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Mock Paper 3

Listening: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16

Reading: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Writing: 36
Mock Paper 3
 There are eight pages in this test booklet.
 The test has Sections A to C.
 On the cover of the answer booklet, write your Name, Class and Class
 Write all your answers in the answer booklet.
 For multiple choice questions, choose only ONE answer for each
question. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the boxes in the answer
booklet. Two or more answers will score NO MARKS.

Time Allowed for the Test:

Section A (Listening) : 15 minutes
Sections B - C (Reading and Writing) : 35 minutes
Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 1

1. Which is TRUE about the cookery course?

A. It is held in Chai Wan.
B. It starts at 8 pm.
C. It is held at a cookery centre. (2 marks)
D. It is held at the weekends.

Mrs Woo: Classes are… at 7 pm at our cookery centre.

Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 1
2. How can Mrs Chan find out more information about
the course? Listen for specific information and use
personal knowledge to find out the
A. By reading a leaflet answer. From the recording, Mrs Woo
mentions a website address, which
B. By e-mailing Mrs Woo suggests visiting a website. No leaflets or
e-mail addresses are mentioned. She
C. By going to a class says she hopes to see Mrs Chan in the
class, not that Mrs Chan can find out
D. By visiting a website more information in the class, so option D
is the correct answer.
(2 marks)
Mrs Woo: … Details are available on our website at www…
Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 1
3. Put the following pictures in the correct order.
1. 2. 3. 4.

A. 1  2  3  4 B. 1  2  4 (2
3 marks)
C. 2  1  3  4 D. 2  1  4  3
Jo: … We’re going to have pizzas and spaghetti. After the
meal, we can learn how to bake cookies at the restaurant.
Next, we’ll go to the YMCA and use the climbing wall… After
leaving the YMCA, we’ll go back to my house in Hung Hom…
and open the presents together.
Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 1
4. Jo lives in _______.

(2 marks)

Jo: …we’ll go back to my house in Hung Hom …

Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 1
5. Mrs Chan needs to give the delivery man
Listen for gist. From the recording, we know
A. her dress that the coat and dress are ready, and the
delivery man will bring them around. The
B. $30 (2 marks) extra cost of mending the coat pocket is $30,
so Mrs Chan needs to give that amount to
C. her telephone number
the delivery man.
D. her coat with a broken pocket

David Cheung: … This costs an extra $30. Please pay … the

delivery man…
Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 2

6. What does Wilson NOT like about HK Teens?

A. The cost
B. The stories
C. The advertisements (2 marks)
D. The film reviews

Wilson: … There’re too many advertisements in it…

Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 2
7. According to Wilson, who is a good writer?
Listen for pronunciation. Students need to pay careful
A. Denny Wong
attention to the name Wilson mentions. They need to
B. Brad Wang note the ‘s’ at the end of ‘Denis’. Carrie says she likes
Brad Wang, so students also need to read the
C. Ben Wang question carefully to note that it is Wilson’s opinion
that is being asked for, not Carrie’s.
D. Denis Wong
(2 marks)

Wilson: The stories in the magazine Nine Dragons are good

too. …They’re all written by the creative writer Denis Wong.
Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 2
8. According to Carrie, the magazine Beauty ________.
A. is only for girls
B. can be enjoyed by anyone (2 marks)
C. is cheap
D. comes out weekly

Carrie: … mainly for girls but the articles and stories can be enjoyed
by anyone.
Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 2
9. What is NOT true about Open Mind?
A. It costs $25. From the recording, we know
that Wilson mentions the cost
B. It has educational articles. $25, and it is educational and
that has competitions. Wilson
C. It has competitions.
does not mention that the
D. It is only for boys. (2 marks) magazine is only for boys, so
option D is the correct answer.

