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Research Reriew

Sports Medicine 3: 346-356 (1986)

0112-1642/ 86/0900-0346/$05.50/0
© ADIS Press Limited
All rights reserved.

The Interactions of Intensity, Frequency and

Duration of Exercise Training in Altering
Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Howard A. Wenger and Gordon J. Bell
School of Physical Education, University of Victoria, Victoria

Summary This review has grouped many studies on different populations with different protocols
to show the interactive effects of intensity, frequency and duration of training as well as
the effects of initial fitness levels and programme length on cardiorespiratory fitness as
reflected by aerobic power (P02m .,.). Within each level of exercise duration, frequency,
programme length or initial fitness level, the greatest improvements in aerobic power occur
when the greatest challenge to aerobic power occurs i.e., when intensity is from 90 to 100%
of P02max• The pattern of improvement where different intensities are compared with
different durations suggests that when exercise exceeds 35 minutes, a lower intensity of
training results in the same effect as those achieved at higher intensities for shorter dur-
ations. Frequencies of as low as 2 per week can result in improvements in less fil-subjects
but when aerobic power exceeds 50 ml/kg/min, exercise frequency of at least 3 times per
week is required. As the levels of initial fitness improve, the change in aerobic power
decreases regardless of the intensity, frequency or duration of exercise.
Although these pooled data suggest that maximal gains in aerobic power are elicited
with intensities between 90 to 100% P02max• 4 times per week with exercise durations of
35 to 45 minutes, it is important to note that lower intensities still produce effective changes
and reduce the risks of injury in non-athletic groups.

The nature and magnitude of the training effect often used to investigate the functional state of, or
has been shown to be dependent upon the inten- adaptations in, the oxygen transport system. This
sity, frequency, duration of each training session, oxygen transport system includes the ability to take
the length of time of the programme, and the in- up, transport, and utilise oxygen and has therefore
itial fitness level of the individual (Atomi & Mi- been described as the best single measure of car-
yashita 1980; Katch et ai. 1978; Pollock 1973; Sady diorespiratory fitness (Golden & Vaccaro 1984;
et ai. 1980). This review will attempt to isolate the MacDougall et al. 1982)_ Since the research base
influence of each of these factors, and the inter- on the effects of varying intensities, durations, fre-
actions between them, on cardiorespiratory fitness. quencies, and length of training programmes on
Although cardiorespiratory fitness could en- V0 2 max is substantial, this review will focus on
compass a wide variety of dependent variables un- V0 2 max as the primary variable for monitoring the
der many different resting and exercise conditions, effectiveness of different training regimens. How-
maximum aerobic power (V0 2 max) is the one most ever, changes in other cardiorespiratory variables
Exercise Training and Fitness 347

at both maximal and submaximalloads will be used reduce the volume oftraining (MagIe et al. 1975),
to substantiate trends or suggest mechanisms. and does not elicit any greater hypoxia in muscle
The tables which follow are compilations of data than an intensity of 90 to 100% V0 2 max (Mac-
from numerous studies which complete the mat- Dougall & Sale 1981). As well, high resistance
rices of interactions between the factors of inten- strength training was shown to be ineffective
sity, frequency, duration, programme length, and (Hickson et al. 1980; Hurley et al. 1984), in elic-
initial fitness. The effect of each factor on V0 2 max iting changes in V0 2 max because of the low %
without the other factors being considered has been V0 2 max demanded by traditional resistance train-
plotted to display the pattern of change. Lastly, the ing programmes.
division into levels of each factor was arbitrary but The importance of increased intensity for ele-
followed those most commonly reported in the lit- vating the aerobic potential of fast twitch motor
erature. When studies reported intensity of the units which are substantially recruited after 90%
training stimulus in units other than %V0 2 max, V0 2 max (Gollnick et al. 1975) has been under-
(such as % maximum heart rate or % heart rate scored (Dudley et al. 1982; Hanns & Hickson 1983;
reserve), the units were converted if the appropri- Terjung 1976). Interval training pennits greater
ate data were available. volumes ofthese high intensity loads and therefore
When mean data from different populations greater changes (Hurley et al. 1984), although the
utilising different protocols and different sample rate of improvement may be higher with contin-
sizes are pooled, it is not possible to give statistical uous effort (Smith & Wenger 1981). The high in-
relationships and caution must be exercised when tensity intervals also enhance cardiac output (0)
interpreting comparisons. With this in mind, these to a greater extent than lower intensity, continuous
data are used to reflect trends and to present pat- loads (Cunningham et al. 1979). The advantage of
terns in the adaptations which occur in aerobic
power in response to different exercise pro-

