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This book contains Open Game content from the System Reference
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This one-shot adventure focuses on the titular
monster: the tarasque. Before you begin to prepare for
Running the Adventure
this adventure, please read the “Introduction and Stat To run this adventure, you will need to be familiar with
Blocks” document to review the original legend and get how to use the Fifth Edition (5e) role-playing system.
an idea of what the tarasque is, and how it will behave. If you are unfamiliar with this system, there are many
You should also take the time to familiarize yourself with resources available online, such as the Adventurer’s Guide
the stat block of the tarasque that you will be running in to the Bible: Player’s Guide and Gazetteer, which provides
the climactic combat encounter. a simplified overview of how to play the game, and the
System Reference Document 5.1, which includes the core
Balancing the Adventure rules and a basic list of monsters and spells. This module
A variety of tarasque stat blocks have been included will assume that you have a basic familiarity with the 5e
in the “Introduction and Stat Blocks” document for system moving forward.
you convenience, ranging from hatchling to ancient, so The names of monsters and non-player characters
that you can dial the difficulty and complexity of this (NPCs) that appear in this adventure appear in bold
adventure to suit your party. The following table outlines typeface. This is a visual cue to you, the GM, to prepare
the most suitable monster to use, depending on the level the creature’s stat block before reaching that point in the
of your adventuring party. This table assumes that there adventure. The stats of a creature let you know how the
are 4 player characters in your party, and that your party party is able to interact with it. Spells and magic items
has an average level of combat experience. If your party will appear in italic typeface. The monsters, spells, and
has fewer than 4 player characters, or very little combat magic items that appear in this adventure can be found
experience, you should use a tarasque with a lower than in the appendix of this book, or else can be found in the
recommended Challenge Rating (CR). If your party has System Reference Document (SRD) or The Adventurer’s
more than 4 player characters, or is very talented at Guide to the Bible (AGttB).
combat, you should use a tarasque with a higher than
recommended Challenge Rating. Text that appears in a box like this one is meant to
Recommended Monster CR be read aloud or at least paraphrased at the table.
Usually, it will set the scene for the players when the
1-3 Juvenile Tarasque 2
characters arrive in a new location, but it may also
4-5 Juvenile Tarasque (In Lair) 5
share important information that the players should
6-7 Young Tarasque 9 know during a scene.
8-9 Young Tarasque (In Lair) 11
10 - 12 Adult Tarasque 15
Sidebars and Notes
13 - 17 Adult Tarasque (In Lair) 18 Text that appears in solid-color sidebars like this are for
the Game Master. Usually, these sidebars will provide more
18 - 19 Ancient Tarasque 22
context about the story, information about a location, or
20+ Ancient Tarasque (In Lair) 24 motivations for a character. They will also sometimes provide
helpful tips for how to approach a situation as the GM, perhaps
offering combat strategies for a particular enemy or role-play
Adventure Summary advice for a complex NPC.
This story begins with your party being hired to escort
two sisters, Martha and Mary, from the port of Antioch Content Sensitivity
across the Great Sea to the distant port city of Massalia, It is also important to hold an out-of-game
and on to the city of Avenio in the northern reaches of conversation with your players before running the one-
the Roman empire. A brief combat encounter erupts shot to talk about hard and soft limits for content. Your
shortly after arriving in this new land, which forces the players may have phobias and triggers that you are not
party to work together as a team. aware of. You should also review the material in this
After a Long Rest in the small town of Arelate, the party adventure before running it so that you have time to
learns of a troubling legend, and has the opportunity to make adjustments to the content for your players. If a
gather information about this looming threat. Martha is topic or theme makes a player at your table feel unsafe,
inspired to travel north through the Black Wood to rescue it should not be included. If a topic or theme makes a
a kidnapped victim, eventually bringing the party into a player nervous but they give you consent to include it,
climactic showdown with the tarasque, the monster that do so with care. In a game where the players are hunting
has been terrorizing the region. magical monsters, it is good for them to feel stressed or
The party says their goodbyes to Martha and Mary, anxious about the plot of the story, but a player should
who gift them with the Aspergillum of Martha and a ship to never feel unsafe or in danger of reliving a past trauma
speed them on their way to their next adventure. while playing the game.
The Adventure
Looking for Work?
The cries of gulls echo above you as you make
your way through the raucous shipyard in the port
city of Antioch. You savor the smells of the salty sea
air and the occasional whiff of incense and spices
from Silk Road merchants as they pass by on their
way to distant markets.
Your wounds have almost healed from your
previous adventures, and your party has finished
restocking supplies from the seaside market. You are
ready to embark on your next adventure... if only you
could afford to purchase a ship...
As you stare out longingly at the open sea, a pair
of young women catch your eye. They appear to be
traveling alone, and are in the midst of a heated
debate with the shipyard manager, who is refusing
to sell them a small sailing ship.

