te fone hee pe overeat seen mmm. may psor x miaimam of ONE hex side fe eter rection wo accomplish thi, The uit mut be co towards the hex i ccupad at the bogming of the 5. Veni ans may fey mone fo eres osc pied by other units, enemy or friendly. without movement peal ', VEHICULAR UNIT STACKING (More Than One ni Per He "There m0 Fei 4 the sumber of vicar wits slowed ins be tay oe time. ‘Scenario 1 inodices tcl tank tank ware Whe sex apeaanc, cat betnee arma Fierne weapoes (oak weapons aad antank gun) Ind amoredtghing shies (AFV') 5 i reat 2 Sipe veestep prose Combet resaun l Speed up tremendously a players come more ar rite system 1 Daring he combat segmen, opposing ayers lle rately fe thar weapons ane damage oF {soy enemy unis Dain aay» portion of the “sot sent he may fe the semament of ONE of evAFV at ONE cnumy forge Before sng he "ppg plver a opin te 2. Tumeted AFV's have fire of 30 deer ‘Tua turet weapons tay fre to tay drecton segues ofthe facing of he vee tl 2. Weapons may fre though exes conning ther iss chemy or ends, at arpete Beyond ih m6 ‘tiene eect 4, IMPORTANT: No weapon or vice which as teen moved. uy fre inthe combat sepen of the Sime tun (Prog witht Teving the he oso ihe begining of he ovement Segment, 6 mo 5. Each unit may fr the rounds availble 10 is ‘teams only once por som segment. , ARMOR-PIERCING o. ARMOR COMBAT 1 resvng armor pling 3 armor combat thee {oer (ses) mnt be mowed Tor each Weapon ring ts porter target 1 QUESTION #1—Has the tape teen At” The procedure fr answering this The mean tha fring sated om the proper Ti Pty Tate (Axi or Beth, The umber of rounds availa 10 fhe 1 deter rine: Under the ROF (Rat of Fie olan hee {Ee wo acorns Ile itl an acquit IE ‘he weapon baw fed atthe SAME target in ihe PREVIOUS farm has “acgiedthat tare Bhs) ane tha he ated mabe funds Svat wo feat tht ret te current oma Sgmen 7 nae at that tare in he previous 4 tur, the argt harmo ben aca, the “ia (Simm tse ‘The sbsarn chenenrepreset he Ime of times tat the weapon ay Tre the ime soma spent Al such Tous evaate 0 the meapon must he ed at he sane tee tthe sae 2) NOTE: tts stony recommended that fe TAR: GET AND DAMAGE ROSTER shet be ised 10 ‘coord angel agintion, APY damage. ee. Simply ‘ce the pe and 1D. name of the Big rita the Tema cme a reco he taret sie under ‘he coum beled tare by abies thee Stu ED mame Ife frig un swishes tae ‘dvs er ov move, cml the neared are” Determine the RANGE fom th ring ut the tage Tns ound by simply cong the santero exes dave ofthe tare hex) she shares path fom weapon arse 1) The range & then locted om the Hit Probably ‘able and cotndened with Me type of weapon fringe umber own a i terceion ite Hi Pray Nanber which the inom dee tt hat terol Wo obs to the EXAMPLE: The range fom tele ‘A ise hte, 2) tthe wept moved ring the movement segment tthe cate tm added othe Mt Probably Number ©. Two de ate then ll foreach round avaale {us found step a1. Mth ie ell equ to oF (gener thn the Hit Probably” Number the target fi trent by the und fed Taly the number The trl ne dopo ao cover in ‘ich esse any casas would be api gansta ‘ier unis the Be ithe sue caver ste uty ‘nl cone that he tet ust formers rate I sch unis inthe her orp into fll cove. all Sasa re iene 1 The tet uit may absorb all cases see i ciated befor cates hae Been sre cess cases ae nore © Casualties suered by the target uit could be bse tly orn gr, by oer personne to the same many inthe same et tho ee ak i the same cover sale. In this case. ALL caiies tist be absorbed nes al uot that ove Sate 3. Thee ino sepurate secon for rnning over on the Cavulty Table: Inte, ine the ssa over ‘te and mip the esting umber fees by 4s with APV's, place “F counters on unite iment they fit ved cones, 5. The curent srength of perons unit does mot fave to be evel tthe oping playrif the nts In none pao al cover ate fhe unt in asa o rig coer the engi tit t Io el te jpg aye ding he H. MORALE 1 ALany pra era, a ponte! unt has a suocied ‘more vale which = qunifeatan of the mena state of the men that unt The mole ‘aha numbers Iced elo the number 6 en fe Te casa Tecra fou of echt Ac i aes {Sous an oduced in rene rl ‘ike reduce fenay and enemy. within ‘more support range" By ion hi ange two exe 4 FRIENDLY nits within wits mode seprot 1 For each oH penne uni 1+ 2) Forcach MQ oun a? 3) For each mon Kite nom balebout FV. a ENEMY unis within aunt's ore supper ange 1 For each persooel unt ncluing HK). saber sgh non Kile mon et AV, SPECIAL: Geman HO gum a2 0 bath Teton and German units. Tala HQ grup how ‘her an pescanel uns Any union euler edge gun pit antank treh or bunker sumer ade to more sal EXAMPLE: The hase moa vate of he Geman 1 {fairy secon 12 evn at fal seh, Fons Bet bry we, tre Bes ease ode BO se hes ave lls to