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CST 20 Unit 2- The Mass Explained -Video Questions

1. Why do we celebrate Mass? (4 reasons)

2. Where are we transported to during Mass?
3. What does the word Catholic mean?
4. Why do we have 23 other churches?
5. Why is Sunday important? What is it Sunday known as?
6. Why do we process into the church?
7. What do candles represent in the church?
8. What shape does the altar represent?
9. What does the chair symbolize? Why?
10. How is Jesus’ present in the mass (4 ways)?
11. What were the “chosen people” marked with in the Old Testament?
12. What does the initial greeting “the Lord be with you” and “With your spirit” mean?
13. How much of the Catholic mass is from the Scripture?
14. Why does the priest stand in the praying position?
15. What does standing represent in mass?
16. What does sitting represent in mass?
17. What is the liturgy of the word?
18. What is the order of the readings? (Where are they from?)
19. What does Alleluia mean?
20. What does the homily represent?
21. Why is the water added into the wine?
22. What is the purpose of the priest saying, “lift up our hearts” and responding with “we lift them up
to the Lord”?
23. Why do we kneel during the “Holy, Holy, Holy” and the Eucharistic prayer?
24. Why does the priest consecrate the bread and wine separately?
25. What is transubstantiation?
26. Why do we pray the Our Father in Mass?
27. Why does the priest break the bread?
28. Why do we exchange peace in the mass?
29. How do we become living tabernacles?
30. Why is it important that the priest clean up after the Eucharist?


1. A) Adoration of God – God is all powerful and we adore him B)Thanksgiving- the word
Eucharist means thanksgiving C)Atonement – reminded of our own sinful D) Petition- we ask
God to help us grow on our journey.
2. Heaven
3. Universal
4. The apostles spread out and had mass in their own areas (making them different from the
Roman church)
5. The day of the Lord
6. Reminds us of our pilgrimage.
7. The light of the Lord
8. Tomb
9. Authority- the pope sits, and the judge sits on the special chair.
10. The priest, the word in the scripture, in the community (Jesus is the head and we are the body),
in the Eucharist.
11. Letter t like a cross- were saved. 600 BC God’s chosen people were marked with the T to be
saved and separated from the pagan people. We mark ourselves with the sign of the cross to be
12. That we cannot do it on our own, but we need the Lord with us.
13. Over 50% is from God’s word and the scripture itself.
14. Prayers to go up to heaven also in position of the cross as he takes on the person of Christ like
Christ was on the cross.
15. Resurrection and reverence
16. Receptivity and talking among friends. We sit when we are listening or receiving.
17. God’s word explained to us before we can accept God. Like God opening our minds up first and
then feeding us.
18. A reading from the Old Testament (corelated to the Gospel – to show how the Gospel fulfilled
what the Old Testament had said) , then a reading from Psalms (worship) and then the Gospel
from the New Testament
19. Praise the Lord
20. The connection between the written word and the word become flesh (a summary of what the
Gospel was)
21. To represent the divinity and the humanity of Christ. Blood and water-came out of his side at
the crucifixion.
22. We are invited to join into heaven as God invited John to in the book of Revelations.
23. A sign of reverence- we are smaller than God who is present with the blessing of the body and
24. To represent the separation of life and death. Without blood we don’t have life.
25. The transformation of the bread and wine into Jesus himself.
26. To prepare us for receiving the Eucharist through was Jesus taught us –“give us this day our daily
BREAD and forgive us our trespasses”
27. To represent Jesus’ body being broken and a union with the early church. When body and flesh
are united it represents life and resurrection.
28. Reminder of what Jesus had told us to make sure we are at peace with our neighbours and be
united before we receive his holy body.
29. Jesus living within us.
30. It is a reminder of when Jesus fed the 5000 and told the disciples to bring everything back and
the eucharist and wine is the body and blood of Jesus so it must be all collected respectfully and
not thrown away.

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