These woman are sisters from the small town of

Bethany near Jerusalem. A player that succeeds on a DC
14 Insight check can deduce that they are likely trying
to flee the territories in the Roman empire where the
followers of Jesus are being actively hunted down and
killed. A player that succeeds on a DC 12 History check
is aware that Jesus was a preacher from Nazareth, and
that he was recently executed by order of the Roman
empire. His followers have scattered, and call themselves
different names in different cities, but here in Antioch,
they call themselves “Christians.”
These two women are Martha and Mary. They have
recently sold the bed and breakfast business they used
Medium Humanoid, any good alignment
to run in Bethany, and are attempting to purchase a Armor Class: 12 (traveling clothes)
ship to take them into the lands to the north, where Hit Points: 11 (2d8+2)
the reach of the Roman empire is less prevalent. The Speed: 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
shipyard manager is currently refusing to do business
with them on account of a Roman law that forbids aiding
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
and abetting Christians. To continue the adventure, skip
ahead to “Resolving the Dispute” on the next page. Skills: Persuasion +2, Religion +2
Senses: passive perception 12
Martha and Mary as NPCs Languages: Any two languages
Martha and Mary will be the primary non-player Challenge: 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency: +2
characters (NPCs) in this adventure. Martha uses the Features
Disciple stat block with the following changes. Her Devoted: The disciple has advantage on saving throws against
alignment is Lawful Neutral and she is armed with being charmed or frightened.
a +1 dagger (+4 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing) as well as the
Evangelist: The disciple has advantage on all persuasion
Aspergillum of Martha. Mary uses the Disciple stat block checks.
with the following changes. Her alignment is Chaotic
Good and she has prepared the charm person and disguise Actions
self spells, in addition to her other 1st level spells. Spellcasting: The disciple is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (DC 12, +4 to hit). The disciple has
Roleplaying Martha and Mary the following spells prepared”
Martha and Mary are sisters, but couldn’t be more Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, mending, message
different from one another. Mary is optimistic and is 1st level (3 slots): bless*, cure wounds, every knee shall bend†
always smiling. She is a “people person,” and will never †
*This spell requires concentration
This spell is described in the Adventurer’s Guide to the Bible
pass up an opportunity to make a new friend. Martha, on
the other hand, is withdrawn and suspicious of everyone History Check
she meets. Years of running the family business have A sea voyage from Antioch to Massalia would have taken
taught her that she can achieve anything through hard about a month of travel time on the Great Sea in the first
work, and that she cannot trust other people to keep century, and would have cost 70-90 gp per person, depending
their promises, because they will always let her down. on travel conditions. This voyage also would have required
stops at several other major cities - most notably Corinth and
Resolving the Dispute Carthage - in order to resupply and deliver cargo.
Did this really happen? The scattering of Christians from
Martha will not trust the party, and will initially refuse Roman-dominated Jerusalem after the death of Jesus makes
to speak to them or tell them her business. However, it reasonable (and even likely) that Martha and Mary might
Mary will immediately and honestly answer any questions have used their life savings to embark on a sea voyage out of
the party asks, much to the annoyance of her sister. Antioch or Gaza (as many religious refugees did). However,
Martha and Mary have enough money to purchase a small the high cost and hazards of a long sea voyage cast doubt on
whether Massalia was their destination when they set sail.
ship, and a also looking to hire a party of adventurers to
safeguard their journey until they reach their destination.
The sisters intend to sail from Antioch to Massalia, and encounter table for seafaring in the first century has
then to travel north to Avenio, where they intend to start been provided in Silk Road Guide to Seafaring, if you are
a small community of Christians outside the reach of the interested in keeping these encounters historically and
Roman empire. thematically relevant.
The shipyard manager is not willing to sell a ship to Attacked By Pirates!
Martha and Mary, but if the party offers to purchase As the party draws within sight of the port of Massalia,