pint. Therefore te Mone check fr all is ate cenit the END of the combat segment When mere than ne 1 Maate chee may ony be mae om uni in the ‘ray only be checked once per ta 5A more check sperma by ling 6 We TERED morale salve ts calolted 2) the frat a mimber GREATER THAN the units rae valve, the t's more has broken ant the Uti medias removed fom yt heres ESS THAN OR EQUAL TO the alered morale 4, Where possible, players should aterate morale ‘hocks for oppeing it.The merle of omc ‘nis alas chsh before chev the mera lenge oe eon 1 MELEE Whee oppesing penongel uns occupy the same hex they mus ele (engage aban! combat as rpaned Be ccs whenever peel uo ‘ed by an enemy peromel uni The mele stun RESOLVED after the combat sepmcat diag he MELEE RESOLUTION SEGMENT 2. To engage in mee. a payer senly moves person tet unde the het rman ee ard ces 8 Mtn couner that hw 2 Once the lak counter has Been placed enemy ‘hat hex. Other unis. ey OF enemy. may ill ‘mer tat he a may mot move ot All wt in he mice Ren a ‘hex occupied hy enya the ATTACKER. the other player cotsideed the DEFENDER. 3. Within he male Rex ue. ticking iio re {dered ithe hex. Oserstacting mit he creed inthe nex pose movement seen 4. No units outside the melee hex may fire at ‘engaged in melee may not fire at other Uns darn the 5. AL te conclusion ofthe simba egment morale sheckal ral unis nvlsed am ee, REGARD. [CESS of whether or not ach unit sistined ny ‘sales The mre o al atcting unis checked before the morale of ny Setoing ui Ne att ti’ altered mere valve could change she t's morale cshs efoe it as sown mle esha 1 Anatack ut tose mie rakes wie ina ‘cee station NOT removed fom pay fa a) ‘et price theme and does ot ee eee Fevtton i any mumer it il so mot et the eed mor vale sequel check nes. 1, A defending ont hose morale is broken 1S removed rom play an Sore cin. NOTE: If ALL attacking ani have their me broken. NO defending units have their morale hehe, No mele hes pce i ha es a al the tacking plyer’ unten tht es ve connate ta vemoved om py 6 Resolsing Neo 1 Tota the mumber f me i the es mein for tach sie Ignore aking uni howe toe hae broken. Sute thse rombers ett. stacker ‘ender an roms the Ute ao ‘Sor to the Soret ee pn he Mele Tae, sei at et Fh wwe at al rmh 10 men ech, the mele eds woul be 101 10. whch 1s spite wo 1101-1 for purposes of exam the Brut containcd ont men the adh wv Be {010 singed 1 1102. cori 1 men, the ‘he dd Be 01, spied to Detain Casio 1) Rll one die. Crostndes the die roll sumer with the meee edison the Mee Tae The rex wil be the ental soci’ by each tle, EXAMPLE: AMD means the ache sista fr csates athe defener sts ta 2) Recital the meee olds a the new strength ievls of the prtipats Cone ring the de sd ‘craving coats unl one ie tty ented frum the ake ods beame wore than 16 oF {eater har 161s at whch pointe weer se Suton iniuted an fenoved om te Msp era 7. AW eles init a he movement segment ae Comply resolved nthe lr sepment of the sme 8. Castles maybe dsb wii the parti sme atures 9. IC he atcker eft in the mee, tacking nts tha Sueed uke rae ae ao irate i pay. ithe stacke win the me, these unis tay fonton normally te nxt te 10. If here more than one melee station, they may be resolved in any ader By mutual player 4. FIELD EMPLACEMENTS Field emplacements general term for mines Dedpebg eetenchnctsanitnk tren ke {2c ply tery import rol he game. They be inaed paduly though the ess ald {or by the sliesulncearan Usa nd placement ffi emplcemenis are tog inthe Iain Serarion Two pet are lied & scenario tee: minted nd hedgehog tenes 1, Mined Coutes—Minceld counter ceeesnt npn alana mies. On one itil coetr may te plac in» he. Mined counters may note pled in eves ‘Sonaing ay ther ype of ld emplacements In acenaio to. NO ani may ete or be placed {Go hoes conan ais Th wal fe ai thd expel i terse 2. Hesshog Counter—Hedphog counters represent ihe erection ofa ncwork of fences and foxbaes hee that prove allrmnd poecton for pesomnel 1 Only one hadshogcourter maybe pis inthe, 1 Meaehos counters may’ ot be ple fn a hen onan ay ther ype of eld emplacement &. Medgchog counters do ot afest movement ‘Somidre oe ome of tn pve cave ts 1) Unis UNDER a hedgehog counter ae ana 0 hein FULL COVER state Sich ints muy me “nsmed ote ina GOOD COVER ste, Sa ms ‘muy fre nama hing the combutsopmest. 3) Ut may move fn fll cover to another coer ate ony ding te movement sepment” Uni, ay fot realy fred nthe erent ra © Hedge counters aT 10 the ore vale of tints inte same Hen They have eter fs Ile recon Hedgchog counters have no effect om stacking Tantines Up tos ify aor cre ction a uriited amber of HQ grep mas eon op St or anders hedgehoe In ation, het nay Steapons and mem mortars ay" operate from edecgs Other neaprs may opr fom the Ret i incur no beet rm he hecho 4 Only personnel units and ght inntry weapons ‘eve any eral om elgehogs. Vee and ther Seapom nite treat them a6 lear tern forall 1. OPTIONAL RULES. 