Wilson: … only $25. It has cartoons and … educational

articles… I once entered one of their competitions …
Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 2
10. Which of the following is TRUE about Carrie?
A. She hates quizzes and puzzles.
B. She reads magazines on the bus to school. (2 marks)
C. She reads magazines in the evening.
D. She does not play music or sports.
Carrie : Wow! I like these competitions. I also like quizzes and puzzles
in the magazines. Both Beauty and HK Teens have lots of quizzes. I
enjoy doing them on the bus to school … I don’t have time to read
magazines in the evening as I play sports and have music practice.
Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 3

11. Age: ________

11 (2 marks)

Milo: No, I’m still eleven.

Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 3 (No marks for more than one tick)

12. How often do you go shopping?

(2 marks)
Every day  Two to three times a week

Once a week Once a month

From the recording, we know that Milo goes shopping a
few times a week. This means more than once a week.
Students need to know the meaning of ‘a few times’.

Milo: … I guess I go shopping a few times a

Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 3 (No marks for more than one tick)

13. Where do you like to shop?

Markets The Internet

Malls  All of them (2 marks)

Others: ____________

Milo: … I mainly go to malls but I also go to markets …

sometimes buy things online too.
Mock Paper 3
Section A
(No marks for more than one tick)
Part 3
14. How much do you spend on shopping each month?
Less than $100  $301 - $500 (2 marks)

$100 - $300 More than $500

Listen for gist. Milo mentions he has $600 as pocket money each month but
actually he saves some and gives some to a charity, so $600 is not the total
amount he spends on shopping. He says he spends $400, which means ‘$301-
$500’ is the correct answer.

Milo: … spend about $400 a month on shopping…

Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 3 (No marks for more than one tick)

15. What do you usually buy?

Shoes Accessories

Clothes Computer games

Books and DVDs

 Others: _________________ (2 marks)

Milo: … books and DVDs are what I buy.

Mock Paper 3
Section A
Part 3

16. When do you usually go shopping?

Saturday afternoon
__________________________________ (2 marks)

Milo: … Saturday afternoon is when I always have free

time to shop.
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 1
17. Cell started writing the diary _______.
A. 1 year ago
B. 2 years ago (2 marks)
C. 13 years ago
D. 14 years ago
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 1
18. How did Ron feel when he first met Cell?
A. Happy (2 marks)
B. Shocked Ron was happy because he ‘smiled’ and
thanked his mum. If he was shocked, he
C. Disappointed would have looked surprised. And if he was
D. Angry disappointed or angry, he would not have
smiled or thanked his mum.
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 1

19. What does Ron NOT use Cell to do?

A. To play games
B. To talk with friends
C. To go online (2 marks)
D. To send messages
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 1

20. In paragraph 3, ‘that’ refers to _______.

A. the Science lesson
B. Mrs Siu
C. Cell being used in class (2 marks)
D. the message The sentences before the word ‘that’ tell
readers that Ron was told off for using his
phone in class. He did not tell his mum that he
used his phone at school and got told off for it.
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 1
21. Which of the following is NOT true about Cell?
A. Cell is an iPhone. (2 marks)
B. Cell has an alarm.
C. Cell has games.
D. Cell has more than thirty ringtones.
Mock Paper 3
Section B (1 mark for each correct answer)
(Do not deduct marks for capitalisation)
Part 1 (No marks for spelling or grammatical mistakes)