the ship on their behalf, he will agree to the sale. If none their ship is attacked by pirates! The purpose of this
of the player characters think of this solution, or if you combat is twofold. First, it gives the party a chance to
need to move the story forward, Mary will suggest this enter combat together and get a sense of each other’s
idea, which Martha will grudgingly accept as she has no strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. This is especially
other options. Furthermore, Mary will cheerfully offer to important if you are running a one-shot with characters
pay the party to guide and protect them until they reach that are meeting for the first time. A brief “warm up”
Avenio. combat early in the story gives the players a chance to
coordinate as a group before they are ultimately destined
How Much? to face the tarasque at the end of this adventure.
The salary offered by Martha and Mary here has been left
ambiguous. The reward might be money, a magic item that the The secondary goal of this combat is for the pirates to
sisters recently inherited, or a favor from a powerful person. kidnap Mary, if possible. Since Mary and Martha are not
Whatever the case may be, make sure this offer is attractive suited for combat (and the party was hired to protect
(but level-appropriate) for your party. them), it is likely that the sisters will be told to hide in a
safe place while the party enters combat. If this happens
(and no player characters stay within sight of them), then
Trouble at Sea Mary is captured by a second pirate ship that stealthily
Once the party has had an opportunity to buy supplies gains access to the ship and then escapes under the
and prepare their new ship to set sail, the voyage begins. cover of the combat for land. Martha will of course raise
If you want to give the player characters some extra the alarm immediately, but the smaller, faster pirate ship
options and test their critical thinking skills at this point, will make landfall long before the party can catch up. For
feel free to offer them the ability to purchase level- more on how this will unfold, see “Trouble in Arelate” on
appropriate customizations for their new ship, using the page 6.
“Upgrades” section in Silk Road Guide to Seafaring. You The crew of the pirate ship depends on the level of your
can even allow them to design the ship from the ground party, but should present a “medium” or “easy” level of
up using this resource, if you want more emphasis on the difficulty. Use the table below as a guide.
maritime aspects of this adventure. Party Pirate Raiding Party
While at sea, Martha will keep to herself and will be Level
hesitant to talk to the player characters, whom she views 1-3 2d6 bandits
with suspicion. Mary, on the other hand, will actively
4-5 2d6 bandits + 1 bandit captain
start conversations with the party and will ask to hear
stories of their adventures. Mary should be friendly and 6-7 2d8 bandits + 2 bandit captains
enthusiastic, but should listen more than she speaks. 8-9 2d8 thugs + 2 bandit captains
At this point in the adventure, look for opportunities 10 - 12 2d8 bandits + 1d6 sicarii†
for Mary to form bonds with one or more of the player
characters. The party should leave these interactions 13 - 17 2d6 parthian spahbeds† + 1 giant warlord†
with a sense that Mary is likable, but a little naive. 18 - 19 6 zin’tori veterans†
The journey to Massalia from Antioch ­will take some
time, and you can feel free to roll on a random encounter 20+ 2d6 spartan mercenaries†
table to add some variety to the journey. A random † stat block in Adventurer’s Guide to the Bible
Resolving the Combat
When combat subsides, the party may wish to
investigate the attackers. An appropriate ability
check such as intimidation (if interrogating a survivor)
or investigation (if searching the pirates’ ship or
possessions), might reveal that these are no ordinary
pirates. This raiding party seems to have had the single
goal of capturing prisoners, rather than looting the ship
for gold or other valuables. These pirates are actually
members of the Cult of Tarascus; for more details on this
faction and its motivations, see “The Cult of Tarascus”
sidebar below.
On to Arelate
Once the ship has docked in Massalia, Martha will
suggest that the party depart the port city with haste. If
Mary has been captured by the pirates, then there is clear
evidence (either from footprints or eyewitnesses) that
the pirates traveled north out of Massalia toward Arelate.
If Mary has not been captured, then the sisters will desire
to travel north anyway, since their ultimate destination
is Avenio. Either way, the adventure continues when the
party arrives in Arelate.