1. The Effect of Training Intensity on 9

Cardiorespiratory Fitness

The magnitude of change in V0 2 max increases 7

....... .....
as exercise intensity increases from 50 to 100% 6 /'
'2 /'
V0 2 max and then begins to fall as the intensity ex- ·E
c; 5 . /' '"
ceeds V0 2 max (see fig. 1). This relationship exists
"" '"
:::::- 4
both in absolute improvements (ml/kg/min) and .s ..-'

when expressed as a percentage increase. The im- ~

portance of intensity of training was highlighted by 0'" 2
Shephard (1968), Faria (1970), and Burke and <1
Franks (1975), with the greatest increases in 0
V0 2 max being shown with exercise intensities of 50-70 70-90 90-100 >100
90 to 100% V0 2 max (Thomas et al. 1984, 1985; Intensity (% V02max)
Wenger & MacNab 1975). As well, the minimal
stimulus necessary to evoke change is at about 50%
V0 2 max (Davies & Knibbs 1971; Gaesser & Rich
Fig. 1. The effects of intensity of training on improvements in
1984), or 75% of maximum heart rate (Burke & V0 2 max. These data are grouped into 4 intensity levels inde-
Franks 1975). Training intensities which exceed pendent of the frequency, duration, programme length and initial
V0 2 max are less effective because rapid fatigue will fitness levels.
Exercise Training and Fitness 348

interval work may be that it permits a greater vol- V0 2 max at any frequency. However, the optimal
ume of V0 2 max training than continuous pro- combination of these two factors is 90 to 100%
grammes (MacDougall & Sale 1981), since, when V0 2 max at a frequency of 4 sessions per week.
other factors are held constant, no differences exist
between these modes (Eddy et al. 1977; Gregory 1.2 The Interaction of Intensity with the
1979). Duration of the Training
Adaptations at submaximalloads are not as in-
tensity dependent. Fox et al. (1975) showed that The effects of training at a variety of intensities
when the product of frequency and duration is the and durations on V02 max, show V02 max improve-
highest, larger drops in submaximal heart rates are ments are elevated as intensity level increases from
shown. Although higher intensity (90 to 100% 50 to 100% V0 2 max for all duration groups be-
V0 2 max) training will elicit some decreases in the tween 15 and 45 minutes. The paucity of data for
heart rate response to a fixed submaximal effort training beyond 45 minutes at the prescribed in-
(Hickson et al. 1985; Wenger & MacNab 1975), tensities prevents further extrapolation (see table
changes are similar with lower intensity, longer I).
duration work (Fox et al. 1977; Seals et al. 1984). Comparisons between cells at different intensi-
However, neither Bhambani and Singh (1985) nor ties and durations further emphasises the import-
Lavoie (1977) were able to show differences in ant role ofthe 90 to 100% V02 max training inten-
V0 2 max with increasing exercise intensities when sity. The improvements shown in 15 to 25 minutes
initial fitness and total work were the same. per session at the 90 to 100% intensity exceed all
higher durations at the lower 2 intensity levels. The
1.1 The Interaction of Intensity with the only instance where any improvement at the lower
Frequency of Training intensities exceeds an improvement in any dura-
tion at 90 to 100% intensity is the 35 to 45 minute
Table I is a compilation of data from many duration at 70 to 90% intensity. It is greater than
studies which examined changes in V0 2 max at cer- the 25 to 35 minute duration at 90 to 100% V0 2 max
tain frequencies or intensities. The matrix of 3 in- which suggests that as durations get longer at lower
tensities and 4 different frequencies suggests that intensities, it may provide as much or more benefit
as intensity increases up to 100% V02 max at any than the shorter duration, higher intensity work.
frequency up to 5 times per week, both the abso- This has been suggested in the findings of Gaesser
lute (ml/kgjmin) and the relative (%) improve- and Rich (1984) that no differences occurred in
ments in V0 2 max increase. The combination of in- V0 2 max after either high intensity, short duration
tensity and frequency which elicits the greatest training or low intensity, longer duration effort.
absolute and relative change is 90 to 100% V0 2 max However, this is not evident when comparing the
4 times per week. shorter 15 to 25 minute and 90 to 100% V0 2 max
The importance of training at 90 to 100% of sroup (table I) with all longer durations at 70 to
V0 2 max for maximum gains in aerobic power are 90% intensity. As duration is increased and slow-
underscored since the improvements with only 2 twitch motor units fatigue and fast-twitch recruit-
or 3 sessions per week at 90 to 100% V0 2 max ex- ment increase, the oxidative potential of the fast-
ceed the increases for all frequencies at the lower twitch fibres will be enhanced and should give a
intensities. Although Lesmes et al. (1978) discov- significant boost to V0 2 max (Fitts et al. 1975; Hol-
ered no differences in V0 2 max and submaximal loszy & Coyle 1984; Terjung 1976). Therefore, a
heart rate with either 2 or 4 sessions per week, the major factor in obtaining greater increases in
intensities (130% and 170% V0 2 max) were well in V0 2 max is increasing the aerobic potential of fast-
excess ofV0 2 max. Thus with all other factors com- twitch motor units. This is achieved when inten-
bined, the most effective intensity is 90 to 100% sity is increased beyond 90% V0 2 max or when dur-
Exercise Training and Fitness 349