1, Final Fr ln Meles— Tires drig the comPot seznent pir to the mee ‘cht sgn Sch ee ned tte ey fr thoxe enemy anite which otherwise socupy the 1 Forth pe af fire. te range is nays oto ‘ene hex Cone sn are sed t be those of Une tha rum heme hex ae ay asim a the 12 ens me hes bt the he scp be the cob seen. the Bw hs the ke fever nthe ear Ut pond over bec of te hese Eee othe Pat toms aoe. The (German parc fe ith the 12a al tre facto bar eukd ot fre the 1 became more ‘mal puro the cba set 2. Khamsim-—Krhesin (se dint storms) sou Gn als swcap acon bls th Ming tir egoning wth the fist hr ar Te Tee) nt coma ech Dekow The um has the eet of reducing he eas viskiy for fg to FIVE teas forthe rminder ofthe gume. No weapon ot nt may fe a taets at range pene fhm se DIE ROLL FOR 7” KHAMSIN: u one. 2. Preamst Aner Sofcning—Inplemsnaion of the fal tyres der noe asc unl scenro Empl the flowing Snot rae 0 represen the effets of peas ari banbarien. Before the St of the game dlemine aly ann af 2. The Bish player ll, TWO lice. The reste ‘umber represents German ane Halse cans payers chic The German paver tly ONE ie. The rena ruter represents Bris canes which re Hhewne Parked od telly otra eB payers 4. Random Fis Fie—Ht fy sry recommended that fet fe termination be random rater than ‘ad. Tht payer shal al the ie once at he Depining of he combat segment Wo determine hich ssl es rhe numer mle el he Besh Players Hs tk even the German payer tat STOP READ NO FURTHER, PLAY SCENARIO Ill, RULES FOR SCENARIO THREE—‘ACTION AT POINT 171’ ‘Scenario sre ialuces combo between APs sd peromel unt dct fee fore AP tie igh Expose (HE) amnion, sank gure an! thee ‘owes and AFV over The third mae type of combat unit employed in the fame (eis and personel unis eg the other feo) we meapon init whch represen thee erent ‘ues of etme |. Ligh afney Weapons—tnaes nti ries (ATR) ad ght moras These weapons ae say ‘tnd athanest on leary Soy ‘mortars nt medium machine gum. ‘These weapons Se uealy atch tainty company ad re ‘pued by ter mm crew penne! 2. Henry Crew Served Weapons—Lishnles antitank fins Soeaberh ge. eae eohalers eek fm. howis. an eld are. Organza IBscprteattry mis, thee besa ns tho have ther own ree (6. CARRYING WEAPON UNITS Weapon waite may nat move By themselves. They do oat stacking Tentatons,"They ree ther Fervomel ait Hor lighter ego) or veil ant Fie nesir gon) 16 cary or Warspot them The Felowing res sey 0 al bgt ad resiom weapon ‘nis tough oa two tet types ae nce 1, Light Inn Weapons —The flowing fay ‘weapon (ight mortar ATI) ay fe care Sm perce ant» maim ref Ome Be er “DRITISH GERMAN ITALIAN morar Som moar Am more ‘Wom ATR 79mm ATR — 1 Fh enn i myc mm fe tet Tat cach Mat ay cay one Ht weapon 2. Medium Crew-Sersed Weipons—The folowing motrin morse lnm mtr nae Tr Meds weapon uns may Be cuand by 2 pero fet unt PROVIDING: the prone! unt fat thee ‘Seve members foreach eum weapon Un eng Seed Perea uns intending cary weapon units ‘man gn the meer epment nth ame et 3k 4 Weapon that re caren the movement epnent tus ot inthe samba semen he sae 5. Percanel unis attempting to fre while carving ae tnt seaport sac the reper of ‘he ma thew ea pt weapon un Beg nil. For eich may weap. sb the Tre poweret THREE men Staced lative ce Below) may De pete to Soe ex se within the mame ex by any personnel Sn cotiing let THREE on The persona sit must tein the turn im the same et a the Seip unt etn excited Inthe moveren Soren The povonhe and weapon ani uy fat move o reat tr 7. SPECIAL: The allowing hey creserved we ‘Neapom:. German 430° ATG, Haan 2m Breda aoa tm AG. D. PERSONNEL «ARMOR COMBAT. Pesce unis may ont damege oF estoy AVS by wan ah infamy mespom eet ane tank weapons, In scenario tee hese ae represented ‘ppl to the use of these weap ant igh ifay hone weapon mis evga Pee ete served ‘The wamber vf men nm srew wi depends ope he wespon th operating Crew suc for Weanory te Initad onthe “CREW! coin of the Hit Dub fy ate EXAMPLES Rar the Dyer ATG ane oe Senate. thehieene cee se FAVE {Cre caters ae Int the Init ad Cee Fontr ke athe personnel Units Before Resionng play. assign a cron counter to each crewserved ‘Reap cal fri he scr. Crs exces it [Nac om exh crews cnet box tat he aoner {Th bomen conf wo these ofthe tow equa io operie the weapon, EXAMPLE Ti Boi ler erates wth inh re he a ed the MPT th thee acco thes ae eed hin away I th Pe it Bes eine ala ba mane ae of 1 Crews ae inde as OPERATING a per Seapon by being placed UNDER that weapon Crews a penne wis. AS Sih, they fiction ‘thn ll previously ted es ovat ack. ‘ini movement ee 44. Castes to eres operating weapars