Trouble in Arelate
After a long day’s travel, you arrive at the foothills
of a mountainous region in the northern reaches
of the Roman empire. A small town called Arelate
is situated astride the sparkling blue waters of the
Rhodanus river. The quaint little town epitomizes
the beauty of life in the northern mountains, but
there is a sense of foreboding here too. Something in
the way the townsfolk scurry to and fro - their eyes
darting occasionally to the tree line - tells you that
something is wrong; these people are afraid.

The people of Arelate are currently living in a state

of fear, both of an monstrous creature that lives in the
Black Wood, as well as a radical group of cultists that
worship it as a god. For more on this cult, see “The Cult
of Tarascus” sidebar below. The monster, which the
residents call “the tarasque,” has been responsible for
countless deaths in the town as its lair has expanded in
recent years. To make matters worse, the monster’s lair
lies along the only road connecting Arelate to the larger
stronghold of Avenio, leaving the small town of Arelate

The Cult of Tarascus

A radical group of cultists have taken up residence on
the outskirts of Arelate. The Cult of Tarascus worships the
tarasque, whom they believe to be a reincarnation of the
Canaanite god Moloch. To appease this creature, they have
been kidnapping citizens of Arelate and Massalia to offer as
human sacrifices. The tarasque gladly devours these human
sacrifices, but has no affection for the devoted cultists. The
tarasque will kill and eat any creature that wanders into its lair,
cultist or not.
Developments. If Mary has been taken by the Cult of
Tarascus, then she is currently en route into the Black Wood to
be offered as a sacrifice.
isolated and defenseless against the monster and its
Into the Black Wood
Eventually the party will depart Arelate for the
Gossip in Town mountainous region of the Black Wood. If Mary (or
It is up to the player characters how to proceed once another victim) has been taken, then the party is actively
they arrive in Arelate. The party may decide to stop for tracking the cultists or the tarasque itself on mission of
a short or long rest upon arrival, or (if Mary has already rescue. If not, the party will journey north anyway, since
been abducted), they may wish to press on without the sisters ultimately wish to reach Avenio. Since the
stopping. player characters have agreed to protect the sisters until
The Cultists Return (Optional). If Mary has not been they reach Avenio, then they have little choice but to
abducted, the party will not feel pressure to move journey into the Black Wood, regardless of the reasons
quickly, and will likely stay the night in Arelate. This could why.
present the cultists with a new opportunity to abduct
a member of the party. The target of these abductions It doesn’t take a ranger or a druid to know that
should ideally be Mary, if possible, since her established something is wrong here. The twisting trees of the
relationships with the player characters will provide a Black Wood are tall and silent. No sound can be
stronger motivation to rescue her. However, another heard in the dark reaches of this decaying forest. No
vulnerable NPC, such as a small child from Arelate, would birdsong echoes overhead; no insects chirp in the
also serve the same narrative purpose. undergrowth; not even a breeze troubles crooked
Terror of the Tarasque. Use the visit to Arelate as an branches of the towering pines. The people of Arelate
opportunity to build fear and suspense leading up to
called this the “Black Wood,” and now you see why.
the final confrontation. The townspeople should speak
in whispers of the tarasque and the radical cultists that The densely overgrown forest lies nestled in the
follow it. Each time a player character inquires about shadow of a mountain pass, turning the world from
the tarasque or visits a location where they might day to night as though dousing a lamp. And as the
overhear a conversation (such as a tavern or market), this world descends into darkness, you notice the ground
character may hear a rumor about the monster. Roll on growing soft underfoot as the sickly sweet smell of
the “rumors” table below to determine what information decay greats your nostrils.
is overheard. Some of the rumors in Arelate could Undaunted by the stark change in the environment,
provide valuable insight into the tactics and abilities of Martha pushes forward, a resolute expression on her
the tarasque, while others are complete fantasies. Since face. “I’m not much use in a fight,” she comments, as
higher rolls reveal more useful information, you may allow
though talking about the weather, “but I do have one
player characters to add their intelligence modifier to the
roll, if you are feeling generous. trick up my sleeve.”