Table I. The interaction between the intensity of training and frequency, duration, programme length and initial fitness level in
enhancing \10 2 ma •. Changes in \102 ma. are expressed in ml/kg/min and (% change)

Variable Intensity (% \102 ma.) References

50-70 70-90 90-100 > 100

Frequency 2 3.0 (9.0) 5.4 (13.6) 7.7 (21.1) 4.2 (10.5) 2,9,16,19,21,40,45,58,59,61,67
(sessions/week) 3 4.6 (11.7) 5.1 (12.5) 7.4 (17.6) 7.3 (17.4) 2-4,6,20-23,30,31,40,43,44,49,50,51,54,55,60-62,68,75
4 5.3 (15.1) 6.5 (16.7) 10.2 (30.2) 5.3 (12.6) 1,2,7,16,22,45,59,61,64
5 2.6 (5.9) 5.1 (15.5) 6.2 (16.3) 5,9,15,21,25,26,28,37,53,64,72,77
6 7.2 (17.2) 29,52

Duration 15-24 4.2(11.1) 5.0 (11.8) 8.2 (21.2) 4,6,7,9,19,20,22,23,43,49,50,53,68

(min/session) 25-34 4.7 (11.5) 4.9 (14.0) 6.8 (16.6) 4-6,21,30,37,40,53-55,59,60,63-65,67,77
35-45 6.1 (17.1) 7.8 (21.7) 8.3 (22.5) 1,3,8,20,26,29,31,38,40,51,53,58,62,64,68,77

Programme length 5-7 2.9 (6.4) 4.5 (10.3) 7.3 (15.4) 5,15,16,23,25,37,43,49,52,56,72,76
(weeks) 8-9 4.6 (12.3) 6.6 (16.3) 7.4 (17.1) 3.4,9,14,22,31,45,51,53,55,62,65,67,77
10-11 6.1 (13.9) 6.6 (14.2) 7.9 (19.8) 6,19,29,30,54,25
12-14 3.0 (7.6) 5.5 (13.7) 7.0 (17.5) 2,7,16,28,40,74
15 3.8 (11.9) 6.1 (16.5) 7.3 (25.9) 2,20,21,26,53,58-61,64,68

Initial fitness 30-40 4.8 (14.2) 6.5 (18.4) 8.5 (24.5) 5.6 (14.7) 2,7,8,19,22,25,26,29,40,44,45,51,58,59,60,62,67-
level 5.6 (12.9) 69,74,78
(\10 2m••) 40-50 4.1 (9.3) 5.8 (13.1) 7.5 (17.2) 1,3,5,6,16,17,21,23,25, 28,30,37,40,43,45,
50-60 1.7 (3.2) 2.3 (4.5) 3.4 (6.1) 9,17,50,52,72,74,77

ation is extended until fast-twitch muscle fibre units relation to programme length is further accen-
must supplement the slow twitch pool. The data tuated in that the improvements in aerobic power
of Terjung (1976) further suggest this in that ex- at 90 to 100% V0 2 max for any programme length
ercise at 30% grade induced twice the increase in are greater than those at any other intensity and
citrate synthase activity in fast-twitch white fibres programme length combination. These data sug-
than training at a 10% grade. Furthermore, the fast- gest that within any programme duration, the 90
twitch red fibres of groups which trained for over to 100% V0 2 max loads are the most effective
2 hours per day showed similar increases whereas for enhancing maximum oxygen consumption
the 40 minute per day group did not. (table I).
Thus, with all other factors combined, the most
effective intensity is the 90 to 100% V0 2 max at any 1.4 The Interaction of Intensity with Initial
duration. Fitness

