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What is Neoplasm?

Neoplasm comes from the word neoplasia that means new growth.

The term neoplasia refers to a mass that has developed due to

abnormal cell or tissue growth.

Neoplasm can be define as a new growth of tissue characterized by

progressive, uncontrolled proliferation of cells. generally word
neoplasm is known as tumour.

Oncology : Oncology is the study of tumour or neoplasm. Greek

“oncos” means tumour.



1. Tumour of epithelial tissue origin.

2. Tumour of connective tissue origin.

Behavioural Type:

1.BenignTumour: They do not invade surrounding or remote tissue.

2.Malignent tumour: Always invade the surrounding or remote

tissue.Generally word these are known as cancer.

3.Latent Cancer: Cell of these neoplasm shows features of malignant

tumour but clinically silent. e.g. prostate cancer of elderly man.
Benign Tumour: Benign neoplasm are those neoplasm which do not
invade surrounding or remote tissue. Generally the suffix “oma”
denotes benign neoplasm; e.g. adenoma means benign tumour of
epithelial cell.

Characteristics of benign tumour:

1. Generally small in size.

2. Within a capsule.
3. No local invasion.
4. Slow Growth.
5. No variation of tumour cell morphology.
6. Tumour cells are similar to the cells of tissue origin.
7. Nucleus is similar in size and nucleus cytoplasm ratio is normal(1:4
to 1:6)
8. No spreadign to remote tissue.
9. Generally no recurrence after complete removal.
10. Generally not fatal.

Malignant Tumour: Malignant neoplasm are those neoplasm which

invade surrounding or remote tissues. In common word malignent
tumour are known as cancer. Suffix “carcinoma” “Sarcoma” “blastoma”
denotes malignant tumour. E.g. adenocarcinoma means malignant
tumour of epithelial cell.

sarcoma: Generally malignant tumour of soft tissue are expressed by


Carcinoma: Generally malignant tumour of epithelium tissue are

expressed by carcinoma.

Characteristics of malignant tumour:

1. Generally large in size.
2. Local invasion is one of the main characteristics.
3. Rapid growth.
4. Neoplasms cells are not similar to the cell of tissue origin.
5. Variation in tumour cell morphology.
6. Nucleus size is variate.
7. Nucleus and cytoplasm ratio is abnormal.(May be 1:1).
8. Generally spread to remote tissue.
9. Recurrence after complete removal can be found.
10. Almost fatal.

Different between benign and malignanttumour:

Benign neoplasm Malignant neoplasm

Generally small Generally Large
Slow Growth Rapid Growth
Possess a capsule No capsule.
No local invasion. Local invasion present.
Similar to the cell of origin tissue. Not similar.
No variation of tumour cell Present variation of tumour cell
morphology. morphology.
Nucleus size is similar. Not similar
Nucleus cytoplasm ratio Nucleus cytoplasm ratio
normal(1:4 to 1:6) Increased(may be 1:1)
Generally no recurrent after May recurrent even after complete
complete removal. removal.
Metastasis absent. Must metastasis.
Usually not fatal. Fatal.

Metastasis:Metastasis means transport of malignant cells to remote

from its origin and invation of the tissue at transported site.
Carcinogen: Any kind of agent that can produce any type of tumour.
Such as: Radiation,Nicotine,papiloma virus etc.

Miasmatic bakground of tumour:

Homeopathic treatment:

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