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1) Beatitude #1 talks about being quiet and humble, because those who are “poor

in spirit” will receive the treasures of heaven. This beatitude reminds us to always
be humble and modest, and never act bigger or better than anyone else, because
God reminds us that those who treat themselves and everyone the same are the
ones who become closer to Him. This beatitude reminds us to not go blind in the
pursuit of materialistic possessions, such as money, but rather practice living life
with simplicity so that we can learn that the true meaning doesn’t lie within
treasures, but within ourselves and our souls. To represent this beatitude, I
decided to write a poem to show the importance of being humble and modest –
being too proud lets us down. This poem expresses the value of humility and the
danger of pride. It also suggests that God rewards those who are quiet and
humble with His recognition and approval.

CAP: In order to live out the beatitude in our life we have to be humble and
obedient. We must think that whatever God does, it is for our betterment
and that it has bigger meaning to it. We have to be content with what God
has given us and not be greedy and jealous of others’ success.
We must be kind and not boast about our materialistic things. We should
pray to God daily and ask for his blessings and thank him for all that he has
given us. We can volunteer at homeless shelters or just spend some time at
the old age homes.

2) Beatitude #2 talks about the importance of asking for forgiveness whenever we sin
or do something against what God teaches us. God tells us to mourn because “those
who mourn shall be comforted”. He tells us to always apologize and ask for
forgiveness, and never act too big to apologize (whether that be to Him or a peer).
Through this beatitude, he reminds us that acting tough and proud doesn’t make us
any better or bigger than any other person, but it severs our relationship with
ourselves and with who God wants us to be. To represent this beatitude, I wrote a
poem on the importance of asking for forgiveness and learning from our mistakes.
This poem also suggests that asking for forgiveness when we commit a sin can heal
our relationship with God and ourselves.
CAP: In order to live out the beatitude in our life we need to pray for ourselves and for
others, especially for those who do not know God or who have turned away from Him.
We should go to confession regularly and we should also meditate regularly and to
connect with God and talk to Him.

3) Beatitude #3 talks about how harmful being too prideful and too arrogant can be.
This beatitude ties hand in hand with beatitude #1, which also talks about the
importance of being humble in everything we do. This beatitude goes even more
into this lesson: how being “meek”, that is being patient, modest and believing in
God can help you to enjoy the true joys and passions of life. To emphasize this
beatitude, I wrote a short story about two different people – one who is humble and
meek, and the other who is prideful and arrogant, and how their lives turned out to
be when they continued with their habits. I think that this story shows not only
potential life consequences for anyone who might have the qualities of one of the
two people but also serves as a lesson for everyone that they should choose the path
that they can live with.

CAP : In order to live out the beatitude in our life we need to have humility and
self-control. We have to learn how to not be prideful and arrogant. To live out
this beatitude we have to be kind, humble and gentle and have to respect every
human being as we are all equal in God’s eye.

4) Beatitude #4 talks about striving to help make the world a more right and just place.
It talks about the “hunger and thirst for righteousness”, and how those that fulfill
this path in their life “shall be filled”. This beatitude talks about helping to make a
difference in our community and playing our tiny role in helping the world turn
around. I like to think that our little job in helping the world is used to help fight
against the evil in each corner of our planet – to try and to be heard and to make a
change is what could make all the difference. To represent this beatitude, I wrote a
small autobiography about one of Canada’s most influential difference-makers, and
how she went out of her way to change the world around her.
CAP: In order to live out this beatitude we have help prevent injustices around
the world. For example, in January this year I started a Non-profit organization
named Aashia Foundation which works towards the welfare of
underprivileged women and children. It also focuses on making a difference in
the society. We also conducted a workshop in June where kids from different
schools came and taught the underprivileged kids of a nearby village and In
July we also collected school supplies and distributed them amongst those

5) Beatitude #5 talks about how important it is to forgive those who ask for forgiveness,
and be merciful in all things we do. Through this beatitude, God reminds us of the
importance of being empathetic and learning to forgive those who have done wrong
to us. He reminds us that carrying the weight of hatred does harm to no one other
than us and that by letting go of this weight and forgiving those who have done us
wrong, we grow as people and build a stronger bond with Him. To represent this
beatitude, I drew a drawing which represents what I’ve summarized in this
paragraph. In this art piece, a girl who is struggling is being shown mercy by God,
only because she has shown mercy many times in her own life. She has strengthened
her relationship with Him, as well as learned to forgive those who are wrong, and by
doing so, God forgives her when she asks for it.