1.3 The Interaction of Intensity with the Within each fitness category, improvements in
Length of Training V0 2 max increase with increasing intensity up to
100% V0 2 max and then decrease with > V0 2 max
As with the interactions of intensity with fre- training loads (although no data are available for
quency and duration of training, the improve- the highest fitness level with > 100% V0 2 max
ments in V0 2 max increase as intensity increases training). The greatest increases occurred with 90
from 50 to 100% V0 2 max across all programme to 100% V0 2 max training in the low (V0 2 max be-
lengths. The importance of intensity of training in tween 30 to 40 ml/kgjmin) fitness grouping. Thus,
Exercise Training and Fitness 350

regardless of initial fitness level in the ranges ex-

amined here, training loads of 90 to 100% V02 max
would elicit the greatest changes with other vari-
ables constant (see table I). At present there are no
9 I
data available to suggest that lower intensity, longer /
8 /
duration training before the high intensity loading /
might be even more effective, especially for the low 7 ._---410/
fitness categories. It also does not address the in- 6
c /
herent risks of injury or untenable stress to the car-
diorespiratory system of high intensity loads on --g'E
4 ./
...-. /
relatively low fitness populations. Although the in-
~ 3
teractions of intensity with all the other training E

components suggest that for maximal improve- 0'" 2

ment in V0 2max the best combination is 90 to 100% <I

V0 2 max intensity; 4 times per week; 35 to 45 min- 0 , I I I I I

utes in duration for 10 to 11 weeks, it is clear that 2 3 4 5 6

effective changes are produced at lower intensities. Frequency (sessions/week)

This is important since reducing the intensity is

desirable for many non-athletic groups in order to
reduce the risks of injury.
Fig. 2. The effect of frequency of training on improvements in
lio 2 max.
These data are grouped in 5 frequencies independent
2. The Effect of Frequency of Training on of the intensity, duration, programme length and initial fitness
Cardiorespiratory Fitness levels.

With the variables of intensity, duration, pro- However, the interaction between frequency and
gramme length and initial fitness level not being intensity does not reveal the same pattern as in
considered, improvements in V0 2 max are greater figure 2. The optimal frequency for all intensities
in both absolute and relative terms up to 6 sessions of training is 4 times per week (table I). Moffatt et
per week with minimal changes between 4 and 5 al. (1977) have demonstrated that the distribution
times per week (see fig. 2). Pollock et al. (1975b), of sessions within the week does not affect the im-
Gettman et al. (1977), and Hickson et al. (1984) provements. It is also interesting to note that al-
have all shown that as frequency increases so does though Davies and Knibbs (l971) have shown a
improvement in V0 2 max, and Fox et al. (l975) decrease in aerobic power with 2 sessions per week
demonstrated that decreases in submaximal heart at 50 to 70% V0 2 max, the other studies compiled
rate are proportional to the frequency of the train- for table I have shown improvements across each
ing sessions. intensity level.
The interaction between frequency and initial When examining the interaction between fre-
fitness level (table II) suggests that the 2 lower fit- quency and the duration of training (table II) the
ness categories will demonstrate improvements at only discernible pattern is that across all durations
frequencies from 2 to 6 times per week and the there is no additional benefit derived beyond a fre-
largest improvements (relative and absolute) occur quency of 4 times per week. There are no data
with 6 sessions. In the high fitness category available for 2 sessions per week at the 2 lower
(V0 2 max 50 to 60 mljkg/min), however, no intensities and only one study (Fringer & Stull 1974)
improvements are elicited with only 2 sessions reporting a large improvement in aerobic power
per week and maximal gains accrue at a frequency with 2 sessions per week for 15 to 25 minutes. This
of 4. was due to the low initial fitness level of the sub-
Exercise Training and Fitness 351

jects, age of the subjects, and the high motivation

within the group (Fringer & Stull 1974).
The product of frequency and duration have
been shown to produce the greatest drops in sub-
maximal heart rate (Fox et al. 1975) but were in-
dependent ofV0 2 max changes. However, mainten-

ance of V0 2 max can be achieved with frequencies
as low as 2 sessions per week (Hickson & Rosen- '"c:
koetter 1981).

