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Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate, connect, and share information

in today's digital age. With platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, individuals

can effortlessly interact with others from all corners of the globe. These platforms provide a

space for people to express their opinions, share their experiences, and engage in

discussions on various topics. Furthermore, social media has become an invaluable tool for

businesses, enabling them to reach a wider audience, build brand awareness, and engage

with their customers in real-time. However, the widespread use of social media has also

given rise to concerns regarding privacy, fake news, and the addictive nature of these

platforms. As we navigate this new era of communication, it is crucial to strike a balance

between leveraging the benefits of social media and being mindful of its potential

drawbacks. By using these platforms responsibly and critically evaluating the information

we encounter, we can harness the power of social media to foster meaningful connections

and drive positive change in our society.


• To explore the impact of social media on communication, connection, and

information sharing.

• To examine the benefits and drawbacks of social media for individuals and


• To understand the importance of responsible usage and critical evaluation of social

media platforms.

• To highlight the potential of social media in fostering meaningful connections and

driving positive change in society.

• To address concerns related to privacy, fake news, and the addictive nature of social


• To encourage a balanced approach to social media usage and promote responsible

digital citizenship.
1. Write a clear, organized and well-structured paragraph in English related to

the topic:

"Social Media"

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate, connect, and share

information in today's digital age. With platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and

Instagram, individuals can effortlessly interact with others from all corners of the

globe. These platforms provide a space for people to express their opinions, share

their experiences, and engage in discussions on various topics. Furthermore, social

media has become an invaluable tool for businesses, enabling them to reach a wider

audience, build brand awareness, and engage with their customers in real-time.

However, the widespread use of social media has also given rise to concerns

regarding privacy, fake news, and the addictive nature of these platforms. As we

navigate this new era of communication, it is crucial to strike a balance between

leveraging the benefits of social media and being mindful of its potential

drawbacks. By using these platforms responsibly and critically evaluating the

information we encounter, we can harness the power of social media to foster

meaningful connections and drive positive change in our society.

2. Take a few minutes to scan the following words in the box.

Now, read the text and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences using words

from the

“Nosedive” is an episode of Black Mirror series on Netflix that show how social

media daily are becoming a reality of everyday, where looks and popularity will be

essential to determine who is successful in life. The characters in “Nosedive” rate

each other in order to fit into society.

The rating system causes people in society to have toxic relationships with one

another. By rating others, it impacts the individual’s housing, ability to work, ability

to travel, and relationships with others.

The characters play the biggest role in the episode because they must build their

personal branding to peer-rating. If someone is badly rated, people become

suspicious and rate the person low as well.

3. Here are some opinions for you to think about and discuss with your e-mates

in the forum. First, read each opinion, and check whether you agree or

4. Choose one of three opinions to write about, either from the ones above or another

opinion that you feel strongly about.

- Now, organize your ideas by using the following outline.

Opinion: Over the next years, if someone is badly rated on social media, people will

become suspicious and rate the person low as well.

Reason 1: The power of social media and online ratings has significantly influenced

people's perceptions and behaviors. If someone receives negative ratings on social media, it

can create suspicion among others, leading them to rate the person poorly as well.


1. Bandwagon effect: The bandwagon effect refers to the tendency of individuals to

adopt certain behaviors or beliefs because they perceive them to be popular or

widely accepted. In the context of social media ratings, if someone is rated poorly,

others may be more likely to join in and rate them low as well, driven by the belief

that the negative rating must be justified. This phenomenon is amplified by the

visibility and social proof provided by online platforms.

2. Confirmation bias: Confirmation bias is the inclination to interpret information in

a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or assumptions. When people

encounter a person with a negative social media rating, they may unconsciously

look for evidence or reasons to support that rating. This confirmation bias can

reinforce the negative perception of the individual and lead others to rate them

poorly too.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the power of social media ratings and the psychological factors

such as the bandwagon effect and confirmation bias can contribute to a scenario where if

someone receives a negative rating, people become suspicious and rate the person low as

well. This can perpetuate a cycle of negative perception and potentially harm the

individual's reputation. It is crucial to approach online ratings with critical thinking,

empathy, and fairness, considering that ratings can be influenced by various factors and

may not always accurately reflect a person's true character or abilities.

5. Now, write in the forum your paragraph, at least 180 words (Please do not exceed

this length), that express one of your opinions. Explain your thinking clearly so that

the reader can understand why you hold your opinion.

Title: The role of artificial intelligence in the education of the future

Opinion: Artificial intelligence will play a fundamental role in the education of the future.

In the education of the future, artificial intelligence (AI) will be crucial. The AI will

personalize learning for each student, adapting to their pace and style. AI systems will

collect data and display a unique educational approach, maximizing academic potential. In

addition, AI will enrich teaching with interactive resources, virtual assistants, and instant

feedback. Educators will benefit from automating administrative tasks, allowing them more

direct interaction with students and developing social-emotional skills. AI will transform

education by improving its quality and effectiveness. However, it is essential to implement

the ethical way and guarantee data privacy, as well as equal access to education. By
harnessing the power of AI, we will successfully build an inclusive education system and

prepare future generations for the challenges of the 21st century. AI will be an invaluable

tool that will propel education into new frontiers of personalized learning and educational


6. After each student has written his/er paragraph, he/she will include a self-

assessment paragraph answering the following questions:

-What did you learn in this task?

In this task, I learned how to express my opinion clearly and organize my ideas effectively

using an outline. It helped me practice structuring my thoughts and presenting arguments in

a coherent manner. Additionally, I gained insights into the importance of providing

supporting evidence and examples to strengthen my opinions.

-What did you find most interesting about the task?

The most interesting aspect of this task was exploring different perspectives and

formulating arguments to support my chosen opinion. It allowed me to think critically and

analyze the factors that shape certain beliefs or ideas. It was fascinating to consider the

potential implications of the opinions discussed and how they could impact various aspects

of our lives.

-What area or topic would you like to find out more about?
One area I would like to find out more about is the ethical considerations surrounding the

use of AI in education. While I touched upon the benefits of AI in personalized learning,

understanding the potential drawbacks and ethical implications in depth would be valuable.

Exploring topics such as data privacy, bias in AI algorithms, and ensuring equitable access

to education could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.

-Areas to work on: (grammar / vocabulary / spelling / writing)

Areas to work on: While working on this task, I realized that I need to focus on improving

my vocabulary usage and expanding my range of vocabulary to express my ideas more

precisely. Additionally, I will continue to work on grammar to ensure that my sentences are

grammatically correct and well-structured. Overall, this task highlighted the importance of

continuously honing my writing skills to effectively convey my thoughts and opinions.


In conclusion, social media has transformed the way we communicate, connect, and share

information. It has provided us with unprecedented opportunities to interact with others and has

become an essential tool for businesses. However, we must be mindful of the potential drawbacks

such as privacy concerns, the spread of fake news, and the addictive nature of these platforms. By

using social media responsibly, critically evaluating the information we encounter, and striking a

balance between its benefits and drawbacks, we can harness its power to foster meaningful

connections and drive positive change in our society. It is crucial for individuals and businesses

alike to be aware of the impact of social media and to navigate this digital landscape with a sense of

responsibility, empathy, and critical thinking. Only then can we fully leverage the potential of social

media to create a more connected and informed world.


• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Past Perfect.

• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Phrasal Verbs.

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