may be Femoved from any ther perme! wor oe Ret ‘roe slr nombre saan ed to eer than csv! tenth aoe ig the cw Str 1 mina op EXAMPLE: The Germ 12 inf sect. com Iaiieg le men, ft a he cro comer mame ‘he British 2 de. The ere contin ons for men inva of the woul fv dew pve eae Sime the crew te peeing the AT tt sal ‘Nine mew fn a ne rane Drs ntl 0 uf fats the tart If Ihe fe ha ince Sor Sac eal of °6.'5< or 0 he ee wa be efi rom ple The casnaties exnid NOT be removed fr the bce Bish infant ae eee he [owe cusnatcn prodaed ONE Ieteg seal he faeen ere 1) he rad Be at rath fhe men, the canes end have been sere I the Br gor econ nal other respects, cay sborton by weapon rewind the sane mae ft the ‘ype ef peso! vt 1 Crew counters operating meapon wits ay ot Fie ‘heir personal weapons (re funtion so MY) Sh the stme combat segmeni. They may. however etege i mein the normal sane Mle the ‘esp ura maya be re 2 Am-Tank Guns (ATG)—Anttank gine ae crew 2 Une the main armament in an’ st sre Servet weapons havea rect Tie coving ‘fhe fon tc Hex sien towarth whch they are fag Only tarps ta ay wai hn arn muy fred upon. Crewsered weapons may change te 1b. erewserved weapon my’ only frei has stew coumer opeang 1 To opts weapon, the ‘few mow Bop the ovement sognca the sae ‘its the weapon ait To operate te weapon, there ‘nt bea lett en othe crew More te teal te reac it rents © natry HO groups which cotain Se ofses are Provided with training inthe operation of vile Sark of weapons. Therefore. HO guys may ta {efor seve i operating weapons. When manent ‘reaps, HO groupe function a crew uns a mast de by renee 4. Crewserved weapon uns ate ages fo diet re fa he sane manor AFVs an perome!ut ANY Nt by any det fie weapon Ging AP oe HE SS Fis medi or heay weapon unt a dest the persona nit epcaing (NOTE: For advanced Ines purses. do NOT remove Filed weapon ts fom the mage’) Crows operating amistank gs reconsider t be tinder GOOD seve Amtiank guns af Ist on the Hit Potuity Table the Se way ih amaent in ARV Tape acasiion,rateare. and her eet Te de spy ATG's Tetfore they mist be ht mtb Target an Darape Rose 5. AmieTank ies (ATRD—Anitnk es fr in ‘actly the same tanner a9 other anor pecing ‘tapos dnc in senate one 2. ATIC ae not crewserved weapons, but ht zany weapons Lip ineuy weap may Be wed ty ANY pe of penomel uni One perenne unt ‘may ase me than oe ight inaay wpe vid There a fan one-man ava fr cach gt Penne nits operating Hi fay weapons ae so ified by beng placed UNDER the weapon Each man fring Heh infinity weapon may mot {we nr ry suf nthe ne Somat Senet. IF mele ah weap uals may wt De fet ats tt ray te ine weapons inte same tm’ Unis whch hve fied ATs may tt sme 4 ful cover stele any ether teapot Cassis incur by unit pean ih infty Meapons may be removed from any other Mendy true ihe suse ex posing sich unis he ‘Sine cone eu he upt ui Light ifaney weapons may only be deve by tan overrun atick (nee below), They may mot be tar ffi of any bd 1 Target acquiston. etre, ante dest fe fics apply to ATR's Thre ey as be ted ‘nthe Tag! and Damage Ros 1, ANTEPERSONNEL FIRE FROM AFV'c AND 1 iret Five Wid High Explive (HE) Arman tion=HE dct Tre ery mar to amor ene (Py rst fre withthe pats irene bog at IME dec fe Is applied 0 personne sd weapon targets whle AP dec fief unl apg 10 ‘stored gets. The flowing rls apy tall AV, panty. HE capt cd the “amms cfu bn the Hit Paty Tae, 1H nt Pied in weapon's amma eye the weap ray fo ie high exonve amauta: Av wih AP fe HH ret re sang theese pacer Number. and rate-oF fe (citer inal wcgued) te determined the same manner ts uscd agin ‘mor gt 1. Step #2—The mmber of FRAGMENTATION FACTORS appli to the get determined Each ‘ound of HE amo red podies ert mur "ragnention tr" uNch are cul eae 0 fine factors described in sera uo The manber {Ciagnenttoe Taso pred per ound hy each "ype af weapon fs Ine uke he "FRAG" clon ot the Hir Pobbiy Table” Al HE ons fd a fesontl tage whether shit ora mee) fait fgmenion fax om the tet The EFFECT of those rounds vanes depending on he cver se of te tape ut I) Rll he ce to deerme hits amd mises ay wal ‘Scpurtly ally th its an sce as ey eed theta. 2) Hf he tegen GOOD oF FULL over. all HIT fagmenaton facts ace apie to te tet tn the Cosy Tale) a it were in 4 STATIONARY over se” All MISS fragmetton factor ae ape led co the taet wing the agers ACTUAL over 3) If he target i in STATIONARY. ASSAULT, oF RUNNING cove, rgmertatin faciors pred Oy ALL roads fete his or mss are smd mt ‘plied 10 the target using the tage ACTUAL erst. nother wer uss the tage i fl fr gual coxer the ce Jo ot he to Be ed to ‘Crm Sep determine the urbe four to he ted, muty by the ramber Of FRAG factors vou aap thereat number the (te Cast Tae) 4) IMPORTANT: 1 the target cat range sh ht the fing wexpoe's Hit Prd Nuner wou he ‘nama mie ¢~) o preter tan “12 the abet ayn be fe tun es fre HE EXAMPLE: 1) The talon ‘Semoveme™ i fing HE Iezes. The Semetent hes previaly meg the target and thas Poo rood wee for. The Brin paver devas dro the In PULL sve fader the hed conater) The tends are ‘lod pain one td one mis. The i ednes the Bah sn coer fom FULL to STATION. 