Rubric R2 Semister 1 Progress

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F/SOP/FYDP 02/08/00

NED University of Engineering & Technology

Department of ____________________ Engineering
<FYDP Course Code> Final Year Design Project
Grading of Semester 1 (7th/Fall Semester) Progress (Weightage - 10%)

Project ID: ____________________________________________________

Project Title:

I II III IV Weighted
Intellectual Attendance Coherence with Response to Average Score
S. No Student Name Seat No. Contribution group Questions

(5) (5) (5) (5) (20)

PLO-2 PLO-8 PLO-9 PLO-10


Use Rubric FYDP-OBE-02 for each student.

Average percentage score from the rubrics filled by supervisor and examiner shall be placed in the above table.
Weighted Average Score = [PLO-2 (%)*5+ PLO-8 (%)*5+ PLO-9 (%)*5+ PLO-10 (%)*5]/100

FYDP Supervisor
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
<FYDP Course Code> Final Year Design Project
Rubric for Semester 1 (7th/Fall Semester) Progress (Weightage - 10%)

Project ID: ___________ Student Name:___________________________________ Seat No.:_______________

Levels of Attainment (%)

Unacceptable Just acceptable Average Good Excellent
(0) (25) (50) (75) (100)
Barely participates Contributes in some Contributes Enthusiastic and contributes in
I Doesn’t contribute to the
in the project activities activities of the project effectively in all activities of the project and
Intellectual project work and does
and shows some and shows reasonable majority of the demonstrates very good
Contribution not show understanding
understanding of the understanding of the project activities and understanding of the complex
of the different project
different project different project has good project attributes.
attributes. attributes. understanding of the
complex project
II To be taken from Attendance Proforma maintained by the Supervisor
Non-cooperative. Rarely contributes in Sometimes contributes Usually provides Routinely provides useful ideas
group discussions and not useful ideas in group useful ideas in group in group discussions and a
Coherence with a good team member. discussions and a discussions and a definite leader who contributes a
group satisfactory group good group member lot of effort.
member. who tries hard.

IV Seemed to understand the

Neither understands the Clearly understood Understood the question in-
Response to Adequate understanding main points of the
question, nor could of the question and reply. question and replied to the question and depth and replied confidently.
Questions reply. replied with ease.
those with ease.
FYDP Supervisor

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