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These things are not garunteed to fix your issues.

You still might have to go in

and tweak your drums/melodies etc.. Also, these are my methods that i use - im sure
there are plenty of other things you can do so dont let your research stop with

1). TEMPO TAP (0:37 in video)

-This is the most underrated thing you can do . This will help better
translate the rhythm/melody in your head to your DAW. One trick you can do if you
work with someone in the studio and you are making a beat from scratch is..
actually pulling up the tempo tapper and let them pick the bpm.

2). KEY (2:43 in video)

- If you cant sing to it or come up with a melody in your head then dont
expect the artists to be able to. Make a simple progression; Or just take your
melody and transpose it. Wichever key is easier to sing to then use that one or any
one that u resonate with the most..your favorite songs are easy to remember and
sing to right?.. you shouldnt be struggling to hit notes just to sing or rap along
to the melody

3). TIME (5:15 in video)

- Squeeze or Stretched the melody.
-Try to use faster/shorter melodies at lower bpms OR slower/longer meodies at
faster bpms.
-This does usually work but sometimes just lowering or speeding up the BPM is
enough. The reason you want to use the "Squeez/Stretch Method" is because sometimes
artits just prefer faster bpms (160+ bpms) and some prefer really slow ones (130
and below). SO! changing the bpm wont really work well in this scenario- you melody
might end up being wayyyy too slow or wayyyy to fast.... Thats why using the
stretch/squeeze method will be the most useful for this issue

4). BREAKPOINTS (10:32 in video)

-Basically this is giving your melody a break.. maybe making another copy of
you melody and taking the melody out so its pretty much just chords and this will
allow the beat to breathe. This one is 'Iffy" cause there are plenty examples of
melodies that are really animated and play the entire beat. So once again this is
another "checker." i wouldnt worry too much about this because when you arrange
beats - this usually is a basic step most ppl take anyway.

5). CONSISTENCY (13:07 in video)

-You dont want any sounds in your beat fighting eachother or working against
eachother because it could be throwing the rhythm off - which will make it harder
for the artists to " catch" the beat. Its ok to switch it up and i defintetly
encourage you to try new things BUT.. there still needs to be a somewhat
predictable or consistent rhythm that goes to your beat.. again.. you can probably
remember the beat to your favorite songs right? its fine to add different 'combos'
but the entire beat shouldnt be a 1000 hit combo, if you know what i mean.

6).AMBIENCE (16:05 in video)

-This is the easiest one to do. You will basically be changign the sound or
adding FX (delay, reverb, filters) etc.. to push the melody or dilute/blur the
melody into the background so its easier for the artits to sing/rap over it.
-Have you ever tried to talk but someone keeps talking over you or just
talking while you are? yeah, its kind of hard to get your thoughts out right? Same
things with melodies, if the melody is TOO loud or TOO in your face then sometimes
this can work against you. Again! This does not mean you HAVE to change your sound
but adding a simple reverb and lowering the volume a bit may be enought to make it


Im always interested in seeeing if my videos actually help so you can send me your
progress or if you just want some feedback/want to ask any quesions
feel free to hmu in any of these places below:


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