'ARY 15 jogmontton factor ate thet riled he Carns Tate's sacar nse. Them des on tne the targets covey and there has mo ‘Mt agent fl cove. (Ha the age been intel mer ie, thet od he prod ral of 1 Sjactors onthe ‘gad cover sabe 20 1p te Semovene havea to fe et the Brisk Heres, hs ov misses Weald have Imanered ince the tare i stars ee stat. The foe wos then berated a 36 factors on the ‘esimar sca Sip #8 Canales are determined on the Cas Tay Tale in ety the se way 2 Bn cor ‘Sn resordd inh arg casual bon 2 Dheet Bie With Macise Gune—TRete te ‘ype of machine rn mous ws te ae thse ‘represented by weapon ws ant thine Imes ARVs. For AFVs the number, Isto, al typeof ‘machine gs care! by eah ype of APY te {he "NG" conn oth Tt Protainy Tate For ‘ample the M40 cares thee Bred mache fn, one i he tet ea othe man gun Bs Inthe Tower from hal Regardless of the (pe of Isnt ll machine guns fw the sar fee proce 2 Locate the 1pe of machine gum being fl the MACHINE GUNS secon of the lt Probatty Table. Note thr theres moe or mse Bet ascii with machine gu ee” Rate. the mmo ine tangs comm om the HP retro the urbe GUNFIRE FACTORS each machine gon aps othe wet at a cea ange. These oni fos te tsed onthe Casy Tale te te enact sane ‘nanter as ifniry gfe and HE frgmentaton Mesum michne gun weapon ui ich appear later scent function the camyng a {hinges prevasy ced for median stew served Mashine guns ante in AFY's,bowever, have “Setar paved pen he 1) Only stationary AV may fre machine gum. A of he machine ps in nk may fre tpt in he ‘sme comtor segmert AI Pll racine gums. how fer, must fee he Sue target an The are Inacio pn my fee edepeeat 2) Tare machine guns haves cange of 18 ees ad ‘malkounl, WO fhe 3) Mull machine suns hive a range of ony TWO HENES." Furthermore they may only fe 3 gets Shih ae within df re coming of the at Tvs ey ses Howat APY sing 418 te turret machine gon fees he main are ‘nem ay nae the sone combat Seen. fn vicevera. The hill machine gore wa the rn Uuretarmamet may bth be ed the ame combat 5) Any AFY safering suet “FA as les the the the turer nahin oe 1, DETAILS ON ANTLPERSONNEL DIRECT FIRE 1. As cam be sce rom hers, ce feltishins Loal—o fad. the transporting vei and ps Senos tit mnt beg the everest seen the Sine be Units feng al are placed UNDER the Trampring vite vue” No overent of Fre aoe inh af ag by er ease Unlond—To anal, the transporting anit mus Fema saomary dering te muvee segment of Cnaiag Unis Being todd are paced top of the mumporing vehicle caer, No movement Ore ‘Rallowed nthe tm of lowing by her ent 4. SPECIAL: No wcupon unit may be faded for towing fe upom Wy dec he weapons the ave tum faded nthe moveren seen! o an ther fee upon bye ae he combat sept af ‘he ume ur ui muse rmedtly ed 8 octal upon Nate ht thi doce ap 0s hi a ed upon using ict fee. Units may move ante normaly the tr afer 5 When the trinpotng vehi 6 Sel open the Gis ting carmela ao altel: the vee ‘feces porte NON-AFY DAMAGE TABLE Sn ine pasengers receive the fl ragmentaton flo of te rors fre he eh 4 Penomel unis being anspor re asm 0 be bh finer the ASSAULT or FULL cover ste Me Pending on he typeof wansporting veh a inated Sie Transom Capac) an sll esas Sond 1 Reromel unt being cai by vehi rssving lumen to Pr pe) RSS ne presi Me ‘Spel destoved - EXCEPTION: Resomel its in shies resi Soyed. bu feceve fragmentation om any HE rounds ating the voice. .& Medio and fight weapon units sing cid by Fe completely destroyed Weapun us Being towed ae conser os sen Fate rp fre dtermaton, alg tothe Potty Numer for target movement whee 9 sates Ifthe toning vehicle eked. he towed ‘Seip suet 1 Reromel uns haa ives canal or te meee. Personne! unis tay und and meee ‘meal in the nar tr The ie that moves no Uo inv hen setaining lode ney perorel tine asd tobe the sake NEW UNS 1 ie an Meum Moare—Mortrs re onto fm he HPT ike rect re weap bat sg an ‘Shit tres ke far try hes forontard weapon uit. be, Mortar fe inde fire from on-board unis Mortar amis fre the indies fiephane of the mbt segment AFTER al ard ary fe os Siher wei. Noe: however tht her tee te of acapto’ om ther age! foe ee eas ‘ny fet (omar tof ard sctey) The Hi Frobatiy Numbers for marr refer thle et Int ages an domo lst he ay To der agen Fach ares ith Ue aN 4. Unie obra. mortars have Hed fy on the HPT” They may ot fre at tages ea iA hy ny te eh Moras may shifter fire and target sequin Init re weapons. ffes—Mortay