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I think a lot of what I said last week holds true to this week.

All three of the RCs had a

meta I predicted based on the data we were provided. Mono G the most played deck, RB and
Pheonix slightly behind, with a series of other decks anywhere from 3-10%. Although Rb didnt
have an amazing showing, I still think I’d play it this week and I still think that the Mono G MU
has improved quite a bit.

The thing I think is worth changing is adding some more power word kill and removing
some dreadbores. I think this is the biggest deck change to come out of the RC and I think RB
has needed a reason to have instant speed removal for a while now, and Misery’s shadow is a
good reason.

Other than that, I have decided to cut the k command because I find it rather clunky and
not the best option when I want it, especially if I add a boat, I need more space for my
sideboard. I also have played against the newer version of RG vehicles and have had less
success than I was before. I think there are many ways to beat the deck, and I think Skyboat is
one of them, hopefully the best. Boat is also good in the mirror and can be brought in for some
aggro matchups.

I also think the duress could be cut for a Liliana of the veil. Lili is good vs Mono G, UW,
and Fires decks, although kinda sucks in every other spot in the format so I have really disliked
her in the deck.

There has been some talk of Takanuma before, with it being basically a swamp without
the Swamp text on it, and therefore it makes our Castles worse. I think, for consistency sake,
cutting the takenuma is correct and adding another swamp. I have a natty swamp, you could
plya a canyon slough but I wouldnt suggest it.

One final thing I am unsure of is the amount of Misery’s shadows I want, and what to cut
for it. I think cutting the second kroxa is fine, or the 4th Trespasser, but currently I only have two
shadows in my list. I think this is the change I am most likely to make by the end of the week, I
just havent done it yet

As of right now, this is my list

SB guide

Mono G

In: 3 event, 2 go blank

Out: 4 trespasser, 1 bone crusher
Same as last time, I think you can cut a bone crusher on the Draw for a duress or two

RB Midrange
In: 1 abrade, 2 bank, 1 Skysov
Out: 4 thoughtseize

UR Pheonix
In: 2 duress, 2 go blank, 2 hearse
Out: 4 bone crusher, 2 shadow
Sometimes phoenix players bring in Young pyro or the new young pyro, bring bone back in if
you see them

Mono W humans:
In: 2 volley, 3 event, 1 sky sov
Out: 4 thoughtseize, 2 kroxa

UW control

In: 2 duress, 2 bank, 2 go blank

Out: 4 push, 2 PWK
Note: it was brought up in my discord that the newer way UW tries to win is with Starnheim
unleashed or Hall, so it is a consideration to cut a bone crusher or two to leave in some pushes
or even just leave in two push over the go blanks

In: 2 volley, 1 abrade, 2 go blank, 2 hearse
Out: 2 kroxa, 4 bone crusher, 1 push

RG Vehicles
In: 1 skysov, 1 abrade, 2 event
Out: 4 trespasser,
Keruga fires
In: 2 duress, 2 go blank,
Out: 4 push

Bant Spirits
In: 2 volley, 1 abrade, 3 event
Out: 4 trespasser, 2 kroxa

Lotus field
In: 2 duress, 2 go blank,, 2 bank
Out: 4 push, 2 dreadbore,

GW angels
In: 3 event, 2 volley, 1 skysov
Out: 2 pwk, 2 kroxa, 2 trespasser

Mono U spirits
In: 2 volley, 1 abrade
Out: 3 trespasser

Enigmatic Incarnation
In: 2 duress, 2 go blank, 2 bank buster,
Out: 4 push, 2 trespasser

RB sac
In: 1 abrade, 2 hearse, 1 skysov
Out: 4 bonecrusher

Mono R aggro
In: 2 event, 1 abrade, 2 duress
Out: 4 thoughtseize, 1 kroxa

I think if you want to respect UW more you can play like a sorin over a go blank etc
There are many options Ive gone over for SBing options in one of my past guides also.

All of the metagame data I am looking at is here

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