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6thd GRADE

Unit 3 It’s much more rewarding

Vocabulary Adjectives to describe work
Grammar Intensifiers much, a lot, a little with comparative
adjectives and adverbs.
Speaking Talk about plans after…
R e a d

What are your plans after you graduate?

Do you want to get a job or do something else?
Here are some of the answers teens gave.

1. “I want to get a job and earn some money. But I don’t want to work
in a factory or a supermarket. I’d like to do something a little more
interesting, maybe work as a sound technician in a recording
studio. It’s not as exciting as people think, but it’s creative and it
pays well. Unfortunately, there aren’t many jobs in the music
industry for high school graduates, and there are lots of better
qualified people around. I know I can get a job in a store a lot more
easily than in a studio, but I don’t want that.”


2. “I don’t want to get a job right away. I want some freedom. I’d like to
take six months off and travel. Backpacking in another country
seems much more interesting and exciting than getting a job at
home, and you learn a lot. The trouble is, traveling is a lot more
expensive than people realize. It’s much cheaper to stay in the U.S.
and get a job, and it costs a lot less to live at home.”


6thd GRADE

3. I’d like to go to college and get a degree. I need to work a little

harder at school if I want to do that, but I’m sure it’s worthwhile. I’m
not sure that it’s a very exciting choice, but in the end, you get a
much better job with a degree. Of course, I want to earn money, but
that can wait until I’ve graduated.”


Complete the statements and name the speakers.

1. A college degree helps you to …...get a much better job.….

2. Working in a supermarket is ………...

3. It costs a lot to ……….

4. There are many well-qualified people in ………

5. To get into college, I need to ……….

Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe work

Badly paid ……………………. Boring …………………….

Dangerous ……………………. Dull …………………….

Exciting ……………………. Tiring …………………….

Rewarding ……………………. Safe …………………….

Well-paid ……………………. Stressful …………………….

Creative ……………………. Educational…………………….

Interesting ……………………. Glamorous …………………….

Flexible …………………….

6thd GRADE

Intensifiers much, a lot, a little with comparative adjectives and adverbs;
(not) as…as

While comparative adjectives describe similarities and differences

between two nouns (people, places, or objects), comparative adverbs
make comparisons between two verbs, that is, they describe how, when,
or how often an action is done. For example:
“John runs faster than Tim.” (Comparative adverb)

Mientras los adjetivos comparativos describen similitudes y diferencias

entre dos sustantivos (personas, lugares u objetos), los adverbios
comparativos hacen comparaciones entre dos verbos, es decir,
describen cómo, cuándo, o con qué frecuencia se realiza una acción.
Por ejemplo: "John corre más rápido que Tim". (adverbio comparativo)

Intensifiers much, a lot, a little with comparative adjectives.

S o m e a d je c tiv e s

Attractive ………………… Aggressive…………………

Beautiful ………………… Brave …………………
Clean ………………… Calm …………………
Elegant ………………… Faithful …………………
Handsome ………………… Gentle …………………
Short ………………… Happy …………………
Ugly ………………… Kind …………………
Careful ………………… Nice …………………
Easy ………………… Polite …………………
Famous ………………… Proud …………………
Helpful ………………… Silly …………………
Expensive ………………… Big …………………
Poor ………………… Fat …………………

6thd GRADE

Rich ………………… Large …………………

Shy ………………… Short …………………
Small ………………… Tall …………………
Fast ………………… Modern …………………
Old ………………… Quick …………………
Slow ………………… Young …………………
Dirty ………………… Hot …………………
Strong ………………… Weak …………………

1. He is much older than me.

2. New York is a lot more exciting than Boston.

3. Santa Cruz is much hotter than La Paz.

4. Ronaldo is a lot faster player than Messi.

5. Brazil is much bigger than Uruguay.

6. Margaret is a little younger than Mary.

7. A BMW is much more expensive than a Nissan.

8. Chemistry is a little more complicated than mathematics.

9. They are a lot richer than us.

10. Roxana is much more helpful than Roger.

11. My job is much more interesting than yours.

12. I am a police officer and I think that my job is a lot more
dangerous than an accountant’s job.

13. Working as a teacher is much more exciting than working as

a secretary.
Intensifiers much, a lot, a little with comparative adverbs.
S o m e a d v e rb s o f m a n n e r

6thd GRADE

Accidentally anxiously badly beautifully calmly

Carefully cheerfully clearly correctly deliberately
Easily elegantly exactly faithfully fast
Foolishly fortunately generously happily hard
Honestly ingeniously innocently kindly loudly
Mysteriously neatly nervously noisily obediently
Patiently perfectly politely powerfully punctually
Quickly quietly rapidly regularly rightfully
Rudely sadly safely selfishly sensibly
Seriously shyly silently slowly softly
Successfully stupidly suddenly suspiciously victoriously
Violently warmly well wisely

1. My brother writes much more slowly than me.

2. I do my practice a little more quickly than you.

3. Roger doesn’t have a degree. he will get a job a lot more hardly
than John.
4. I can get a job in a restaurant much more easily than in a
5. You have to do your work a little more carefully than yesterday.

6. Today, Robert acted a lot more generously than yesterday.

7. He waited much more patiently for his girlfriend than for his friend.

8. My neighbor listens to music a lot more loudly than I do.

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