il! fragmentation damage 08 Sy seed tet an Hinge Ot eget mold ty any dice tlle There i. however 2 ‘ge dependent it Pouity Naber which rs {ered wo determine DIRECT HITS othe tae Fragment an et its alt nt type TaRGET| FRAG | _ DIRECT HITS MEN. yee | ration [ign [medium personnel | as per [reduces fll pod cone o EWS [oweticr, [noes | Fxtb except Simm ee Cris = wena Non-aFW | sce Now [al | Kit vets | ARV Geel wets [eu | a mee * excep target is Mae Dis i = WA Tete weapon uta noes |b IMPORTANT: Morty ay ony re at trps i 2 tt compel rec of wrecks an ne 1. SPECIAL: Marry ay be posoned ant fred from FULL COVER wher bested in baghog. AT Item of weapon pt coum They ae the ONLY ‘capone ta yf ram el or om these es (oF Tet emplacements 2. Medium Machine guns—Mediam moshing sins fancton witinthe petty ted rales ee mean ot fhe HPT 3. Bish 2Sponr—The 2S eld gu nas ah ‘he HPT The per ho anal oud ele 4. ih poner ATG—The ler ATG Sart the er excep thar kas ele ise 5. Bish QUAD The Qu waste deste rine rmover seh forthe Sper fel gin I san om more. meapnins foun sei tera >, COMBNT ADDITIONS previo state direct fre HEE or AP fits wil Kail otakinct gly aimorel or unarmed) veil. steapon however, When fing at non: AFV sels ‘i ecapom f Simm size o sale ne the Det Hie Rest for Nom AFV. Vets ch fo scr Ig drag fom feapmencnon fst. cal tagmentton elects ad Geet hi os Br Ter and hve'the same ect tne she oe AAFV Damage Char 2, AEV Indet Fre—The fling tyes of AVS try fire HE sd soe arty INDIRECTLY na mmr sre to moet fre a TYE RANGE 1) Crusater C8, hens 2) Paw Ve ‘nie mgt 5) Semveme tee mapa be. ABV inst fe evil in the nde ie Dace of the soma segment AFTER ll fF ad Sllery and murtars fave fed. AFV's that te Indi! Sire rm A's i eerie in exc te Sine manner an act fre escep that ony HE ot ‘Ske may be feed a disc he re NOT tle {oe Fragmentation fctore are simply spied 10 Be tage acer the “ei or acquire reo Wate other typen of indict re bere mo" Sqn” ay ragmenaton factor ae efcte Theat ne they ae ee 4 AV's may ote niet a ngs I te te ‘tee beeen the fring unt andthe et units ‘ocd intersected by) wreck o stake Comte fe SPECIAL: AFV's wih ect fre capbies fray move manimam of one heX per meemest 3. Spihing Weapon Uni {Any type of weapon unt ay be “spike or ened ules. by any pesoonel ut inthe sae 1 Weapns may note spike the eis ost ty enemy peroml uns or now ile AF «. Procedure: Spiking » weapon requires tha he Seamount andthe penne! uni secopy the ae es fr one compete tn in which eter move at Fees The meapin 6 comorl apd a he ep ‘ng of he ein to 4. Each personne unit may ony spike one wean «Spl weapons are not removed fom the ma eat tea sy te the weapons conn 6 7, fs Tat and Damage Renter ety 1. FIELD EMPLACEMENTS. WEAPON ert 1 Oy one wean il cnet ay Be plan ach Sets ober pet fell leone: 4. Peon! uns cccupying weapon pts ae cm trl fei ier gna fl cone he same fe shape owners $.Exh wag pt may ud one wep it a is tee oe Hetale (NCTE ier te mac Me sine Pet. fut they cam ee tbe dense Dvanapes of the weapon pot! Unity occupsing Animavcay merece hy for lence fre AP and Veer unis: New AFV vette ued ein fal cover when in weap ps They a os Be bi by direct fev at range of one hes ok eras mint score it it 4 dein whisk. {AT ard indecent nce et soy thei de rll ction ATV iret fe an toot. Fragncrattnpnite atom have elect wes id rom uso ex ange et bls compet pote called al dal Mat mpc on the koe hl per lo tack esha sly tet (IMPORTANT At rages of an hex of es, DO NOT ait"? tothe Ha Probiatiy Number for deat Tie vpaiest weaporn of vehicles tn weapon pi, ‘Araly. ignore “bull dfiade” when Ting AFVsara rane a ore hex ob SPECIAL: Gram tanks may mt we their Sem NZ armament in weapor pis. For Semovewe in 4 wey ne ONLY lowes ball amd ack res, 6 Indicate the cover state of personnel units ia ep ps by acing them under the cunts fr falerer and ontop the cunt for poco If tae than om thie oF weapon un cups hen Sontag weapon pi the htrnsmext i timed ote ata ithe weapon 7. Aas comics to osipy a weapon it epee tli damage stan” A vet tha Kl! whe in ean remaster meee show 3 weck fant and prevents ter arts ro oping that “Seon pit ite. 2 medium o ey weapon eit ht Fide! whic a's weapon pit romans thee. Fee eer nis tom wcsupag he weapon ‘ul ered ote aa LIMITED INTELLIGENCE “To reflect heck of accu dete informatio fied ormander moa ave snc enemy ten sive pontine employ he owing es, 1. Pesonnel nis oScupying ld emplacements fil cover sate may pve be exages ofre Upn ‘bythe opposing player nls toy move ou thee ‘ex or out fl cover and god cone the sme et. They may te led moma 2, Light and medium weapons unis (ATR mores su machine gs} may be placed under fl mpc ‘mens when not nrg The) may tbe eta By the opposing player when in tat poston, When Fring inoras fom fl