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Hamed Mustafa Hamed Mohamed

(+20) 01024341024 (Mobile)

(+20) 01278397239 (Mobile)
(+20) 01003545235 (Mobile)
(086) 2092048 (Home)
hamed_mustafa85@ yahoo.com

Objective Seeking a challenging position in a multi-national company for chemical

industries where my educational background and skills can be applied
and further developed.

Personal information Date of birth : 1/1/1986

Marital s tatus : married
Nationality : Egyptian.
Re ligion : M us lim.
Military Status : e xempted

M.Sc. of s cience/ chemistry
Main topic (pos s ibility of re cycling was te material in production fire re s is tance
ble nde d cement)
Che mis try Departme nt,
Faculty of s cie nce , Menya Univers ity , Egypt

M e nya Unive rsity.

Faculty of Scie nce.
De partme nt : Che mis try.
Ge ne ral grade : ve ry good.(77.7%)
Date of ge t the qualifications : 2006.

 Computer
Good using the most application and internet s services (office , internet, windows
options & tools).

 Languages
Very Good in English (read, write and speaking).
unity Cement Company (republic of Yemen )

Pos ition : Act as Production Section Head (Kiln& Raw and Coal mill)
Period : from January 2020 till now.

 Monitor all kinds of operating data related to each section of pyro,raw
mill and vertical coal mill and help the team in order to support their
 Manage the activity of the team according to the production priorities
and ensure that the safety and environment procedures are met
 Ensure that the production and operations control equipment are in good
working conditions by regular inspections
 Take over the direct responsibility for the control of kiln and mill in case
of complicated situation
 Ensure in quality and quantity the production of raw mix ,clinker under
the production manager instructions
 Assisting production manager in day to day operation activities to ensure
smooth operation to meet the company target with proper coordination
with respective department
 Analyze and report the results of action plan, Advance performance
improvement plan in order to improve the technical matters in plant
 Review daily reports and maintains required records regarding
operations as requested

unity Cement Company (republic of Yemen )

Position : shift leader.

Period : from January 2017 till 2020.

- Arab Swiss engineering company (ASEC).

El Menya Asec Cement Company

Position : shift leader.

Period : from March 2013 till January 2017.
- ArabSwiss engineering company (ASEC).
Sinai White Cement technical management

Position : Kiln operator engineer.

Period : from March 2010 - March 2013.
Position : mills operator engineer.
Period : from November 2008 – March 2010.

Responsibility :
 Monitoring and adjust the process parameter for all of (ATOX 25
&SAND MILL & KILN & Grate and Rotary COOLER).
 Obtaining the trends, charts and process data for any measuring
or controlling point and analyzing them to solve any problem.
 Followed the plant problem from the C.C.R till reaching the
solving & help Technical for solving the problem
 Followed the chemical analysis of the QCX to improve the
 Supervisor for Vertical roller mill (ATOX 25), two slurry tube
mills, Cement tube ball mill, and follow up field work.
 Obtaining the trends, charts and process data for any measuring or
controlling point and analyzing them to specify the problems.
 Monitoring and adjusting the process parameters (temperatures,
pressures, flow rates, levels, etc.) for Raw Mill (ATOX 25) and its

Fayoum Sugar Company

Position : lab chemist
Period : from Nove mber 2007

Responsibility :
Supervision the analysis and testing of raw material to insurance
that it's according to raw material specification.
 Supervision the water treatment station.
 Preparation standard solution and another chemical material which
used in quality testing.
 Supervision the industry waste water treatment.
Menya drinking water and waste water company

Position : lab chemist

Period : from November 2006
Responsibility :
 Supervision drinking water treatment makes physical, chemical and
bacteriological analysis for drinking water.
Supervision waste water treatments make physical, chemical and
bacteriological analysis for waste water.

Training & courses

Training course in pyro-process in cement industry.
Training for central control room operators in cement industry.
Grinding optimization & process trouble shooting in cement industry. In
Corrosion reducing in el tebin institute for metrology study.
In catholic protection for boiler water tube and natural gas pipe
Information - Exce llent in te amwork.
- Fle xibility to work outs ide normal working hours .
- Work Unde r Pre s sure
Re fe re nce A lis t of re fe re nces is available on re quest.

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