d10 Rumors Martha will now reveal to the party that she possesses
the Aspergillum of Martha, a powerful magic item that may
1 “My uncle was attacked a few years ago, but used a vial of acid to
drive off the beast. If you’re going into the Black Wood, you should
serve useful in a confrontation with the monster. She will
buy some vials of acid. My uncle’s shop sells them for a bargain at 50 explain its properties and ask for the party to advise her
gp per vial!” (false) on when the moment is right to use it (if the party is wise,
2 “The tarasque is sensitive to sunlight; that’s why it lives in the shade they will tell Martha to wait to use her item until they
of the Black Wood and only attacks at night!” (false) have determined whether the tarasque has Legendary
3 “I heard the monster is immune to all damage unless your weapons
Resistances). In combat, Martha will try to stay out of
are made of silver or blessed by a priest.” (false) danger while also staying within 60 feet of the tarasque.
Thus, if she is signaled by the party, she can use her
4 “The tarasque can turn invisible, and can move through walls and
doors like a ghost.” (false) movement to draw within 30 feet and target the monster
with the paralyzing effect of the aspergillum. Martha will
5 “The woods of the tarasque are shadowous and deep, with a curse
that hangs in the air as thick as the fog. Those who enter the Black
also command the party to protect her sister at all costs,
Wood are marked for life by its magic.” (false) even if it means she herself behind.
6 “The creature dwells in the shallows of the bog and the thickets of the
forest. It will see you long before you see it.” (true) Facing the Tarasque
7 “The tarasque has poisonous breath that kills plants and animals This short adventure inevitably ends with a combat
alike!” (true) encounter in which the party comes face to face with
8 “It’s as deadly in the back as in the front; its tail has a sting like a the tarasque. The difficulty of this encounter is largely
scorpion, but twice as venomous.” (true) determined by the Challenge Rating (CR) of the monster,
9 “There is a sulfurous gas in the Black Wood that burns like acid to
as discussed in “Balancing the Adventure” on page 3.
the touch. We think the tarasque produces this acidic substance, to However, you can fine-tune the challenge and complexity
which it itself is immune.” (true) of this encounter with the environment and terrain, as
10 “The armor of the tarasque is as hard as dragon scales, but its bulky described below.
frame makes it difficult for it to move quickly form side to side. The Light. This encounter likely takes place in dim light,
creature is strong but lacks agility.” (true) due to the shadows cast by the trees and the looming
mountain range. However, to add an extra layer of
difficulty, you could change this to total darkness. They
didn’t name it “the Black Wood” for nothing!
Terrain. A map of this combat encounter has been
provided for your convenience. However, feel free to use
any map of your choice that depicts a forest, swamp,
jungle, or other appropriate environment. If you have
chosen a tarasque with a difficult CR, then treat the
terrain as standard, flat ground. If you have chosen a
tarasque with a lower CR, then you can escalate the
difficulty by calling this difficult terrain, or by adding
hazards such as sink holes to certain spaces on the map.
Sink Hole (optional hazard). When a creature
enters this space on its turn, or ends its turn here, it
must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or
become restrained as it sinks up to its knees into the
bog. A creature restrained by the bog may be freed if it
(or an ally) uses its action to attempt a DC 14 Athletics
Cover. The provided battle map includes several trees,
both erect and fallen. A creature that hides behind these
trees or logs benefits from half cover (+2 to AC) or three-
quarters cover (+5 to AC), at the discretion of the GM.
The Fate of the Cultists
As the party enters the region of the tarasque’s
lair, they find that the cultists have been killed by the
The smell of decay grows more intense, and as
you enter into a clearing, a grisly sight meets your
eyes. Dozens of human bodies - or what is left of
bodies - lie half submerged in the boggy ground. A
closer inspection reveals that these are members of
the same group of pirates that attacked your ship
and the same cult that had harassing the town of
Arelate. It appears that these cultists were slain by
the very creature that they had sworn to serve.

