OTP2 Level 2 U2 Test Activity Bank Answer Key

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Unit 2

Vocabulary I

Exercise 1

1 band; 2 rap; 3 drums; 4 keyboards; 5 singer; 6 choir; 7 bass; 8 Techno

Exercise 2

1 bass; 2 classical; 3 band; 4 rap; 5 choir; 6 singer; 7 drums; 8 keyboards

Exercise 3

1 singer; 2 choir; 3 drums; 4 band; 5 keyboards; 6 bass; 7 rock / techno; 8 rap

Vocabulary II

Exercise 1

1 the news; 2 game show; 3 series; 4 sitcom; 5 reality show; 6 film; 7 the sports programme;
8 chat show

Exercise 2

1 reality show; 2 film; 3 series; 4 music programme; 5 game show; 6 sports games; 7 chat
show; 8 the news

Exercise 3

1 comedy; 2 drama; 3 reality show; 4 the news; 5 game shows; 6 chat shows; 7 sports
programme; 8 film

Grammar I

Exercise 1

1 watched; 2 won; 3 became; 4 didn’t go; 5 didn’t do; 6 didn’t have; 7 played

Exercise 2

1 didn’t have; 2 won; 3 ate; 4 didn’t go; 5 played; 6 finished; 7 didn’t see

Exercise 3

1 worked; 2 didn’t have; 3 saw; 4 said; 5 enjoyed; 6 won; 7 didn’t go

Grammar II

Exercise 1

1 wasn’t funny; 2 was; 3 was; 4 were; 5 were; 6 was; 7 weren’t

Exercise 2

1 was; 2 was; 3 wasn’t; 4 were; 5 was; 6 weren’t; 7 were; 8 was

Exercise 3

1 were; 2 was; 3 wasn’t; 4 was; 5 were; 6 weren’t; 7 wasn’t; 8 was

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Exercise 1

1 Jake; 2 Jake; 3 Toni; 4 Niall; 5 Lucia; 6 Toni; 7 Janie

Exercise 2

1 False; 2 False; 3 False; 4 False; 5 True; 6 False; 7 False


Presenter: Hello and welcome to The Big Quiz. Taking part in today’s quiz, we’ve got Charlie
from Birmingham and Emma from Manchester.
Kids: Hello!
Presenter: OK, we’ll have an easy question to start with. What is the longest river in the
world? Yes, Charlie?
Charlie: It’s the Amazon.
Presenter: That’s close, Charlie, but it’s the wrong answer. The Amazon is the second
longest river in the world. Emma, do you know?
Emma: The Nile is longer than the Amazon. It’s the Nile!
Presenter: You’re right, Emma. The River Amazon in South America is 6,400 kilometres long,
but the River Nile in North East Africa is 6,650 kilometres long. The next question
is difficult. Listen carefully! What was the first spacecraft to land on the moon?
Emma: It was Apollo 11! Neil Armstrong was on it and he was the first man on the
Presenter: Sorry, Emma. You’re right that Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the
moon. But the first spacecraft on the moon didn’t have people on it ... Charlie?
Charlie: Erm ... I think ... It was Luna something – Luna 2.
Presenter: That’s correct! Luna 2 landed on the moon in 1959. Apollo 11 landed ten years
later in 1969. Next question: Which scientist discovered gravity? Oh, I think that
was just about Emma.
Emma: Isaac Newton.
Presenter: Well done. Isaac Newton was born in 1643 in England. He wrote a book in 1687
which included his discoveries about gravity. He died in 1727 but he is probably
still Britain’s most famous scientist ... Well, that brings us to the end of the quiz.
Charlie, you answered one question correctly and got 10 points, but the winner
is Emma with 20 points. Well done, Emma. Your school will get a set of books for
the library.

Exercise 1

1 Possible answers: It’s a game show. / It’s a quiz show. 2 Possible answers: It’s about the
longest river. / It’s about geography. / It’s about a river. 3 Possible answers: The Nile. / The
River Nile. 4 Possible answers: It was the first spacecraft to land on the moon. / It was a
spacecraft. 5 Apollo 11 landed in 1969. 6 He was a scientist. 7 She gets a set of books for her
school library.

Exercise 2

1 Manchester; 2 South America; 3 six thousand six hundred and fifty; 4 Neil Armstrong;
5 people; 6 1959; 7 1687

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 2 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021


Students’ own answers

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 2 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

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