CAP: In order to live out this beatitude in life we need to be merciful not just in our
actions but also in our words. Showing mercy is a way of imitating Christ. We can offer
forgiveness to those who have hurt us and ask for forgiveness from those who we have
hurt. We have to show empathy towards people. Sometimes its not easy to forgive
people but we at least have to try.
6) Beatitude #6 talks about the importance of being kind and loving to those around us,
whether they be friends, family or our neighbours. This is a common teaching that
God tells us multiple times throughout the Bible, and other religious texts: being nice
and kind to everyone is the greatest way to build our relationship with God. Most
importantly, kindness doesn’t have to be something grand or big – your actions don’t
have to be world-changing – even the smallest actions can make all the difference.
To represent this beatitude, I drew an art piece of small ways we can help out and be
kind to the people around us. We can help people cross the street, volunteer our
time and the animal shelter, donate food to food banks, or even help out someone
who needs our resources more than us. These are all great ways to display beatitude
#6, and meanwhile, build our relationship with God.

CAP: In order to live out this beatitude in our life we have to have a pure heart.
We have to be free of all selfish intentions and desires. We can volunteer at
nearby orphanage or hospital. For example, last year I volunteered at the

7) Beatitude #7 talks about taking steps forward to bring peace within our community,
whether that be by fighting against social justice issues, or by helping keep the peace
between our friends when there is drama happening. God reminds us that whenever
we help someone else to maintain their peace, we receive everlasting peace
ourselves, and the blessings of God are showered upon us. To represent this
beatitude, I found an article about a 13-year-old girl named Jay’dha Bell Rackard,
who made a speech in front of a crowd of thousands of people at a protest for the
Black Lives Matter Movement. The fact that this girl is younger than me, and dared
to speak her truth the help create peace amongst the world was inspiring to me, so I
decided to use an article about her to display this beatitude.

CAP: In order to live out this beatitude in our life we have to be peacemakers and
learn how to avoid conflict and violence. We have to learn how to leave in peace and
harmony among people and respect everyone. By living out this beatitude we can be
more like Christ.
8) Beatitude #8 talks about the importance of doing our part in the world and says that
whoever suffers in fulfilling their destiny will be rewarded in Heaven. This beatitude
is extremely important for anyone who feels hesitant to step in and speak up against
the injustices of our world and serves as a reminder for us all that we must make the
step – because it is God who wants us to do it. God wants us to act out this job for
us, and he knows that it might be hard and scary, so he tells us not to fear, and to
have faith in him because everything will be alright. For this beatitude, I put in an
article about Malala Yousafzai, a Muslim activist who fought against society to
ensure that girls can have an education too. Despite being shot and having to endure
the pain, this did not scare her away from trying to make a difference (which she did,
as so many more girls have a chance at education now!)

CAP: In order to live out this beatitude in our life we have to be faithful and courageous.
We should not be ashamed or afraid to be a follower of Christ. One way we can live this
out is by always speaking against injustice even if it means that we have to be
There once was a girl who was good and right. She was smart, of course, but she had
faith in Him and never had any urge to brag about her success, or mock others for the
failures of their own. She was quiet and humble and helped out anyone wherever she
could. There was also a boy, who was the same age as her, and as truthfully as possible,
quite the opposite of her. He was just as smart as her, but he would brag and mock and
rub it in everyone’s faces, much to the point where people disliked him for it. Nobody
minded him too much, and this made him feel unheard and unnoticed, so he continued
this bad habit of his even more until people started avoiding him. The girl goes on in her
life as a successful and smart woman. She doesn’t need to be loud and boast about her
accomplishments; her actions are the noise for her. Nobody dislikes her either: she
doesn’t make people feel bad for their incompetencies, so she has friends and people
enjoy spending time with her. She has a relationship with herself, and with God, who is
proud of her for following His teachings. The boy grows up too, yet he never comes out
as successful as her. His lack of social skills and basic manners makes him a bad
employee. Customers don’t like him, his colleagues can’t stand him, and his boss has no
choice but to fire him. Yes, he was smart, but was it worth missing opportunities in life?
Even more so, he has no friends. Nobody wants to be with him, because spending time
with him is nothing but a reminder of who he is and who he sees everybody as
competition. Most importantly, he has strayed away from God, and his relationship with
not only everyone around him but also himself, has suffered as a consequence.
Viola Desmond, one of Canada’s bravest difference makers, is the epitome of this
beatitude. Viola grew up in a black-dominated society in Nova Scotia, so she never felt
the amount of racism there was in the world until she left her hometown. Wanting to
fulfill her dream of becoming a successful Black beautician, she decided to go study in
Montreal, where she was willing to work as hard as she could to make her dreams come
true. However, she was appalled to see the amount of racism and discrimination against
black people in other parts of the world. The instance that completely struck her was
when she decided to go to a theatre in New Glasgow to spend her evening. She had
decided to sit in the ‘VIP’ seat – reserved for white people only- to watch the show, but
was ultimately dragged out by an usher despite paying the one-cent difference to sit
there. In the end, she spent her whole night and jail and was only let out after paying a
fine of $20 (which is roughly $300 today). This instance struck Desmond in the heart,
and she decided to fight against this discrimination, by going to court and joining the
Nova Scotia Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Although her efforts
didn’t gain much popularity until after her death, her efforts were those that came from
a pure heart and an intention of wanting to make the world a better place.

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