cover, the acators mst he sk 1 te oppo per 3. Mewy ered weapon maybe ive fan! thus ‘exgose ther gon spel when infill paces Tori mer sta Wey They mnt be wed fae tp when they ie, fu they may fe ever the tnt saa Ty ray never fe hen ‘ew by feng pled ue weap it coats 4. Vehices in weapon pit mt be paced on top of the weapon pt counter "They my over Be hon moving the gon othe Rel of 9 tk in such a manera ne rich he ing ator 4 Ay Bosh 2dr or per ATG may te muted in pote on i transporting Hh ack. AT my I the game in prec the rsh players opto 1 ATG’ mouse in price have tested ik Tre coming of he eu tee het ses ft eX ‘nace by the tks fang «Trucks mowing ATG’ im pores may a 1 ‘hr weap The) Mayne he poe ste on 4. When fining an ATG in pre. crew ic sonst tw beim STATIONARY cove sie ATO’ andrews in porte au sks tht ae Ke are comer esa F. Am ATG may be mounted or damned in prtee fiom a tack it's FOUR tue loading untoadng proedie within which ete gn ch of ee Fay move re. or be fl upon ty dst fie A Iimeyum crew of FIVE men fp peony 2 Forcing Minelds—Any minchid hex may be “ted pune shragh by any sce or persed 4 Any uit atemping to foe miei ut hein it monemest semen aso oe minced hee I may onfy move one tex nt the mene counter Mat moverent sepnen Ia 9! pt Asa uit moves emo the mine er, ane de VI. RULES FOR SCENARIO SIX—‘ABERDEEN’ =e oer fe ee erro ea esos Fre tse I. atnh Cesar Cline Supon (CS) Tank —The Gude CS. wan the hve Crear wth the See “st gan repel bya Heh mcr 4. Ac selon the HPT the Croar CS. may oy ee Ed woke shot. Ie may fre tect) Inst. When feng sadreth we the preva fio ls for AFY inet fe When fing DIRECTLY. the Cniader CS. anes PT deeming det: NOTE: When ne at AFV's the Conader Cs birch hitae nines to damage EXCEPT tht dest hit on take CT) ase Ek an st ts on et ing) o ie (Grane Pat 2. Garman 7Smm LIG—The 78m L1G howiter ‘xs he stad Gertn nay sup een te Western Desert 1 As ote on the HPT. the 7S L1G may’ ony Tae HE and woke shan. Ih muy fee roel) {neti the same manner av net ing aes by When ing coy the Tm L1G uns the HP Tes exactly the same Kratos a AEN damage the Cnander CS” When fing nests it he an «The 75mm L1G has a fle coming of B led iometiately 0 determine € the fring tempt Stes Adio fT rma tha hea a ‘ecco fred the mind fon 1) he minis suse forced by ay ype of veicuiront the hen sed oe se fry Suoseaiea wit toss fry for he reminder of the game. bat never att movement fe rae tan foe bee pr tr 2) sce are by a pesca ait, sabe tien unis mast i el one efor ther own ong Unit anssscesfl in forcing & minefield hen dere the falling dams 1 ARV's are renderst Nokied (immsbizd) and ‘mas under a tthe check the CT Be of the Bat Char 2) NomAFV vehicles are rendered Kikiled. Any nis being cared ae cemdered destroyed. Unis bring owed ce uted. 3) Personnel units mus undegs the eft of the fragmetaton af the detonated mies hy ig one de ‘ind ulipiying the restart umber by 3S hich ‘emesis he rumber ef ragmettaton tors he un ‘Stapod to. Coral th st cover subate on the Casually Table to determine The number of ‘ais. 3. Riding AFWs—Ia cotin station, 8 sme times adatgeos 0 taspet pene i np tanks ors propel ams 2 Each AV may tanaport up 10 eleven men (hs ove I wou ‘Loading an unoang procedures ae the same for rep vapor When ing on ARV. personel nis areas Suma hein the ASSAULT cover ste 4. When ted upon. ath the AV a the pong tunity re afta the APY & aflected according 0 ‘he Damage Chars athe pemonel ui eve te ‘ffs of any fragment atom generated y ht fre the AFV mK by DIRECT FIRE. te ‘senger unis cee only the ets of fanen to Ifthe AFV i Kiley INDIRECT FIRE. the pscrgr unis ae completly Gestayed {© NOTE: Personnel uns ast ana fom a AF “never i soe fo eis mang ce mache ars [Ako. whenever an AFV fit hy poet of Sm or layer the penger musty ide me Sey the mba erent {Indicate ranspted us By pacing hem unr te ‘STOP: READ NO FURTHER, PLAY SCENARIO 3. Govan an FLAK (ATO}—The Sow FLAK Seas the most devastating weapom om the desert etfs when val ts settark tle ge 4. The Bem FLAK (AA) fits dest, sing Swope omy on the HPT. 1. Whee fring at the 8mm FLAK nthe open Sutac "rom the Hu Patsy Number reared {hha When na weapon pt se the unadied Hi rhatity Number do NOT a2 The Rin FLAK has all oud eke 4 German. KE 7 Half Tk Prime Mover—Ths Sele win the prime move or the Bon FLAK. 80 Sieh i the Garman vei ht mat fw iT Sonfrms to all ter raey In tga 0 anspor 1 Smoke and Target Obscuration As presaualy retoned. eck counters purty obi the ln {tee for diect fe weapons sh on bor Yodel Fre ‘Smoke bol however, en fi! mt net 4 Soke shel ammunion may be fi yal Smoke shell ammunon capac Ted The "uw" salu of the HPT: (Specely: Bish ant Sai L1G, and ALL medion mortar) pe fe phase inex the same manner at HE ours xcept they are red at eves