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About WaDF Vision and mission

Woldeamanuel Dubale Foundation (WaDF) WaDF envisions seeing disadvantaged communities with
is a non-political, non-religious and non- improved economic status, preservation of beneficial socio-
cultural values, well conserved natural environment and
racial development Foundation founded in better standard of living.
year 2011 and registered by Charities and The foundation implements demand driven, gender sensi-
Societies Foundation as Ethiopian Resi- tive, integrated and sustainable programs and projects
among disadvantaged communities to bring forth increased
dents Charity in January 2012 bearing cer-
employment, food self-sufficiency, improved services deliv-
tificate No. 2622. ery, capacitated and self-motivated community groups and
WaDF has its own legal constitution and improved infrastructure among others.
has the Founder and General Assembly as Core programs
its supreme body. Its second highest gov- WaDF focuses on SIX thematic areas, namely FOOD SE-
erning body—that is, next to the General CURITY, HEALTH, EDUCATION, WOMEN AND CHILD
Assembly (GA)—is the Board of Directors EMPOERMENT,WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE
(BoD), which has five members elected
from among the members of the General Key achievements Woldeamanuel
Assembly for a two-year term, as well as  Special holiday ceremonies arranged at Yirgalem
the General Manager.
town for more than 300 orphans, street children and Dubale
 Donation of 117 books of different subjects made at Foundation
Yirgalem for pre-urban school
 Scholarship provided for 10 disadvantaged women to (WaDF)
attend hair dressing skill for 6 months

P.O.Box 1821
In front of Woldeamanuel Square,

The implementation of envisaged programs +251913-991213/+251916410830
is pursued with operational principles of +31704020092/+31639239496
active participation of beneficiaries, incor-  Launching ceremony organized at Hawassa and
poration of grassroots initiatives, environ- making consultations with stakeholders E-maለ፡
mental sustainability, up scaling of cultural  Five years strategic plan( 2012-2016) developed and
values, and capitalization of indigenous validated
knowledge and skills.  WaDF officially took a mandate of establishing a bo-
tanical garden on 45 hectare park situated in Hawas-
sa Website:
 Memorandum of Understanding signed with various
partners for joint interventions and reducing duplica-
tion of efforts
Yes we can! Si se pude!
Environment and
women and children Biosphere plans አዎን እንችላለን!
plans Ethiopia has been experiencing the impacts of
In rural parts of Ethiopia, women have limited climate change through an increase in average
legal backup to have access to productive temperature, a change in rainfall patterns and
By making donations , you can
assets such as land, livestock &cash crops. unpredictable ecological conditions. The seri-
Women’s reproductive and productive roles ousness of the problem still persists and a lot
cannot only change the lives of
are poorly respected & they are exposed to has to be done by all development actors in- disadvantaged women and chil-
sexual abuse & exploitation. cluding environmental activists. To mitigate the dren in Ethiopia, but also be part
alarmingly escalating problems of environment of mitigating the impacts of cli-
Like women, children are greatly disadvan- in collaboration with concerned line depart- mate change
taged in many forms which include limited ments, funding agencies, research institutions
access to food, education and exposure to and universities, and thus has planned the fol-
harmful traditional practices. Among the chil- lowing core activities:
dren, the girls take the forefront to be disad-
vantaged due to socio-cultural factors. School  Introducing and promoting renewable
Pledges and donation op-
participation of girls is smaller compared to energy resources tions (√ ) :
boys due to the wider gap in accessing basic  Promoting Water shed and wet land man-
education. In order to solve the aforemen- agement
 Agro-forestry and organic farming and
 Euro 20 per month
tioned problems against women and children,
Community based natural resources con-
WaDF has planned to undertake the following
servation practices  Euro 240 per year
 Establishment of Botanical garden and
nursery sites for safeguarding of biodiver-
 Forming self -help groups and initiating sity  Other _________Euro
Income generation scheme for disad-  Care and management of wild animals
vantaged women through micro-credit especially endangered species
 Child sponsorship for orphans and
Please send your donation to:
street children: institutionalized and/or WaDF
home-based Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Tabor
 Develop women’s property ownership Branch, Ethiopia
through Asset Based community devel- Account No.-Y11CO1000755
opment approach (ABCD) Swift code: CBETETAA
 Create awareness among community
to act against child abuse and sexual Or call the General manager, Mr Melese
harassments Woldeamanueal
 Undertaking girls education and train- +31704020092
 Addressing problems of OVC via spon-
sorship, child care and community-
based initiatives.

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