Therefore, to summarise the interactions of fre-

quency with other factors the following seem to be
suggested. Increased frequency of training above 2
sessions per week produce increases in V02 max ·u
across all initial fitness levels and even 2 sessions ~
can produce improvements in the lower fitness cat-

egories. When examined in relation to intensity of
training, the optimal stimulus is 4 times per week
at 90 to 100% V0 2 max. Increased frequencies and
duration are more effective in producing decreases
in submaximal heart rate than in V0 2 max per se.

3. The Effect of Duration of Training on

Cardiorespiratory Fitness
With other variables not being considered (fig. co cOaON
3), the improvements in V0 2 max are the same for (j):;t_
the 15 to 25 and 25 to 30 minute durations but
('fj~",,: ~~
:!.!:.:!. ~~
increase when duration exceeds 35 minutes. This ",,"N~

improvement could reflect the greater involvement

r::'N"CD r::'~
of fast-twitch motor units as slow-twitch units be- cnaOcO cON
!:,.~~ ~~
gin to fatigue, and therefore greater improvements co It) I"-~CO co It)

with the long duration. .,.,

~ .....:,....: cDc?""':
cO 110
The duration-intensity interaction (table I) sug- ~
gests that the 35 to 45 minute duration in both the '"oc: ;~~
·in ~et::..
50 to 70% and 70 to 90% intensity levels produce .,'" co~",

greater improvements than the shorter duration (25 ()
c: ;;;='(\1 r- ;;to)'
to 35 min) groups at the 90 to 100% intensity. This Q)
~on 0";

:::J .... T"" ........ ..... T""
implies that, with the duration and intensity groups CO..... L(),.... .........
It N on on ~ on on on
compiled here, the longer duration work (> 35
minutes) at a slightly lower intensity can match or ~"""
..... O)T"",...+
exceed improvements with shorter duration train- tbdJONLO ~ ~ ~

ing at the next highest intensity level.

Milesis et al. (1976) showed that improvements c-o
in V0 2 max, treadmill performance time, maxi- ·in
oc: '"
:0 CD
mum O 2 pulse, diastolic BP and body fat were pro- '"
'fij ~?
portional to the duration of the training sessions > 51
Exercise Training and Fitness 352

9 9
8 8 ..
7 7 ""
6 .- .- .-
. 6
" " '.t.
C .- __ -A- C '\
'E 5 'E 5 '\
c; c; '\
S 4
4 '\
3 . x
0'" 2 0'" 2
.> .>
<I <I

0 0 I , 0

15-25 25-35 35-45 30-40 40:50 50-60

Duration (minutes/session) Initial fitness level ('V02 max: ml/kg/min)

Fig. 3. The effect of duration of the training sessions on the Fig. 4. The effect of training on the improvements in 1102 max
improvements in 1102 max' These data are grouped into 3 dur- with different initial fitness levels. These data are grouped into
ation ranges independent of intensity, frequency, programme 3 fitness levels independent of intensity, frequency, duration and
length and initial fitness levels. programme length.

when intensity and frequency were held constant. 100% V02 max, each frequency (table II), each dur-
However, the improvements due to increases from ation (table III), and across each programme length
15 to 30 and from 30 to 45 minute durations were (table IV). The greater magnitude of improvement
not significant but the improvement between the in lower fitness groups has been noted by Shephard
15 and 45 minute training sessions was. (1968), Sharkey (1970) and Wenger and MacNab
Thus, improvements in aerobic power can be (1975). This implies that as fitness level increases
achieved across all durations from 15 to 45 min- the amount of improvement in V0 2 max with sub-
utes. However, the longer durations (> 35 minutes) sequent training will decrease, even with increases
are more beneficial. There is a suggestion that in- in intensity and duration. However, Bhambani and
creasing duration beyond 35 minutes per session Singh (1985) found equivalent increases in V0 2 max
in the lower intensity groups can produce as much and decreases in submaximal ventilatory efficiency
benefit as a shorter duration at higher intensity ef- regardless of initial fitness level, provided the total
fort. amount of work was equated, and Kilborn (1971)
suggests that older subjects with low initial fitness
levels fail to improve as much as middle-aged sub-
4. The Changes in Cardiorespiratory jects with the same initial level.
Fitness with Different Initial Fitness
Levels 5. The Effect 0/ Programme Length on
Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Absolute and relative increases in V0 2 max are
inversely related to fitness level (fig. 4). This pat- Table I indicates improvements in V0 2 max oc-
tern holds across each intensity level up to 90 and cur linearly up to 10 and 11 weeks after which point
Exercise Training and Fitness 353

