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: ‫هشخصات اهتحا ى‬ : ‫هشخصات دانش آهوز‬ : ‫هشخصات درس‬

‫ههر آهوزشگاه‬ 0410/01/ 82 :‫تاریخ اهتحاى‬ :‫نام ونام خانوادگی‬ ‫ زباى انگلیسی‬: ‫نام درس‬
‫نخیگاى سرای دانش‬
‫ صبح‬2 :‫ساعت برگساری‬

‫ دقیقه‬61 : ‫هذت آزهوى‬ : ‫شواره صنذلی‬ ‫ یازدهن‬: ‫پایه ورشته‬

‫تجربی و انسانی‬
3 :‫تعذاد صفحه‬

:‫نوره پس ازتجذیذ نظر‬ ‫ نرگس شادبخت‬:‫نام ونام خانوادگی دبیر واهضا‬ :‫نوره باحروف‬ :‫نوره با عذد‬

‫بارم‬ ‫ردیف‬

.‫ یک کلمً اضافً است‬.‫ٌر جملً را تا کلمً مىاسة کامل کىیذ‬ 1

sign - popular - communicate – heartbeat - ability - hang out - depressed

1. Football is the most …………… sport in Brazil.

2. The doctor is listening to my grandfather’s ……………… .
3. Deaf people use ……………. language to communicate.
4. Working with technology for a long time makes people sick and ……………… .
5. People can use many ways to ……………..with each other
6. I rarely …………….with my friends in the afternoon.

.‫کلمات را تً مترادف ٌایشان وصل کىیذ‬ 2

7. calm (… ) a. surely, certainly .

8. recent (…. ) b. happening or starting a short time ago
9. century (….) c. a period of 100 years
10. absolutely (… ) d. without worry

.‫گسیىً درست را اوتخاب کىیذ‬ 3

11. Put ……………….. sugar into your tea.
a) a few b) a little c) little d) many
12. There are ……………. of shops and restaurants in our city.
a) a few b) much c) many d) a lot
13. Has he got ………….. interesting books in his library?
a) a little b) much c) many d) little
14. The museum didn’t have …………….. visitors this summer.
a) a little b) a lot c) much d) many
15. I ………… never ……….. a bone yet.
a) has / break b) have / broke c) has / breaking d) have / broken
16. They haven't seen each other …….……..three months.
a. since b. from c. in d. for

1.1 4
.‫تا کلمات در ٌم ریختً جملً ٌای درست تسازیذ‬

17. is making / mother / some / in the kitchen / cookies / now / my.

………………………………………………………………………………………… .

18. bread / much / your sister / does / how / need / ?


1 exercised / slices / since / loaf / bottle .‫یک کلمً اضافً است‬.‫تا کلمات دادي شذي جمالت را کامل کىیذ‬ 5

19. It is hot. Do you like to eat three…………… of watermelon ?

20. He bought a ……….…. of bread for dinner .
21. The healthy boy has …………..… for a long time.
22. I have gone to school ……....….. ten years ago.

im – ous – ness – ion .‫کلمات زیرتا اوتخاب پیشووذ ویا پسووذ مىاسة دوتاري تىویسیذ‬ 6
23. danger . ……………
24. create ……………..
25. possible .......................
26. happy ......................

1.1 .‫ ) را مشخص کىیذ‬Adv( ‫ واوواع قیذٌا‬، )O ( ‫ مفعول‬، )V ( ‫ فعل‬، ) S(‫در جمالت زیر فاعل‬ 7

27 . The man ate the sandwich in the street last night.

28. She drinks two cups of tea at work every morning .

1 .‫مخالف ٌا یا مترادف ٌای کلمات مشخص شذي ر در جاٌای خالی تىویسیذ‬ 8

29. Coffee is a popular (……………. ) drink in Brazil. a) easy

30. This problem is very difficult ( ………………. ). b) in addition to
31. Languages are greatly ( ……………… ) different. c) liked
32. He knows four languages besides ( …………….. ) his mother tongue. d) largely

.‫مته را تخواویذ و تً سواالت پاسخ دٌیذ‬ 9

The modern lifestyle has had both positive and negative effects on people's lives.
Modern technologies have enabled us to have easy access to information, become more creative,
experience fast communication, travel easier, and have a more comfortable life. Have you ever
imagined a world without the Internet, tablets, mobile phones, airplanes, and vacuum cleaners? Most
people cannot do that, as technology is the miracle of our time.
But using new technologies has changed people's lifestyle in a way that harms their lives in this
century as well. Some technologies are dangerous to our health and can harm our body. Using mobile
phones or surfing the net for long hours can increase people's blood pressure and cause sleep
problems. Playing video games for long hours makes people nervous and harm their heart and
nervous system. Listening to music by headsets can be harmful to one's hearing and even brain.

33. Technology has had both negative and positive effects. (True / False )
34. Playing video games doesn't have any effect on our body. (True / False )

35. Write two positive effects of modern technologies?


36. How can using mobile and surfing the net be harmful?

37. What does make people nervous?



‫نوره‬ Learning from the life is much more beneficial than learning from the book

good luck

: ‫هشخصات اهتحا ى‬ : ‫هشخصات دانش آهوز‬ : ‫هشخصات درس‬

‫ههر آهوزشگاه‬ 0410/01/ 28 :‫تاریخ اهتحاى‬ :‫نام ونام خانوادگی‬ ‫ زباى انگلیسی‬: ‫نام درس‬
‫نخبگاى سرای دانش‬
‫ صبح‬8 :‫ساعت برگساری‬

‫ دقیقه‬61 : ‫هذت آزهوى‬ : ‫شواره صنذلی‬ : ‫پایه ورشته‬

‫یازدهن تجربی و انسانی‬
3 :‫تعذاد صفحه‬

:‫نوره پس ازتجذیذ نظر‬ ‫ نرگس شادبخت‬: ‫نام ونام خانوادگی دبیر واهضا‬ :‫نوره باحروف‬ :‫نوره با عذد‬

‫بارم‬ ‫ردیف‬
‫نوره‬12 ‫کلیذ سواالت‬

1. popular 2. heartbeat 3.sign 4.depressed 5.communicate 6.hang out

7.d 8. b 9. c 10. a

11. b 12. d 13. c 14. d 15. d 16. d

17. My mother is making some cookies in the kitchen now.

18. How much bread does your sister need?

19. slices 20. loaf 21. exercised 22. since

23. dangerous 24. creation 25. impossible 26. happiness

27. S=The man V= ate O= the sandwich Adv= street Adv= last night

28. S=She V=drinks O=two cups of tea Adv=work Adv= every morning

29. liked 30. easy 31. largely 32. in addition to

33.T 34. F
35. different answers
36. Can increase blood pressure
37. playing videogames for long hours

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