If Mary (or another NPC) was kidnapped earlier in the

adventure, there is no sign of them here. The cultists had
taken their captive as an offering and placed the human
sacrifice at the heart of the tarasque’s lair. However, the
large group of cultists moving together was far more
interesting prey to the apex predator than the bound and
defenseless victim in its lair. Thus, the tarasque attacked
and massacred the cultists first, and plans to finished
off the kidnapped victim later, which gives the party just
enough time to intervene.
Combat Begins
The party arrives at the lair at the same time as the
tarasque. The kidnapped NPC is tied up and vulnerable,
but the tarasque will be far more interested in fighting
the active members of the party, and will only devour the
hostage if all other threats have been eliminated. The
tarasque will engage in combat immediately, and will
fight to the death for dominance of its territory.
Ending the Adventure
Once the tarasque has been defeated, the people of
Arelate are finally free from the persecution of the cult
and the terror of the tarasque. Over time, life returns to
the Black Wood, and trade resumes between Arelate and
Eventually, a new town is built on the site of the
combat. The town is named Tarascon, in remembrance
of the monster that once terrorized it, and many of the
people in the surrounding area convert to Christianity
after hearing of the faith of Martha and her band of
heroes who challenged the legendary creature Years
later, the small community of Christians living in Tarascon
will save enough money to be able to build a church of
their own - a church they will name the Church of Saint
Martha and Mary? The fate of the sisters is largely up
to the actions of the players in this adventure. If one or
both of the sisters survive the encounter, they will decide
to stay in Arelate to help the townsfolk rebuild their lives,
and will eventually even help with the construction of Aspergillum of Martha
Wand, Rare
Tarascon. They will settle in Tarason and live the rest
of their lives as elders in the new Christian community, An aspergillum is a tool that was invented for the
even helping to construct the new church. If one or both purpose of sprinkling holy water during religious
of the sisters die, then the town of Tarascon and church ceremonies. This particular aspergillum was crafted by an
there will be built in their memory (rather than under artificer in Bethany who once used her own hair to wash
their leadership), and they will go down in the history of the feet of Jesus. The faith of this artificer imbued many
the region as the heroes who saved the town from the of her creations with magical properties. This aspergillum
tarasque. was wrought out of iron with a handle of polished olive
The Player Characters? Regardless of the fate of the wood. The artificer gifted this magic item to Martha when
sisters, the player characters have fulfilled their contract she left Bethany to travel to the northern mountains. For
and are free to continue on their adventures. If Martha better or worse, it has now made its way into your hands.
has survived the encounter, then she will gift the party As an action, you can sprinkle holy water onto a
with the Aspergillum of Martha as thanks for their help in creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a
defeating the tarasque. The sisters will also give the party DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become paralyzed for 1
the deed to the ship that was purchased in Antioch, as minute. The target may repeat the saving throw at the
they have no further need of transportation. If you are end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a
using this adventure as a side quest or starting point success.
in the Silk Road Guide to Seafaring, then perhaps this is Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so
merely the start of the player characters’ adventures as again until you have submerged the aspergillum in a
they set sail from Massalia for parts unknown! flask of holy water (SRD) for a minimum of 1 hour. Doing
so consumes the flask of holy water, and recharges the
History Check aspergillum.
According to the legend, both Martha and Mary survive the
encounter with the tarasque and continue to live in Tarascon
for some time. It cannot be historically verified whether Martha
and Mary did indeed settle in Tarascon; however, to this day
Christians in Tarascon attribute the conversion of the people
in the region to the sisters (especially Martha), and many of
the churches in the area (most of which were built in the 12th
century) prominently feature paintings and statues of Martha
vanquishing the tarasque.
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Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership
additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used
the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in
including translations and derivative works under copyright law, and to that Product Identity.
but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You
means product and product line names, logos and identifying must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are
marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; distributing are Open Game Content.
stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents,
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents
language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses,
may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any
formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and
authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute
other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions
any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version
of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams,
of this License.
personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations,
environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License
abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise
Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do
means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are so.
used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the
associated products contributed to the Open Game License 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply
by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or
Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or
create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this Material so affected.
document for personal use only. System Reference Document 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You
5.1 2 or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content shall survive the termination of this License.
may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the
terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except extent necessary to make it enforceable.
as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions
may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this
License. Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing
Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.
to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual,
Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend,
worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive license with the exact
based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
The Tarasque Package Copyright 2023, Red Panda Publishing;
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are
Author: Ben Maerzke.
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You
represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/ Terror of the Tarasque Copyright 2023, Red Panda Publishing;
or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this Author: Ben Maerzke.

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