there is less improvement. This trend seems to oc- ations in monitoring programmes, there seems to
cur within each initial fitness level (table IV), each be no discernible trend in the interaction with pro-
intensity (table I), and, somewhat with duration gramme length and other training programme
(table III), and frequency (table I). components.
However, Fox et al. (1975) showed greater im-
provements in V0 2 max and in maximum heart rate 6. Conclusions
in a 13 week training period versus 7 weeks while
Hickson et al. (l98Ib) suggests that maximal ad- Presently, the best and most widely investigated
aptation in V0 2 max occurs after 3 weeks when variable for assessing cardiorespiratory fitness is
training variables remain constant. As well, Cun- V0 2 max (aerobic power). Changes in aerobic power
ningham et al. (1979) showed an elevated differ- have been shown to be dependent upon the inten-
ence in O2 content between arterial and mixed sity of the exercise; the frequency of the sessions;
venous blood after 8 weeks with orily slight in- the durations of each session; the length of the
creases after 12 weeks and Knuttgen et al. (1973) training programme; and the initial fitness level of
showed no differences in V0 2 max or submaximal the subjects.
heart rate between a 4 and 8 week training pro- Intensity seems to be the key factor in produc-
gramme. Thus, because of variations in progres- ing improvements since increasillg intensity up to
sion of training loads, number of total training ses- ·100% V0 2 max produces the greatest improvements

Table III. The interaction between duration of exercise and initial fitness level and programme length in enhancing ";02 max. Changes
in ";02 max are expressed in ml/kg/min and (% change)

Duration (min/session) References

15-25 25-35 35-45

Initial fitness 30-40 7.5 (21.1) 6.6 (17.6) 7.9 (2.1) 7,8,19,20,22,26,29,40,51,58-60,62,67-69,78
";02 max 40-50 5.9 (13.1) 5.2 (12) 7.8 (17.6) 1,3,5,6,9,20,21,23,30,37,43,49,53,55,62,64,65,69,78
(ml/kg/min) 50-60 2.8 (5.3) 4.5 (8.4) 3.1 (5.4) 9,40,50,52,77

Programme length 5-7 4.6 (11) 5.2 (12.9) 2.4 (4.1) 5,23,43,49,52,69
(weeks) 8-9 5.7 (14.9) 6.1 (14.9) 7.4 (18.6) 1,3,4,8,9,22,23,31,51,55,56,62,65-67
10-11 8.5 (20.7) 5.6 (13.1) 8.3 (20.4) 6,19,30,34,50,54
12-14 7.9 (21.7) 4.0 (9.4) 10.6 (27.2) 7,29,40
15+ 4.5 (11.8) 5.7 (14.1) 6.9 (20.5) 20,21,26,53,58-61,64,68,78

Table IV. The interaction between training programme length and initial fitness level in enhancing ";02 max. Changes in ";02 max are
expressed in ml/kg/min and (% change)

Programme length (weeks) References

5-7 8-9 10-11 12-14 > 15

Initial fitness 30-40 6.5 (16.8) 7.0 (19.8) 11.9 (32.4) 5.8 (17.1) 6.1 (17.6) 2,7,8,19,20,22,25,26,38,40,44,45,51,
level 41-50 4.7 (10.4) 6.1 (13.9) 5.8 (13.2) 4.9 (11.2) 5.6 (12.8) 58-60,62,67-69,78
";0 2 max 51-60 1.8 (3.3) 3.0 (5.7) 3.7 (6.9) 3.4 (6.6) 1,3,5,6,9,15,16,20,21,23,25,28,30,37,40,
(ml/kg/min) 43,45,49,53,55,62,64,65,69,72,75,76,78
Exercise Training and Fitness 354

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