Instead finial tage unis Smoke sels enike HE inet fr, may’ be ft Suaceat to betes vecupcd by teeny is They 6. Smoke shel fe 6 indcata by psig smoke « urain—Fach oft try oe eho i tay Te smoke into one hes per tum. The DURA THON of te ske depends up he tape of weap fine 1) Smoke fred frm OFF-ROARD bates bts for ‘TWO turn When fed. smoke coum plc {iceup im the age het "At the hepa of each invented to dla the"? an the evetse se 2) Se re fon ON HOARD ut las for ONE tum. When fred. an vere smoke counter capa Ingne'2 i ace ia the arg he, 3) At the beginning of ach turn ll ened he Souter hylan 42 are removed oan the ap £, lect When ire nko» hes, be completely hocks the inet nto cout of tht Rens Pt shina hex te fr eure) ase 1) Smoke comple bios the line re ning Yhrugh the large hee. the nea ie 2 ae tn tos tet ere sme hel ef he ‘ing wit ote tae ut cone) Mock ontaining smoke. but only if the tage hea as scaured BEFORE it was sbncured ty smoke. iy ‘ther words, an afar! bat fring smoke no Heim stineqenty Bre HE no 2 Registrations, Concentration, and Barrages—in Prspred postions. suporing atl bats fen {hed prederrnedfieptter. te um maps © trig remo stage. By vag then pcr ‘map references, ery fre wis ough down Inconel toa the meen of the an. ‘iam out aguion priced 1 Before play begins. players secretly record the Iecations oftheir regintations. eoncentatons, and tharos by wig he grid coors the at hoses on the Arles Inder Fire Reser ome aime tine asthe ofan barry 4 which they felong The mumker of pedermined fee Ioan, Staal tied the” Avs Force ssi fac scenario, Where none are hte. the arilsy Ihterin ay ony ue ae fre prove. Distribution ach fbr try may bea {San cncerraton loci however ay Fe ‘Sve ong the tres Me any ane: buttery may be assigned any umber of avaiable NOTE: Once the hon hive sen sine hey 5. Usage and Een enemy its end {eation or brag Toctin. the prope sf-voard fey fey mh fe aay thse aks din the abet fire pane afte tame turn. One tery Ty Rept wan fan ey ne {tn ation. any tary erect on the concent ‘ea latun aaj DOUBLE te agent {ctor tht the he's fre weal! sorry. sic 5) Barags allow mei Fre 9 he baht of remy nits decom the arage Bex cation, ‘eo the leptin sated to FOUR tines VII. RULES FOR SCENARIO SEVEN—‘CRISIS AT tls A. DESCRIPTION The res for senso seven ahowe shar comin severly ht wil dra ter eet fe Sffcivenes By examining the mechs of ret 1. Target Siing—Diect fie it probity us hee tore Been hve gored the size of 3 target = ae ‘demeat ef weapons fectienss ad acca. OD Stony the slo art's pre, The more dtc ICs to hk Comer lage targets. Me the Sam FLAK. ar earth The fling chart inde: Hit PROBABILITY NUMBER miestions that runt be mae then any ype of dectsre weapon es a oe of te ste tres. The mare me fhe columes mast be adledsutracted tthe H Pui Numer ang wth ary ober Modieton dew aret meron ret opt erect Tanoet "TARGET COVER STATE ie Caer 2 amot bet “igh ek a 2 ‘nd u acres 0 Stout ul eine ‘Cramer il eae Mane Tal deface ‘Valen hl ete Geant = 2 per ATG. “ ‘er ATG. ab “am Bos Tost ape ° German ‘sar fle teh rick ° a oO 7 0 hal deft ° al dela 0 huteiate Mauer 0 falda Sam L1G eee Uae a PAR “t - Som PAK a ‘sm FLAK * aan tein: - Mino + hal cease Semovete 41 lover bul des ade on Bret cs rm Emm ATG 2 3 4. Ths chart saperedes previously ttl mods ton or rma unis weapon pi 4 ‘ould normally place. AND diet its ae hd for TWICE. SPECIAL: Each brag st be hess ‘thin four bees of ena uns tp pin ‘he enna ofthe game 4 shiing Fre: Once tage unt as Ree fed upon by ite 2 epraton or concentration ih fe ‘may St with he target upto two Benes per ee Provied tt the fie aegution fr maa inte ext inmedate inst fire phate. Shing oh Sted nthe same mera feu cede fre satin Such sutsequent re ened somal ‘bard eiery fre with ro incense ag tom actors dct Hit die vl NOTE: Burage fe fmuy NOT ch wath te tre 5. Collteral Damage—Colatera damage” maybe Incured yay ober peoenl us occupying he same hex ay age Unt undergoing any type a INDIRECT FIRE: These unas are INDIVID, UALLY sujet to ene gure et sin tthe ramet faa sere bythe rt nt ‘One die eld for cach eit ules Bt Sage” Direct hits ate not rll "slater undergoing HE fire are usally forced 0 she their aches to avoid fragmentation cuss sod thas by to aca ne ag: 4. Whenever an APV is Gre apn by HE armani hon. eter ect or nde Wma mt se a FiecFfire when seq new targets It the sae on eee The tat Re sce a In he next ten the gt aye Fr up sing the fall cg ateaie: AFV's tht ae ey sce on tare are uae Ina simdar ways an ABV Ged upon by in SF M pune factor abo hase fia Beat ne ‘STOP: READ NO FURTHER, PLAY SCENARIO SI KNIGHTSBRIDGE’ 1. Medium weapons imscine gm ad mots) hve “4 dd in the open and when in weapon pis Us inca cam be

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