22. Ron has lost Cell. Use the information on P.2 to

finish the notice below. Use only ONE word for each
blank. Make sure your answers are grammatically
I lost my cell phone on a bus last week. It is
(i) . in colour and with a red phone strap. It is a
(ii) . If you find it, please contact Ron at 6234
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 2
23. From the section ‘Cover Story: Instant Noodles’,
Carrie will learn that instant noodles are _______.
A. often eaten by teenagers (2 marks)
B. healthy Students need to pay
attention to the details
C. inconvenient to cook about instant noodles. They
are said to be convenient to
D. eaten three times a week cook but unhealthy. Six out
of ten teenagers eat them
frequently, which means
many teenagers do so.
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 2
24. Carrie wants to learn how to reuse items. What
text pages should she read?
A. Pages 2-3
B. Pages 4-5 (2 marks)
C. Pages 9-10
D. Pages 13-14
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 2 Students need to read for gist. Ellen is not
mentioned as a sports coach, or a story
25. Ellen Yiu ___________. writer. She was 17 when she got the
text championship last year so she is 18 now.
A. writes stories She is an international swimming champion
so she must have won an international
B. is now 17 competition. Option C is the correct
C. has won an international competition (2 marks)
D. is a sports coach
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 2
26. Carrie’s friend Dennis always feels sleepy. Which
text section should he read?
A. Cover Story: Instant Noodles
B. Green Guide
C. Sports Spot
D. Letters to Lewis (2 marks)
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 2
27. How long does it take to do the geography quiz?
A. 1 minute
B. 5 minutes (2 marks)
C. 10 minutes
D. 15 minutes
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 2 (1 mark for each correct answer)

28. Study the following chart and decide which might be the most
text popular section and least popular section of Teen Life among
readers. Write the letter (A-G) in each blank in the answer booklet.

Sections of Teen Life

A. Cover Story: Instant Noodles
B. Green Guide
C. Sports Spot
D. Letters to Lewis
E. Quick Quizzes
F. The Interview
G. Latest Films
(i) The most popular section: ________
(ii) The least most popular section: ________
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 3
29. In paragraph 1, ‘they’ refers to the ___________.
A. dreams
B. parents
C. school fees
D. children (2 marks)
Mock Paper 3
Section B Children’s Education pays for the poor children’s school
fees, meals, textbooks and stationery. Option A is the
Part 3 correct answer.

30. How does Children’s Education help children?

A. By paying for children’s school fees and meals (2 marks)
B. By teaching children how to make money
C. By selling textbooks and stationery to children
D. By cooking dinner for children
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 3

31. In paragraph 3, the vegetables were __________.

A. bought for 1,000 yuan
B. grown by Keung’s mother (2 marks)
C. grown by Keung’s father
D. sold for 1,000 yuan each month
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 3

32. Which of the following is TRUE about Keung?

A. He is a doctor.
B. He had bad teeth. (2 marks)
C. He lived in a stone house.
D. He never coughed.
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 3

33. In paragraph 4, ‘make a difference’ means ____.

A. improving life in the village (2 marks)
B. building a new village Keung wants to help his village
so he must want to stay and
C. choosing a different school make things better, rather than
D. leaving the village leaving the village or building a
new village.
Mock Paper 3
Section B
Part 3

34. From the leaflet, Carrie learns that _______.

A. school fees are very high
B. stationery is free at Keung’s school
C. some children do not want to study
D. not all children can receive education (2 marks)
Mock Paper 3
Section B
(1 mark for each correct answer)
Part 3
35. What is Keung’s life like after the help of the charity?
Choose TWO of the following. Write A, B, C or D in
the in the answer booklet.

A. He can receive medical help.

B. He has become a doctor.
C. He has $6 to spend every day.
D. He can go to school.
Mock Paper 3
Section C
36. Last week, your mum asked you to buy something for her. Based on the
pictures below, write a diary entry to describe what happened. Write at least 80
(a) (b)

list / promise / purse buy / market

(c) (d)

(What happened next?)

supermarket / washing powder

Mock Paper 3
Section C (Suggested answer)

36. 5th April 20XX Sunny

Last week, my mum asked me to do some shopping for her.
She gave me her purse and a list of things to buy. I promised
her that I will buy all the things.
First, I went to the market. I went to a vegetable stall and
bought some carrots and tomatoes. Next, I went to the
supermarket to buy a bag of washing powder. When I got
home, Mum asked me where her purse was. I could not find it
so I ran back to the supermarket. I was very nervous.
In the end, the manager of the supermarket had found the
purse, and gave it back to me. I learnt that I should be more
(117 words)
Mock Paper 3

End of Test

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